django cookiecutter compile sass in docker - django

I am running cookiecutter-django locally with docker. How do I compile the sass?
I run the app by doing $ docker-compose --file local.yml up. When I edit the source code template files the web app reflects those changes at http://localhost:8000
When I edit static/sass/project.scss the site does not get the new css rules.
I tried running $ docker-compose --file local.yml run --rm npm install but I get the message ERROR: No such service: npm.
Resources that might help:

The service name (from the docker-compose file is node.
The command should be $ docker-compose --file local.yml run --rm node npm install


Docker with Serverless- files not getting packaged to container

I have a Serverless application using Localstack, I am trying to get fully running via Docker.
I have a docker-compose file that starts localstack for me.
version: '3.1'
image: localstack/localstack:latest
- EDGE_PORT=4566
- SERVICES=lambda,s3,cloudformation,sts,apigateway,iam,route53,dynamodb
- '4566-4597:4566-4597'
- "${TEMPDIR:-/tmp/localstack}:/temp/localstack"
- "/var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock"
When I run docker-compose up then deploy my application to localstack using SLS deploy everything works as expected. Although I want docker to run everything for me so I will run a Docker command and it will start localstack and deploy my service to it.
I have added a Dockerfile to my project and have added this
FROM node:16-alpine
RUN apk update
RUN npm install -g serverless; \
npm install -g serverless-localstack;
CMD ["sls","deploy", "--host", "" ]
I then run docker build -t serverless/docker . followed by docker run -p 49160:3000 serverless/docker but am receiving the following error
This command can only be run in a Serverless service directory. Make sure to reference a valid config file in the current working directory if you're using a custom config file
I guess this is what would happen if I tried to run SLS deploy in the incorrect folder. So I have logged into the docker container and cannot see my app that i want to run there, what am i missing in dockerfile that is needed to package it up?
Execute the pwd command inside the container while running it. Try
docker run -it serverless/docker pwd
The error showing, sls not able to find the config file in the current working directory. Either add your config file to your current working directory (Include this copying in Dockerfile) or copy it to specific location in container and pass --config in CMD (sls deploy --config)
This command can only be run in a Serverless service directory. Make
sure to reference a valid config file in the current working directory
Be sure that you have serverless installed
Once installed create a service
% sls create --template aws-nodejs --path myService
cd to folder with the file, serverless.yml
% cd myService
This will deploy the function to AWS Lambda
% sls deploy

Code navigation lost in VScode with Django + Docker

I could not find the code definition using Ctrl + click when I use Docker + Django in my project, since source code are now in container. How could I configure my VScode to enable code navigation?
Here is some kind of hack that i am using right now. create a virtual environment.
python3 -m venv venv
Activate the virtual environment in terminal using
source venv/bin/activate
now install dependencies from requirements.txt
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
configure IDE with virtual enviornment. this will give you snippets etc. Now run commands inside the container
docker-compose -f local.yml run --rm django python migrate
docker-compose -f local.yml run --rm django python runserver

Elastic Beanstalk - running npm install and webpack on every deployment of Django

I'm trying to use Elastic Beanstalk to deploy my Django server.
My problem is that part of my deployment process is to "npm install" from my package.json, and then executing webpack (npx webpack ..... --output main.js)
How can I do that while maintaining an easy deployment process (eb deploy) and without committing main.js to the repository?
To do it, you'll probably need ebextensions to configure your Elastic Beanstalk environment. Documentation is here.
I recently deploy my Symfony app on ElasticBeanstalk which needed Yarn to execute webpack.
To do it, I created a .config file in which I write the commands to install Yarn and another .config file to run Yarn at each deployment. All .config files are in .ebextensions directory at the root of the project.
command: |
sudo curl --silent --location | sudo bash -
sudo yum -y install nodejs
command: |
sudo wget -O /etc/yum.repos.d/yarn.repo
sudo yum -y install yarn
You can use the container_commands key to execute commands that affect
your application source code. Container commands run after the
application and web server have been set up and the application
version archive has been extracted.
command: |
yarn install
yarn run encore production

django-cookiecutter, docker-compose run: can't type in terminal

I'm having an issue with a project started with django cookiecutter.
To verify that the issue was not with my project, I'm testing on a blank django cookiecutter project.
The issue is that when I run:
docker-compose -f production.yml run --rm django python createsuperuser
I get the prompt but can't type in the terminal.
Same thing when I run:
docker-compose -f production.yml run --rm django python shell
I get the shell prompt, but I can't type.
The app is running on a machine on DigitalOcean created with the docker-machine create command.
Any thoughts on what the issue could be and how I could debug this?
to enable typing in docker-compose terminal, you need to specify the terminal session is interactive on the docker-compose.yml. Because by default, docker console is not interactive.
stdin_open: true
tty: true
bash can be accessed inside the docker container using the following command.
docker-compose -f production.yml exec django bash
This will give you full access to the container of your django server.
There you can run all your normal django commands with full interactivity.
Create Superuser
python createsuperuser
For Local ENV
docker-compose -f local.yml exec django bash

Can't see django site being run in docker container on localhost

I have a django app that I will need to deploy on Amazon's EC2 Container Service. In the meantime, in order to test the deployment, I am trying to deploy it in a docker container locally first, but even when running a simple demo django application, I am unable to see the page at localhost:8000.
Here is my setup.
Create a docker machine:
$ docker-machine create --driver virtualbox testmachine
After this I set up my environment:
$ eval "$(docker-machine env testmachine)"
I set up a Dockerfile for my test container:
FROM ubuntu
RUN echo "deb $(lsb_release -sc) main universe" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
RUN apt-get update
RUN apt-get install python-pip -y
RUN pip install django
RUN mkdir django_test
RUN cd django_test && \ startproject django_test .
Then I call
$ docker build -t dockertest .
... builds successfully
$ docker run -d -i -t -p 8000:8000 dockertest
$ docker attach cbef144ac068eb61b0c3e032448cc207c8f0384a9a67a710df6d9beb26d2ab32
root#cbef144ac068:/# cd django_test
root#cbef144ac068::/django_test# python runserver
This successfully starts the server at of the container.
However, when I try to go to localhost:8000 in my browser, I get a "This webpage is not available." What am I missing?
Turns out I was looking at the wrong IP.
To figure out the correct IP, I ran:
$ docker-machine ls
testmachine * virtualbox Running tcp://
I then loaded in my browser, and it worked like a charm.