Facebook's Graph API posts are not visible? - facebook-graph-api

I want to publish posts on a page using Facebook API. I’m an admin of the page.
I’ve done these steps:
Created an app in dev mode
Received page access token
Made a post using Facebook Graph API
A post appeared on the page. But unfortunately no one sees it. Only me.
What am I missing? Is it because the app in dev mode? If yes, is there any way to post on a page without app review?


Facebook Submit for Login Review but still in Development Mode

I am trying to post to Instagram from within my app. My Facebook Dev app is in Development mode:
I can log in to Facebook and post/share to Facebook Pages, Groups and profiles from within my app so happy with that. I am now trying to post/share to Instagram so I am calling the FB.login as follows:
Where the method PostToInstagram() ultimately is doing this:
However when I attempt to call this, I get the FB Login popup, I click to post but I keep getting the error:
(#10) Application does not have permission for this action
On the popup, I have the option to change the FB/Instagram settings, when I try saving inside here I see:
I would have thought I would be okay as I am still in development mode. My other calls to FB api work fine. Could I be missing any scopes? Any help on this is greatly appreciated!

Facebook API - Post to page

I'm trying to figure out how to post to my Facebook page automatically from my website. I have a custom CMS written in PHP that I use with my website, and I have already created the Facebook App and set up the necessary App ID and App Secret. I have PHP code written that when I create a page in my CMS, it will take the Page Title and a blurb of the content and create a post in my Facebook page, however because my Facebook App is not live, only I can see the post.
I've tried to apply for my app to go Live, but have been denied because I do not involve a login process. However, I don't want to log in again. That defeats the whole point of having the extended life access token.
Is it possible to do what I am trying to do? Or is there something I need to include in my app review request to have this approved? Any insight would be greatly appreciated, as the response I get from Facebook is rather generic and unhelpful.
Thank you!

Embedded Facebook feed on website not possible after Graph Api 2.5?

I've been coding a website using and modifying Bootstrap template. End of summer I left the site as it was, but once returning there recently I noticed the Facebook activity feed (newests posts and such) had dissappeared from my front page. Reading from Facebook Developers; after the release of Graph Api 2.5 adding Facebook feed on your website is no longer possible? Is there any other way to get the Facebook feed back on the site? I had been using iframe on my site while it was still working.
There are two main steps involved in embedding Facebook page feed in your website- 1. Getting Facebook Access Token, 2. Calling the Graph API passing the access token.
1. Getting the access token - Here is the step by step process to get the access token for your Facebook page. - Embed Facebook page feed on my website. As per this you need to create an app in Facebook developers page which would give you an App Id and an App Secret. Use these two and get the Access Token.
2. Calling the Graph API - This would be pretty simple once you get the access token. You just need to form a URL to Graph API with all the fields/properties you want to retrieve and make a GET request to this URL. Here is one example on how to do it in asp.net MVC. Embedding facebook feeds using asp.net mvc. This should be pretty similar in any other technology as it would be just a HTTP GET request.
Sample FQL Query: https://graph.facebook.com/FBPageName/posts?fields=full_picture,picture,link,message,created_time&limit=5&access_token=YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN_HERE

Is there anyone who is really able to get facebook page feed through realtime updates?

I was trying to setup a realtime update for one of my facebook app from a facebook page. I have tried each and every process described in facebook official api docs as well as other developers blogs. But no luck till now. My subscription is successful, I can see it both from api explorer and facebook url. My callback url also works perfectly. But when something new published in my page, I don't get any updates. Hoping anyone will reply who got it really working by him/her self.
Please do not suggest any facebook doc, I have already tried them.

How to perform instant Facebook login for a link to Facebook login-enabled site

I wonder what is the right technique to streamline the login to my site via Facebook.
Currently, I have a web site integrated with Facebook Login button. Right now, it's an independent web site, and not a "Facebook app" (running in the canvas). While this is not my decision, this could change in long term if matters.
The way the authentication work: the "fb-login-button" is redirected to my application URL using onlogin() event; the server side uses the cookie to retrieve the "access token" and perform further Graph API work. The business logic resides on the server side.
The current business requirement is the following:
Suppose someone posts a link to my site, somewhere in Facebook, for example in our site community page:
A Facebook logged-in user clicking on the link - should get to the target page, after his Facebook identify got verified, and the result should be personalized for that user.
If a Facebook user already has an active session with my site - trivial.
Assuming a user had approved my site (app) in the past, but has no active session - here I am looking for the best practice to do the login.
Also, I would appreciate a hint how to handle the app authorization (i.e. showing the Facebook authorization dialog) in a most efficient way.
Thanks for any hint.
Check out FB Login Architecture and FB.getLoginStatus. Based on FB documentation, If you use javascript sdk, it only triggers a Popup on the same page and once authenticated it will go back to the same page. So once the login status is confirmed then you can get users information from graph api and update via AJAX on your page. You can also checkout this server side login. Hope this helps.