How to programmatically collapse raddataform "Groups" in Nativescript-vue - nativescript-vue

I'm trying to make use of the RadDataForm using NativeScript-Vue to develop a relatively long form.
My form elements are being defined and grouped programmatically via json. I would like to have the groups start in a minimized / collapsed state for the user experience.
The NativeScript-Vue docs for this feature are very sparse. Angular documentation is deeper so I went there for help, but clicking thru to the "collapsed" API reference results in a 404 from this page.
I'm running it from the Playground to test functionality using the following code:
<Page class="page">
<ActionBar title="Home" class="action-bar">
<ActionItem icon="font://" class="fa" />
<ActionItem icon="font://\uf07a" class="fa" />
<RadDataForm :source="person" :metadata="groupMetaData"
#groupUpdate="onGroupUpdate" />
import Vue from "nativescript-vue";
import RadDataForm from "nativescript-ui-dataform/vue";
export default {
data() {
return {
person: {
name: "John",
age: 23,
email: "",
city: "New York",
street: "5th Avenue",
streetNumber: 11
groupMetaData: {
// propertyGroup: [{
// "Address": {
// 'collapsed' = true,
// },
// // {
// // "Main Info": 'collapsed',
// }
// ],
propertyAnnotations: [{
name: "city",
index: 3,
groupName: "Address",
editor: "Picker",
valuesProvider: [
"New York",
"Los Angeles"
name: "street",
index: 4,
groupName: "Address"
name: "streetNumber",
index: 5,
editor: "Number",
groupName: "Address"
name: "age",
index: 1,
editor: "Number",
groupName: "Main Info"
name: "email",
index: 2,
editor: "Email",
groupName: "Main Info"
name: "name",
index: 0,
groupName: "Main Info"
methods: {
onGroupUpdate: function(args) {
let nativeGroup =;
if (args.ios) {
nativeGroup.collapsible = true;
// nativeGroup.collapsed = true;
} else {
// nativeGroup.collapsed;
// nativeGroup.collapsed(true);
// nativeGroup.collapsed;
// console.log(JSON.stringify(nativeGroup));
<style scoped>
.home-panel {
vertical-align: center;
font-size: 20;
margin: 15;
.description-label {
margin-bottom: 15;
My assumption was to address this in the OnGroupUpdate method, but I'm not getting where I need to be (you can see a few attempts that are commented out).
The goal is to have this view load with minimized groups so that the user can expand the different form groups that s/he wishes to work on in sequence.
Playground link:
Thanks for any help

I think what you actually need is nativeGroup.setIsExpanded(false);
exports.onGroupUpdate = (args) => {
if (app.ios) {
let nativeGroup =;
nativeGroup.collapsible = true;
} else {
let nativeGroup =;
//in this example i only expand one group.
if (args.groupName !== "SERVICE INFORMATION") {


Extend query function to support multiple search criteria in CouchDB/PouchDB

I'm trying to get a count of docs having level: 2, completed: true. However, I'm having trouble wrapping my head around introducing another criteria in the query function. Currently, as evident from the code; it is just printing out docs having completed: true. How can I extend this query to support another query parameter like level too?
_id: 1,
name: 'Test_01',
level: 1,
completed: false
_id: 2,
name: 'Test_02',
level: 2,
completed: true
_id: 3,
name: 'Test_01',
level: 3,
completed: false
const myMapReduceFun = {
map: (doc) => {
reduce: '_count'
db.query(myMapReduceFun, {
key: true, reduce: true
.then((result) => {
This is easily done with map/reduce. One strategy is to use complex keys, the other using clever demarcations in a string.
I prefer complex keys as it does not require having to assemble the key or other string based monkey business.
Consider the design document in the demo:
_id: "_design/my_index",
views: {
completed_str: {
map: `function (doc) {
emit(doc.completed + '/' + doc.level + '/')
completed_complex: {
map: `function (doc) {
completed_str uses concatenation and a '/' to create two fields for completed and level
completed_complex uses an array to create a complex key
In the snippet below I've included an example of both approaches. The key (no pun intended) is to emit the 'completed' field first, then the 'level' field.
When toying with the queries, do note the difference in the value Key field returned by the view.
const gel = id => document.getElementById(id);
const g_view_result = 'view_result';
function getQuery() {
let view = gel('view').value;
let completed = gel('completed').value === 'true';
let level = parseInt(gel('level').value, 10);
if (view === 'complex') {
// use complex key view
return {
view: "my_index/completed_complex",
params: {
reduce: false,
include_docs: false,
start_key: [completed, level],
end_key: [completed, level],
// use simple string view
return {
view: "my_index/completed_str",
params: {
reduce: false,
include_docs: false,
start_key: [completed, level, ''].join('/'),
end_key: [completed, level, ''].join('/'),
async function query() {
try {
let html = [];
const view_result = gel(g_view_result);
view_result.innerText = '';
let query = getQuery();
let docs = await db.query(query.view, query.params);
html.push(['ID', 'Key'].join('\t'));
html.push(['----', '--------'].join('\t'));
docs.rows.forEach(row => {
html.push([, row.key].join('\t'));
view_result.innerText = html.join('\n');
} catch (e) {
console.log('err: ' + e);
// canned test documents
function getDocsToInstall() {
return [{
_id: "1",
name: 'Test_01',
level: 1,
completed: false
_id: "2",
name: 'Test_02',
level: 2,
completed: true
_id: "3",
name: 'Test_01',
level: 3,
completed: false
_id: "4",
name: 'Test_4',
level: 3,
completed: true
_id: "5",
name: 'Test_05',
level: 2,
completed: true
"_id": "_design/my_index",
"views": {
"completed_str": {
"map": `function (doc) {
emit(doc.completed + '/' + doc.level + '/')
"completed_complex": {
"map": `function (doc) {
let db;
async function initDb() {
db = new PouchDB('test', {
adapter: 'memory'
return db.bulkDocs(getDocsToInstall());
(async() => {
try {
await initDb();
} catch (e) {
<script src=""></script>
<script src=""></script>
<label for="completed">Completed:</label>
<select name="completed" id="completed">
<option value="true">True</option>
<option value="false">False</option>
<label for="level">Level:</label>
<select name="level" id="level">
<option value="0">0</option>
<option value="1">1</option>
<option value="2" selected>2</option>
<option value="3">3</option>
<label for="view">View:</label>
<select name="view" id="view">
<option value="complex">Complex Key</option>
<option value="simple">Simple String Key</option>
<button id="query" onclick="query()">Query</button>
<div style='margin-top:2em'></div>
<pre id='view_result'>

monogdb full text search, ignore characters

Im implementing a mongodb search.
The search performs a find on field values:
value: ""
}, {
value: "my other here"
When i enter "my" both entries are found. What have my query to look like to ignore the dots on the first entry? So when i enter "my string" the first element gets returned?
Actually it works only when i enter "my.string" which is not nice.
let limit = Number(req.query.limit || 100);
let skip = Number(req.query.skip || 0);
$or: [{
value: new RegExp(, "gi")
}, {
tags: {
$in:",").map((val) => {
return new RegExp(val, "gi")
}).skip(skip).limit(limit).toArray((err, result) => {
if (err) {
} else {
A solution could look like this:
let query = {
$or: [{
name: new RegExp(, "gi")
}, {
tags: {
$in:",").map((val) => {
return new RegExp(val, "gi")
}, {
name: new RegExp(' ').join('.'), "gi")
}, {
name: new RegExp(' ').join('_'), "gi")
}, {
name: new RegExp(' ').join('-'), "gi")
But i find it ugly and not elegant. Is there a better way to do this ?

jqGrid free and ace admin template integration

I'm trying to play around with various admin templates and ran on to an old Bootstrap 3 one which has jqGrid support. While the demo is working great but it uses the commercial version and not the free jqGrid.
In the link to the repository of source of the demo here (Ace Admin Template), the main file is call jqgrid.html, if I use the most recent free jqGrid as shown below, then the attributes of the button images are no longer working. See the attached pictures.
Tests with commercial jqGrid:
Tests with free jqGrid
I replace the below lines
<script src="assets/js/jquery.jqGrid.min.js"></script>
by these one
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<link rel="stylesheet" href=" ">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<script src=""></script>
So my question is what is the new code I should replace to fix this, since the below code is called in beforeShowForm?
//update buttons classes
var buttons ='.EditButton .fm-button');
buttons.addClass('btn btn-sm').find('[class*="-icon"]').hide();//ui-icon, s-icon
buttons.eq(0).addClass('btn-primary').prepend('<i class="ace-icon fa fa-check"></i>');
buttons.eq(1).prepend('<i class="ace-icon fa fa-times"></i>')
With the premium version (Guriddo jqGrid JS - v5.0.2 - 2016-01-18), it works like a charm, see working premium images and free jqGrid images, but when I switched to free jqGrid, the buttons text are not working making hard to read action texts.
This great admin template is a nice add-on to free jQgrid to complete my side project. Not sure where to buy it since it is no longer available for purchase Ace Admin Template Info.
I still have one small display issue on the header, below is the screen shot
I used one of your demo code so you can reproduce it.
<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(function($) {
var grid_selector = "#grid-table";
var pager_selector = "#grid-pager";
var parent_column = $(grid_selector).closest('[class*="col-"]');
//resize to fit page size
$(window).on('resize.jqGrid', function () {
$(grid_selector).jqGrid( 'setGridWidth', parent_column.width() );
//resize on sidebar collapse/expand
$(document).on('settings.ace.jqGrid' , function(ev, event_name, collapsed) {
if( event_name === 'sidebar_collapsed' || event_name === 'main_container_fixed' ) {
//setTimeout is for webkit only to give time for DOM changes and then redraw!!!
setTimeout(function() {
$(grid_selector).jqGrid( 'setGridWidth', parent_column.width() );
}, 20);
//if your grid is inside another element, for example a tab pane, you should use its parent's width:
$(window).on('resize.jqGrid', function () {
var parent_width = $(grid_selector).closest('.tab-pane').width();
$(grid_selector).jqGrid( 'setGridWidth', parent_width );
//and also set width when tab pane becomes visible
$('#myTab a[data-toggle="tab"]').on('', function (e) {
if($('href') == '#mygrid') {
var parent_width = $(grid_selector).closest('.tab-pane').width();
$(grid_selector).jqGrid( 'setGridWidth', parent_width );
$.jgrid.icons.aceFontAwesome = $.extend(true, {},
nav: {
add: "fa-plus-circle",
view: "fa-search-plus",
actions: {
save: "fa-check",
cancel: "fa-times"
pager: {
first: "fa-angle-double-left",
prev: "fa-angle-left",
next: "fa-angle-right",
last: "fa-angle-double-right"
form: {
prev: "fa-angle-left",
next: "fa-angle-right",
save: "fa-check",
cancel: "fa-times"
$.jgrid.icons.aceFontAwesome = $.extend(true, {},
nav: {
add: "fa-plus-circle",
view: "fa-search-plus",
actions: {
save: "fa-check",
cancel: "fa-times"
pager: {
first: "fa-angle-double-left",
prev: "fa-angle-left",
next: "fa-angle-right",
last: "fa-angle-double-right"
form: {
prev: "fa-angle-left",
next: "fa-angle-right",
save: "fa-check",
cancel: "fa-times"
var data = [
{code:"A", name:"Project A",
jan2017:1, feb2017:0, mar2017:0, apr2017:0,
may2017:0, jun2017:0, jul2017:0, aug2017:0,
sep2017:0, oct2017:0, nov2017:0, dec2017:1},
{code:"A", name:"Project A",
jan2017:1, feb2017:1, mar2017:0, apr2017:0,
may2017:1, jun2017:0, jul2017:0, aug2017:0,
sep2017:0, oct2017:1, nov2017:0, dec2017:0}
intTemplate = {
width: 20, template: "integer",
align: "center", editable: true
colModel: [
{ name: "code", label: "Code", width: 50, align: "center" },
{ name: "name", label: "Name", width: 70 },
{ name: "jan2017", label: "Jan", template: intTemplate },
{ name: "feb2017", label: "Feb", template: intTemplate },
{ name: "mar2017", label: "Mar", template: intTemplate },
{ name: "apr2017", label: "Apr", template: intTemplate },
{ name: "may2017", label: "May", template: intTemplate },
{ name: "jun2017", label: "Jun", template: intTemplate },
{ name: "jul2017", label: "Jul", template: intTemplate },
{ name: "aug2017", label: "Aug", template: intTemplate },
{ name: "sep2017", label: "Sep", template: intTemplate },
{ name: "oct2017", label: "Oct", template: intTemplate },
{ name: "nov2017", label: "Nov", template: intTemplate },
{ name: "dec2017", label: "Dec", template: intTemplate },
{ name: "jan2018", label: "Jan", template: intTemplate },
{ name: "feb2018", label: "Feb", template: intTemplate },
{ name: "mar2018", label: "Mar", template: intTemplate },
{ name: "apr2018", label: "Apr", template: intTemplate },
{ name: "may2018", label: "May", template: intTemplate },
{ name: "jun2018", label: "Jun", template: intTemplate },
{ name: "jul2018", label: "Jul", template: intTemplate },
{ name: "aug2018", label: "Aug", template: intTemplate },
{ name: "sep2018", label: "Sep", template: intTemplate },
{ name: "oct2018", label: "Oct", template: intTemplate },
{ name: "nov2018", label: "Nov", template: intTemplate },
{ name: "dec2018", label: "Dec", template: intTemplate }
cmTemplate: { autoResizable: true },
autoResizing: { compact: true },
viewrecords: true,
data: data,
iconSet: "fontAwesome",
rownumbers: true,
sortname: "invdate",
sortorder: "desc",
pager: true,
iconSet: "aceFontAwesome", //"fontAwesome",
grouping: true,
rowNum: 10,
rowList: [5, 10, 20, "10000:All"],
groupingView: {
groupField: ["name"],
groupText: ["<b>{0}</b>"]
loadComplete : function() {
var table = this;
var parent_column = $(grid_selector).closest('[class*="col-"]');
$(grid_selector).jqGrid( 'setGridWidth', parent_column.width() );
}, 0);
sortname : 'invid',
inlineEditing: {
keys: true
navOptions: {
add: false,
edit: false,
del: false,
search: false
inlineNavOptions: {
add: true,
edit: true
caption: "Test"
["jan2017", "feb2017", "mar2017", "apr2017", "may2017", "jun2017",
"jul2017", "aug2017", "sep2017", "oct2017", "nov2017", "dec2017",
"jan2018", "feb2018", "mar2018", "apr2018", "may2018", "jun2018",
"jul2018", "aug2018", "sep2018", "oct2018", "nov2018", "dec2018"])
.jqGrid('setGroupHeaders', {
useColSpanStyle: true,
groupHeaders: [
{ startColumnName: 'code', numberOfColumns: 2, titleText: '<i>Project</i>' },
{ startColumnName: 'jan2017', numberOfColumns: 12, titleText: '2017' },
{ startColumnName: 'jan2018', numberOfColumns: 12, titleText: '2018' }
I replaced the above code in jqgrid.html. I don't know what really causes it. Could it be rotateColumnHeaders which breaks it?
Pic shows moving code after setgroupheader. The vertical lines are still cut.
More updates
After investigation and trial by error, I found out the issue but it masks an another one, I no longer have header issues but the buttons do not display nicely. Is there anyway to overwrite the css to make them look like the one without using the line : guistyle:bootstrap, seems like jqueryUI is conflicting some how with ace css.
Fix header, by adding : guiStyle: "bootstrap", action buttons do not look good. Blue color header is also gone along with button colors
Removing guiStyle: "bootstrap" breaks header, blue color header, action button look nicely
I've tried to reproduce with jsfiddle but no luck yet.
I looked through the Ace Admin template. One can see that it's created fror old jqGrid, which don't supports Font Awesome and Bootstrap. Free jqGrid supports both (see here and here). One more wiki article describes how one can use other Font Awesome icons to create his own iconSet. For example, one can define
$.jgrid.icons.aceFontAwesome = $.extend(true, {},
nav: {
add: "fa-plus-circle",
view: "fa-search-plus",
actions: {
save: "fa-check",
cancel: "fa-times"
pager: {
first: "fa-angle-double-left",
prev: "fa-angle-left",
next: "fa-angle-right",
last: "fa-angle-double-right"
form: {
prev: "fa-angle-left",
next: "fa-angle-right",
save: "fa-check",
cancel: "fa-times"
to use some other icons as defaults (see here). After that one can use iconSet: "aceFontAwesome" option instead of iconSet: "fontAwesome" used typically.
All other CSS settings of Ace Admin template are just customization of the standard CSS. I personally find Ace Admin CSS very nice, but one needs to invest some time to make free jqGrid looks exactly like Ace Admin. One needs no jqGrid knowledge for that. It's enough to use Developer Tools of Chrome to examine CSS used on and to implement the same (or close) settings on free jqGrid. I created the demo which shows how one can do that. One needs just expend CSS settings, which I included in the demo.

Unable to add radio buttons to Kendo UI grid

I'm trying to have a group of 3 radio buttons (each button in different column but the same row) in my Kendo grid but without success. I looked at the Kendo RowTemplate doc, but it's not directing me to any solution.
it works fine with checkboxes, but when i change the template to "radio" type, it changes to checkbox the second I click the edit button. any thoughts?
below is my kendoGrid properties, I put ** next to the 'template' line in the field property.
{ error: function (e) {
alert("An error occured: "+ e.xhr.responseText);
transport: {
read: {
url: "/users/read",
cache: false,
dataType: "json"
update: {
url: function(user){
var grid = $("#grid").data("kendoGrid");
var model = grid.dataItem(;
var roleIs;
if (user.Admin) {
else if (user.Manager) {
else if (user.User) {
return "users/update/""/"+roleIs+"/"
type: "PUT"
destroy: {
url: function(user){
return "/users/destroy/""/"
type: "DELETE"
create: {
url: function(user){
var roleIs;
if (user.Admin) {
else if (user.Manager) {
else if (user.User) {
return "users/create/"+user.login+"/""/"+roleIs+"/"
type: "POST"
parameterMap: function(options, operation) {
if (operation !== "read" && options.models) {
return {models: kendo.stringify(options.models)};
schema: {
{ id: "id",
fields: {
id:{ type: "number",editable: false},
role:{ type: "string"},
login: { type: "string",editable: false},
name:{type: "string",editable: false},
Admin: { type: "boolean"},
Manager: { type: "boolean"},
User: { type: "boolean"}
pageSize: 30,
serverPaging: false,
serverFiltering: false,
serverSorting: false
selectable: "row",
navigatable: true,
pageable: true,
height: 400,
columns: [//{field: "id"},
field: "name",
title:"User Name",
filterable: true,
nullable: false,
editable: false
field: "Admin",
**template: '<input type="checkbox" #= Admin ? "checked=checked" : "" # disabled="disabled"></input>'**,
width: 75
field: "Manager",
**template: '<input type="checkbox" #= Manager ? "checked=checked" : "" # disabled="disabled"></input>'**,
width: 75
field: "User",
**template: '<input type="checkbox" #= User ? "checked=checked" : "" # disabled="disabled"></input>',**
width: 75
command: ["edit", "destroy"], title: "", width: "195px"
editable:{mode: "inline"}
The formatting for edition is controlled by columns.editor
You need to write an editor function that defines the input as a radio button.

Sencha Touch 2 List Reload

I'm trying to create view which loads list using JSONP, but I want to reload the list when user choose a value from selectfield.
My code:
var distance = 50;
Ext.define('MyApp.view.ListUpdate', {
extend: 'Ext.Container', //Ext.navigation.View
xtype: 'listUpdate',
requires: [
config: {
style: ' background-color:white;',
layout: 'vbox',
xtype: 'toolbar',
docked: 'top',
title: 'List update',
minHeight: '60px',
items: [
ui: 'back',
xtype: 'button',
id: 'backButton', //taki sam id jak w view.GdzieJestem
text: 'Back',
minHeight: '60px',
right: '5px',
html: ['<img src="resources/images/myImage.png"/ style="height: 100%; ">',].join(""),
xtype: 'fieldset',
title: 'Choose distance',
items: [
xtype: 'selectfield',
id: 'selectField',
options: [
{text: '50km', value: 50},
{text: '100km', value: 100},
{text: '150km', value: 150},
{text: '200km', value: 200},
{text: '250km', value: 250},
{text: '300km', value: 300},
{text: '350km', value: 350},
{text: '400km', value: 400},
{text: '450km', value: 450},
{text: '500km', value: 500},
{text: '550km', value: 550},
{text: '600km', value: 600},
listeners: {
change: function (select, newValue, oldValue) {
// console.log('change',;
distance = Ext.getCmp('selectField').getValue();
} // change
} // listeners
xtype: 'list',
style: ' background-color:white;',
itemTpl: '<h2>{company}, {firstName} {lastName}</h2><p> <span style="color:blue;">{city}, {street}, tel: {telephoneNumber}, </span><span style="color:orange;"> odległość: {distance}km</span></p>',
flex: 1,
store: {
autoLoad: true,
fields : ['company', 'firstName', 'lastName', 'city', 'street', 'telephoneNumber', 'distance'],
proxy: {
type: 'jsonp',
url: ''+lat+'&userLon='+lon+'&distance='+distance+'',
reader: {
type: 'json',
rootProperty: 'agents'
My second question is: Have you any idea why geolocation works when app runs in Chrome but when it runs on device natively, geolocation doesnt work.
var lat = 0;
var lon = 0;
if (navigator.geolocation) {
function (position) {
lat = position.coords.latitude;
lon = position.coords.longitude;
function (error)
case error.TIMEOUT:
alert ('Timeout');
alert ("Postition unavailable");
alert ('Permission denied');
case error.UNKNOWN_ERROR:
alert ('Unknown error');
else {
alert('Problem with device.');
For question 1, I would just reload the list component's store on select change. The way you have this setup you will need to access the list component's store via the list. for example, on change event:
change: function(select, newValue, oldValue){
var items = select.getParent().getParent().getItems(); // access parent's parent's items
var list = items[1]; // list is the second item in the parent's
list.getStore().load(); // reload the list's store
Ideally you should abstract the store and register it at the application level (if you are developing in MVC format). With the store abstracted you would be able to call Ext.getStore('MyStore').load(); anywhere in your application.
As for question 2, when you wrap the app in a native shell, in my experience HTML5 geolocation does not work. You will need to make a bridge to the native GPS calls using a tool like PhoneGap (
Hope this helps.