In Power BI, I am trying to create a box that shows a line graph of a number of equity indeces over time, rebased so that the original value is 1. I am using a slicer.
The idea is that the user will select a date range and see the performance of the various markets, all starting at unity.
I am very much a novice DAX user.
The below returns garbage values on the order of 500K
Rebased =
__FirstValue = CALCULATE(SUM('Equity Markets (2)'[Value]),FIRSTDATE('Equity Markets (2)'[Date]))
__CurrentValue = SUM('Equity Markets (2)'[Value])
15/05/2009 3768.03 882.88 4737.5
18/05/2009 3729.82 909.71 4851.96
19/05/2009 3810.01 908.13 4959.62
20/05/2009 3817.48 903.47 5038.94
21/05/2009 3807.67 888.33 4900.67
22/05/2009 3756.13 887 4918.75
25/05/2009 3732.7 887 4918.45
26/05/2009 3782.56 910.33 4985.6
27/05/2009 3796.1 893.06 5000.77
28/05/2009 3751.3 906.83 4932.88
29/05/2009 3813.64 919.14 4940.82
1/06/2009 3890.79 942.87 5142.56
2/06/2009 3950.74 944.74 5144.06
3/06/2009 4012.13 931.76 5054.53
4/06/2009 3930.65 942.46 5064.8
5/06/2009 3967.33 940.09 5077.03
8/06/2009 3967.33 939.14 5004.72
9/06/2009 3931.38 942.43 4997.86
10/06/2009 4019.95 939.15 5051.18
11/06/2009 4042.7 944.89 5107.26
12/06/2009 4057.8 946.21 5069.24
15/06/2009 4027.6 923.72 4889.94
16/06/2009 3957.63 911.97 4890.72
17/06/2009 3899.72 910.71 4799.98
18/06/2009 3887.58 918.37 4837.48
19/06/2009 3895 921.23 4839.46
22/06/2009 3913.1 893.04 4693.4
23/06/2009 3791.74 895.1 4707.15
24/06/2009 3801.79 900.94 4836.01
25/06/2009 3850.9 920.26 4800.56
26/06/2009 3899.44 918.9 4776.47
29/06/2009 3882.2 927.23 4885.09
30/06/2009 3948.68 919.32 4808.64
1/07/2009 3869.44 923.33 4905.44
2/07/2009 3873.62 896.42 4718.49
3/07/2009 3824.65 896.42 4708.21
6/07/2009 3780.2 898.72 4651.82
7/07/2009 3763 881.03 4598.19
8/07/2009 3762.98 879.56 4572.65
9/07/2009 3758.1 882.68 4630.07
10/07/2009 3788.6 879.13 4576.31
13/07/2009 3732.7 901.05 4722.34
14/07/2009 3861.41 905.84 4781.69
15/07/2009 3918.72 932.68 4928.44
16/07/2009 3989.7 940.74 4957.19
17/07/2009 3994.3 940.38 4978.4
20/07/2009 4043.6 951.13 5030.15
21/07/2009 4044.6 954.58 5093.97
22/07/2009 4062.5 954.07 5121.56
23/07/2009 4059.6 976.29 5247.28
24/07/2009 4084.79 979.26 5229.36
27/07/2009 4133.98 982.18 5251.55
28/07/2009 4162.7 979.62 5174.74
29/07/2009 4136.3 975.15 5270.32
30/07/2009 4183.6 986.75 5360.66
31/07/2009 4238.24 987.48 5332.14
3/08/2009 4259.2 1002.63 5426.85
4/08/2009 4304.21 1005.65 5417.02
5/08/2009 4259.54 1002.72 5353.01
6/08/2009 4320.41 997.08 5369.98
7/08/2009 4294.21 1010.48 5458.96
10/08/2009 4300.06 1007.1 5418.12
11/08/2009 4327.46 994.35 5285.81
12/08/2009 4338.93 1005.81 5350.09
13/08/2009 4432.42 1012.73 5401.11
14/08/2009 4458.59 1004.09 5309.11
17/08/2009 4385.47 979.73 5201.61
18/08/2009 4377.34 989.67 5250.74
19/08/2009 4371.38 996.46 5231.98
20/08/2009 4374.91 1007.37 5311.06
21/08/2009 4288.36 1026.13 5462.74
24/08/2009 4422.93 1025.57 5519.75
25/08/2009 4403.84 1028 5557.09
26/08/2009 4452.72 1028.12 5521.97
27/08/2009 4448.66 1030.98 5470.33
28/08/2009 4487.13 1028.93 5517.35
31/08/2009 4476.71 1020.62 5464.61
1/09/2009 4511.22 998.04 5327.29
2/09/2009 4435.57 994.75 5319.84
3/09/2009 4429.02 1003.24 5301.42
4/09/2009 4435.48 1016.4 5384.43
7/09/2009 4454.61 1016.4 5463.51
8/09/2009 4524.33 1025.39 5481.73
9/09/2009 4523.49 1033.37 5574.26
10/09/2009 4571.37 1044.14 5594.77
11/09/2009 4596.2 1042.73 5624.02
14/09/2009 4532.22 1049.34 5620.24
15/09/2009 4541.84 1052.63 5628.98
16/09/2009 4650.89 1068.76 5700.26
17/09/2009 4715.33 1065.49 5731.14
18/09/2009 4694.99 1068.3 5703.83
21/09/2009 4678.74 1064.66 5668.65
22/09/2009 4665.72 1071.66 5709.38
23/09/2009 4736.2 1060.87 5702.05
24/09/2009 4703.11 1050.78 5605.21
25/09/2009 4714.38 1044.38 5581.41
28/09/2009 4677.71 1062.98 5736.31
29/09/2009 4752.17 1060.61 5713.52
30/09/2009 4742.05 1057.08 5675.16
1/10/2009 4700.57 1029.85 5554.55
2/10/2009 4600.96 1025.21 5467.9
5/10/2009 4572.45 1040.46 5508.85
6/10/2009 4591.55 1054.72 5657.64
7/10/2009 4695.04 1057.58 5640.75
8/10/2009 4767.6 1065.48 5716.54
9/10/2009 4753.45 1071.49 5711.88
12/10/2009 4740.73 1076.19 5783.23
13/10/2009 4786.47 1073.19 5714.31
14/10/2009 4832.16 1092.02 5854.14
15/10/2009 4860.43 1096.56 5830.77
16/10/2009 4837.58 1087.68 5743.39
19/10/2009 4794.56 1097.91 5852.56
20/10/2009 4847.45 1091.06 5811.77
21/10/2009 4839.81 1081.4 5833.49
22/10/2009 4813.5 1092.91 5762.93
23/10/2009 4859.37 1079.6 5740.25
26/10/2009 4830.48 1066.95 5642.16
27/10/2009 4753.23 1063.41 5635.02
28/10/2009 4683.99 1042.63 5496.27
29/10/2009 4572.36 1066.11 5587.45
30/10/2009 4642.06 1036.19 5414.96
2/11/2009 4539.4 1042.88 5430.82
3/11/2009 4531.22 1045.41 5353.35
4/11/2009 4539.91 1046.5 5444.23
5/11/2009 4508.57 1066.63 5480.92
6/11/2009 4594.77 1069.3 5488.25
9/11/2009 4675.28 1093.08 5619.72
10/11/2009 4733.95 1093.01 5613.2
11/11/2009 4757.52 1098.51 5668.35
12/11/2009 4748.47 1087.24 5663.96
13/11/2009 4707.82 1093.48 5686.83
16/11/2009 4756.15 1109.3 5804.82
17/11/2009 4730.34 1110.32 5778.43
18/11/2009 4739.75 1109.8 5787.61
19/11/2009 4749.77 1094.9 5702.18
20/11/2009 4686.86 1091.38 5663.15
23/11/2009 4717.98 1106.24 5801.48
24/11/2009 4686.43 1105.65 5769.31
25/11/2009 4722.86 1110.63 5803.02
26/11/2009 4709.95 1110.63 5614.17
27/11/2009 4574.22 1091.49 5685.61
30/11/2009 4701.52 1095.63 5625.95
1/12/2009 4719.43 1108.86 5776.61
2/12/2009 4763.35 1109.24 5781.68
3/12/2009 4775.77 1099.92 5770.35
4/12/2009 4704.64 1105.98 5817.65
7/12/2009 4678.3 1103.25 5784.75
8/12/2009 4672.33 1091.94 5688.58
9/12/2009 4638.93 1095.95 5647.84
10/12/2009 4607.37 1102.35 5709.02
11/12/2009 4635.65 1106.41 5756.29
14/12/2009 4654 1114.11 5802.26
15/12/2009 4673.67 1107.93 5811.34
16/12/2009 4661.6 1109.18 5903.43
17/12/2009 4670.1 1096.08 5844.44
18/12/2009 4649.39 1102.47 5831.21
21/12/2009 4634.18 1114.05 5930.53
22/12/2009 4702.52 1118.02 5945.69
23/12/2009 4736.92 1120.59 5957.44
24/12/2009 4788.06 1126.48 5957.44
25/12/2009 4788.06 1126.48 5957.44
28/12/2009 4788.06 1127.78 6002.92
29/12/2009 4842.85 1126.2 6011.55
30/12/2009 4831.36 1126.42 5957.43
31/12/2009 4868.2 1115.1 5957.43
1/01/2010 4868.2 1115.1 5957.43
4/01/2010 4874.29 1132.99 6048.3
5/01/2010 4922.6 1136.52 6031.86
6/01/2010 4920.72 1137.14 6034.33
7/01/2010 4899.66 1141.69 6019.36
8/01/2010 4912.02 1144.98 6037.61
11/01/2010 4950.25 1146.98 6040.5
12/01/2010 4899.7 1136.22 5943
13/01/2010 4868.47 1145.68 5963.14
14/01/2010 4897.71 1148.46 5988.88
15/01/2010 4899.16 1136.03 5875.97
18/01/2010 4910.02 1136.03 5918.55
19/01/2010 4860.68 1150.23 5976.48
20/01/2010 4866.92 1138.04 5851.53
21/01/2010 4825.16 1116.48 5746.97
22/01/2010 4748.51 1091.76 5695.32
25/01/2010 4716.07 1096.78 5631.37
26/01/2010 4716.07 1092.17 5668.93
27/01/2010 4643.07 1097.5 5643.2
28/01/2010 4671.51 1084.53 5540.33
29/01/2010 4567.85 1073.87 5608.79
1/02/2010 4519.78 1089.19 5654.48
2/02/2010 4601.64 1103.32 5709.66
3/02/2010 4643.84 1097.28 5672.09
4/02/2010 4616.86 1063.11 5533.24
5/02/2010 4508.74 1066.19 5434.34
8/02/2010 4516.03 1056.74 5484.85
9/02/2010 4498.78 1070.52 5498.26
10/02/2010 4507.42 1068.13 5536.37
11/02/2010 4549.47 1078.47 5503.93
12/02/2010 4558.41 1075.51 5500.39
15/02/2010 4540.85 1075.51 5511.1
16/02/2010 4562.72 1094.87 5592.12
17/02/2010 4662.13 1099.51 5648.34
18/02/2010 4649.19 1106.75 5680.41
19/02/2010 4629.54 1109.17 5722.05
22/02/2010 4711.28 1108.01 5688.44
23/02/2010 4711.93 1094.6 5604.07
24/02/2010 4642.88 1105.24 5615.51
25/02/2010 4588.5 1102.94 5532.33
26/02/2010 4631.09 1104.49 5598.46
1/03/2010 4679.14 1115.71 5713.51
2/03/2010 4694.54 1118.31 5776.56
3/03/2010 4727.61 1118.79 5817.88
4/03/2010 4742.7 1122.97 5795.32
5/03/2010 4759.05 1138.7 5877.36
8/03/2010 4800.57 1138.5 5875.91
9/03/2010 4812.82 1140.45 5885.89
10/03/2010 4812.98 1145.61 5936.72
11/03/2010 4807.29 1150.24 5928.63
12/03/2010 4811.54 1149.99 5945.11
15/03/2010 4777.87 1150.51 5903.56
16/03/2010 4790.56 1159.46 5970.99
17/03/2010 4846.04 1166.21 6024.28
18/03/2010 4856.06 1165.83 6012.31
19/03/2010 4865.63 1159.9 5982.43
22/03/2010 4823.58 1165.81 5987.5
23/03/2010 4867.47 1174.17 6017.27
24/03/2010 4883.89 1167.72 6039
25/03/2010 4877.32 1165.73 6132.95
26/03/2010 4888.05 1166.59 6120.05
29/03/2010 4888.62 1173.22 6156.85
30/03/2010 4907.95 1173.27 6142.45
31/03/2010 4868.4 1169.43 6153.55
1/04/2010 4900.4 1178.1 6235.56
2/04/2010 4900.4 1178.1 6235.56
5/04/2010 4900.4 1187.44 6235.56
6/04/2010 4946.4 1189.44 6252.21
7/04/2010 4953.66 1182.45 6222.41
8/04/2010 4930.79 1186.44 6171.83
9/04/2010 4941.06 1194.37 6249.7
12/04/2010 4977.79 1196.48 6250.69
13/04/2010 4945.51 1197.3 6230.83
14/04/2010 4987.79 1210.65 6278.4
15/04/2010 4995.04 1211.67 6291.45
16/04/2010 4978.26 1192.13 6180.9
19/04/2010 4909.63 1197.52 6162.44
20/04/2010 4919.88 1207.17 6264.23
21/04/2010 4948.84 1205.94 6230.38
22/04/2010 4902.88 1208.67 6168.72
23/04/2010 4877.21 1217.28 6259.53
26/04/2010 4877.21 1212.05 6332.1
27/04/2010 4875.89 1183.71 6159.51
28/04/2010 4818.41 1191.36 6084.34
29/04/2010 4781.06 1206.78 6144.91
30/04/2010 4801.96 1186.69 6135.7
3/05/2010 4779.39 1202.26 6166.92
4/05/2010 4730 1173.6 6006.86
5/05/2010 4666.66 1165.9 5958.45
6/05/2010 4567.05 1128.15 5908.26
7/05/2010 4474.56 1110.88 5715.09
10/05/2010 4592.91 1159.73 6017.91
11/05/2010 4542.12 1155.79 6037.71
12/05/2010 4567.28 1171.67 6183.49
13/05/2010 4646.71 1157.44 6251.97
14/05/2010 4605.86 1135.68 6056.71
Current code:
Rebase3 =
FIRSTDATE ( ALLSELECTED ('Equity Markets (2)'[Date]) ) )
VAR VALUE_TO_COMPARE = SUM ('Equity Markets (2)'[Value])
I simplified your names, and used only S&P500 (second index) column as an example - others will work the same way.
Create a measure:
Rebased S&P500 =
Original_Value =
CALCULATE ( SUM ( Data[SP500] ), FIRSTDATE ( ALLSELECTED ( Data[Date] ) ) )
Current_Value = SUM ( Data[SP500] )
DIVIDE ( Current_Value, Original_Value )
Result (I used Power Pivot table, but charts in Power BI will work the same way):
How it works:
First, it must be a measure. As mentioned in the comments, calculated columns are essentially static data, they can't respond to user actions.
Second, to calculate original value you must know the first date in the selected range of dates. This is accomplished by using ALLSELECTED, which provides a list of all selected dates to function FIRSTDATE.
Finally, we just divide current value by original value. No need to use CALCULATE here.
Thanks for mentioning you're a novice, you've created some well known novice mistakes in here.
The first one is the use of a VAR. This is very important, and it's also counter-intuitive. Once you define a VAR it is actually a constant and it's not going to change by the user's selection!. The reason for that is that you lose the context (all the queries in DAX exists in a context). The solution is to define a MEASURE. Once you do that you can work out the issues. That's why you get garbage results.
The good news is once you've managed to understand this you pretty much work out the hardest hurdle in DAX.
I'm curious if this is the correct method to use the like operator when using queryExecute() in a cfscript function.
if( len(arguments?.lastName) ){
local.sqlWhere & = " AND t_lastname LIKE :lName";
local.sqlParams.lName = { value : arguments.lastName & '%', cfsqltype:'cf_sql_varchar'};
Is it just appended like a string with & '%'?
I've just go through your issue. In coldfusion & symbol always concatenation the two string. So we could not able to use like that. Here I've wrote some sample code for you please check that. I hope it will more help full to wrote a script based query.
local.MyQry = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE 1=1 ";
I've used same condition from you. Not sure about your conditions
if( len(arguments?.lastName) ){
local.MyQry &= " AND Email like :email"
Here concatenate the query with previous one if the condition is true. And mentioned :(colon as we are going to use as queryparam)
local.qry = new Query( datasource = 'your DB name' , sql = Local.MyQry);
if( len(arguments?.lastName) ){
local.qry.addParam( name="email", value="", cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar");
return local.qry.execute();
You can give the % symbol here based on your scenario . Ex or
I hope this will help you more. Thanks
I have this google script for google sheets that moves rows of data from "Sheet1" to "Sheet2" when column 15 says "tracking", and it works perfectly fine when I type in "tracking" but I would like that column to be an IF equation something like IF(G:G="tracking not available at this time","","tracking"). But the code does not seem to recognize the formula change from "" to "tracking". Do I need to change the getvalue()? Or is there a different workaround to this issue? I've used =query(importrange) withing the spreadsheet to copy over data with a trigger word, but I really want this to be more of an archive system and add a row to the bottom of "Sheet2" whenever row15 on "sheet1"Thanks! Here is the code:
function onEdit(event) {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var s = event.source.getActiveSheet();
var r = event.source.getActiveRange();
if(s.getName() == "Sheet1" && r.getColumn() == 14 && r.getValue() == "tracking") {
var row = r.getRow();
var numColumns = s.getLastColumn();
var targetSheet = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet2");
if(targetSheet.getLastRow() == targetSheet.getMaxRows()) {
targetSheet.insertRowsAfter(targetSheet.getLastRow(), 20);
var target = targetSheet.getRange(targetSheet.getLastRow() + 1, 1);
s.getRange(row, 1, 1, numColumns).moveTo(target);
I had an issue with this recently
I spent about 3 hours debugging something yesterday and this was the culprit.
try using r.getDisplayValue() instead of r.getValue
I am still new to this myself, and feel free to correct me if I am wrong, because if there is a different reason I would really love to know!!!
It seems that if a value in a cell is not typed in but placed there through a formula such as =query() or a similar method, I don't think it actually sees that there is a value in the cell. (I got null values or the formula itself)
If you use getDisplayValue, it "should" get the value that you actually see in the cell.
The correct way to get formulas, instead of displayed values, is with getFormulas rather than getValues
Trying to sort this list from lowest (399||1) to highest value (11064||2) while conserving the provided data format to be reused in an API loop request.
As you can see below, sorted() is not working as (I) expected. This is Python 2.7.
It looks like it sorts in pieces. Why would 1000-1100 come before 300-700, and then 8000? I cannot find this same issue posted anywhere.
sorted_d = sorted(d)
print sorted_d
[u'1053||1', u'1092||2', u'1093||1', u'1094||1', u'1094||2', u'1095||1',
u'1095||2', u'1096||7', u'1096||8', u'1097||7', u'1097||8', u'11064||1',
u'11064||2', u'399||1', u'412||1', u'412||2', u'413||1', u'414||1',
u'434||2', u'616||1', u'617||1', u'618||1', u'619||1', u'620||1', u'621||1',
u'622||1', u'727||1', u'8096||1', u'8097||1', u'8099||1', u'8101||1',
u'8105||1', u'8112||1', u'8113||1', u'8140||1', u'8141||1', u'8142||1',
u'8143||1', u'8144||1', u'8146||2', u'8150||1', u'8152||1', u'8153||1',
u'8154||1', u'8157||1', u'8158||1', u'8159||1', u'8160||1', u'8161||1',
u'8162||1', u'8163||1', u'8164||1', u'8165||1', u'8166||1', u'8167||1',
u'8168||1', u'8169||1', u'8170||1', u'8171||1', u'8172||1', u'8173||1',
u'8174||1', u'8175||1', u'8184||2', u'8184||3', u'8185||2', u'8185||3',
u'8186||5', u'8186||6', u'8187||1', u'8188||2', u'8190||2', u'8191||1']
Assistance greatly appreciated.
You could also split the strings on the || and specify the first part as the key parameter
sorted_d = sorted(d, key = lambda x: int(x.split('||')[0]))
print sorted_d
[u'399||1', u'412||1', u'412||2', u'413||1', u'414||1', u'434||2', u'616||1', u'617||1', u'618||1', u'619||1', u'620||1', u'621||1', u'622||1', u'727||1', u'1053||1', u'1092||2', u'1093||1', u'1094||1', u'1094||2', u'1095||1', u'1095||2', u'1096||7', u'1096||8', u'1097||7', u'1097||8', u'8096||1', u'8097||1', u'8099||1', u'8101||1', u'8105||1', u'8112||1', u'8113||1', u'8140||1', u'8141||1', u'8142||1', u'8143||1', u'8144||1', u'8146||2', u'8150||1', u'8152||1', u'8153||1', u'8154||1', u'8157||1', u'8158||1', u'8159||1', u'8160||1', u'8161||1', u'8162||1', u'8163||1', u'8164||1', u'8165||1', u'8166||1', u'8167||1', u'8168||1', u'8169||1', u'8170||1', u'8171||1', u'8172||1', u'8173||1', u'8174||1', u'8175||1', u'8184||2', u'8184||3', u'8185||2', u'8185||3', u'8186||5', u'8186||6', u'8187||1', u'8188||2', u'8190||2', u'8191||1', u'11064||1', u'11064||2']
Because it's treating your '1053||1' data as strings and sorting as a string type instead of as a numeric value. So it effectively is sorting in this type of manner, ascending:
I am trying to write an update statement for inserting data from gridview to sql server 2005 database.but it is showing me an error, Please tell me how to solve.
cmdUpdate.CommandText = String.Format("Update Products SET ProductName=
{0},UnitsInStock={1},UnitsOnOrder={2},ReorderLevel={3} WHERE ProductID={4} AND
SupplierID={5}", "productname.Text, unitsinstock.Text, unitsonorder.Text,
recorderlevel.Text, employeeid.Text, supplierid.Text");
Error is-
Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size of the argument list.
Your syntax for string.Format is incorrect - each parameter after the string template should be on their own, without the double quotes surrounding them all...
This will work (notice I've removed the double quotes from just before 'productname.Text' and after 'supplierid.Text'):
String.Format("Update Products SET ProductName={0}, UnitsInStock={1}, UnitsOnOrder={2}, ReorderLevel={3} WHERE ProductID={4} AND SupplierID={5}",
productname.Text, unitsinstock.Text, unitsonorder.Text,
recorderlevel.Text, employeeid.Text, supplierid.Text);
You missed the arguments,
For instance,
str=String.Format("{0} {1}",arg1,arg2);
Do not use hard-coded sql strings. Try to learn/use parameterized queries.
string ConnectionString = "put_connection_string";
using (SqlConnection con = new SqlConnection(ConnectionString))
using (SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand())
string sql = "Update Products SET
WHERE ProductID=ProductID AND SupplierID=#SupplierID";
cmd.CommandText = sql;
cmd.Connection = con;
cmd.Parameters.Add("#ProductName", System.Data.SqlDbType.VarChar, 50).Value =productname.Text;
cmd.Parameters.Add("#UnitsInStock", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int).Value =unitsinstock.Text;
cmd.Parameters.Add("#UnitsOnOrder", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int).Value =unitsonorder.Text;
cmd.Parameters.Add("#ReorderLevel ", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int).Value =recorderlevel.Text;
cmd.Parameters.Add("#ProductID", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int).Value =producteid.Text;
cmd.Parameters.Add("#SupplierID", System.Data.SqlDbType.Int).Value =supplierid.Text;
EDIT: What is C# using block?
If the type implements IDisposable, it automatically disposes it
Provides a convenient syntax that ensures the correct use of IDisposable objects.
Avoiding Problems with the Using Statement