Is there an app for Django to manage fields of models? - django

Like in phpmyadmin, we have an visual interface to manage fields. Can we do the same thing in Django?

If your Django connected database is e.g. PostgreSQL, you could use pgAdmin4 ( So it is actually not about managing the tables in Django but in a database tool (visually). To manipulate your database schema you will have to use Models in your Django application (


is there any way can i use the Django for existing database? if yes how to use models?

I am working on already existing data on relational database. Now question is that how to build models and how to update the tables with new data coming from user (technically django forms)?
Django natively supports creating models for and working with existing data. From the documentation:
Integrating Django with a legacy database
Django will still need to create several of its own tables, but will adapt to use your existing tables. From the doc, you can auto-create models like this:
python inspectdb >
You'll need to determine whether you want to manage updates to the table structure, but that's getting into details that will be specific to your project.

How to Map table views of a legacy Database in Oracle to django models?

I am working on a project that requires connecting to an existing remote Oracle database. the problem is that the client has not given full access to the database. instead i'm only given accesss to some views(Relational Database View) of the database. the table names are not provided.
I'm able to perfrom raw sql queries to the legacydb in my django view.
But it would be very much more easier if i could generate the models for these views and use django ORM. is there any way to accomplish this? What I'm expecting is to use some commands like inspectdb to generate the models from the view provided by the oracle legacy database.

Converting postgresql indexes to Django migrations

We have a Django application that has been in production since Django 1.1. Over the years, we've manually added bells and whistles to the production PostgreSQL db that weren't at the time overtly supported by Django's db automation, especially in the form of custom indexes.
Django's come a long way since 1.1, and now w/ 1.10 I'm pretty sure the migration framework supports all the custom features we've added manually. Is there any automated tool which will compare a database to the models, and generate migrations to bring the models up to date with the db?
This is built into django, you can just run inspectdb inspectdb
Introspects the database tables in the database pointed-to by the NAME setting and outputs a Django model module (a file) to standard output. You may choose what tables to inspect by passing their names as arguments.
Use this if you have a legacy database with which you’d like to use Django. The script will inspect the database and create a model for each table within it.

Connecting and importing models from multiple database connections Django

In a django app, I have two postgresql databases connected through one is default and other is AppDb. AppDb is placed on a remote machine.
I want to query from a 'Courses' model from AppDb using 'using()' and 'Courses' model is not available in default database.
So my query goes like this:
courseInfo = Courses.objects.using('AppDb').filter(cuser_id = 12)
But I am getting NameError for 'Courses'
Can I have a solution for such queries without using routers
If you have an existing database, you still need to create an app and models for that database in order to use the ORM.
To help you create the model classes, you can use the inspectdb management command which will try to guess the models from an existing database and create the for you. Its not perfect, but it will save you some time.
You will still have to make sure the models have a primary key and are written in the correct order (so that foreign keys will work correctly).

Use Models with a moving/different Sqlite databases?

I am looking to have a django app that visually displays a SQLite database. The idea is that the user would pass in the path to the sqlite file in the URL for the app. I was wondering if I could make use of the Django models and use something like django-tables2 to display it. I was just wondering if the Models are not setup in prior to the start of the server.
Is there a way to still use Model, read/write to the given database and be able to still build the table?