Freeing SCIP_SOL* and SCIP* in SCIP optimization software - linear-programming

I initialized the scip environment as follows:
SCIP* scip = nullptr;
SCIP_CALL( SCIPcreate(&scip) );
I created a small problem to learn SCIP and I am storing the solution in
SCIP_SOL* sol = nullptr;
sol = SCIPgetBestSol(scip);
I am trying to free the memory by sol and scip but I am running into segmentation faults.
This leads to segfault:
SCIP_RETCODE retcode = SCIPfreeSol(scip,&sol);
assert(retcode == SCIP_OKAY);
retcode = SCIPfree(&scip);
assert(retcode == SCIP_OKAY);
If I am not freeing the sol before freeing scip, it works fine and no seg faults occur but I am sure it is not correct. I have checked some other code which comes with SCIP Optimization Suite and some code examples use SCIPfreeSol and some don't, even though they all use SCIP_SOL *sol to define the sol variable.
EDIT: The problem actually works. I did not include the actual model code.

You only need to free the solution if you created it by SCIPcreateSol or similar. When you ask for the best solution via SCIPgetBestSol(scip), this just returns you a pointer to the solution that SCIP created internally. SCIP will also free it, so you don't have to do this yourself. At the same time, since it is not your "own" solution, you should not modify this solution. If you want to do this, you should create your own one or copy the best one via SCIPcreateSolCopy.
Therefore, freeing only scip is correct in your example.


SecVerifyTransformCreate memory leak?

Take following code:
// init
CFDataRef signature = CFDataCreate(...);
CFDataRef pubKeyData = CFDataCreate(...);
CFArrayRef array = NULL;
OSStatus res = SecItemImport(pubKeyData, ..., &array);
SecKeyRef pubKey = (SecKeyRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(array, 0);
// everything goes wrong here
SecTransformRef verifier = SecVerifyTransformCreate(pubKey, signature, NULL);
// release
In short: I'm importing public key and signature from file, creating verifier for that signature. On succeeding lines of code, I'm able to successfully validate the signature.
What I'm concerned about is memory leak which occurs when calling SecVerifyTransformCreate method. If I comment out that line, the leak is gone.
I've read all about create rules and get rules and I think I've got the releases figured out.
After some extensive testing, this is what I've found out:
As mentioned in question, on lines following code above, I'm executing verifier to check whether the signature is correct, the important method is:
CFTypeRef result = SecTransformExecute(verifier, NULL);
If I don't include this line of code, there is a 320B leak (per call) observable in Xcode's Instrumentation tool.
I suppose that method SecVerifyTransformCreate allocates some piece of memory and expects you to call SecTransformExecute, which then releases it. If you don't, there is a leak. IMO that's wrong behavior.
As Frank mentioned, memory usage as reported by OS grows even without an observable leak, but does not grow exponentially (it stopped at around 40MB in my case). That's correct behavior.
Kudos to Frank for elaboration.

PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS_EX creates unreliable PrivateUsage field, why?

Using the following code on VS 2012, native C++ development:
SIZE_T CppUnitTests_MemoryValidation::TakeMemoryUsageSnapshot() {
GetProcessMemoryInfo(GetCurrentProcess(), (PROCESS_MEMORY_COUNTERS*)
&processMemoryCounter, sizeof(processMemoryCounter));
return processMemoryCounter.PrivateUsage;
I call this method before and after each CPPUnitTest and calculate the difference of the PrivateUsage field. Normally this difference should be zero, assuming my memory allocation doesn't leak.
Only simple things happen inside my test class. Even without any memory allocation, just creating an instance of my test class and releasing it again, sometimes (not in every test iteration) the difference gets above zero, so this scheme seems to be non-deterministic.
Is there somebody with more insight than me who could either explain how to tackle this or tell me what is wrong with my assumptions?
In short, your assumptions are not correct. There can be a lot of other things going on in your process that perform memory allocation (the Event Tracing thread, and any others created by third-party add-ons on your system) so it is not surprising to see memory use go up occasionally.
Following Hans Passants debug allocator link, I noticed some more information about memory leak detection instrumentation by Microsoft, in special the _CrtMemCheckpoint function(s).
The link i followed was ""
Now when taking my memory snapshots with this function and checking for a difference using the _CrtMemDifference function, this seems to work reliable and deterministic.

Converting a string into a function in c++

I have been looking for a way to dynamically load functions into c++ for some time now, and I think I have finally figure it out. Here is the plan:
Pass the function as a string into C++ (via a socket connection, a file, or something).
Write the string into file.
Have the C++ program compile the file and execute it. If there are any errors, catch them and return it.
Have the newly executed program with the new function pass the memory location of the function to the currently running program.
Save the location of the function to a function pointer variable (the function will always have the same return type and arguments, so
this simplifies the declaration of the pointer).
Run the new function with the function pointer.
The issue is that after step 4, I do not want to keep the new program running since if I do this very often, many running programs will suck up threads. Is there some way to close the new program, but preserve the memory location where the new function is stored? I do not want it being overwritten or made available to other programs while it is still in use.
If you guys have any suggestions for the other steps as well, that would be appreciated as well. There might be other libraries that do things similar to this, and it is fine to recommend them, but this is the approach I want to look into — if not for the accomplishment of it, then for the knowledge of knowing how to do so.
Edit: I am aware of dynamically linked libraries. This is something I am largely looking into to gain a better understanding of how things work in C++.
I can't see how this can work. When you run the new program it'll be a separate process and so any addresses in its process space have no meaning in the original process.
And not just that, but the code you want to call doesn't even exist in the original process, so there's no way to call it in the original process.
As Nick says in his answer, you need either a DLL/shared library or you have to set up some form of interprocess communication so the original process can send data to the new process to be operated on by the function in question and then sent back to the original process.
How about a Dynamic Link Library?
These can be linked/unlinked/replaced at runtime.
Or, if you really want to communicated between processes, you could use a named pipe.
edit- you can also create named shared memory.
for the step 4. we can't directly pass the memory location(address) from one process to another process because the two process use the different virtual memory space. One process can't use memory in other process.
So you need create a shared memory through two processes. and copy your function to this memory, then you can close the newly process.
for shared memory, if in windows, looks Creating Named Shared Memory
after that, you still create another memory space to copy function to it again.
The idea is that the normal memory allocated only has read/write properties, if execute the programmer on it, the CPU will generate the exception.
So, if in windows, you need use VirtualAlloc to allocate the memory with the flag,PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE (
void* address = NULL;
address= VirtualAlloc(NULL,
After copy the function to address, you can call the function in address, but need be very careful to keep the stack balance.
Dynamic library are best suited for your problem. Also forget about launching a different process, it's another problem by itself, but in addition to the post above, provided that you did the virtual alloc correctly, just call your function within the same "loadder", then you shouldn't have to worry since you will be running the same RAM size bound stack.
The real problems are:
1 - Compiling the function you want to load, offline from the main program.
2 - Extract the relevant code from the binary produced by the compiler.
3 - Load the string.
1 and 2 require deep understanding of the entire compiler suite, including compiler flag options, linker, etc ... not just the IDE's push buttons ...
If you are OK, with 1 and 2, you should know why using a std::string or anything but pure char *, is an harmfull.
I could continue the entire story but it definitely deserve it's book, since this is Hacker/Cracker way of doing things I strongly recommand to the normal user the use of dynamic library, this is why they exists.
Usually we call this code injection ...
Basically it is forbidden by any modern operating system to access something for exceution after the initial loading has been done for sake of security, so we must fall back to OS wide validated dynamic libraries.
That's said, one you have valid compiled code, if you realy want to achieve that effect you must load your function into memory then define it as executable ( clear the NX bit ) in a system specific way.
But let's be clear, your function must be code position independant and you have no help from the dynamic linker in order to resolve symbol ... that's the hard part of the job.

Howto debug double deletes in C++?

I'm maintaining a legacy application written in C++. It crashes every now and then and Valgrind tells me its a double delete of some object.
What are the best ways to find the bug that is causing a double delete in an application you don't fully understand and which is too large to be rewritten ?
Please share your best tips and tricks!
Here's some general suggestion's that have helped me in that situation:
Turn your logging level up to full debug, if you are using a logger. Look for suspicious stuff in the output. If your app doesn't log pointer allocations and deletes of the object/class under suspicion, it's time to insert some cout << "class Foo constructed, ptr= " << this << endl; statements in your code (and corresponding delete/destructor prints).
Run valgrind with --db-attach=yes. I've found this very handy, if a bit tedious. Valgrind will show you a stack trace every time it detects a significant memory error or event and then ask you if you want to debug it. You may find yourself repeatedly pressing 'n' many many times if your app is large, but keep looking for the line of code where the object in question is first (and secondly) deleted.
Just scour the code. Look for construction/deletion of the object in question. Sadly, sometimes it winds up being in a 3rd party library :-(.
Update: Just found this out recently: Apparently gcc 4.8 and later (if you can use GCC on your system) has some new built-in features for detecting memory errors, the "address sanitizer". Also available in the LLVM compiler system.
Yep. What #OliCharlesworth said. There's no surefire way of testing a pointer to see if it points to allocated memory, since it really is just the memory location itself.
The biggest problem your question implies is the lack of reproducability. Continuing with that in mind, you're stuck with changing simple 'delete' constructs to delete foo;foo = NULL;.
Even then the best case scenario is "it seems to occur less" until you've really stamped it down.
I'd also ask by what evidence Valgrind suggests it's a double-delete problem. Might be a better clue lingering around in there.
It's one of the simpler truly nasty problems.
This may or may not work for you.
Long time ago I was working on 1M+ lines program that was 15 years old at the time. Faced with the exact same problem - double delete with huge data set. With such data any out of the box "memory profiler" would be a no go.
Things that were on my side:
It was very reproducible - we had macro language and running same script exactly the same way reproduced it every time
Sometime during the history of the project someone decided that "#define malloc my_malloc" and "#define free my_free" had some use. These didn't do much more than call built-in malloc() and free() but project already compiled and worked this way.
Now the trick/idea:
my_malloc(int size)
static int allocation_num = 0; // it was single threaded
void* p = builtin_malloc(size+16);
*(int*)p = ++allocation_num;
*((char*)p+sizeof(int)) = 0; // not freed
return (char*)p+16; // check for NULL in order here
my_free(void* p)
if (*((char*)p+sizeof(int)))
// this is double free, check allocation_number
// then rerun app with this in my_alloc
// if (alloc_num == XXX) debug_break();
*((char*)p+sizeof(int)) = 1; // freed
//built_in_free((char*)p-16); // do not do this until problem is figured out
With new/delete it might be trickier, but still with LD_PRELOAD you might be able to replace malloc/free without even recompiling your app.
you are probably upgrading from a version that treated delete differently then the new version.
probably what the previous version did was when delete was called it did a static check for if (X != NULL){ delete X; X = NULL;} and then in the new version it just does the delete action.
you might need to go through and check for pointer assignments, and tracking references of object names from construction to deletion.
I've found this useful: backtrace() on linux. (You have to compile with -rdynamic.) This lets you find out where that double free is coming from by putting a try/catch block around all memory operations (new/delete) then in the catch block, print out your stack trace.
This way you can narrow down the suspects much faster than running valgrind.
I wrapped backtrace in a handy little class so that I can just say:
try {
} catch (...) {
StackTrace trace;
std::cerr << "Double free!!!\n" << trace << std::endl;
On Windows, assuming the app is built with MSVC++, you can take advantage of the extensive heap debugging tools built into the debug version of the standard library.
Also on Windows, you can use Application Verifier. If I recall correctly, it has a mode the forces each allocation onto a separate page with protected guard pages in between. It's very effective at finding buffer overruns, but I suspect it would also be useful for a double-free situation.
Another thing you could do (on any platform) would be to make a copy of the sources that are transformed (perhaps with macros) so that every instance of:
delete foo;
is replaced with:
{ delete foo; foo = nullptr; }
(The braces help in many cases, though it's not perfect.) That will turn many instances of double-free into a null pointer reference, making it much easier to detect. It doesn't catch everything; you might have a copy of a stale pointer, but it can help squash a lot of the common use-after-delete scenarios.

Debugging a memory error with GDB and C++

I'm running my C++ program in gdb. I'm not real experienced with gdb, but I'm getting messages like:
warning: HEAP[test.exe]:
warning: Heap block at 064EA560 modified at 064EA569 past requested size of 1
How can I track down where this is happening at? Viewing the memory doesn't give me any clues.
So you're busting your heap. Here's a nice GDB tutorial to keep in mind.
My normal practice is to set a break in known good part of the code. Once it gets there step through until you error out. Normally you can determine the problem that way.
Because you're getting a heap error I'd assume it has to do with something you're putting on the heap so pay special attention to variables (I think you can use print in GDB to determine it's memory address and that may be able to sync you with where your erroring out). You should also remember that entering functions and returning from functions play with the heap so they may be where your problem lies (especially if you messed your heap before returning from a function).
You can probably use a feature called a "watch point". This is like a break point but the debugger stops when the memory is modified.
I gave a rough idea on how to use this in an answer to a different question.
If you can use other tools, I highly recommend trying out Valgrind. It is an instrumentation framework, that can run your code in a manner that allows it to, typically, stop at the exact instruction that causes the error. Heap errors are usually easy to find, this way.
One thing you can try, as this is the same sort of thing as the standard libc, with the MALLOC_CHECK_ envronment variable configured (man libc).
If you keep from exiting gdb (if your application quit's, just use "r" to re-run it), you can setup a memory breakpoint at that address, "hbreak 0x64EA569", also use "help hbreak" to configure condition's or other breakpoitn enable/disable options to prevent excessively entering that breakpoint....
You can just configure a log file, set log ... setup a stack trace on every break, "display/bt -4", then hit r, and just hold down the enter key and let it scroll by
"or use c ## to continue x times... etc..", eventually you will see that same assertion, then you will now have (due to the display/bt) a stacktrace which you can corolate to what code was modifying on that address...
I had similar problem when I was trying to realloc array of pointers to my structures, but instead I was reallocating as array of ints (because I got the code from tutorial and forgot to change it). The compiler wasnt correcting me because it cannot be checked whats in size argument.
My variable was:
itemsetList_t ** iteration_isets;
So in realloc instead of having:
iteration_isets = realloc(iteration_isets, sizeof(itemsetList_t *) * max_elem);
I had:
iteration_isets = realloc(iteration_isets, sizeof(int) * max_elem);
And this caused my heap problem.