How to use the Amazon Textract with PDF files - amazon-web-services

I already can use the textract but with JPEG files. I would like to use it with PDF files.
I have the code bellow:
import boto3
# Document
documentName = "Path to document in JPEG"
# Read document content
with open(documentName, 'rb') as document:
imageBytes = bytearray(
# Amazon Textract client
textract = boto3.client('textract')
documentText = ""
# Call Amazon Textract
response = textract.detect_document_text(Document={'Bytes': imageBytes})
# Print detected text
for item in response["Blocks"]:
if item["BlockType"] == "LINE":
documentText = documentText + item["Text"]
# print('\033[94m' + item["Text"] + '\033[0m')
# # print(item["Text"])
# removing the quotation marks from the string, otherwise would cause problems to A.I
documentText = documentText.replace(chr(34), '')
documentText = documentText.replace(chr(39), '')
As I said, it works fine. But I would like to use it passing a PDF file as in the web application for tests.
I know it possible to convert the PDF to JPEG in python but it would be nice to do it with PDF. I read the documentation and do not find the answer.
How can I do that?
EDIT 1: I forgot to mention that I do not intend to use de s3 bucket. I want to pass the PDF right in the script, without having to upload it into s3 bucket.

As #syumaK mentioned, you need to upload the pdf to S3 first. However, doing this may be cheaper and easier than you think:
Create new S3 bucket in console and write down bucket name,
import random
import boto3
filename = 'YOUR_FILENAME'
s3 = boto3.resource('s3')
print(f'uploading {filename} to s3')
s3.Bucket(bucket).upload_file(path+filename, filename)
client = boto3.client('textract')
response = client.start_document_text_detection(
DocumentLocation={'S3Object': {'Bucket': bucket, 'Name': filename} },
jobid = response['JobId']
response = client.get_document_text_detection(JobId=jobid)
It may take 5-50 seconds, until the call to get_document_text_detection(...) returns a result. Before, it will say that it is still processing.
According to my understanding, for each token, exactly one paid API call will be performed - and a past one will be retrieved, if the token has appeared in the past.
I forgot to mention, that there is one intricacy if the document is large, in which case the result may need to be stitched together from multiple 'pages'. The kind of code you will need to add is
pages = [response]
while nextToken := response.get('NextToken'):
response = client.get_document_text_detection(JobId=jobid, NextToken=nextToken)

As mentioned in the AWS Textract FAQ page pdf files are supported and in Sdk as well
Sample usage

Since you want to work with PDF files meaning that you'll utilize Amazon Textract Asynchronous API (StartDocumentAnalysis, StartDocumentTextDetection) then currently it's not possible to directly parse in PDF files.
This is because Amazon Textract Asynchronous APIs only support document location as S3 objects.
From AWS Textract doc:
Amazon Textract currently supports PNG, JPEG, and PDF formats. For synchronous APIs, you can submit images either as an S3 object or as a byte array. For asynchronous APIs, you can submit S3 objects.

Upload the pdf to S3 bucket. After that, you can use easily use available functions startDocumentAnalysis to fetch pdf directly from s3 and do textract.

It works (almost), I had to make ClientRequestToken a string instead of an integer.


multi-part upload Google Storage

I'm trying to implement multi-part upload to Google Storage but to my surprise it does not seem to be straightforward (I could not find java example).
Only mention I found was in the XML API
Also found some discussion around a compose API mentioned here google-cloud-java issues 1440
Any recommendations how to do multipart upload?
I got the multi-part upload working with #Koblan suggestion. (for details check blog post)
This is how I create the S3 Client and point it to Google Storage
def createClient(accessKey: String, secretKey: String, region: String = "us"): AmazonS3 = {
val endpointConfig = new EndpointConfiguration("", region)
val credentials = new BasicAWSCredentials(accessKey, secretKey)
val credentialsProvider = new AWSStaticCredentialsProvider(credentials)
val clientConfig = new ClientConfiguration()
val clientBuilder = AmazonS3ClientBuilder.standard()
Because I'm doing the upload from the frontend (after I generate signled URLs for each part using the AmazonS3 client) I needed to enable CORS.
For testing, I enabled everything for now
$ gsutil cors get gs://bucket
$ echo '[{"origin": ["*"],"responseHeader": ["Content-Type", "ETag"],"method": ["GET", "HEAD", "PUT", "DELETE", "PATCH"],"maxAgeSeconds": 3600}]' > cors-config.json
$ gsutil cors set cors-config.json gs://bucket
Currently Java Client library for multi part upload in Cloud Storage is not available. You can raise a feature request for the same in this link. As mentioned by John Hanley, the next best thing you can do is, do a parallel composite upload with gsutil (CLI), JSON and XML support/ resumable upload with Java libraries.
In parallel compose, the parallel writes can be done by using the JSON or XML API for Google Cloud Storage. Specifically, you would write a number of smaller objects in parallel and then (once all of those objects have been written) call the Compose request to compose them into one larger object.
If you're using the JSON API the compose documentation is at :
If you're using the XML API the compose documentation is at : (see the compose query parameter).
Also there is an interesting document link provided by Kolban which you can try and work out. Also I would like to mention that you can have multi part uploads in Java, if you use the Google Drive API(v3). Here is the code example where we use the files.create method with uploadType=multipart.

Amazon Textract without using Amazon S3

I want to extract information from PDFs using Amazon Textract (as in How to use the Amazon Textract with PDF files). All the answers and the AWS documentation requires the input to be Amazon S3 objects.
Can I use Textract without uploading the PDFs to Amazon S3, but just giving them in the REST call? (I have to store the PDFs locally).
I will answer this question with the Java API in mind. The short answer is Yes.
If you look at this TextractAsyncClient Javadoc for a given operation:
It states:
" Documents for asynchronous operations can also be in PDF format"
This means - you can reference a PDF document and create an AnalyzeDocumentRequest object like this (without pulling from an Amazon S3 bucket). :
public static void analyzeDoc(TextractClient textractClient, String sourceDoc) {
try {
InputStream sourceStream = new FileInputStream(new File(sourceDoc));
SdkBytes sourceBytes = SdkBytes.fromInputStream(sourceStream);
// Get the input Document object as bytes
Document myDoc = Document.builder()
List<FeatureType> featureTypes = new ArrayList<FeatureType>();
AnalyzeDocumentRequest analyzeDocumentRequest = AnalyzeDocumentRequest.builder()
// Use the TextractAsyncClient to perform an operation like analyzeDocument

When uploading a file into aws s3 with boto3 is it possible to get the s3 object url as a return value?

I am uploading an image-file into AWS S3 using boto3 library. I noticed that the S3 object url ending does not match with the given Key. Is it possible to get the S3 object url as a return value from boto3 upload_file function?
import boto3
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
file_location = ...
bucket = ...
folder = ...
filename = ...
url = s3.upload_file(
I read from docs that it might be possible with a callback function, but I could not get it working with boto3.
If not what is the simplest way to get the uploaded object url?
Using the AWS SDK, you can get a URL for an object in an Amazon S3 bucket. I am not sure there is a Python example for this use case however, you can get an idea how to perform this task by looking at the Java example.
Okey, my problem was that the the filenames I was adding to create the file Key contained a hashtag symbol which has a specific meaning in url. AWS was automatically changing the hashtags into %23, which created a mismatch between Key and URL. Now I changed the naming convention of the file into containing no hashtag, so no more problem occurs.

Specify Maximum File Size while uploading a file in AWS S3

I am creating temporary credentials via AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS).
And Using these credentials to upload a file to S3 from S3 JAVA SDK.
I need some way to restrict the size of file upload.
I was trying to add policy(of s3:content-length-range) while creating a user, but that doesn't seem to work.
Is there any other way to specify the maximum file size which user can upload??
An alternative method would be to generate a pre-signed URL instead of temporary credentials. It will be good for one file with a name you specify. You can also force a content length range when you generate the URL. Your user will get URL and will have to use a specific method (POST/PUT/etc.) for the request. They set the content while you set everything else.
I'm not sure how to do that with Java (it doesn't seem to have support for conditions), but it's simple with Python and boto3:
import boto3
# Get the service client
s3 = boto3.client('s3')
# Make sure everything posted is publicly readable
fields = {"acl": "private"}
# Ensure that the ACL isn't changed and restrict the user to a length
# between 10 and 100.
conditions = [
{"acl": "private"},
["content-length-range", 10, 100]
# Generate the POST attributes
post = s3.generate_presigned_post(
When testing this make sure every single header item matches or you'd get vague access denied errors. It can take a while to match it completely.
I believe there is no way to limit the object size before uploading, and reacting to that would be quite hard. A workaround would be to create an S3 event notification that triggers your code, through a Lambda funcation or SNS topic. That could validate or delete the object and notify the user for example.

aws lambda s3 events for existing files

I am considering moving to lambdas and after spending some time reading docs and various blogs with user experiences I am still struggling with a simple question. Is there a proposed/proper way to use lambda with existing s3 files?
I have an s3 bucket that contains archived data spanning a couple of years. The size of these data is rather large (hundreds of GB). Each file is a simple txt file. Each line in the file represents an event and it's just a comma separated string.
My endgame is to consume these files, parse each one of them line by line apply some transformation, create batches of lines and send them to an external service. From what I've read so far, if I write a proper lambda, this will be triggered by an s3 event (for example an upload of a new file).
Is there a way to apply the lambda to all the existing contents of my bucket?
For existing resources you would need to write a script that gets a listing of all your resources and sends each item to a Lambda function somehow. I'd probably look into sending the location of each of your existing S3 objects to a Kenesis stream and configure a Lambda function to pull records from that stream and process them.
Try using s3cmd.
s3cmd modify --recursive --add-header="touched:touched" s3://path/to/s3/bucket-or-folder
This will modify metadata and invoke an event for lambda
I had a similar problem I solved it with minimal changes to my existing Lambda function. The solution involves creating API Gateway trigger (in addition to S3 trigger) - the API gateway trigger is used to process historical files in S3 & the regular S3 trigger will processes my files as new files are uploaded to my S3 bucket.
Initially - I started by building my function to expect a S3 event as trigger. Recall that the S3 events have this structure - so I would look for the S3 bucket name and key to process - like so:
for record in event['Records']:
bucket = record['s3']['bucket']['name']
key = unquote_plus(record['s3']['object']['key'], encoding='utf-8')
temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
video_filename = os.path.basename(key)
local_video_filename = os.path.join(, video_filename)
s3_client.download_file(bucket, key, local_video_filename)
But when you send the API Gateway trigger there is no "Records" object in the request/event. You can use query parameters in the API Gateway Trigger - so the modification required to the above snippet of code is:
if 'Records' in event:
# this means we are working off of an S3 event
records_to_process = event['Records']
# this is for ad-hoc posts via API Gateway trigger for Lambda
records_to_process = [{
"s3":{"bucket": {"name": event["queryStringParameters"]["bucket"]},
"object":{"key": event["queryStringParameters"]["file"]}}
for record in records_to_process:
# below lines of code s same as the earlier snippet of code
bucket = record['s3']['bucket']['name']
key = unquote_plus(record['s3']['object']['key'], encoding='utf-8')
temp_dir = tempfile.TemporaryDirectory()
video_filename = os.path.basename(key)
local_video_filename = os.path.join(, video_filename)
s3_client.download_file(bucket, key, local_video_filename)
Postman result of sending the post request
Try to copy your bucket content and catch create events with lambda.
s3cmd sync s3://from/this/bucket/ s3://to/this/bucket
for larger buckets: