Using range-v3 to read comma separated list of numbers - c++

I'd like to use Ranges (I use range-v3 implementation) to read a input stream that is a comma separated list of numbers. That is trivial to do without ranges but...
This is what I thought was the straight-forward way to solve it:
auto input = std::istringstream("42,314,11,0,14,-5,37");
auto ints = ranges::istream_view<int>(input) | ranges::view::split(",");
for (int i : ints)
std::cout << i << std::endl;
But this fails to compile. I've tried a number of variations of this but nothing seem to work, I guess this is wrong in several ways. Can someone please enlighten me what I am doing wrong and explain how this should be done instead?
Thanks in advance!

does is produce a range that is the rough equivalent of this coroutine (even if you don't understand C++20 coroutines, hopefully this example is simple enough that it gets the point across):
generator<int> istream_view_ints(istream& input) {
int i;
while (input >> i) { // while we can still stream int's out
co_yield i; // ... yield the next int
Two important points here:
This is range of ints, so you cannot split it on a string.
This uses the normal stream >>, which does not allow you to provide your own delimiter - it only stops at whitespace.
Altogether, istream_view<int>(input) gives you a range of ints that, on your input, consists of a single int: just 42. The next input would try to read in the , and fail.
In order to get a delimited input, you can use getlines. That will give you a range of string with the delimiter you provide. It uses std::getline internally. Effectively, it's this coroutine:
generator<string> getlines(istream& input, char delim = '\n') {
string s;
while (std::getline(input, s, delim)) {
co_yield s;
And then you need to convert those strings to ints. Something like this should do the trick:
auto ints = ranges::getlines(input, ',')
| ranges::view::transform([](std::string const& s){ return std::stoi(s); });

std::string input = "42,314,11,0,14,-5,37";
auto split_view = ranges::view::split(input, ",");
would produce a range of ranges:
{{'4', '2'}, {'3', '1', '4'}, {'1', '1'}, {'0'}, {'1', '4'}, {'-', '5'}, {'3', '7'}}.
so you might do:
std::string input = "42,314,11,0,14,-5,37";
auto split_view = ranges::view::split(input, ",");
for (auto chars : split_view) {
for (auto c : chars) {
std::cout << c;
std::cout << std::endl;


How to get a word vector from a string?

I want to store words separated by spaces into single string elements in a vector.
The input is a string that may end or may not end in a symbol( comma, period, etc.)
All symbols will be separated by spaces too.
I created this function but it doesn't return me a vector of words.
vector<string> single_words(string sentence)
vector<string> word_vector;
string result_word;
for (size_t character = 0; character < sentence.size(); ++character)
if (sentence[character] == ' ' && result_word.size() != 0)
result_word = "";
result_word += character;
return word_vector;
What did I do wrong?
Your problem has already been resolved by answers and comments.
I would like to give you the additional information that such functionality is already existing in C++.
You could take advantage of the fact that the extractor operator extracts space separated tokens from a stream. Because a std::string is not a stream, we can put the string first into an std::istringstream and then extract from this stream vie the std:::istream_iterator.
We could life make even more easier.
Since roundabout 10 years we have a dedicated, special C++ functionality for splitting strings into tokens, explicitely designed for this purpose. The std::sregex_token_iterator. And because we have such a dedicated function, we should simply use it.
The idea behind it is the iterator concept. In C++ we have many containers and always iterators, to iterate over the similar elements in these containers. And a string, with similar elements (tokens), separated by a delimiter, can also be seen as such a container. And with the std::sregex:token_iterator, we can iterate over the elements/tokens/substrings of the string, splitting it up effectively.
This iterator is very powerfull and you can do really much much more fancy stuff with it. But that is too much for here. Important is that splitting up a string into tokens is a one-liner. For example a variable definition using a range constructor for iterating over the tokens.
See some examples below:
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
#include <regex>
const std::regex delimiter{ " " };
const std::regex reWord{ "(\\w+)" };
int main() {
// Some debug print function
auto print = [](const std::vector<std::string>& sv) -> void {
std::copy(sv.begin(), sv.end(), std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(std::cout, "\n")); std::cout << "\n"; };
// The test string
std::string test{ "word1 word2 word3 word4." };
// Solution 1: use istringstream and then extract from there
std::istringstream iss1(test);
// Define a vector (CTAD), use its range constructor and, the std::istream_iterator as iterator
std::vector words1(std::istream_iterator<std::string>(iss1), {});
print(words1); // Show debug output
// Solution 2: directly use dedicated function sregex_token iterator
std::vector<std::string> words2(std::sregex_token_iterator(test.begin(), test.end(), delimiter, -1), {});
print(words2); // Show debug output
// Solution 3: directly use dedicated function sregex_token iterator and look for words only
std::vector<std::string> words3(std::sregex_token_iterator(test.begin(), test.end(), reWord, 1), {});
print(words3); // Show debug output
// Solution 4: Use such iterator in an algorithm, to copy data to a vector
std::vector<std::string> words4{};
std::copy(std::sregex_token_iterator(test.begin(), test.end(), reWord, 1), {}, std::back_inserter(words4));
print(words4); // Show debug output
// Solution 5: Use such iterator in an algorithm for direct output
std::copy(std::sregex_token_iterator(test.begin(), test.end(), reWord, 1), {}, std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(std::cout,"\n"));
return 0;
You added the index instead of the character:
vector<string> single_words(string sentence)
vector<string> word_vector;
string result_word;
for (size_t i = 0; i < sentence.size(); ++i)
char character = sentence[i];
if (character == ' ' && result_word.size() != 0)
result_word = "";
result_word += character;
return word_vector;
Since your mistake was only due to the reason, that you named your iterator variable character even though it is actually not a character, but rather an iterator or index, I would like to suggest to use a ranged-base loop here, since it avoids this kind of confusion. The clean solution is obviously to do what #ArminMontigny said, but I assume you are prohibited to use stringstreams. The code would look like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
vector<string> single_words(string sentence)
vector<string> word_vector;
string result_word;
for (char& character: sentence) // Now `character` is actually a character.
if (character==' ' && result_word.size() != 0)
result_word = "";
result_word += character;
word_vector.push_back(result_word); // In your solution, you forgot to push the last word into the vector.
return word_vector;
int main() {
string sentence="Maybe try range based loops";
vector<string> result= single_words(sentence);
for(string& word: result)
cout<<word<<" ";
return 0;

C++ Extract number from the middle of a string

I have a vector containing strings that follow the format of text_number-number
Eg: Example_45-3
I only want the first number (45 in the example) and nothing else which I am able to do with my current code:
std::vector<std::string> imgNumStrVec;
for(size_t i = 0; i < StrVec.size(); i++){
std::vector<std::string> seglist;
std::stringstream ss(StrVec[i]);
std::string seg, seg2;
while(std::getline(ss, seg, '_')) seglist.push_back(seg);
std::stringstream ss2(seglist[1]);
std::getline(ss2, seg2, '-');
Are there more streamlined and simpler ways of doing this? and if so what are they?
I ask purely out of desire to learn how to code better as at the end of the day, the code above does successfully extract just the first number, but it seems long winded and round-about.
You can also use the built in find_first_of and find_first_not_of to find the first "numberstring" in any string.
std::string first_numberstring(std::string const & str)
char const* digits = "0123456789";
std::size_t const n = str.find_first_of(digits);
if (n != std::string::npos)
std::size_t const m = str.find_first_not_of(digits, n);
return str.substr(n, m != std::string::npos ? m-n : m);
return std::string();
This should be more efficient than Ashot Khachatryan's solution. Note the use of '_' and '-' instead of "_" and "-". And also, the starting position of the search for '-'.
inline std::string mid_num_str(const std::string& s) {
std::string::size_type p = s.find('_');
std::string::size_type pp = s.find('-', p + 2);
return s.substr(p + 1, pp - p - 1);
If you need a number instead of a string, like what Alexandr Lapenkov's solution has done, you may also want to try the following:
inline long mid_num(const std::string& s) {
return std::strtol(&s[s.find('_') + 1], nullptr, 10);
updated for C++11
(important note for compiler regex support: for gcc. you need version 4.9 or later. i tested this on g++ version 4.9[1], and 9.2. has in browser compiler that i used.)
Thanks to user #2b-t who found a bug in the c++11 code!
Here is the C++11 code:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <regex>
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
int main() {
std::string input = "Example_45-3";
std::string output = std::regex_replace(
cout << input << endl;
cout << output << endl;
boost solution that only requires C++98
Minimal implementation example that works on many strings (not just strings of the form "text_45-text":
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;
#include <boost/regex.hpp>
int main() {
string input = "Example_45-3";
string output = boost::regex_replace(
cout << input << endl;
cout << output << endl;
console output:
Other example strings that this would work on:
"asdfasdf 45 sdfsdf"
"X = 45, sdfsdf"
For this example I used g++ on Linux with #include <boost/regex.hpp> and -lboost_regex. You could also use C++11x regex.
Feel free to edit my solution if you have a better regex.
If there aren't performance constraints, using Regex is ideal for this sort of thing because you aren't reinventing the wheel (by writing a bunch of string parsing code which takes time to write/test-fully).
Additionally if/when your strings become more complex or have more varied patterns regex easily accommodates the complexity. (The question's example pattern is easy enough. But often times a more complex pattern would take 10-100+ lines of code when a one line regex would do the same.)
Apparently full support for C++11 <regex> was implemented and released for g++ version 4.9.x and on Jun 26, 2015. Hat tip to SO questions #1 and #2 for figuring out the compiler version needing to be 4.9.x.
Check this out
std::string ex = "Example_45-3";
int num;
sscanf( ex.c_str(), "%*[^_]_%d", &num );
I can think of two ways of doing it:
Use regular expressions
Use an iterator to step through the string, and copy each consecutive digit to a temporary buffer. Break when it reaches an unreasonable length or on the first non-digit after a string of consecutive digits. Then you have a string of digits that you can easily convert.
std::string s = "Example_45-3";
int p1 = s.find("_");
int p2 = s.find("-");
std::string number = s.substr(p1 + 1, p2 - p1 - 1)
The 'best' way to do this in C++11 and later is probably using regular expressions, which combine high expressiveness and high performance when the test is repeated often enough.
The following code demonstrates the basics. You should #include <regex> for it to work.
// The example inputs
std::vector<std::string> inputs {
"Example_0-0", "Example_0-1", "Example_0-2", "Example_0-3", "Example_0-4",
"Example_1-0", "Example_1-1", "Example_1-2", "Example_1-3", "Example_1-4"
// The regular expression. A lot of the cost is incurred when building the
// std::regex object, but when it's reused a lot that cost is amortised.
std::regex imgNumRegex { "^[^_]+_([[:digit:]]+)-([[:digit:]]+)$" };
for (const auto &input: inputs){
// This wil contain the match results. Parts of the regular expression
// enclosed in parentheses will be stored here, so in this case: both numbers
std::smatch matchResults;
if (!std::regex_match(input, matchResults, imgNumRegex)) {
// Handle failure to match
// Note that the first match is in str(1). str(0) contains the whole string
std::string theFirstNumber = matchResults.str(1);
std::string theSecondNumber = matchResults.str(2);
std::cout << "The input had numbers " << theFirstNumber;
std::cout << " and " << theSecondNumber << std::endl;
Using #Pixelchemist's answer and e.g. std::stoul:
bool getFirstNumber(std::string const & a_str, unsigned long & a_outVal)
auto pos = a_str.find_first_of("0123456789");
if (std::string::npos != pos)
a_outVal = std::stoul(a_str.substr(pos));
return true;
catch (...)
// handle conversion failure
// ...
return false;

Remove repeating characters from string

I have a string, like e.g. acaddef or bbaaddgg. I have to remove from it, as fast as possible, all repeating characters. So, for example, pooaatat after should look like poat and ggaatpop should look like gatpo. Is there any built-in function or algorithm to do that quickly? I tried to search STL, but without satisfaing result.
Okay, so here are 4 different solutions.
Fixed Array
std::string str = "pooaatat";
// Prints "poat"
short count[256] = {0};
std::copy_if(str.begin(), str.end(), std::ostream_iterator<char>(std::cout),
[&](unsigned char c) { return count[c]++ == 0; });
Count Algorithm + Iterator
std::string str = "pooaatat";
// Prints "poat"
std::string::iterator iter = str.begin();
std::copy_if(str.begin(), str.end(), std::ostream_iterator<char>(std::cout),
[&](char c) { return !std::count(str.begin(), iter++, c); });
Unordered Set
std::string str = "pooaatat";
// Prints "poat"
std::unordered_set<char> container;
std::copy_if(str.begin(), str.end(), std::ostream_iterator<char>(std::cout),
[&](char c) { return container.insert(c).second; });
Unordered Map
std::string str = "pooaatat";
// Prints "poat"
std::unordered_map<char, int> container;
std::copy_if(str.begin(), str.end(), std::ostream_iterator<char>(std::cout),
[&](char c) { return container[c]++ == 0; });
AFAIK, there is no built-in algorithm for doing this. The std::unique algorithm is valid if you want to remove only consecutive duplicate characters.
However you can follow the following simple approach:
If the string contains only ASCII characters, you can form a boolean array A[256] denoting whether the respective character has been encountered already or not.
Then simply traverse the input string and copy the character to output if A[character] is still 0 (and make A[character] = 1).
In case the string contains arbitrary characters, then you can use a std::unordered_map or a std::map of char to int.
Built-in regular expressions should be efficient, i.e.
#include <regex>
const std::regex pattern("([\\w ])(?!\\1)");
string s = "ssha3akjssss42jj 234444 203488842882387 heeelloooo";
std::string result;
for (std::sregex_iterator i(s.begin(), s.end(), pattern), end; i != end; ++i)
std::cout << result << std::endl;
Of course, you can modify the cpaturing group to your needs.
The good thing is that it is supported in Visual Studio 2010 tr1 already. gcc 4.8, however, seems to have a problem with regex iterators.

How to validate that there are only digits in a string?

I'm new to C++. I'm working on a project where I need to read mostly integers from the user through the console. In order to avoid someone entering non-digit characters I thought about reading the input as a string, checking there are only digits in it, and then converting it to an integer. I created a function since I need to check for integers several times:
bool isanInt(int *y){
string z;
int x;
for (int n=0; n < z.length(); n++) {
if(!((z[n] >= '0' && z[n] <= '9') || z[n] == ' ') ){
cout << "That is not a valid input!" << endl;
return false;
istringstream convert(z); //converting the string to integer
convert >> x;
*y = x;
return true;
When I need the user to input an integer I'll call this function. But for some reason when I make a call tho this function the program doesn't wait for an input, it jumps immediately to the for-loop processing an empty string. Any thoughts? Thanks for your help.
There are many ways to test a string for only numeric characters. One is
bool is_digits(const std::string &str) {
return str.find_first_not_of("0123456789") == std::string::npos;
This would work:
#include <algorithm> // for std::all_of
#include <cctype> // for std::isdigit
bool all_digits(const std::string& s)
return std::all_of(s.begin(),
[](char c) { return std::isdigit(c); });
You can cast the string in a try/catch block so that if the cast fails you it would raise an exception and you can write whatever you want in the console.
For example:
int myNum = strtoint(myString);
catch (std::bad_cast& bc)
std::cerr << "Please insert only numbers "<< '\n';
Character-classification is a job typically delegated to the ctype facets of a locale. You're going to need a function that takes into account all 9 digits including the thousands separator and the radix point:
bool is_numeric_string(const std::string& str, std::locale loc = std::locale())
using ctype = std::ctype<char>;
using numpunct = std::numpunct<char>;
using traits_type = std::string::traits_type;
auto& ct_f = std::use_facet<ctype>(loc);
auto& np_f = std::use_facet<numpunct>(loc);
return std::all_of(str.begin(), str.end(), [&str, &ct_f, &np_f] (char c)
return, c) || traits_type::eq(c, np_f.thousands_sep())
|| traits_type::eq(c, np_f.decimal_point());
Note that extra effort can go into making sure the thousands separator is not the first character.
try another way like cin.getline(str,sizeof(str)), and str here is char*. I think ur problem may be cause by other functions before calling this function. Maybe u can examine other parts of ur codes carefully. Breakpoints setting is recommended too.
Always use off-the-shelf functions. Never write alone.
I recommend

Selective iterator

FYI: no boost, yes it has this, I want to reinvent the wheel ;)
Is there some form of a selective iterator (possible) in C++? What I want is to seperate strings like this:
some:word{or other
to a form like this:
some : word { or other
I can do that with two loops and find_first_of(":") and ("{") but this seems (very) inefficient to me. I thought that maybe there would be a way to create/define/write an iterator that would iterate over all these values with for_each. I fear this will have me writing a full-fledged custom way-too-complex iterator class for a std::string.
So I thought maybe this would do:
std::vector<size_t> list;
size_t index = mystring.find(":");
while( index != std::string::npos )
index = mystring.find(":", list.back());
std::for_each(list.begin(), list.end(), addSpaces(mystring));
This looks messy to me, and I'm quite sure a more elegant way of doing this exists. But I can't think of it. Anyone have a bright idea? Thanks
PS: I did not test the code posted, just a quick write-up of what I would try
UPDATE: after taking all your answers into account, I came up with this, and it works to my liking :). this does assume the last char is a newline or something, otherwise an ending {,}, or : won't get processed.
void tokenize( string &line )
char oneBack = ' ';
char twoBack = ' ';
char current = ' ';
size_t length = line.size();
for( size_t index = 0; index<length; ++index )
twoBack = oneBack;
oneBack = current;
current = index );
if( isSpecial(oneBack) )
if( !isspace(twoBack) ) // insert before
line.insert(index-1, " ");
if( !isspace(current) ) // insert after
line.insert(index, " ");
Comments are welcome as always :)
That's relatively easy using the std::istream_iterator.
What you need to do is define your own class (say Term). Then define how to read a single "word" (term) from the stream using the operator >>.
I don't know your exact definition of a word is, so I am using the following definition:
Any consecutive sequence of alpha numeric characters is a term
Any single non white space character that is also not alpha numeric is a word.
Try this:
#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <iostream>
#include <iterator>
#include <algorithm>
class Term
// This cast operator is not required but makes it easy to use
// a Term anywhere that a string can normally be used.
operator std::string const&() const {return value;}
// A term is just a string
// And we friend the operator >> to make sure we can read it.
friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& inStr,Term& dst);
std::string value;
Now all we have to do is define an operator >> that reads a word according to the rules:
// This function could be a lot neater using some boost regular expressions.
// I just do it manually to show it can be done without boost (as requested)
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& inStr,Term& dst)
// Note the >> operator drops all proceeding white space.
// So we get the first non white space
char first;
inStr >> first;
// If the stream is in any bad state the stop processing.
if (inStr)
// Alpha Numeric so read a sequence of characters
dst.value = first;
// This is ugly. And needs re-factoring.
while((first = insStr.get(), inStr) && std::isalnum(first))
dst.value += first;
// Take into account the special case of EOF.
// And bad stream states.
if (!inStr)
if (!inStr.eof())
// The last letter read was not EOF and and not part of the word
// So put it back for use by the next call to read from the stream.
// We know that we have a word so clear any errors to make sure it
// is used. Let the next attempt to read a word (term) fail at the outer if.
// It was not alpha numeric so it is a one character word.
dst.value = first;
return inStr;
So now we can use it in standard algorithms by just employing the istream_iterator
int main()
std::string data = "some:word{or other";
std::stringstream dataStream(data);
std::copy( // Read the stream one Term at a time.
// Note the ostream_iterator is using a std::string
// This works because a Term can be converted into a string.
std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(std::cout, "\n")
The output:
> ./a.exe
std::string const str = "some:word{or other";
std::string result;
for (std::string::const_iterator it = str.begin(), end = str.end();
it != end; ++it)
if (isalnum(*it))
result.push_back(' '); result.push_back(*it); result.push_back(' ');
Insert version for speed-up
std::string str = "some:word{or other";
for (std::string::iterator it = str.begin(), end = str.end(); it != end; ++it)
if (!isalnum(*it))
it = str.insert(it, ' ') + 2;
it = str.insert(it, ' ');
end = str.end();
Note that std::string::insert inserts BEFORE the iterator passed and returns an iterator to the newly inserted character. Assigning is important since the buffer may have been reallocated at another memory location (the iterators are invalidated by the insertion). Also note that you can't keep end for the whole loop, each time you insert you need to recompute it.
a more elegant way of doing this exists.
I do not know how BOOST implements that, but traditional way is by feeding input string character by character into a FSM which detects where tokens (words, symbols) start and end.
I can do that with two loops and find_first_of(":") and ("{")
One loop with std::find_first_of() should suffice.
Though I'm still a huge fan of FSMs for such parsing tasks.
P.S. Similar question
How about something like:
std::string::const_iterator it, end = mystring.end();
for(it = mystring.begin(); it != end; ++it) {
if ( !isalnum( *it ))
This way, you'll only iterate once through the string, and isalnum from ctype.h seems to do what you want. Of course, the code above is very simplistic and incomplete and only suggests a solution.
Are you looking to tokenize the input string, ala strtok?
If so, here is a tokenizing function that you can use. It takes an input string and a string of delimiters (each char int he string is a possible delimitter), and it returns a vector of tokens. Each token is a tuple with the delimitted string, and the delimiter used in that case:
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include <functional>
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
// FUNCTION : stringtok(char const* Raw, string sToks)
// PARAMATERS : Raw Pointer to NULL-Terminated string containing a string to be tokenized.
// sToks string of individual token characters -- each character in the string is a token
// DESCRIPTION : Tokenizes a string, much in the same was as strtok does. The input string is not modified. The
// function is called once to tokenize a string, and all the tokens are retuned at once.
// RETURNS : Returns a vector of strings. Each element in the vector is one token. The token character is
// not included in the string. The number of elements in the vector is N+1, where N is the number
// of times the Token character is found in the string. If one token is an empty string (as with the
// string "string1##string3", where the token character is '#'), then that element in the vector
// is an empty string.
// NOTES :
typedef pair<char,string> token; // first = delimiter, second = data
inline vector<token> tokenize(const string& str, const string& delims, bool bCaseSensitive=false) // tokenizes a string, returns a vector of tokens
// prologue
vector<token> vRet;
// tokenize input string
for( string::const_iterator itA = str.begin(), it=itA; it != str.end(); it = find_first_of(++it,str.end(),delims.begin(),delims.end()) )
// prologue
// find end of token
string::const_iterator itEnd = find_first_of(it+1,str.end(),delims.begin(),delims.end());
// add string to output
if( it == itA ) vRet.push_back(make_pair(0,string(it,itEnd)));
else vRet.push_back(make_pair(*it,string(it+1,itEnd)));
// epilogue
// epilogue
return vRet;
using namespace std;
int main()
string input = "some:word{or other";
typedef vector<token> tokens;
tokens toks = tokenize(input.c_str(), " :{");
cout << "Input: '" << input << " # Tokens: " << toks.size() << "'\n";
for( tokens::iterator it = toks.begin(); it != toks.end(); ++it )
cout << " Token : '" << it->second << "', Delimiter: '" << it->first << "'\n";
return 0;