SAS How convert string to time, when load data from csv? - sas

Im trying load data from csv. I have a few formats: date, time, numeric, string. I dont have problem to convert data to this format except time format.
Data looks:
2016-10-30,10:08:00,3,Hot chocolate
My code:
data lab0.piekarnia;
INFILE 'path_to_csv' delimiter=',' firstobs=2;
format Date yymmdd10.;
format Time time8.;
Date yymmdd10.
Time time8.
Item $;
What I try?
I try to manually convert string '12:22:22', This method give good results, but I dont know how can I implement it when load csv.
data ds1;
j = input('12:22:22',HHMMSS8.);
format j time8.;

data have;
INFILE "path_to_csv" truncover delimiter=',' firstobs=2 ;
format Date yymmdd10.;
format Time time8.;
INPUT date time transaction item $32.;
Date yymmdd10.
Time time.;
/*Instead input and informat statements you can use:
INPUT date:yymmdd10. time:time. transaction item $32.;

The first line has only 7 characters for the time value, but you told SAS to read exactly 8 characters. So it included the comma. When reading delimited data, like a CSV file, you need to use list mode input and not formatted mode. You do this by either eliminating the informat specification from the INPUT statement (and instead attach an informat to the variable with an INFORMAT statement) or by prefixing informat specification with the : (colon) modifier. Also if you don't define the length for ITEM (or give SAS something else, like an informat, that it can use to guess a length) it will be created as length $8.
input date :yymmdd10. time :time8. transaction item :$40.;


How to convert string to date in SAS?

I have a table in SAS where in one column, the date is stored (e.g. "2005/10").
How do I have to convert this to a SAS data format?
Among many other tries, I tried this code:
data test;
format date YYMMS.;
date = input(ObservationMonth, YYMMS.);
put date=date9.;
You could just use the anydtdte. informat.
data want;
format date yymms.;
put date;
This informat detects most date formattings and converts the character-stored value to a SAS date.
One way is to use substr() and mdy() to extract the date components:
data _null_;
ObservationMonth ="2005/10";
date =mdy(substr(ObservationMonth,6,2),1,substr(ObservationMonth,1,4));
put date = date9.;
Another option is to use the anydtdte informat (note that results may differ depending on your locale):
data _null_;
ObservationMonth ="2005/10";
date =input(ObservationMonth,anydtdte.);
put date = date9.;
Yet another option is to modify the input to enable use of the YYMMDDw. informat:
data _null_;
ObservationMonth ="2005/10";
date =input(ObservationMonth!!'/01', YYMMDD10.);
put date = date9.;
you're fantastic, guys! Thank you so much, with a "set" statement it works fine!

SAS Date Informat with Milliseconds

I am trying to create a SAS informat for the following date format:
"yyyy-mm-dd hh:ii:ss.SSS UTC", example: "2016-01-14 10:31:01.456 UTC"
I've gotten close using the following format code:
PICTURE MyDate other='%0Y-%0m-%0d %0H:%0M:%0s UTC' (datatype=datetime);
Unfortunately when I try and use this as an INFORMAT I get an error "can't find format MyDate", as it hasn't been defined as an informat, just an output format.
I can try and create an informat from a dataset created from this format, but due to the milliseconds constraint it will only create values that map to times with .000 in the milliseconds section. For example:
DATA MyInDate ;
RETAIN FMTNAME "MyInputDate" type "I" ;
do label = "1jan2016:00:00:00"dt to
"2feb2016:00:00:00"dt by 1;
start = trim(left(put(label,MyDate.)));
output ;
end ;
Even if I were able to enumerate a dataset with milliseconds it would be prohibitively large. Since my dates can span years.
Is it possible to truncate my input data BEFORE passing it to the informat? I don't care about the milliseconds or the UTC qualifier. I can't change the input data.
EDIT: Using anydtdtm. as an informat results in empty values without error messages. Here is the data step making use of this informat:
DATA WORK.ImportDatTest;
'Event Time'n 8
'Event Time'n DATETIME25.
'Event Time'n anydtdtm.
'Event Time'n : ANYDTDTM.
2016-01-11 17:23:34.834 UTC
2016-01-11 17:23:34.834 UTC
2016-01-11 17:23:34.834 UTC
Unfortunately, there is no way to create a picture informat in SAS currently. You would need to convert your data to a format SAS has a built-in informat for, or use a function or similar to format the data.
However, yours already is in such a format, so you shouldn't need to create an informat.
data test;
x="2015-10-05 10:12:24.333 UTC";
put y= datetime17.;
You can certainly truncate data while using an informat; by specifying a length in the informat, it will truncate to that length.
Here's an example using input from datalines:
data test;
infile datalines dlm=',' dsd;
input y :anydtdtm32.;
put y= datetime22.3;
2015-10-05 10:12:24.333 UTC
2014-03-01 08:08:05.435 UTC
2013-01-01 23:02:05.445 UTC

Reading in a .csv file with null values in date field

I am reading in a .csv file in SAS where some of the fields are populated in the main by null values . and a handful are populated by 5 digit SAS dates. I need SAS to recognise the field as a date field (or at the very least a numeric field), instead of reading it in as text as it is is doing at the minute.
A simplified version of my code is as so:
data test;
informat mydate date9.;
infile myfile dsd dlm ',' missover;
With this code all values are read in as . and the field data type is text. Can anyone tell me what I need to change in the above code to get the output I need?
If you write a data step to read a CSV file SAS will create the variable as the data type that you specify. If you tell it that MYDATE is a number it will NOT convert it to a character variable.
data test;
infile cards dsd dlm=',' TRUNCOVER ;
length myfirstval 8 mydate 8 mythirdval 8;
input myfirstval mydate mythirdval;
format mydate date9.;
Note that the data step compiler will define the type of the variable at the first chance that it can. For example if the first reference is in a statement like IF MYDATE='.' ... then MYDATE will be defined as character length one to match the type of the value that it is being compared to. That is why it is best to start with a LENGTH or ATTRIB statement to clearly define your variables.

not reading a numeric value using input list method in sas

This is the story
This is the input file
this is the import statement that I am using
data datetimedata;
infile fileref dlm=',';
input lastname$ datechkin mmddyy10. datechkout mmddyy10. room_rate equip_cost;
the below is the log which shows success
NOTE: The infile FILEREF is:
RECFM=V,LRECL=256,File Size (bytes)=688,
Last Modified=13Jun2015:12:08:36,
Create Time=13Jun2015:09:13:09
NOTE: 17 records were read from the infile FILEREF.
The minimum record length was 34.
The maximum record length was 40.
NOTE: The data set WORK.DATETIMEDATA has 17 observations and 5 variables.
NOTE: DATA statement used (Total process time):
real time 0.01 seconds
I have published only 3 observation here.
Now when I print the sas dataset everything works fine except the room_rate variable.
THe output should be 3 digit numbers , but i am getting only the last digit .
Where Am i going wrong !!!
You're mixing input types. When you use list input, you can't specify informats. You either need to specify them using modified list input (add a colon to the informat) or use an informat statement earlier. The following works.
data datetimedata;
infile datalines dlm=',';
input lastname$ datechkin :mmddyy10. datechkout :mmddyy10. room_rate equip_cost;
proc print data=datetimedata;

How to input to date format from a number

I'm trying to put a number eg 20141001 into a date9. format eg 01OCT14.
I've tried to use the input function with an input format of yymmddn8. but SAS throws out 'informat could not be found or loaded'
Any ideas how to get around this? (Sample code below)
data _null_;
format output date9.;
put output=;
You are almost there. Although there is a YYMMDDN format there is not an informat of the same name. Use the YYMMDD informat. The Input function is expecting a character string i.e. the DATE variable. Redefine DATE as a character variable e.g.
data _null_;
format output date9.;
put output=;
Alternatively you could have used these assignments:
output = input('20141001',yymmdd8.);
output = '01oct2014'd;