aws lambda: Error: Runtime exited with error: signal: killed - amazon-web-services

I'm trying to pull a large file from S3 and write it to RDS using pandas dataframes.
I've been googling this error and haven't seen it anywhere, does anyone know what this extremely generic sounding error could mean? I've encountered memory issues previously but expanding the memory removed that error.
"errorType": "Runtime.ExitError",
"errorMessage": "RequestId: 99aa9711-ca93-4201-8b1e-73bf31b762a6 Error: Runtime exited with error: signal: killed"

Got the same error when executing the lambda for process an image, Only few results coming when searching in web for this error.
increase the AWS Lambda Memory by 1.5x OR 2x to resolve it. For example increase the memory from 128mb to 512mb.
This runtime error occurs because the lambda function does not execute remaining line of code, moreover it is not possible to catch the error and run the rest of the code.

You're reaching memory limit due to boto3 parallel uploading of your file.
You could increase memory usage for lambda, but it's cheating... you'll just pay more.
Per default, S3 cli downloads files larger than multipart_threshold=8MB with max_concurrency=10 parallel threads. It means it will use 80MB for your data, plus threading overhead.
You could reduce to max_concurrency=2 for example, it would use 16MB and it should fit into your lambda memory.
Please note that this may slightly decrease your downloading performance.
import boto3
from boto3.s3.transfer import TransferConfig
config = TransferConfig(max_concurrency=2)
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
s3.download_file('BUCKET_NAME', 'OBJECT_NAME', 'FILE_NAME', Config=config)

It is not timing out at 15 minutes, since that would log this error "Task timed out after 901.02 seconds", which the OP did not get. As others have said, he is running out of memory.

First of all, aws-lambda is not meant to do long time heavy operations like pulling large files from S3 and write it to RDS.
This process can take too much time depending upon the file size and data. The maximum execution time of aws-lambda is 15 min. So, whatever task you are doing in your lambda should be completed with in the time limit you provided (Max is 15 min).
With large and heavy processing in lambda you can get out of memory error , out of time error or some times to need to extend your processing power.
The other way of doing such large and heavy processing is using AWS Glue Jobs which is aws managed ETL service.

Solution is to increase the AWS Lambda Memory by 1.5x OR 2x,
bcoz this runtime error occurs, the lambda function does not execute any other line of code, it is not possible to catch the error and run the rest of the code.
this error acts as the signal to the lambda execution environment to terminate the current execution.

To add, if anyone is using AWS Amplify as was in the project I was working on - there are still Lambda's under the hood, and you can access and configure them directly from the AWS Lambdas console


AWS Lambda performance initializing takes long due to required file (XSSFWorkbook excel instance) upload time

AWS Lambda initialization issue:
We got an app (lambda based architecture) that uses an excel Spreadsheet (10MB size) which is loaded using apache POI XSSFWorkbook instance. Here what we have tried:
First we tried to load the spreadsheet at the init phase, but this was problematic since the startup of the lambda was taking long and generating the lambda to restart multiple times to finally get it up. (This is due to the init time limit of lambdas of 10 seconds. See this). Some times the response was just a timeout error (the api gateway limit).
We moved the load of the spreadsheet to the function so this was not longer part of the init phase. (Once the instance is created, that's the instance to be used while the lambda is up). This solved the time out error and the init restart. But the lambda takes close to 15 seconds (which is not acceptable) to return the response in the first call, then it behaves normally.
We tried provisioned concurrency, which allows to have lambdas 'warm' but this feature depends on the requests, so it works fine when lambda is frequently demanded, but when it is not, (two requests within 20 minutes or less), the lambda will need to go through the whole spreadsheet upload process (only init phase will keep warm) meaning, we will get again a 16 seconds request.
Is there any advice or any possible solution you can think of to manage this situation in order to never get this >16 secs request? (get the spreadsheet available in memory even if the lambda has not received requests).
Thanks in advance.

Timeout in lambda function after 15 minutes

I have written a function which queries data and then I process that data and call two external API's. My function works fine if the number of records are 2000, but more than that causes timeout error after 900 seconds. I have allocated 4GB for this fucntion.
What else can be done in this case?
If you have a monolithic application that you need to run serverless and requires an execution time greater than 15 minutes, you could consider using ECS instead:
Create a Docker image with your function
Upload the Docker image to ECR
Create an ECS Task Definition to run the container image
Run an ECS task
Lambda is great and super-easy to use, but you have a time limit of 15 that you can not increase in any way. You also have a limit of 10GB of memory (CPU is scaled accordingly), so if you are thinking of increasing performances, take this in mind. I had the same issue and I am moving to Fargate, where you can define a task which run a docker container uploaded to ECR. You have no timeout, you can have multi-CPU environments and you can invoke the task with a lambda. It's a similar approach to what #Paolo described, look here for differences between the two services.
Looks like the maximum time limit for lambda is 15 min, from this AWS Lambda Time limit
Try to redesign your solution to be more efficient, you can make the two API calls concurrent and use batchgets or parallel scans here is a good guide Best Practices for Querying and Scanning Data
You could use the initial lambda execution to trigger other asynchronous lambda calls. You would loop through your 2000 records and for each one trigger another lambda, passing in details about the record to be processed. Each asynchronously-triggered lambda would process just the single record it got sent. That way you essentially process records in parallel instead of in a serial fashion.
These resources explain things a bit more:
With async invocation, your initial lambda does little more than loop through records and trigger async lambda calls for each record. You will need to think about concurrency to ensure you don't get throttled by having too many lambda executing concurrently.

Lambda timed out due to container refreshed

i have gone through the site but unable get the root cause of my issue.
we have a lambda that will run for every 50 seconds. the first run of lambda is a cold start. during the start all the necessary dependencies for the lambda are prepared ( all the interfaces ).. Lambda handler will have its own code to interact with SQS and SWF. during the first run from the cloud watch logs it is clear that it is reading the base file to get all the services. then lambda handler will start. from second run only lambda handler will get invoked after 50th second. So far everything is going smooth.
All of sudden we noticed the lambda took more than 50 seconds ( in general it finishes below 10s). log shows that lambda got timed out and freshly it started to initializing all the dependencies again.
This is not giving any clue to us as after the timeout the subsequent run works smooth. Its not good to see lambda timed out. Definitely lambda code is without errors.
Could this be any container issue? Does the container have any time period that it will keep data active till it reaches the expiry time out.
Can we able to access the container object to find out more information? we have 2 or more dev environments. this behavior is different for different environments. for some it happens for every 3 days. some time in a day it happens thrice.
if we want to understand the properties of the container object how can we do it? Is it a grey zone that only AWS can access it? Lambda code is written in c# using net core App 2.0. thought of checking the cloud trail log for this lambda during the invocation. there too i am not able to find the reason behind the timeout.
we have more than 20 lambda's for dev and 10 for test in each different regions. its not getting clear to us which lambda will time out.
Any suggestions or idea's will help me a lot???????
Lambda containers will not live indefinitely. If you are seeing occasional "cold starts" then that is normal behavior. If you're running only 1 invocation at a time (i.e. you only have a single lambda instance) you can still expect to see the container recycled every few hours. In general, I understand AWS is trying to give us fewer cold starts but you can still expect to get a new container and new cold start from time to time.

Lambdas calls speed changes

I've created a simple lambda that reads data from dynamodb.
First time I call the lambda it takes about 1500ms to complete, but then after I run the lambda again it takes about 150ms. How is it possible?
What type of caching response does AWS preform to achieve this?
AWS Lambda is provision infrastructure on your first call and it's required time also AWS needs to start a JVM with the code to be able to call the function. Starting the JVM takes time and thus will incur some overhead.
Another issue is cold ,if there is no idle container available waiting to run the code. This is all invisible to the user and AWS has full control over when to kill containers.
So above steps are involved during first call and you can see 1500 ms
Next call you have everything on place so lambda give you response in 150 ms or less .
This is as per design of serverless to save infrastructure cost ,only provision infrastructure when needed and get first call.
I would suggest please read documents
This happens due to cold start. This happens mainly when we invoke the lambda for the first time after deployment or when a lambda function is idle for sometime.
These articles explains about how language, memory or size of the lambda affects the cold start

aws lambda function triggering multiple times for a single event

I am using aws lambda function to convert uploaded wav file in a bucket to mp3 format and later move file to another bucket. It is working correctly. But there's a problem with triggering. When i upload small wav files,lambda function is called once. But when i upload a large sized wav file, this function is triggered multiple times.
I have googled this issue and found that it is stateless, so it will be called multiple times(not sure this trigger is for multiple upload or a same upload).
Is there any method to call this function once for a single upload?
Short version:
Try increasing timeout setting in your lambda function configuration.
Long version:
I guess you are running into the lambda function being timed out here.
S3 events are asynchronous in nature and lambda function listening to S3 events is retried atleast 3 times before that event is rejected. You mentioned your lambda function is executed only once (with no error) during smaller sized upload upon which you do conversion and re-upload. There is a possibility that the time required for conversion and re-upload from your code is greater than the timeout setting of your lambda function.
Therefore, you might want to try increasing the timeout setting in your lambda function configuration.
By the way, one way to confirm that your lambda function is invoked multiple times is to look into cloudwatch logs for the event id (67fe6073-e19c-11e5-1111-6bqw43hkbea3) occurrence -
START RequestId: 67jh48x4-abcd-11e5-1111-6bqw43hkbea3 Version: $LATEST
This event id represents a specific event for which lambda was invoked and should be same for all lambda executions that are responsible for the same S3 event.
Also, you can look for execution time (Duration) in the following log line that marks end of one lambda execution -
REPORT RequestId: 67jh48x4-abcd-11e5-1111-6bqw43hkbea3 Duration: 244.10 ms Billed Duration: 300 ms Memory Size: 128 MB Max Memory Used: 20 MB
If not a solution, it will at least give you some room to debug in right direction. Let me know how it goes.
Any event Executing Lambda several times is due to retry behavior of Lambda as specified in AWS document.
Your code might raise an exception, time out, or run out of memory. The runtime executing your code might encounter an error and stop. You might run out concurrency and be throttled.
There could be some error in Lambda which makes the client or service invoking the Lambda function to retry.
Use CloudWatch logs to find the error and resolving it could resolve the problem.
I too faced the same problem, in my case it's because of application error, resolving it helped me.
Recently AWS Lambda has new property to change the default Retry nature. Set the Retry attempts to 0 (default 2) under Asynchronous invocation settings.
For some in-depth understanding on this issue, you should look into message delivery guarantees. Then you can implement a solution using the idempotent consumers pattern.
The context object contains information on which request ID you are currently handling. This ID won't change even if the same event fires multiple times. You could save this ID for every time an event triggers and then check that the ID hasn't already been processed before processing a message.
In the Lambda Configuration look for "Asynchronous invocation" there is an option "Retry attempts" that is the maximum number of times to retry when the function returns an error.
Here you can also configure Dead-letter queue service
Multiple retry can also happen due read time out. I fixed with '--cli-read-timeout 0'.
e.g. If you are invoking lambda with aws cli or jenkins execute shell:
aws lambda invoke --cli-read-timeout 0 --invocation-type RequestResponse --function-name ${functionName} --region ${region} --log-type Tail --```payload {""} out --log-type Tail \
I was also facing this issue earlier, try to keep retry count to 0 under 'Asynchronous Invocations'.