We are using API-Umbrella static html pages and have customized the index.html with our org logo. We would like to email the API Key and not display it on the API Key Signup page (similar to data.gov). The static-web folder does not provide an handle to control the response we get back and protect the token. How do we not display the API Key in the User object in the response?
Add the parameters verifyEmail: true, signupConfirmationMessage to
var apiUmbrellaSignupOptions = {
registrationSource: 'web',
apiKey: 'xyz',
verifyEmail: true,
signupConfirmationMessage: 'Signup Confirmation'
I am using Amazon Cognito for user authentication. After the user is registered verification email is sent to his email address. After clicking on the email link he is prompted with this in his browser.
How can I customize this page in order to insert a script that will trigger deep links within the mobile application, and also make the page look bit nicer?
You can do that using Cognito triggers.
You can configure a trigger template to define a message with a link to a page you control.
The assets will be stored at: amplify/backend/auth/<your-resource-name>CustomMessage/assets
The documentation has more details
Cognito allows you to configure your User Pool to send an email to
your users when they attempt to register an account. You can configure
this email to contain a link to Cognito’s Hosted UI where the user’s
account will be marked as confirmed.
This trigger template allows you to define an email message with a
link to a static S3 bucket that you control, where the user’s account
will be confirmed and they can then be redirected to a URL of your
choice (presumably your application). The URL will automatically
contain the username as a query string parameters.
Please note that this trigger template will create an S3 resource. The
files that populate the static site are available for edit in
amplify/backend/auth/CustomMessage/assets. They
consist of:
spinner.js (controls the spinner that appears on the page while users are awaiting confirmation)
verify.js (the script which performs the verification request)
I was not able to customize the verification page provided by AWS. I created my own UI on my page, which sent the generated code to cognito for verification. For that I needed to:
trigger custom email upon registration
put custom link to verification in the email using the codes provided for the lambda
process the codes on my page
send the codes and username through aws package
Step 1.
In AWS Cognito User Pool, customize workflow with triggers, choose "Custom Message". The triggerSource for verification that I check for are:
event.triggerSource === 'CustomMessage_SignUp' || event.triggerSource === 'CustomMessage_ResendCode'
You can see other trigger sources for CustomMessage here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cognito/latest/developerguide/user-pool-lambda-custom-message.html
Step 2. The lambda provides parameters for verification for my users: event.request.userAttributes.sub and event.request.codeParameter. Using these to I constructed a link to my page like so:
Step 3. On my page, I check if the url params for user_name and confirmation_code are present, and display a modal which is supposed to inform the user if the verification went correctly or not.
Using a package "amazon-cognito-identity-js" I process the code and user_name. First I create the user pool:
import { CognitoUserPool } from 'amazon-cognito-identity-js';
//Aws-cognito credentials
const poolData = {
export default new CognitoUserPool(poolData);
Then to process the code I create a user instance:
import { CognitoUser } from 'amazon-cognito-identity-js';
import UserPool from 'utils/UserPool';
const getUser = () => {
return new CognitoUser({
Username: user_name.toLowerCase(),
Pool: UserPool,
// After that you can process the code:
getUser().confirmRegistration(code, false, function (err, result) {
if (err) {
if (
err.message === 'User cannot be confirmed. Current status is CONFIRMED'
) {
// Handle already confirmed error
} else {
// Handle other errors you want
// Handle successful verification
The account is verified and you can guide the user to the login page or any other.
I want to set basic Authorization in Postman using environment variable. Because I have different authorization username and password for the different API calls.
I set my postman according to below:
In Authorization Tab: I've selected No Auth
In Header Tab: Key=Authorization Value= Basic{{MyAuthorization}}
In Body Tab:
"UserName": "{{UserName}}",
"ServiceUrl": "{{ServiceUrl}}"
//which set it from the envitonment variable
In Pre-request Tab:
// Require the crypto-js module
var CryptoJS = require("crypto-js");
// Parse the `username` and `password` environment variables
let credsParsed = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(`${pm.environment.get('admin')}:${pm.environment.get('admin')}`);
// Base64 encoded the parsed value
let credsEncoded = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(credsParsed);
// Set the valuse as an environment variable and use in the request
pm.environment.set('MyAuthorization', credsEncoded);
In Test Tab:
var jsonData = JSON.parse(responseBody);
postman.setEnvironmentVariable("LoginInfoID", jsonData.First.LoginInfoID);
Then I've sent the request and got unauthorized.
After that, I've set auth type to basic auth with username and password
it's working fine and I got what I wanted from the response.
Another way which worked for me:
Set up environment variables for 'username' and 'password', and save
In the Authorization tab of the request, select Basic Auth
In the Username field, enter {{username}}
For the Password field, click "Show Password", and enter {{password}}
Hope this helps others :)
You could use cryptp-js in a Pre-request Script with a very crude solution like this:
// Require the crypto-js module
var CryptoJS = require("crypto-js");
// Parse the `username` and `password` environment variables
let credsParsed = CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse(`${pm.environment.get('username')}:${pm.environment.get('password')}`);
// Base64 encoded the parsed value
let credsEncoded = CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(credsParsed);
// Set the valuse as an environment variable and use in the request
pm.environment.set('authCreds', credsEncoded);
You could add your credentials to a set of different environment files, under the key username and password.
In the request, just set the Header like this:
You can also set those at the Collection / Sub-folder level so you're not repeating yourself in each request.
It's one way you could achieve this but there will be other ways too.
I am trying to get a Facebook page feed through Google app script.
As of now I tried different scripts but I am getting only app token with the request and if i change it with a usertoken from graph api I got messages but no images and titles
How to get the user token and get the correct fields for as a json ,
var url = 'https://graph.facebook.com'
+ '/love.to.traavel/feed'
+ '?access_token='+ encodeURIComponent(getToken());
// + '?access_token=' + service.getAccessToken();
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, {'muteHttpExceptions': true});
var json = response.getContentText();
var jsondata = JSON.parse(json);
Logger.log(jsondata); //check this and adjust following for loop and ht
var posts = {};
for (var i in jsondata) {
posts[i] = {"post":jsondata[i].message};
return posts;
You should use a Page Token, not a User Token
You need to ask for fields you want to get, with the fields parameter: https://graph.facebook.com/love.to.traavel/feed?fields=field1,field2,...&access_token=xxx
You get a user token by authorizing your App: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/facebook-login/platforms
Be aware that extended user tokens are valid for 60 days only, so you have to refresh it once in a while. There is no user token that is valid forever. You cannot authorize through code only, it needs user interaction. The easiest way is to just generate a user token by selecting your App in the API Explorer and authorize it, like you did already. Then hardcode it in the script code.
Alternatively, you can try implementing this with the manual login flow, check out the docs for that. You can try adding the functionality using this for a custom interface where you go through the login process: https://developers.google.com/apps-script/guides/html/
Since you don´t own the page, you should read this too: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/apps/review/feature/#reference-PAGES_ACCESS
I want to pass info to React about the current authenticated user within an app that only uses social authentication on the backend (that is processed by social_django). All of my user and user token info is stored within django REST, and to access the tokens, I normally have to send POST requests to rest_framework.authtoken's obtain_auth_token view. My django root urls.py file looks like:
from rest_framework.authtoken.views import obtain_auth_token
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^obtain-auth-token/$', obtain_auth_token),
However, in order to actually get the auth tokens associated with the users in my database, I need to supply the username and password within my POST request. Social authentication automatically creates new users without assigning any passwords, so how do I get those tokens?
Have you got this working? If no, here is what I did. Hope it helps.
My Setup:
Django with Postgres
Django Rest Framework for REST API implementation
Python Social Auth (PSA) for Social Authentication (For now using Google+ libraries)
Reactjs frontend
While using Login for login, it translates to /login/google-plus/. This not only get's the acess_token but also creates a "social user" in your database. I used oauth 2.0 client side libraries in my case and roughly followed this approach to fetch the google user object with all the details on the client side. I replaced form in above link with ajax call which is more flexible and gives control to me to access tokens and other information necessary. The ajax call here ensures creation of social user in social auth table within the database.
<script type="text/javascript">
gapi.load('auth2', function () {
let auth2;
auth2 = gapi.auth2.init({
client_id: "YOUR CLIENT ID",
scope: "profile",
cookie_policy: 'single_host_origin'
auth2.then(function () {
let button = document.getElementById("google-plus-button");
auth2.attachClickHandler(button, {}, function (googleUser) {
// Send access-token to backend to finish the authenticate
// with your application
let authResponse = googleUser.getAuthResponse();
"type": "POST",
"url": "/complete/google-plus/",
"data": {
"access_token": authResponse.access_token,
"CSRF": "{% csrf_token %}"
// Your success code
Once you fetch the access_tokens you can store them in browser local storage till the user logs out. On log out you can delete them.
This method works well for me for the setup I mentioned. Also the problem of querying /obtain-auth-token with username and password is not there at all.
Would definitely be interested to know if there are other ways of accessing social auth tokens from PSA django. Cheers!
i'm developing a FB app.
The app is authenticating within a canvas page, redirect to OAuth Dialog upon page load
if(!isset($data['user_id']) && $data['page']['liked']){ ?>
var oauth_url = 'https://www.facebook.com/dialog/oauth/';
oauth_url += '?client_id=XXXX';
oauth_url += '&redirect_uri=' + encodeURIComponent('https://apps.facebook.com/YYYY/');
window.top.location = oauth_url;
When the user authenticate i just need to read the Name of the User, but i can't find that info into the signed_request.
What am i doing wrong?
You need to do the following steps:
Decode the signed request as mentioned here.
Extract the access token.
Make a new request with the extracted access token to retrieve the user's name.