I have a Gatsby.js project that I host through Github Pages.
The project is within a directory called /an
I'm deploying it through gh-pages package with the following command
gatsby build --prefix-paths && gh-pages -d public -b master -e ./an
I've followed https://www.gatsbyjs.org/docs/path-prefix/ to set the proper prefix path.
My custom 404 page is not detected through Github Pages. I believe it is because it has to be set on the repo root and not in /an.
How to tell GitHub Pages to use the 404 page generated in /an?
tldr; I think I need to add a github token. I have a token from github, but I have no idea how to implement it at the stage that I'm at.
I am trying to deploy an angular 13 app to github pages. Right now, it is just the auto-generated app (I haven't added or changed any code at this point). Here are the steps I have taken
Step 1: Create App and make sure it works
ng new <appName>
cd <appName>
ng serve
Step 2: Create a Repo on Github
Step 3: Check if it automatically connected to a repo (and remove if it's not the one we want)
git remote
git remote -v
git remote remove origin
Step 4: Connect to correct Git Repo (replace variables with username and project name)
git remote add origin <https://github.com/USERNAME/PROJECT_NAME.git>
Step 5: Push to Git repo
git branch -m main
git add .
git commit -m "initial commit"
git push -u origin main
Step 6: Hosting
npm install -g gh-pages
ng build --prod --base-href /PROJECT_NAME/ (find project name in angular.json at very bottom
gh-pages -d dist
When I do all of this, it shows that it worked. But then, it just loads a 404 error. After a lot of googling, I think it has something to do with a token. So I went and got the token, but I'm not sure what to do with it.
P.S. already saw Git Hub Pages not Deploying. (404) and it was unhelpful.
The answer was User Error. The code above works and will deploy an app successfully to gitHub pages.
The problem was I was going to https://humanhickory.github.io/ but the ng build --prod --base-href had actually created a new folder which I had to navigate to (so https://humanhickory.github.io//)
Futhermore, I was able to use the token by running gh-pages -d dist a second time. The first time I did it it said "remote: Invalid username or password. Fatal: authentication failed for '....'". However, when I ran the same command a second time, it prompted me to log in. So there's that.
I have a static site generated using Zola and I'm using GitHub Actions to do a build of my static site and publish that into a gh-pages branch of my repository. I have also configured my project to serve via GitHub pages using the gh-pages branch.
The problem I'm facing is that as soon as my GitHub action builds a new version and pushes it to the gh-pages branch, the custom domain setting in the GitHub settings gets reset.
Here is what I do in my GitHub action to build and push to TARGET_BRANCH (gh-pages) branch:
- name: Commit and push to target branch
run: |-
git config --global user.email "workflow-bot#mydomain.com"
git config --global user.name "workflow-bot"
git checkout --orphan $TARGET_BRANCH
rm -rf .github/
mv public ..
rm -rf *
mv ../public/* .
touch .nojekyll
touch README.md
echo 'https://www.bigelectrons.com - SITE GENERATED USING ZOLA' > README.md
git add .
git commit -m "generated using zola build"
git push --set-upstream origin $TARGET_BRANCH --force
Any idea what the problem is and how I could resolve th
I just had to add a CNAME file to my gh-pages branch. For example., in the run command, I had to add these two lines:
touch CNAME
echo 'mydomain.com' > CNAME
I know this is not Zola-related, but I've stumbled upon the same error when using Mkdocs.
The documentation says that you need to create a CNAME file in your docs_dir directory, so that their gh-deploy script can pick that up and copy it at the right place in the gh-pages branch (see that doc here).
For information, using the Github developer settings page to set the custom domain does exactly the same thing, ie. creating a CNAME file at the root of the gh-pages branch.
I've been trying to create a personal site using blogdown and the academic template:
blogdown::new_site(theme = "gcushen/hugo-academic")
However when I try to attach the site to github pages I get the error:
our site is having problems building: The variable {{2\left( {x + 4} on line 58 in content/slides/example-slides.md was not properly closed with }}. For more information, see https://help.github.com/articles/page-build-failed-tag-not-properly-terminated/.
It looked properly terminated...but regardless, I've tried to delete the file but alas the same error comes up even with its removal.
The site is https://github.com/sebastiz/SebastianZekiCV/
In order to publish a user site via github pages either:
1) the name of the repository must be exactly .github.io
In this case, the pages will be served from the HEAD of your master branch (or the gh-pages branch - your choice). The root of the repository is the root of the site.
2) the name of the repository can be anything. In this case, it will served from the master branch, but from the /docs directory.
In either case, github pages will run Jekyll. The only way to stop it is to have only "static" files - e.g. CSS, html pages, images, etc.
What you can do is create two repositories - one will be your source; the other will be the actual pages served. You can use hugo -d <path> to tell hugo to build its output in the root of the clone for the "output" repository.
Further reading:
github pages help configuring source
hugo command reference
For this problem, the ideal solution which is suggested is to create separate repositories for code and static content. However, the error can be solved by disabling Jekyll to run.
Create a file called .nojekyll at the root of your repository.
You can then go ahead and choose publishDir = "docs" and server from the docs/ directory in the master branch.
*Heading a issue while rendering posts as static pages hosted in github ...
What I am willing to complete is a personal blog environment with Hugo!
By so far I have run the site locally and went well...but while deploying in Github the only thing I get when I visit the site is
README.md rendered as index page on :https://passager07.github.io/
I am not making it to access the ...content/post/[post].md
Hugo is for generating a static html pages: that measn you need your GutHub page space to points to those generated html pages, not md files.
You can generate those html pages in a docs folder (since August 2016) or in a gh-pages branch.
See more at "Hugo: Hosting on GitHub Pages", which uses for instance a config.toml with:
publishDir: "docs"
After running hugo, push your master branch to the remote repo and choose the docs folder as the website source of your repo.
Solution of this problem was found by :
Constructing my new repository without Readme.md file and licence.
Playing around on localhost with hugo and all the configuration (including theme) to get the greatest satisfaction!
Making sure that public folder is created running hugo
Getting a .gitingore file on public folder
Pushing it to my repository on master branch
After this steps I let https://www.netlify.com do the rest by automatic deployment!
I have successfully created a small application using ember-cli. I tried pushing it to gh-pages branch of my github repo but it shows error in browser console
Uncaught ReferenceError: require is not defined
loading of vendor.js and vendor.js files from dist/assets is also failing.
I'm not able to run standalone ember app from dist folder in local machine as well, same errors.
has anyone tried it. if yes how to do it correctly?
Since December 2014 there is also an ember-cli addon for this.
First make sure to have set modulePrefix in config/environment.js to your repo's name on github. E.g., for https://github.com/username/my-cool-repo it should be modulePrefix: 'my-cool-repo'.
Then follow these instructions:
Install the addon.
$ ember install:addon ember-cli-github-pages
Commit the changes made by the addon.
$ git add . && git commit -m "Installed addon ember-cli-github-pages"
Create the gh-pages branch with only the necessary files.
$ git checkout --orphan gh-pages && rm -rf `ls -a | grep -vE '.gitignore|.git|node_modules|bower_components|\.\/|\.\.\/'` && git add . && git commit -m "Initial gh-pages commit"
Switch back to your source branch (most likely master).
$ git checkout master
Build your ember app to the gh-pages branch.
$ ember gh-pages:commit --message "Initial gh-pages release"
Push everything (or at least the gh-pages branch) to github.
(This was different for ember-cli <= 0.1.4 and might change again in the future. Make sure to visit the addon's readme.)
As the comments already say: change the baseUrl in config/environment.js to the name of the GitHub repository you are pushing the app to. For example:
Your GitHub respository is called myEmberApplication and resides in
then the URL to this project's gh-pages would be
So in your case you have to change the baseUrl from / (default) to /myEmberApplication.
The reason why you have to do this is because ember-cli adds the <base> header to your index.html file.