DirectDraw Surface - data layout - opengl

Opengl texture coordinate [0,0] is located in a lower left corner. Does DDS file contain informations about a data layout (if data begin in top left or bottom left corner) or there is one fixed layout ? For example ktx file contains such information.

The DDS file format does not contain information about where the origin is. Since DDS is a DirectX format, it will usually be stored with a top-left origin, but there is no guarantee for that.
You can check out which information is stored in a dds file by checking the Microsoft Docs: Programming Guide for DDS, especially the DDS_HEADER struct


How to determine top-down/bottom-up from WIC decoder?

I'm using WIC (Windows Imaging Component) to decode image files and get access to the pixel data. I'm trying to figure out the pixel order (i.e., bottom-up or top-down).
I use IWICImagingFactory::CreateDecoderFromFileName to create the decoder from which I grab the (first) frame (IWICBitmapFrameDecode). With the frame, I use GetPixelFormat and GetSize to compute a buffer size, and finally I use CopyPixels to get the decoded pixel data into my buffer.
This works fine with a variety of JPEG files, giving me pixel rows in top-down sequence, and the pixels are in BGRX order (GUID_WICPixelFormat32bppBGR).
When I try with GIF files, however, the pixel rows come in bottom-up sequence. The reported pixel format is RGBA (GUID_WICPixelFormat32bppRGBA), but the ground truth shows the channel order is BGRA (with the blue in the low byte of each 32-bit pixel, just like JPEG).
My primary question: Is there a way for me to query the top-down/bottom-up orientation of the pixel data?
I found a similar question that asked about rotation when using JPEG sources, and the answer was to query the EXIF data to know whether the image was rotated. But EXIF isn't used with GIF. So I'm wondering whether I'm supposed to assume that pixels are always bottom-up, except for ones that do have an EXIF orientation that says otherwise. Update 6/25/2020 Nope, the JPEG orientation is neutral and the GIF has no orientation information, yet MS Paint and other programs can open the files in the correct orientation.
My secondary question: What's up with the incorrect channel order (RGB/BGR) from the GIF decoder?
Not only that, the WIC documentation says that the GIF decoder should return indexes into a color table (GUID_WICPixelFormat8bppIndexed) rather than actual pixel values. Is it possible some software on my machine installed its own buggy GIF decoder that supersedes the one that comes with Windows 10?
To query photo orientation for formats that support it you should use System.Photo.Orientation photo metadata policy (or one of file format specific metadata query paths) using IWICMetadataQueryReader interface.
As for GetPixelFormat() reporting "incorrect" pixel format, it is right there in the Remarks section:
The pixel format returned by this method is not necessarily the pixel format the image is stored as. The codec may perform a format conversion from the storage pixel format to an output pixel format.
Native byte order of image bitmaps under Windows is BGRA, so that is what you are getting from the decoder. If you want image in a different format you need to use IWICImagingFactory::CreateFormatConverter() to create a format converter and convert the image data before copying.
Finally, GIF doesn't have orientation metadata because it is always encoded from top to bottom. Most likely reason you are getting a vertically inverted image is because you are reading it directly from the decoder -- try calling CopyPixels() on the converter instead.

OpenGL Reading Pixels from Texture?

I need a way to get the pixels of an already existing texture. Similarly to how D3DTexture's LockRect works with ReadOnly and NoSysLock. Some of my textures are also stored in compressed DXT1/3/5 formats, not entirely sure if that would affect anything. If those formats are simply decoded by Opengl and stored as raw pixels instead of in the compression. So would retrieving the pixels guarantee the same format that was used to set the texture with?
Generally you will want to use a PBO for reading pixels. Here's all the information you need on PBOs, click here
So would retrieving the pixels guarantee the same format that was used
to set the texture with?
It is possible to convert the format and retrieve the pixels at the same time. Look at the format conversion section on the page I linked.

Should I vertically flip the lines of an image loaded with stb_image to use in OpenGL?

I'm working on an OpenGL-powered 2d engine.
I'm using stb_image to load image data so I can create OpenGL textures. I know that the UV origin for OpenGL is bottom-left and I also intend to work in that space for my screen-space 2d vertices i.e. I'm using glm::ortho( 0, width, 0, height, -1, 1 ), not inverting 0 and height.
You probably guessed it, my texturing is vertically flipped but I'm 100% sure that my UV are specified correctly.
So: is this caused by stbi_load's storage of pixel data? I'm currently loading PNG files only so I don't know if it would cause this problem if I was using another file format. Would it? (I can't test right now, I'm not at home).
I really want to keep the screen coords in the "standard" OpenGL space... I know I could just invert the orthogonal projection to fix it but I would really rather not.
I can see two sane options:
1- If this is caused by stbi_load storage of pixel data, I could invert it at loading time. I'm a little worried about that for performance reason and because I'm using texture arrays (glTexture3d) for sprite animations meaning I would need to invert texture tiles individually which seems painful and not a general solution.
2- I could use a texture coordinate transformation to vertically flip the UVs on the GPU (in my GLSL shaders).
A possible 3rd option would be to use glPixelStore to specify the input data... but I can't find a way to tell it that the incoming pixels are vertically flipped.
What are your recommendations for handling my problem? I figured I can't be the only one using stbi_load + OpenGL and having that problem.
Finally, my target platforms are PC, Android and iOS :)
EDIT: I answered my own question... see below.
I know this question's pretty old, but it's one of the first results on google when trying to solve this problem, so I thought I'd offer an updated solution.
Sometime after this question was originally asked stb_image.h added a function called "stbi_set_flip_vertically_on_load", simply passing true to this function will cause it to output images the way OpenGL expects - thus removing the need for manual flipping/texture-coordinate flipping.
Also, for those who don't know where to get the latest version, for whatever reason, you can find it at github being actively worked on:
It's also worth noting that in stb_image's current implementation they flip the image pixel-by-pixel, which isn't exactly performant. This may change at a later date as they've already flagged it for optimsation. Edit: It appears that they've swapped to memcpy, which should be a good bit faster.
Ok, I will answer my own question... I went thru the documentation for both libs (stb_image and OpenGL).
Here are the appropriate bits with reference:
glTexImage2D says the following about the data pointer parameter: "The first element corresponds to the lower left corner of the texture image. Subsequent elements progress left-to-right through the remaining texels in the lowest row of the texture image, and then in successively higher rows of the texture image. The final element corresponds to the upper right corner of the texture image." From
The stb_image lib says this about the loaded image pixel: "The return value from an image loader is an 'unsigned char *' which points to the pixel data. The pixel data consists of *y scanlines of *x pixels, with each pixel consisting of N interleaved 8-bit components; the first pixel pointed to is top-left-most in the image." From‎
So, the issue is related the pixel storage difference between the image loading lib and OpenGL. It wouldn't matter if I loaded other file formats than PNG because stb_image returns the same data pointer for all formats it loads.
So I decided I'll just swap in place the pixel data returned by stb_image in my OglTextureFactory. This way, I keep my approach platform-independent. If load time becomes an issue down the road, I'll remove the flipping at load time and do something on the GPU instead.
Hope this helps someone else in the future.
Yes, you should. This can be easily accomplished by simply calling this STBI function before loading the image:
Since this is a matter of opposite assumptions between image libraries in general and OpenGL, Id say the best way is to manipulate the vertical UV-coord. This takes minimal effort and is always relevant when loading images using any image library and passing it to OpenGL.
Either feed tex-coords with 1.0f-uv.y in vertex-population OR reverse in shader.
fcol = texture2D( tex, vec2(uv.x,1.-uv.y) );

Reading Depth map using OpenGL

I have extracted the depth map of 2 images and stored them as .tif file
now I would like to use openGL to join these two images depending on their depth
so I want to read the depth for each image from the .tif file and then use that depth to draw the pixel with the higher depth
to make it more clear the depth map are two images like this
so say I have the pervious image and I want to join it with this image
my question is how to read this depth from the .tif file
Ok, I'll have a go ;-)
I see the images are just grayscale, so if the "depth" information is just the intensity of the pixel, "joining" them may be just a matter of adding the pixels. This is generally referred to as "blending", but I don't know what else you could mean.
So, you need to;
Read the 2 images into memory
For each pixel (assuming both images the same size):
read the intensity from image A[row,col]
read the intensity from image B[row,col]
write max(A[row,col],B[row,col]) to C[row,col]
Save image C - this is your new "joined" image.
Now OpenGL doesn't have any built-in support for loading/saving images, so you'll need to find a 3rd party library, like FreeImage or similar.
So, that's a lot of work. I wonder if you really want an OpenGL solution or are just assuming OpenGL would be good for graphics work. If the algorithm above is really what you want, you could do it in something like C# in a matter of minutes. It has built-in support for loading (some formats) of image file, and accessing pixels using the Bitmap class. And since your created this images yourself, you may not be bound the the TIFF format.

BMP image generated But displayed inverted

I have generated bitmap.dll through winddk.
Added manually as a printer driver selecting print-to-file driver.
Using this I create an image of my document using print command from file.
I am able to create image and view it, But the problem is that I get inverted(mirror) image.
cScans = pOemPDEV->bmInfoHeader.biHeight;
// Flip the biHeight member so that it denotes top-down bitmap
pOemPDEV->bmInfoHeader.biHeight = cScans * -1;
Have anyone workaround of this code? As I get the problem when I comment(to get header properly generated) this lines.
Device Independent Bitmaps are documented as being laid out in memory with the bottom line at the start of the buffer. Its an experiment in cartesian co-ordinates perpetrated by the designers of OS/2 who were working with Microsoft at the same time Windows 3 was being developed.
There are two possible fixes:
Generate your buffer upside down.
Many Windows APIs that take a BITMAPINFO treat a negative biHeight value to mean a top down DIB.