Missing libmx.dll file in a MATLAB to visualstudio C environment - c++

I am currently interfacing matlab with visual studio to use in C++. However, I keep getting the errror libmx.dll not found. Navigating to the instructed PATH, I cannot find the libmx.dll fine anywhere. The error tells me that reinstalling the program can help, so I reinstalled matlab and simulink. I still get the same error. I assume that the file was removed because my antivirus thought it was malicious, so how can I obtain another copy of this libmx.dll file?


Visual Studio Code: path of files in CMake Tools tab is incorrect

I hope this is not a duplicate, as I have been searching the web for a while looking for solutions to my issue.
So, I am working in this C++ project from the lab I work at which works just fine in CLion and Visual Studio. However, I'm trying to run it in my local machine with Visual Studio Code and have installed the extensions C/C++ and CMake Tools by Microsoft, and CodeLLDB by Vadim Chugunov.
When I open the folder which contains the CMakeLists.txt file and locate it with the CMake extension, the project is detected and mounted just fine in the CMake tab. The project structure is there, and I can even build it. However, I am not able to access the files through the CMake tab (to edit them and insert breakpoints), as I get this error:
Unable to open 'main.cpp': Unable to read file
(Error: Unable to resolve non-existing file
I see it is reasonable that the program cannot read the file, as its address is looped within itself. So what I really wanted was to know how to avoid this behavior so VS Code could see the real address of the files and allow me to access them.
BTW, I am running a Manjaro 18 system and didn't have the same problem with the lab machine, which runs Debian 10.
Could you guys give me any tip as to what could be the solution to this issue? Is this a VS Code issue or a system issue?

CUDA opencv building fails - missing file that is actually there

I am trying to do the following: getting to work
CUDA 9.1 with
openCV 3.4.2 and
Visual Studio Enterprise 2015 (v 14.0 Update 3) on
Windows 7 Enterprise x64 SP 1 using
CMake 3.12.0
and also searching for others with the same problem - no success there.
I have worked through this tutorial on getting the software to work together. I do not intend to use Intel MKL and TBB.
I have succeeded in
installing CUDA
generating the Makefiles for openCV with CMake, and having the CUDA libraries included without any mistakes (barring the download of optional stuff, as the PC I am working on is to stay off the internet)
generating the .sln solution file for building openCV in Visual Studio
The problem is in the next step - building openCV. The compiler claims that "opencv2/opencv_modules.hpp" cannot be opened by gpu_mat_cu when it tries to build opencv_world. The thing is that the include path works according to Visual Studio - it detects the right file in the gpu_mat.cu. The project (opencv_world) has the right directory in its include paths as static path.
I am new to Visual Studio (I worked in Linux with QT, CUDA and openCV before), so I am not too sure I am not missing some kind of settings I should change.
The opencv_world.hpp only consists of #define instructions. I have tried deleting the include of opencv_world.hpp and instead just defining the parameter in gpu_mat.cu itself, but if I do, the next include (that, again, VS finds the path to without problems) is not resolved.
I guess there is something obvious I am missing, but I don't seem to be able to resolve this issue, so thanks in advance for your help.
P.S.: The files CMake wanted to download for openCV and failed at (obviously; no internet connection) are: opencv_ffmpeg.dll, opencv_ffmped64.dll, ffmpeg_version.cmake, ippicv_2017u3_win_intel64_general_20180518.zip, res10_300x300_ssd_iter_140000_fp16.caffemodel and opencv_face_detector_uint8.pb
I'd add the CMakeCache.txt file in a spoiler tag, but it has too many characters. If you think it would help, let me know and I'll upload it somewhere.
I got the solution, just in case someone stumbles over the same problem: it's the most simple thing that everybody knows until they don't - my include path contained a white space that apparently somewhere was treated as a String divider for whatever interprets that path.

Where do I put the api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll file?

So, while trying to run a program, I got the error
The program can't start because api-ms-win-crt-runtime-l1-1-0.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem.
I need it for an upcoming project for school, and I can't download the C++ redistributable or whatever that would reinstall it, because it's a school laptop and I don't have administrator access. I managed to get the actual file itself, but I don't know where to put it. Can someone help?
The correct location for this file is in C/Windows/system32

GetTickCount64 error using Python and C++

I'm attempting to embed a python module within a larger c++ program (Relevant details:VS2005, WinXP Python 2.7). When I create a new instance of the class that includes 'python.h' and attempt to run my program I get the error message "The procedure entry point GetTickCount64 could not be located in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.ll".
I've read online that this happens because GetTickCount64 doesn't exist in XP so I made sure to add the correct windows headers to all of my files. However I still get the error and it occurs even if I comment out everything in the offending class except the include for Python.h.
So to get to an actual question. I was wondering if Python itself could be calling or including GetTickCount64 and if so how to stop it from doing so.
Thanks for any help!
Guess I posted to fast since I think I've got it sorted myself. For anyone else in the same position I downloaded the Python source and compiled with Windows XP flags in VS2005 and all seems well with the world.

Why won't Allegro initialize?

I tried installing allegro 5 to code blocks, but even though it seems the program compiles it won't initialize. I get an error saying the application failed to start because allegro-5.0.9-monolith-md-debug.dll was not found. It also says re-installing may help, but I've tried that several times already. I tried following online tutorials, but I still get this error. Am I doing something wrong? Please help.
Copy allegro-5.0.9-monolith-md-debug.dll into the same directory as your source code. I had this same exact problem. I was using Visual C++ 2010 express edition, paste it with the source not the .exe if you are running it from within the compiler, if you want to run it outside of the compiler it will need to in the same location as the .exe