Unable to change datasource in charts in Superset - apache-superset

I am using Superset for visualizations. In charts, there is an option to "change datasource" but when I click it gives an error "An error occurred". In production server superset is using postgres to store metadata and another postgres server as datasource and gunicorn to start superset.
I tried same setup with default database (sqllite) to store superset metadata and no gunicorn, then "change datasource" option is working fine.
Does anyone know what can be the issue and how to solve it?

If your set up was on HTTPS you may be running into this issue.
The workaround should be to configure superset to run properly behind a load balancer, as per these instructions.


Superset UI cannot be loaded on port 9089 in HDP sandbox and VirtualBox

I'm unable to load Superset in Ambari on port 9089. Even the initial login screen won't get displayed. The URL is shown as http://sandbox-hdp.hortonworks.com:9089.
Does anyone know how to fix this issue?
Changing the URL from http://sandbox-hdp.hortonworks.com:9089 to http://localhost:9089 or fixed my issue and was able to load Superset UI in Ambari.

Django Project is not hosting in Cpanel

Problem occuring
My Django project is not hosting on cpanel. I have created 2 app in my django project(Affiliate, members). app and project file
This message is showing in my domain when I hosted :
We're sorry, but something went wrong.
The issue has been logged for investigation. Please try again later.
Technical details for the administrator of this website:
Error ID:
Web application could not be started by the Phusion Passenger application server.
Please read the Passenger log file (search for the Error ID) to find the details of the error.
You can also get a detailed report to appear directly on this page, but for security reasons it is only provided if Phusion Passenger is run with environment set to development and/or with the friendly error pages option set to on.
For more information about configuring environment and friendly error pages, see:
Nginx integration mode
Apache integration mode
Standalone mode
Standart hosting providers doesn't support python or django. You should use ssh and manual installation.

Running Django and Neo4j on Heroku

I'm trying to deploy my Django app to Heroku using Neo4j's Addon.
I'm using Neo4django. Locally, in my settings.py I have the following
'default' : {
However, when deploying to Heroku, I change the settings to
'default' : {
.. I am unable to connect to the database for authentication problems apparently.
The error at the bottom of my stack trace:
StatusException: Error [401]: Unauthorized. No permission -- see authorization schemes.
Authorization Required
.. even when I add the login and password provided by the Heroku Neo4j add-on.
Did anyone run in a similar issue before?
Thanks in advance
The Heroku-hosted Neo4j has the Gremlin plugin disabled, which is going to prevent you from running neo4django, bulbflow, or any other client-side library that requires Gremlin.
The most common solution is to run your own instance of Neo4j on AWS, and then connect to that. Please make it clear to the Neo folks that you'd like Gremlin support on Heroku- I think it was disabled because of the shared nature of the Heroku Neo4j instance, but it absolutely hobbles a number of libraries.
You can see the Neo4j config url by using heroku config --app your-app. Just use the NEO4J_URL from the environment variable in your code setup. It already contains the credentials for basic auth.
I've got this working by using graphenedb.com to host my neo4j database.
They will allow you to chose the version of neo4j that you would like hosted. If you pick 1.9.6 (or earlier), then the gremlin plugin works and so will neo4django.
You can either sign up with graphenedb via their website and create your db there or just use their heroku plugin (http://blog.graphenedb.com/blog/2014/02/06/our-new-add-on-helps-heroku-users-build-applications-on-top-of-neo4j/) which will do it all for you. The only advantage I've found of using the web interface is that you'll also get the neo4j webadmin.

ColdFusion Unable to create Solr collection Error

I'm trying to create a Solr collection in ColdFusion 9. I have never used Solr before, but I am following the directions in Forta's Web Application Construction Kit.
Every time I go to create the collection, I get the following error:
Unable to create collection usaf.
Unable to create Solr collection usaf.
An error occurred while creating the collection: org.apache.solr.common.SolrException. Check the Solr logs for more detail.
Anyone have a clue what's wrong? I have read that the update to CF 9.0.1 causes some issues with Solr -- I tried installing that update and it failed several times. Could that be the problem?
If so, how to solve it? This is on a production Windows Server 2008 and a previous attempt to uninstall and reinstall forced us to restore the server from an image because it was such a disaster.
I know this is a bit old but here is what I did to fix the same problem. Solr service in CF Administrator wasnt showing the core collection and it wouldnt let me create a new collection (as per above).
Using Win7, CF9.0.1
Stopped the Search service and the Solr service via the windows service manager.
Edited the file ColdFusion9\solr\multicore\solr.xml and removed the entries for the collections I was working on at the time it all stopped working. This is the step that seems to have made the difference. Backup the file first!!!
For the entries I removed from solr.xml I also removed the collection folders and files completely from the file system using windows file manager.
Restarted the Search service and Solr service. Core collection now appears in CF Administrator. My CF pages now create and index collections as they should. Phew!
You can check CFAdmin under Data & Services > ColdFusion Collections to make Solr is running. Should be a default collection listed. If not, search runs as seperate services on Windows. Check that ColdFusion 9 Search Server and Solr Service are there and started.
Adobe has a standalone Solr install. http://www.adobe.com/support/coldfusion/downloads.html
Updating to 9.0.1 and hotfixes corrupted my Solr install. Had to reinstall CF from scratch.
It's also possible for the ColdFusion Solr Search Service to be running even though Solr is not. This can happen, for example, when there are errors in a collection's schema.xml file. I imagine there are other conditions under which this can happen. At any rate, as the poster above explained, if you look on CF Admin under "ColdFusion Collections" you should see at least the default Solr collection (core0). If you don't see that collection then Solr isn't running properly even if Windows tells you that the service is running.
Also, you may want to see if you can reach the Solr web service (port 8983 by default): http://localhost:8983/solr/
There could be 3 reasons for this:
1. Solr is not running.
2. Solr is running and if you are on Unix, Solr/CF is running as a non privileged user.
3. Solr is installed after CF. In that case go to CF Admin Data& Services->Solr Server(CF10) and provide solr home path.
It seems like solr service is timing out or not working properly for some reason.
First make sure that you can go to the Solr Admin UI on one host. Try http://hostname:8983/solr/ or http://localhost:8983/solr/ from RDP. If it is not working, then you will get the exact error or reason for why you are getting an error while adding CF collection. Most probably there should be CF collection which is not configured properly and you may remove those from 'ColdFusion9\solr\multicore\solr.xml'.

How can I view a django site running with 'runserver' remotely

I currently have a django project that I am working on. The project is sitting on my remote webserver, and I start it by running manage.py runserver Howver, if I try to access the site via domainname.com:8000, I can't see the site.
How can I view a django project remotely like this? Do I need to do setup using apache? Punch a hole in the firewall? Is there an easy way?
This is strictly for development purposes.
You need to bind it to an IP, not
Also, you may want to check that firewall rules are not stopping you from accessing port 8000 (I did this this morning!)
You can use ssh tunnels. It's easy to set up in Windows with Putty (look at this example for manageing postgresql) or google how to use tunnels with ssh in Linux. I think this is amazing thing, since I first time get to my databse on remote server :)