Reverse every second list of lists in Prolog - list

I have a list containing lists and I want to reverse every second list in it. I tried something but if I have odd number of elements in the list the last list element is lost... So the best solution would be to put the odd lists first and the even lists second till every second list is reversed.
I can't use any libraries. I need to do it recursively or split them and append them again. The best thing I made so far was to reverse only the first even list and append the first odd and even list in a new list.
I tried to do this:
reverselist(List, [List]).
reverselist([X,Y|Rest], [SnakeList|Rest2]):-
append(X, [], Odd),
reverse(Y, EvenList),
append(Odd, EvenList, SnakeList),
reverselist(Rest, Rest2).
And this:
reverselist(List1, List2).
reverselist([H|Ts], [Odd|R]):-
not(0 is H mod 2),
append(H, [], Odd),
reverselist(Ts, R).
reverselist([H|Ts], [Even|R]):-
0 is H mod 2,
reverse(H, Even),
reverselist(Ts, R).
Sample query:
?- reverselist([[a,b,c],[d,a,b],[c,d,o],[b,c,d],[e,e,d]], List).
I want the result to be:
List = [ [a,b,c],[b,a,d],[c,d,o],[d,c,b],[e,e,d] ].

You can also write mutual recursion:
reverselist2([H|T],[H1|T1]):-reverse(H,H1), reverselist(T,T1).

You were pretty close with your first variant.
Instead of your
reverselist(List, [List]).
reverselist([X,Y|Rest], [SnakeList|Rest2]):-
append(X, [], Odd),
reverse(Y, EvenList),
append(Odd, EvenList, SnakeList),
reverselist(Rest, Rest2).
just tweak it as
reverselist([], []). % additional clause
reverselist([List], [List]).
reverselist([X,Y|Rest], [X,EvenList|Rest2]):-
reverse( Y, EvenList),
reverselist( Rest, Rest2).
All three clauses are mutually exclusive and together they are exhaustive, i.e. they cover every possibility.
I believe this definition to be the most immediate and close representation of your problem. In Prolog, to formulate the problem means to have the solution for it.

We need to create another predicate with one more argument to keep track of odd or even position:
reverselist(InList,OutList):- reverselist(InList,OutList, 0).
reverselist([],[],_). %base case
%case of even position
reverselist([H|T],[H|T1], 0):- reverselist(T,T1,1).
%case of odd position
reverselist([H|T],[H1|T1], 1):- reverse(H1,H), reverselist(T,T1,0).


Counting how many elements in a list of lists satisfy a predicate

Given a list of lists of integers, e.g. [[3,10],[3,10,2],[5],[5,2],[5,3],[5,3,2],[5,3,10]], I want to go over each sublist and count how many of them sum to 15. In this case that would be 1, for the sublist [3,10,2].
I am aware of the predicate aggregate_all/3, but I'm having trouble writing a predicate to check each element of the list, what I have now is something like
fifteens([X|Xs]) :-
sum_list(X, 15),
and within another predicate I have:
aggregate_all(count, fifteens(Combinations), Value).
where Combinations is the list of lists of integers in question.
I know my fifteens predicate is flawed since it's saying that all elements of the nested list must sum to 15, but to fix this how do I take out each element of Combinations and check those individually? Do I even need to? Thanks.
First of all your fifteens/2 predicate has no because for empty list and thus it will always fails because due to the recursion eventually fifteens([]) will be called and fail.
Also you need to change completely the definition of fifteens, currently even if you add base case, it says check ALL elements-sublists to see if they sum to 15. That's Ok but I don't see how you could use it with aggregate.
To use aggregate/3 you need to express with fifteens/2, something like: for every part of my combinations list check separately each sublist i.e each member:
ifteens(L) :-
sum_list(X, 15).
Now trying:
?- aggregate_all(count, ifteens([[3,10],[3,10,2],[5],[5,2],[5,3],[5,3,2],[5,3,10]]), Value).
Value = 1.
This is a job for ... foldl/4. Functional programming idioms in logic programming languages? Yes, we can!
First, summing the summable values of a list:
sum_them(List,Sum) :-
sum_goal(Element,FromLeft,ToRight) :-
ToRight is Element+FromLeft.
Then, counting the ones that sum to 15:
count_them(List,Count) :-
count_goal(Element,FromLeft,ToRight) :-
sum_them(Element,15) -> succ(FromLeft,ToRight) ; FromLeft = ToRight.
Does it work? Let's write some unit tests:
:- begin_tests(fifteen_with_foldl).
test("first test",true(R==1)) :-
test("test on empty",true(R==0)) :-
test("test with 2 hist",true(R==2)) :-
:- end_tests(fifteen_with_foldl).
And so:
% PL-Unit: fifteen_with_foldl ... done
% All 3 tests passed

Best way to remove the first elements from each list in a list of lists in Prolog?

I am trying to remove the first element of every list in a list of lists.
For example, to list [[1,2],[3,4]], I should return [[2],[4]].
In most situations, this code below will work fine:
remove_firstElem([[_H|T]|Ls],[T|L]) :-
But for lists like [[1],[2]], I would like it to return [] rather than [[],[]].
What I tried so far looks like:
remove_firstElem([_H|Ls],L) :-
But it returns [ ],[[ ]],[[ ]],[[ ],[ ]] and I really don't know what's wrong with it.
Can anyone help me to fix it? Thanks for any help!
If I understand it correctly, you want to pop the head of the list, but in case the list contains only one element (or none at all), that list should be removed.
We can check if the sublist contains at least two elements with the pattern:
pop_lists([[_,H2|T]|TA],[[H2|T]|TB]) :-
so here we have a pattern [_,H2|T] for the first list. The _ binds with the first element, H2 with the second element, and the remaining elements with the tail.
Lists that can not unify with that pattern are the empty list, or a list with one element. So in that case we simply ignore them:
pop_lists([[]|TA],TB) :-
pop_lists([[_]|TA],TB) :-
In case we reach the end of the list, of course we unify the filter with the empty list as well:
we better put this clause on the first line to make our predicate more multidirectional. So in full, we have the following solution:
pop_list([[_,H2|T]|TA],[[H2|T]|TB]) :-
pop_list([[]|TA],TB) :-
pop_list([[_]|TA],TB) :-
We can further reorder the statements, such that the amount of backtracking is less:
pop_list([[]|TA],TB) :-
pop_list([[_]|TA],TB) :-
pop_list([[_,H2|T]|TA],[[H2|T]|TB]) :-
Easier way:
list_tail([_|Es], Es).
maplist(list_tail, Input, Output).

Get "real" prefixes/suffixes/infixes in Prolog

the Prolog notation of prefix/suffix is a quite easy one:
It pretty much puts all the work on append.
For those who don't know:
Now this means, that the result for prefix(X,[a,b,c,d]).
will be: X=[];X=[a];X=[a,b];X=[a,b,c];X=[a,b,c,d]
Here is my problem with this: I want a "real" prefix. Hence, a prefix cannot be empty, nor can the part following it be empty.
So the result to the query prefix(X,[a,b,c,d]). should be
and that's it.
Unfortunately, the real beaty of the standard-built in prefix predicate is, that it can use the termination of append, which is append([],Y,Y).
So it is pretty easy to know when to stop, picking the list apart one by one till the list is empty.
My termination means: Stop if there is exactly one element left in your list.
How do I do this?
My naive result would be:
This feels wrong though. I'm at work so I haven't checked if this actually works, but it should:
Is there any more convenient way to do this?
Same goes for suffix, which will be even harder since you do not have a way to adress the Tail as specific as the Head, I guess I'd just reverse the whole thing and then call prefix on it.
Infix will just be a combination of two.
I hope it is clear what I mean. Thanks for your input!
tl;dr: How to write a predicate prefix/2 which only filters real prefixes, so the prefix itself can not be empty, nor can the list followed by it be empty.
For the real prefix, you can try to do it like this:
list_prefix(List, [H|T]) :-
append([H|T], [_|_], List).
This just says that the first argument must have at least one element, and the rest of the list must have at least one element.
And following the suggestion by #false to make it more explicit:
list_real_prefix(List, Prefix) :-
Prefix = [_|_],
Rest = [_|_],
append(Prefix, Rest, List).
The "real" suffix will be exactly the same:
list_real_suffix(List, Suffix) :-
Front = [_|_],
Suffix = [_|_],
append(Front, Suffix, List).
You can also use a DCG for this, which is descriptive:
list_prefix(P) --> non_empty_seq(P), non_empty_seq(_).
non_empty_seq([X]) --> [X].
non_empty_seq([X|Xs]) --> [X], non_empty_seq(Xs).
| ?- phrase(list_pref(P), [a,b,c,d]).
P = [a] ? a
P = [a,b]
P = [a,b,c]
| ?-
You can define the suffix similarly:
list_suffix(S) --> non_empty_seq(_), non_empty_seq(S).

Inserting value into the begining of each sublist

I'm currently writing a predicate that will run through a list of lists and insert a value I have calculated onto the beginning of the list
Step one is easy, just perform the calculation for each list and unify variable N with it.
What I'm trying to achieve now is to put that variable N onto the beginning of each of my sublists, so each list begins with the count of valid entries.
I have attempted to do this using an accumulator. Attempting to start with an empty list, and to every time add the new value N and the head of the list to it:
Newsofar is [N,H|Sofar],
I'm quite sure I'm making a really stupid mistake somewhere along the lines. This is not valid Prolog syntax, failing with Arithmetic:' [2 internal variables]' is not a function.
Does anyone have any tips please?
Using meta-predicate maplist/3 and Prolog lambda simply write:
?- use_module(library(lambda)).
?- maplist(\Es^[N|Es]^count_validentries(Es,N), Ess, Xss).
Also, I'd guess that you're really looking for (-)/2 pairs which is how key-value pairs are commonly represented—by library predicates and the built-in predicate keysort/2. Consider:
?- Ess = [[a,b,c],[d,e],[],[f]],
maplist(\Es^(N-Es)^length(Es,N), Ess, Xss),
keysort(Xss, Yss).
Ess = [ [a,b,c], [d,e], [], [f]],
Xss = [3-[a,b,c], 2-[d,e], 0-[], 1-[f]],
Yss = [0-[], 1-[f], 2-[d,e], 3-[a,b,c]].
but you'll end up with the list reversed. Keeping it simpler will help
or better, if you're running a recent version of SWI-Prolog:
checkthrough(L,L1) :-
maplist([E,E1]>>(count_validentries(E,N),E1=[N|E]), L,L1).

Merge alternate elements from two lists in Prolog

I need to write a Prolog predicate mergealt(X,Y,Z) that succeeds if the list Z is a merger of alternate elements from the lists X and Y.
The input and output will like below:
?- mergealt([1,2,3,4],[6,7,8],Z).
Z = [1, 7, 3] .
?- mergealt([1,2,3,4],[6,7,8,9],Z).
Z = [1, 7, 3, 9] .
?- mergealt([1,2,3,4],[6,7,8,9,10],Z).
Z = [1, 7, 3, 9] .
I don't really understand recursion. How can I get started on this problem?
Prolog can be considered the 'flagman' of declarative languages.
So try to describe your problem, top down:
mergealt(X, Y, Z) :-
'take first element from X and put it in Z',
'discard first element from Y',
'mergealt rest-of-X and rest-of-Y, but exchange them'.
First step can't be accomplished if there are no elements in X.
This fact highlights the recursion termination case. Originally, Prolog didn't used if then else, instead alternatives are stated as different rules:
mergealt([], _Y, []).
Here you can see that pattern matching on first argument it's the key to distinguish alternatives, and contextually, Z get bound to an empty list. Y is unused, so it's marked as anonymus place holder, just to avoid a warning.
Then this simpler case suggests that we should use pattern matching to accomplish those verbose descriptions. See if you can complete the procedure with these guidelines:
mergealt([X|Xs], Y, [X|Zs]) :-
% take first element from X and put it in Z : done in the head
% discard first element from Y : see below
% mergealt rest-of-X and rest-of-Y, but exchange them'. : make your recursive call
discard_first_element([_|Rest], Rest).
% why is this necessary? do you see where it fails if we don't specify this case?
discard_first_element([], []).
Notice that the result always starts with the first element of the first list.
This means that, if the first list is empty, you know the answer right away.
Also notice that, if it isn't empty, we already know the first item of the result, so we need to use mergealt to compute the rest. But "the rest" will have the second item of the second list as the first item of the result, and as we said above, that means that a call to mergealt to compute it would have to have that be the first item of the first list (yeah, this is the tricky part).