How to get integer PID of process? - c++

I'm curious - how can I get the PID of an executable by name, or a list of PIDs, in C++ on Windows? I've referred to this documentation:
Taking a Snapshot and Viewing Processes
When compiling and running this code, the process IDs are all in hexidecmial format. Is there a way to get the integer value of the PIDs instead?
For instance, is there a way to get the value:
Instead of
Do I have to actually convert the hexidecimcal value, or is there a way to extract the integer equivalent?

GetProcessId function
Retrieves the process identifier of the specified process.
Read more Here
Code example (note DWORD definition A DWORD is a 32-bit unsigned integer ):
DWORD MyGetProcessId(LPCTSTR ProcessName) // non-conflicting function name
HANDLE hsnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);
pt.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);
if (Process32First(hsnap, &pt)) { // must call this first
do {
if (!lstrcmpi(pt.szExeFile, ProcessName)) {
return pt.th32ProcessID;
} while (Process32Next(hsnap, &pt));
CloseHandle(hsnap); // close handle on failure
return 0;
int main()
DWORD pid = MyGetProcessId(TEXT("calc.exe"));
std::cout << pid;
if (pid == 0) { printf("error 1"); getchar(); }//error
return 0;

The PIDs themselves are already integers. The MSDN code is outputting the PIDs in hexadecimal format. Simply change 0x%08X to %u in the following 2 lines to output the PIDs in decimal format instead:
_tprintf( TEXT("\n Process ID = %u"), pe32.th32ProcessID );
_tprintf( TEXT("\n Parent process ID = %u"), pe32.th32ParentProcessID );


How to count number of running process with given name?

How I could check how many instances of an executable is running also checking if each exe has a different PID?
What I already got:
The code display the PID correctly but szProcessName always return:
void DisplayProcessNameAndID(DWORD processID)
TCHAR szProcessName[MAX_PATH] = TEXT("<unknown>");
// Get a handle to the process.
FALSE, processID);
// Get the process name.
if (NULL != hProcess)
DWORD cbNeeded;
//Given a handle to a process, this returns all the modules running within the process.
//The first module is the executable running the process,
//and subsequent handles describe DLLs loaded into the process.
if (EnumProcessModules(hProcess, &hMod, sizeof(hMod), &cbNeeded))
//This function returns the short name for a module,
//typically the file name portion of the EXE or DLL
GetModuleBaseName(hProcess, hMod, szProcessName,
sizeof(szProcessName) / sizeof(TCHAR));
// Display the process name and identifier.
CString str;
str.Format("Text:%s, PID : %u", szProcessName, processID);
//close the process handle
void Processes()
// Get the list of process identifiers.
DWORD aProcesses[1024], cbNeeded, cProcesses;
unsigned int i;
//This returns a list of handles to processes running on the system as an array.
if (!EnumProcesses(aProcesses, sizeof(aProcesses), &cbNeeded))
// Calculate how many process identifiers were returned.
cProcesses = cbNeeded / sizeof(DWORD);
// Display the name and process identifier for each process.
for (i = 0; i < cProcesses; i++)
if (aProcesses[i] != 0)
As mentioned in the comment, OpenProcess failed and the GetModuleBaseName function was skipped. The processes you opened are protected process. Even if you have the SeDebugPrivilege privilege, it can only allow PROCESS_QUERY_LIMITED_INFORMATION|SYNCHRONIZE access.
The following sample to list process with name works for me: Taking a Snapshot and Viewing Processes. And I made some simple modifications to meet your needs:
int main(void)
int count = GetProcessCount(TEXT("notepad.exe"));
_tprintf(TEXT("The Number of process %s has %d instance \n"), TEXT("notepad.exe"), count);
return 0;
BOOL GetProcessCount(const TCHAR* name)
HANDLE hProcessSnap;
HANDLE hProcess;
DWORD dwPriorityClass;
int count = 0;
// Take a snapshot of all processes in the system.
hProcessSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);
if (hProcessSnap == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
printError(TEXT("CreateToolhelp32Snapshot (of processes)"));
// Set the size of the structure before using it.
pe32.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);
// Retrieve information about the first process,
// and exit if unsuccessful
if (!Process32First(hProcessSnap, &pe32))
printError(TEXT("Process32First")); // show cause of failure
CloseHandle(hProcessSnap); // clean the snapshot object
// Now walk the snapshot of processes, and
// display information about each process in turn
_tprintf(TEXT("\nPROCESS NAME: %s"), pe32.szExeFile);
_tprintf(TEXT("\n Process ID = 0x%08X"), pe32.th32ProcessID);
if (_tcscmp(pe32.szExeFile, name) == 0)
} while (Process32Next(hProcessSnap, &pe32));
return count;
void printError(const TCHAR* msg)
TCHAR sysMsg[256];
eNum = GetLastError();
NULL, eNum,
sysMsg, 256, NULL);
// Trim the end of the line and terminate it with a null
p = sysMsg;
while ((*p > 31) || (*p == 9))
do { *p-- = 0; } while ((p >= sysMsg) &&
((*p == '.') || (*p < 33)));
// Display the message
_tprintf(TEXT("\n WARNING: %s failed with error %d (%s)"), msg, eNum, sysMsg);

How to detect which application execute my program in Delphi? [duplicate]

I'm currently passing the pid on the command line to the child, but is there a way to do this in the Win32 API? Alternatively, can someone alleviate my fear that the pid I'm passing might belong to another process after some time if the parent has died?
Just in case anyone else runs across this question and is looking for a code sample, I had to do this recently for a Python library project I'm working on. Here's the test/sample code I came up with:
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <tlhelp32.h>
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
int pid = -1;
HANDLE h = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);
PROCESSENTRY32 pe = { 0 };
pe.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);
//assume first arg is the PID to get the PPID for, or use own PID
if (argc > 1) {
pid = atoi(argv[1]);
} else {
pid = GetCurrentProcessId();
if( Process32First(h, &pe)) {
do {
if (pe.th32ProcessID == pid) {
printf("PID: %i; PPID: %i\n", pid, pe.th32ParentProcessID);
} while( Process32Next(h, &pe));
A better way to do this is to call DuplicateHandle() to create an inheritable duplicate of your process handle. Then create the child process and pass the handle value on the command line. Close the duplicated handle in the parent process. When the child's done, it will need to Close its copy as well.
ULONG_PTR GetParentProcessId() // By Napalm # NetCore2K
ULONG_PTR pbi[6];
ULONG ulSize = 0;
LONG (WINAPI *NtQueryInformationProcess)(HANDLE ProcessHandle, ULONG ProcessInformationClass,
PVOID ProcessInformation, ULONG ProcessInformationLength, PULONG ReturnLength);
*(FARPROC *)&NtQueryInformationProcess =
GetProcAddress(LoadLibraryA("NTDLL.DLL"), "NtQueryInformationProcess");
if(NtQueryInformationProcess(GetCurrentProcess(), 0,
&pbi, sizeof(pbi), &ulSize) >= 0 && ulSize == sizeof(pbi))
return pbi[5];
return (ULONG_PTR)-1;
Notice that if the parent process terminates it is very possible and even likely that the PID will be reused for another process. This is standard windows operation.
So to be sure, once you receive the id of the parent and are sure it is really your parent you should open a handle to it and use that.
"Alternatively, can someone alleviate my fear that the pid I'm passing
might belong to another process after some time if the parent has
Yes, the PID can be reused. Unlike UNIX, Windows does not maintain a strong parent-child relationship tree.

How to convert WCHAR* to string in C++ and vice versa?

I tried to convert wchar* to string. First I made it as wstring. This method is specified in stackoverflow when I search. But it doesn't work for my part. What's wrong with it?
BOOL GetProcessImageNameFromPID::getProcessNameFromProcessID(DWORD processId, WCHAR**processName)
HANDLE hProcessSnap;
HANDLE hProcess;
DWORD dwPriorityClass;
// Take a snapshot of all processes in the system.
hProcessSnap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);
if (hProcessSnap == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
printError(TEXT("CreateToolhelp32Snapshot (of processes)"));
// Set the size of the structure before using it.
pe32.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);
// Retrieve information about the first process,
// and exit if unsuccessful
if (!Process32First(hProcessSnap, &pe32))
printError(TEXT("Process32First")); // show cause of failure
CloseHandle(hProcessSnap); // clean the snapshot object
// Now walk the snapshot of processes, and
// display information about each process in turn
int i = 0;
WCHAR*allprocessName = pe32.szExeFile;
//_tprintf( TEXT("\n%d)PROCESS NAME: %s"), i, allprocessName);
// Retrieve the priority class.
dwPriorityClass = 0;
hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, pe32.th32ProcessID);
if (hProcess == NULL)
dwPriorityClass = GetPriorityClass(hProcess);
if (!dwPriorityClass)
DWORD pid = pe32.th32ProcessID;
//_tprintf( TEXT("\n Process ID = %d"), pid );
if (pid == processId)
*processName = allprocessName;
//_tprintf( TEXT("Inside Method:\n"));
_tprintf(TEXT("PROCESS NAME: %s\n\n"), *processName);
return TRUE;
} while (Process32Next(hProcessSnap, &pe32));
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
WCHAR**processName = (WCHAR**)malloc(sizeof(WCHAR));
GetProcessImageNameFromPID::getProcessNameFromProcessID(4, processName);
_tprintf(TEXT("PROCESS NAME: %s\n\n"), *processName); // correct
GetProcessImageNameFromPID::getProcessNameFromProcessID(executionProcessID, processName);
wstring ws(*processName);
string str(ws.begin(), ws.end());
processImageName = str;
cout << processImageName << endl; // some wrong characters are printed
There are various problems with your code, the last one is the most serious:
This looks strange:
WCHAR**processName = (WCHAR**)malloc(sizeof(WCHAR));
I suppose you want a pointer to WCHAR*, why dont you:
WCHAR* processName;
and then:
GetProcessImageNameFromPID::getProcessNameFromProcessID(4, &processName);
^~~~~ !!
What is the type of processImageName? What is the name of the process, if it contains non ASCII chars then your conversion code will give wrong characters.
Another is that code:
*processName = allprocessName;
is making *processName equal to pointer which is dangling pointer after your function ends, it points to WCHAR array in:
which is created on stack.
What you should do is make processName an array:
WCHAR processName[MAX_PATH];
and inside your function copy process name from pe32 to this array.

Write/Read a memory-protected process's memory

I'll try to explain my problem the best I can.
I'm trying to access to a memory-protected process memory (Minesweeper).
I'll put my code first and then I'll explain what's the thing I want to archieve. (If you read everything and know another way to do this, please post it).
First, the getProcessHandle, a function that returns a open handle to the process with name procName.
It works perfectly, and I can list all the processes.
HANDLE getProcessHandle(const wchar_t *procName){
HANDLE snap = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0);
procEnt.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);
Process32First(snap, &procEnt);
printf("--Listando procesos...\n");
printf("Process name: %S \n", procEnt.szExeFile);
if (!wcscmp(procName, procEnt.szExeFile)){
printf("Encontrado %S.\n\n", procName);
return OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, procEnt.th32ProcessID);
} while (Process32Next(snap, &procEnt));
printf("No se ha encontrado el proceso.");
return NULL;
Second, the getModule function. Its work should be finding and enumerating all the modules in the process passed as a HANDLE.
HMODULE getHModule(HANDLE procHandle, const wchar_t *procName){
HMODULE moduleHandle[1024];
DWORD bytesNeeded;
unsigned int i = 0;
if (EnumProcessModulesEx(procHandle, moduleHandle, sizeof(moduleHandle), &bytesNeeded, LIST_MODULES_ALL)){
printf("--Modulos del proceso:\n");
for (i = 0; i < (bytesNeeded / sizeof(HMODULE)); i++){
TCHAR pathModule[1024];
GetModuleBaseName(procHandle, moduleHandle[i], pathModule, sizeof(pathModule) / sizeof(TCHAR));
if (!wcscmp(procName, pathModule)){
printf("Encontrado modulo %S.", procName);
return moduleHandle[i];
printf("Module %d: %S \n", i + 1, pathModule);
printf("No se ha encontrado el modulo.");
return NULL;
else {
printf("Error en EnumProcessModulesEx n: %ls", GetLastError());
return NULL;
And the problem comes here. When I try to enumerate all the modules in the process, if the process is a normal process, I mean, a not-memory-protected process, it works perfectly.
The problem is when the process is memory-protected.
At this point, I decided to search, and I discovered the Privilege Tokens. It's said that if I get the SE_DEBUG_NAME token activated, my process could surpass the protection, so, I've done that function:
int privileges(){
HANDLE token;
if (OpenThreadToken(GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, FALSE, &token) != 0){
LookupPrivilegeValue(NULL, SE_DEBUG_NAME, &tp.Privileges[0].Luid);
tp.PrivilegeCount = 1;
tp.Privileges[0].Attributes = SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED;
if (AdjustTokenPrivileges(token, 0, &tp, siz, NULL ,NULL) != 0){
cout << "--Conseguido acceso debug.\n";
return TRUE;
else {
cout << "fail adjust\n";
return FALSE;
else {
cout << "fail if: " << GetLastError() << endl;
return FALSE;
And the "main" function:
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
wchar_t *processName = _T("calc.exe");
HANDLE hProc = getProcessHandle(processName);
if (hProc){
HMODULE hMod = getHModule(hProc, processName);
cout << hMod;
return 0;
The problem I have right now is, when I execute this function, privileges(), it returns the ERROR_NO_TOKEN code number.
Someone here said me to change the OpenThreadToken(GetCurrentThread(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, FALSE, &token) for an OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, &token), and that causes no problem, neither result, with that fix, I have the same problem as if privileges() is not executed.
Thanks for reading all the text, and, if is there another way to do this, please tell me, I'm trying to learn.
The documentation for EnumProcessModulesEx says:
This function is intended primarily for 64-bit applications. If the function is called by a 32-bit application running under WOW64, the dwFilterFlag option is ignored and the function provides the same results as the EnumProcessModules function.
Going to the documentation for EnumProcessModules, we find:
If this function is called from a 32-bit application running on WOW64, it can only enumerate the modules of a 32-bit process.
So to work on a 64-bit process, your code will have to be 64-bit itself.
The documentation continues:
If the process is a 64-bit process, this function fails and the last error code is ERROR_PARTIAL_COPY (299).
It seems that this may be incorrect, since you were receiving a access violation exception instead.
Write ImpersonateSelf(SecurityImpersonation); like here:
The ImpersonateSelf makes function obtains an access token that impersonates the security context of the calling process. The token is assigned to the calling thread.
To see all the SECURITY_IMPERSONATION_LEVELs click here

C++, How to determine if a Windows Process is running?

This is concerning Windows XP processes.
I have a process running, let's call it Process1. Process1 creates a new process, Process2, and saves its id.
Now, at some point Process1 wants Process2 to do something, so it first needs to make sure that Process2 is still alive and that the user has not not killed it.
How can I check that this process is still running?
Since I created it, I have the Process ID, I would think there is some library function along the lines of IsProcessIDValid( id ) but I can't find it on MSDN
You can use GetExitCodeProcess. It will return STILL_ACTIVE (259) if the process is still running (or if it happened to exit with that exit code :( ).
The process handle will be signaled if it exits.
So the following will work (error handling removed for brevity):
BOOL IsProcessRunning(DWORD pid)
HANDLE process = OpenProcess(SYNCHRONIZE, FALSE, pid);
DWORD ret = WaitForSingleObject(process, 0);
return ret == WAIT_TIMEOUT;
Note that process ID's can be recycled - it's better to cache the handle that is returned from the CreateProcess call.
You can also use the threadpool API's (SetThreadpoolWait on Vista+, RegisterWaitForSingleObject on older platforms) to receive a callback when the process exits.
EDIT: I missed the "want to do something to the process" part of the original question. You can use this technique if it is ok to have potentially stale data for some small window or if you want to fail an operation without even attempting it. You will still have to handle the case where the action fails because the process has exited.
#include <cstdio>
#include <windows.h>
#include <tlhelp32.h>
\brief Check if a process is running
\param [in] processName Name of process to check if is running
\returns \c True if the process is running, or \c False if the process is not running
bool IsProcessRunning(const wchar_t *processName)
bool exists = false;
entry.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);
HANDLE snapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, NULL);
if (Process32First(snapshot, &entry))
while (Process32Next(snapshot, &entry))
if (!wcsicmp(entry.szExeFile, processName))
exists = true;
return exists;
The solution provided by #user152949, as it was noted in commentaries, skips the first process and doesn't break when "exists" is set to true. Let me provide a fixed version:
#include <windows.h>
#include <tlhelp32.h>
#include <tchar.h>
bool IsProcessRunning(const TCHAR* const executableName) {
entry.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);
const auto snapshot = CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, NULL);
if (!Process32First(snapshot, &entry)) {
return false;
do {
if (!_tcsicmp(entry.szExeFile, executableName)) {
return true;
} while (Process32Next(snapshot, &entry));
return false;
I found this today, it is from 2003. It finds a process by name, you don't even need the pid.
\#include windows.h
\#include tlhelp32.h
\#include iostream.h
int FIND_PROC_BY_NAME(const char *);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
// Check whether a process is currently running, or not
char szName[100]="notepad.exe"; // Name of process to find
int isRunning;
// Note: isRunning=0 means process not found, =1 means yes, it is found in memor
return isRunning;
int FIND_PROC_BY_NAME(const char *szToFind)
// Created: 12/29/2000 (RK)
// Last modified: 6/16/2003 (RK)
// Please report any problems or bugs to
// The latest version of this routine can be found at:
// Check whether the process "szToFind" is currently running in memory
// This works for Win/95/98/ME and also Win/NT/2000/XP
// The process name is case-insensitive, i.e. "notepad.exe" and "NOTEPAD.EXE"
// will both work (for szToFind)
// Return codes are as follows:
// 0 = Process was not found
// 1 = Process was found
// 605 = Unable to search for process
// 606 = Unable to identify system type
// 607 = Unsupported OS
// 632 = Process name is invalid
// Change history:
// 3/10/2002 - Fixed memory leak in some cases (hSnapShot and
// and hSnapShotm were not being closed sometimes)
// 6/13/2003 - Removed iFound (was not being used, as pointed out
// by John Emmas)
BOOL bResult,bResultm;
DWORD aiPID[1000],iCb=1000,iNumProc,iV2000=0;
DWORD iCbneeded,i;
char szName[MAX_PATH],szToFindUpper[MAX_PATH];
HANDLE hProc,hSnapShot,hSnapShotm;
int iLen,iLenP,indx;
PROCESSENTRY32 procentry;
MODULEENTRY32 modentry;
// PSAPI Function Pointers.
BOOL (WINAPI *lpfEnumProcesses)( DWORD *, DWORD cb, DWORD * );
BOOL (WINAPI *lpfEnumProcessModules)( HANDLE, HMODULE *,
// ToolHelp Function Pointers.
HANDLE (WINAPI *lpfCreateToolhelp32Snapshot)(DWORD,DWORD) ;
// Transfer Process name into "szToFindUpper" and
// convert it to upper case
if(iLenP<1 || iLenP>MAX_PATH) return 632;
// First check what version of Windows we're in
osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
if(!bResult) // Unable to identify system version
return 606;
// At Present we only support Win/NT/2000 or Win/9x/ME
if((osvi.dwPlatformId != VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) &&
(osvi.dwPlatformId != VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS))
return 607;
// Win/NT or 2000 or XP
// Load library and get the procedures explicitly. We do
// this so that we don't have to worry about modules using
// this code failing to load under Windows 95, because
// it can't resolve references to the PSAPI.DLL.
hInstLib = LoadLibraryA("PSAPI.DLL");
if(hInstLib == NULL)
return 605;
// Get procedure addresses.
lpfEnumProcesses = (BOOL(WINAPI *)(DWORD *,DWORD,DWORD*))
GetProcAddress( hInstLib, "EnumProcesses" ) ;
lpfEnumProcessModules = (BOOL(WINAPI *)(HANDLE, HMODULE *,
DWORD, LPDWORD)) GetProcAddress( hInstLib,
"EnumProcessModules" ) ;
lpfGetModuleBaseName =(DWORD (WINAPI *)(HANDLE, HMODULE,
LPTSTR, DWORD )) GetProcAddress( hInstLib,
"GetModuleBaseNameA" ) ;
if( lpfEnumProcesses == NULL ||
lpfEnumProcessModules == NULL ||
lpfGetModuleBaseName == NULL)
return 605;
// Unable to get process list, EnumProcesses failed
return 605;
// How many processes are there?
// Get and match the name of each process
// Get the (module) name for this process
// First, get a handle to the process
// Now, get the process name
if(lpfEnumProcessModules(hProc,&hMod,sizeof(hMod),&iCbneeded) )
// Match regardless of lower or upper case
// Process found
return 1;
// Win/95 or 98 or ME
hInstLib = LoadLibraryA("Kernel32.DLL");
if( hInstLib == NULL )
return FALSE ;
// Get procedure addresses.
// We are linking to these functions of Kernel32
// explicitly, because otherwise a module using
// this code would fail to load under Windows NT,
// which does not have the Toolhelp32
// functions in the Kernel 32.
GetProcAddress( hInstLib,
"CreateToolhelp32Snapshot" ) ;
GetProcAddress( hInstLib, "Process32First" ) ;
GetProcAddress( hInstLib, "Process32Next" ) ;
GetProcAddress( hInstLib, "Module32First" ) ;
GetProcAddress( hInstLib, "Module32Next" ) ;
if( lpfProcess32Next == NULL ||
lpfProcess32First == NULL ||
lpfModule32Next == NULL ||
lpfModule32First == NULL ||
lpfCreateToolhelp32Snapshot == NULL )
return 605;
// The Process32.. and Module32.. routines return names in all uppercase
// Get a handle to a Toolhelp snapshot of all the systems processes.
hSnapShot = lpfCreateToolhelp32Snapshot(
return 605;
// Get the first process' information.
procentry.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);
// While there are processes, keep looping and checking.
// Get a handle to a Toolhelp snapshot of this process.
hSnapShotm = lpfCreateToolhelp32Snapshot(
TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, procentry.th32ProcessID) ;
if( hSnapShotm == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE )
return 605;
// Get the module list for this process
// While there are modules, keep looping and checking
// Process found
return 1;
{ // Look for next modules for this process
//Keep looking
procentry.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);
bResult = lpfProcess32Next(hSnapShot,&procentry);
return 0;
Another way of monitoring a child-process is to create a worker thread that will :
call CreateProcess()
call WaitForSingleObject() // the worker thread will now wait till the child-process finishes execution. it's possible to grab the return code (from the main() function) too.
You can never check and see if a process is running, you can only check to see if a process was running at some point in the recent past. A process is an entity that is not controlled by your application and can exit at any moment in time. There is no way to guaranteed that a process will not exit in between the check to see if it's running and the corresponding action.
The best approach is to just do the action required and catch the exception that would be thrown if the process was not running.
call EnumProcesses() and check if the PID is in the list.
JaredPar is right in that you can't know if the process is running. You can only know if the process was running at the moment you checked. It might have died in the mean time.
You also have to be aware the PIDs can be recycled pretty quickly. So just because there's a process out there with your PID, it doesn't mean that it's your process.
Have the processes share a GUID. (Process 1 could generate the GUID and pass it to Process 2 on the command line.) Process 2 should create a named mutex with that GUID. When Process 1 wants to check, it can do a WaitForSingleObject on the mutex with a 0 timeout. If Process 2 is gone, the return code will tell you that the mutex was abandoned, otherwise you'll get a timeout.
You may find if a process (given its name or PID) is running or not by iterating over the running processes simply by taking a snapshot of running processes via CreateToolhelp32Snapshot, and by using Process32First and Process32Next calls on that snapshot.
Then you may use th32ProcessID field or szExeFile field of the resulting PROCESSENTRY32 struct depending on whether you want to search by PID or executable name. A simple implementation can be found here.
While writing a monitoring tool, i took a slightly different approach.
It felt a bit wasteful to spin up an extra thread just to use WaitForSingleObject or even the RegisterWaitForSingleObject (which does that for you). Since in my case i don't need to know the exact instant a process has closed, just that it indeed HAS closed.
I'm using the GetProcessTimes() instead:
GetProcessTimes() will return a FILETIME struct for the process's ExitTime only if the process has actually exited. So is just a matter of checking if the ExitTime struct is populated and if the time isn't 0;
This solution SHOULD account the case where a process has been killed but it's PID was reused by another process. GetProcessTimes needs a handle to the process, not the PID. So the OS should know that the handle is to a process that was running at some point, but not any more, and give you the exit time.
Relying on the ExitCode felt dirty :/
This is a solution that I've used in the past. Although the example here is in - I've used this technique with c and c++. It bypasses all the issues with Process IDs & Process handles, and return codes. Windows is very faithful in releasing the mutex no matter how Process2 is terminated. I hope it is helpful to someone...
**PROCESS1 :-**
mutexname = "myprocess" & Mid(Format(CDbl(Long.MaxValue) * Rnd(), "00000000000000000000"), 1, 16)
hnd = CreateMutex(0, False, mutexname)
' pass this name to Process2
File.WriteAllText("mutexname.txt", mutexname)
<start Process2>
<wait for Process2 to start>
pr = WaitForSingleObject(hnd, 0)
If pr = WAIT_OBJECT_0 Then
<Process2 not running>
<Process2 is running>
End If
**PROCESS2 :-**
mutexname = File.ReadAllText("mutexname.txt")
hnd = OpenMutex(MUTEX_ALL_ACCESS Or SYNCHRONIZE, True, mutexname)
char tmp[200] = "taskkill /f /im chrome.exe && \"C:\\Program Files\\Google\\Chrome\\Application\\chrome.exe\"
while (1)
FILE* f;
f = _popen("tasklist", "r");
char b[512];
bzero(b, 512);
while (fgets(b, 512, f) != NULL)
if (strncmp(b, "chrome.exe", 8) == 0)
printf("Chrome running!\n");
printf("Chrome NOT running!\n");