Does AWS Elasticsearch Supports force zoneawareness? - amazon-web-services

Does AWS Elasticsearch Supports force zoneawareness
“forced awareness“ functionality is available in Elastic Cloud service.

Yes, when you create a new cluster, you can pick whether the cluster should be deployed in multiple availability zones or not (usually when creating production cluster).
When you do so, AWS takes care of setting up zone awareness for you and properly distributes everything so as to minimize service disruptions. You shouldn't need to have to do it yourself and there aren't a million ways to do it properly anyway.


Cloud Services/Architecture of a Multi-tenant Spring boot Project Deployment

Now I am working with our company product developed with spring boot , angular and PostgreSQL technologies where front end angular is communicating with 138 back end ReST API end points. And these 138 end points are from 35 different spring boot project. And all these end points need to separately deploy for 5 different tenant. Actually end point working is same.But databases are different for different tenant. And we decided to go with AWS cloud. And we are looking for cost effective deployment method from AWS.
Our Current Development/Test strategy - Current we are developing application(final stage of development) and testing our application using our On-premise server. Here we are using 5 ubuntu machines. And we created kubernetes cluster with 2 master nodes and 3 worker nodes.And from our SVN repository and Jenkins server we implemented CI/CD pipeline deployment to this 5 machines.
Proposed Cloud Solution - Now we are thinking with to use either EKS deployment method or any of CodeDeploy/CodePipeline method to implement this big project.
So by considering cost and control over infrastructure management which solution is better for my product? Now I am not that much experienced as solution architect and still in cloud learning curve. So can any one suggest/guide me to think properly to achieve my goal please?
Company consideration
Control over infrastructure
Cost effective
Easy management of aws services for multi-tenant deployment
Data security ( Installing database on ec2/ RDS)
Management of load balances
Control over infrastructure
it would be better to manage it on Github, Gitlab, and or AWS code build, or cloud build.
indeed AWS code build, and repo is great tools but again consider the limitation of extra users it allows only 5 users if your team is very big you might have to pay to compare to managing projects at the Github & GitLab level.
Cost effective
EKS would be a good option compared to ECS or others as it has limitations of we can not run the Daemon set or Privilege PODs.
If you are looking for running everything On POD and auto-scalable with little less flexibility and don't want to manage much ECS also a good idea, but again you have to derive the capacity and compare both pricing ECS vs EKS.
Note : EKS will also charge the per hour charges $0.10 for each cluster + worker nodes. it's not just worker nodes like in on-prem we run.
Data security ( Installing database on ec2/ RDS)
RDS would be better as it's managed service compare to managing the EC2 and database performance and encryption etc.
it would be better to use RDS and EKS so the K8s service can connect to RDS easily on a private network.
RDS would be a cost-effective option considering the management of DB over EC2.
Management of load balances
NLB or ALB will take care of that you can use any of them as per the requirement with EKS.
Cloud front could be also a great option with cloud storage to serve static assets, which will reduce calls, improve performance and be cost-effective also.

How to setup ReactJs, NodeJs, Redis application on AWS

I am newbie in AWS and totally confused about the deploy. here i have
React for front-end , Nodejs for API, Mongodb for database and redis for session store.
Can i use 1 EC2 for every service ? or
Divide every service as different EC2
Can i use Elastic Beanstalk Environment?
Which is better option for scaling and update without downtime in future ?
Can I use 1 EC2 for every service?
Its depend on your case but the best approach is to utilize the underlying EC2 instance is to run multiple services on single EC2 for nodejs and front-end app, as nodejs container-based application take maximum advantage in this case. in this case, ECS blue-green deployment with the dynamic port of the container can help to scale with zero downtime.
Divide every service as different EC2
In nodejs based application this approach does not help you a lot where for Redis and mongo it make sense if you are planning for clustering and replica also these applications need persistent storage so will keep storage on each instance, so my suggestion is to keep redis and mongo DB in daemon mode and application in replica mode, as these are application that will do blue-green deployment not the redis or Db.
AWS provides two types of task to deal with such cases
The replica scheduling strategy places and maintains the desired
number of tasks across your cluster. By default, the service scheduler
spreads tasks across Availability Zones. You can use task placement
strategies and constraints to customize task placement decisions. For
more information, see Replica.
The daemon scheduling strategy deploys exactly one task on each active
container instance that meets all of the task placement constraints
that you specify in your cluster. When using this strategy, there is
no need to specify a desired number of tasks, a task placement
strategy, or use Service Auto Scaling policies. For more information

Multiple Hashicorp Vault servers in different AZs in AWS

I have 3 Availability Zones in my AWS VPC and I would like to run Vault to connect to S3. I would like to run 3 Vault servers (one for each zone) all of them syncing to the same S3 bucket. Is this HA scenario for Vault possible?
I read that Vault doesn't support HA using S3 as the backend and might need to use Consul (which runs 3 servers by default). A bit confused about this. All I want is to run multiple Vault servers all storing/reading secrets from the same S3 bucket.
Thanks for your inputs.
Note you could use DynamoDB to use an Amazon managed service & get HA support:
High Availability – the DynamoDB storage backend supports high availability. Because DynamoDB uses the time on the Vault node to implement the session lifetimes on its locks, significant clock skew across Vault nodes could cause contention issues on the lock.
There are several Storage Backends in Vault, and only some of them supports HA, like Consul. However, if a backend doesn't support HA it doesn't mean that it can't be used at all.
So, if you need to run multiple Vault istance, each one independent from the other ones, you should be able to use S3 as a Storage Backend. But if you need HA you need to use Consul, or any other backend that support HA.
Hope this help

Multiple docker containers vs multiple ec2 instances

I have multiple microservices that I have to run independently. I am thinking of deploying them in docker containers in one ec2 instances. But then there is the question of scaling. I knowledge is ecs gives me the ability to scale. I haven't used ecs though. So my question is can I scale all my containers by creating one ec2 networks ? Or is there anything I haven't thought or know about ? Also, what is the performance issues with this deployment ?
For the microservices deployment, one ec2 instance will never suffice for production workload considering HA, scaling, performance etc.
You should think of cluster. A compute cluster is a multi-tenant computing environment consisting of servers (called “nodes”) whose resources have been pooled together and are used to execute processes. To enable this behavior, the nodes in a cluster must be managed by some sort of cluster management framework.
So you have to choose between multiple options from Kubernets, Mesos & Marathon and AWS ECS.
The EC2 Container Service is: A cluster management framework that uses optimistic, shared state scheduling to execute processes on EC2 instances using Docker containers.
The above option provides all the functionality you looking for. So you need to analyze more of them and select the most suitable option as per your need.

How to understand Amazon ECS cluster

I recently tried to deploy docker containers using task definition by AWS. Along the way, I came across the following questions.
How to add an instance to a cluster? When creating a new cluster using Amazon ECS console, how to add a new ec2 instance to the new cluster. In other words, when launching a new ec2 instance, what config is needed in order to allocate it to a user created cluster under Amazon ECS.
How many ECS instances are needed in a cluster, and what are the factors?
If I have two instances (ins1, ins2) in a cluster, and my webapp, db containers are running in ins1. After I updated the running service (through, I can see the newly created service is running in "ins2", before draining the old service in "ins1". My question is that after my webapp container allocated to another instance, the access IP address becomes another instance IP. How to prevent or what the solution to make the same IP address access to webapp? Not only IP, what about the data after changing to a new instance?
These are really three fairly different questions, so it might best to split them into different questions here accordingly - I'll try to provide an answer regardless:
Amazon ECS Container Instances are added indirectly, it's the job of the Amazon ECS Container Agent on each instance to register itself with the cluster created and named by you, see concepts and lifecycle for details. For this to work, you need follow the steps outlined in Launching an Amazon ECS Container Instance, be it manually or via automation. Be aware of step 10.:
By default, your container instance launches into your default
cluster. If you want to launch into your own cluster instead of the
default, choose the Advanced Details list and paste the following
script into the User data field, replacing your_cluster_name with the
name of your cluster.
echo ECS_CLUSTER=your_cluster_name >> /etc/ecs/ecs.config
You only need a single instance for ECS to work as such, because the cluster itself is managed by AWS on your behalf. This wouldn't be sufficient for high availability scenarios though:
Because the container hosts are just regular Amazon EC2 instances, you would need to follow AWS best practices and spread them over two or three Availability Zones (AZ) so that a (rare) outage of an AZ doesn't impact your cluster, because ECS can migrate your containers to a different host instance (provided your cluster has sufficient spare capacity).
Many advanced clustering technologies that facilitate containers have their own service orchestration layers and usually require an uneven number >= 3 (service) instances for a high availability setup. You can read more about this in section Optimal Cluster Size within Administration for example (see also Running CoreOS with AWS EC2 Container Service).
This refers back to the high availability and service orchestration topics mentioned in 2. already, more precisely your are facing the problem of service discovery, which becomes more prevalent even when using container technologies in general and micro-services in particular:
To get familiar with this, I recommend Jeff Lindsay's Understanding Modern Service Discovery with Docker for an excellent overview specifically focused on your use case.
Jeff also maintains a containerized version of the increasingly popular Consul, which makes it simple for services to register themselves and to discover other services via a DNS or HTTP interface (see Running Consul in Docker and gliderlabs/docker-consul).