How to use sync token on Google People API - google-people-api

I cannot really find an example on how to use this.
Right now, I'm doing like this:
// Request 10 connections.
ListConnectionsResponse response = peopleService.people().connections()
I make some changes to my contacts (adding, removing, updating), then I do this:
// Request 10 connections.
ListConnectionsResponse response2 = peopleService.people().connections()
But it seems like I cannot get the changes I've done earlier, not even if I do them directly from the UI. I'm pretty sure I'm using the sync token in the wrong way.
Update (19/02/2020): In this example I call the API requesting the sync token in the first request (I successfully get the contacts), pause the execution (by breakpoint), delete a contact and update another one (from the web page), resume the execution and then I call the API again with the sync token that I extracted from the previous call. The result is that no change was made for some reason:
// Build a new authorized API client service.
final NetHttpTransport HTTP_TRANSPORT = GoogleNetHttpTransport.newTrustedTransport();
PeopleService peopleService = new PeopleService.Builder(HTTP_TRANSPORT, JSON_FACTORY, getCredentials(HTTP_TRANSPORT))
// Request 10 connections.
ListConnectionsResponse response = peopleService.people().connections()
// Print display name of connections if available.
List<Person> connections = response.getConnections();
if (connections != null && connections.size() > 0) {
for (Person person : connections) {
List<Name> names = person.getNames();
if (names != null && names.size() > 0) {
System.out.println("Name: " + person.getNames().get(0)
} else {
System.out.println("No names available for connection.");
} else {
System.out.println("No connections found.");
String syncToken = response.getNextSyncToken();
System.out.println("syncToken = "+syncToken);
// Request 10 connections.
response = peopleService.people().connections()
// Print display name of connections if available.
connections = response.getConnections();
if (connections != null && connections.size() > 0) {
for (Person person : connections) {
List<Name> names = person.getNames();
if (names != null && names.size() > 0) {
System.out.println("Name: " + person.getNames().get(0)
} else {
System.out.println("No names available for connection.");
} else {
System.out.println("No connections found.");

Something I've found out is that, when requesting or setting a sync token, you must iterate the entirety of the contacts for the nextSyncToken to be populated.
That means that as long as there is a nextPageToken (wink wink setPageSize(10)), the sync token will not be populated.
You could either:
A) Loop over all the contacts using your current
pagination, doing whatever you need to do at every
iteration, and after the last call retrieve the populated
sync token.
B) Iterate over all the contacts in one go, using the max
page size of 2000 and a single personField, retrieve the
token, and then do whatever you need to do. Note that if
you are expecting a user to have more than 2000
contacts, you will still need to call the next pages using
the nextPageToken.
Here is an exemple of a sync loop, adapted from Synchronize Resources Efficiently. Note that I usually use the Python client, so this Java code might not be 100% error free:
private static void run() throws IOException {
Request request = people_service.people().connections()
// Load the sync token stored from the last execution, if any.
// The syncSettingsDataStore is whatever you use for storage.
String syncToken = syncSettingsDataStore.get(SYNC_TOKEN_KEY);
String syncType = null;
// Perform the appropiate sync
if (syncToken == null) {
// Perform a full sync
syncType = "FULL";
} else {
// Try to perform an incremental sync.
syncType = "INCREMENTAL";
String pageToken = null;
ListConnectionsResponse response = null;
List<Person> contacts = null;
// Iterate over all the contacts, page by page.
do {
try {
response = request.execute();
} catch (GoogleJsonResponseException e) {
if (e.getStatusCode() == 410) {
// A 410 status code, "Gone", indicates that the sync token is
// invalid/expired.
// WARNING: The code is 400 in the Python client. I think the
// Java client uses the correct code, but be on the lookout.
// Clear the sync token.
// And anything else you need before re-syncing.
// Restart
} else {
throw e;
contacts = response.getItems();
if (contacts.size() == 0) {
System.out.println("No contacts to sync.");
} else if (syncType == "FULL"){
//do full sync for this page.
} else if (syncType == "INCREMENTAL") {
//do incremental sync for this page.
} else {
// What are you doing here???
pageToken = response.getNextPageToken();
} while (pageToken != null);
// Store the sync token from the last request for use at the next execution.
syncSettingsDataStore.set(SYNC_TOKEN_KEY, response.getNextSyncToken());
System.out.println("Sync complete.");


Not able to get slot values from user

I stuck in a issue, where I have to fill all slots from user.
Sharing required details -
I used Lex for writing Bot and intent Definition.
I exported Lex configuration to Alexa Skill kit.
Currently, I am facing issue, while fetching values of all slots of given intent from user.
Lambda code snippet -
public SpeechletResponse onIntent(SpeechletRequestEnvelope<IntentRequest> speechletRequestEnvelope) {
IntentRequest request = speechletRequestEnvelope.getRequest();
Session session = speechletRequestEnvelope.getSession();"onIntent. requestId : %s, sessionId : %s, Intent : %s", request.getRequestId(),
speechletRequestEnvelope.getSession().getSessionId(), speechletRequestEnvelope.getRequest().getIntent()));
Intent intent = request.getIntent();
String intentName = (intent != null) ? intent.getName() : null;
if ("HelloWorldIntent".equals(intentName)) {
return getHelloResponse();
} else if ("AMAZON.HelpIntent".equals(intentName)) {
return getHelpResponse();
} else if ( {
return handleMissingDriveIntent(session, intent);
} else {
return getAskResponse("HelloWorld", "This is unsupported. Please try something else.");
private SpeechletResponse handleMissingDriveIntent(Session session, Intent intent) {"Executing intent : %s. Slots : %s", intent.getName(), intent.getSlots()));
Slot missingDriveSlot = intent.getSlot("missingDate");
Slot missingDrivesCountSlot = intent.getSlot("missingDrivesCount");
if(missingDriveSlot == null || missingDriveSlot.getValue() == null) {
printSlots(intent.getSlots());"Missing Drives slot is null"));
//return handleMissingDriveDialogRequest(intent, session);
ElicitSlotDirective elicitSlotDirective = new ElicitSlotDirective();
SpeechletResponse speechletResponse = new SpeechletResponse();
SsmlOutputSpeech outputSpeech = new SsmlOutputSpeech();
outputSpeech.setSsml("On which date drives were missing");
return speechletResponse;
} else if(missingDrivesCountSlot == null || missingDrivesCountSlot.getValue() == null) {
printSlots(intent.getSlots());"Missing Drive Count is null"));
// return handleMissingDrivesCountDialogRequest(intent, session);
ElicitSlotDirective elicitSlotDirective = new ElicitSlotDirective();
SpeechletResponse speechletResponse = new SpeechletResponse();
return speechletResponse;
} else if(missingDriveSlot.getValue() != null && missingDrivesCountSlot.getValue() != null) {
printSlots(intent.getSlots());"All slots filled."));
SpeechletResponse speechletResponse = new SpeechletResponse();
ConfirmIntentDirective confirmSlotDirective = new ConfirmIntentDirective();
return speechletResponse;
} else {
/*SpeechletResponse speechletResponse = new SpeechletResponse();
return null;
Check method -
Amazon Echo Dot is saying - "There were a problem with a requested skill response". How can I figure out the reason ?
"There were a problem with a requested skill response"
Then Alexa responds to that error message back to you. That means there is a runtime error in your code.
You can check the CloudWatch logs from your lambda function (or using ask cli tool if you are using it). It can show you a line number where the error is happening. So you need to proceed from there.

Return single database entry

The following snippet is able to return all the cars in my database as a JSON when I call the URL 1 and I can display them in the browser. However, when I use the URL 2, I get nothing and the browser displays the 404 error. But it is weird that the error does not show the message "Car not found". It shows "The origin server did not find a current representation for the target resource or is not willing to disclose that one exists.".
I tested the RegexUtil class and it does return the Long as 1 when I call the URL 2 and Long equal to null when I call the URL 1.
What am I doing wrong?
1) http://localhost:8080/Cars/cars
2) http://localhost:8080/Cars/cars/1
String requestUri = request.getRequestURI();
Long id = RegexUtil.matchId(requestUri);
if (id != null) {
//this if test is never executed even when id != null
// id was informed
Car car = carService.getCar(id);
if (car != null) {
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create();
String json = gson.toJson(car);
ServletUtil.writeJSON(response, json);
} else {
response.sendError(404, "Car not found");
} else {
//this else executes fine
// Show car list
List<Car> cars = carService.getCars();
Gson gson = new GsonBuilder().setPrettyPrinting().create();
String json = gson.toJson(cars);
ServletUtil.writeJSON(response, json);
Issue resolved.
The servlet annotation was incorrect.
The asterisk was missing
#WebServlet(urlPatterns = { "/cars/*" },

Calling a Web Service (containg multiple pages) does not load all the pages (without an added sleep delay)

My question is about a strange behavious I notice both on my iPhone device and the codenameone simulator (NetBeans).
I invoke the following code below which calls a google web service to provide a list of food places around a GPS coordinate:
The web service that is called is as follows (KEY OBSCURED):,-74.00597299999998&radius=200&types=food&key=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
Each result contains the next page token and thus, the second call (for the subsequent page) is as follows:,-74.00597299999998&radius=200&types=food&key=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX&pagetoken=YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY
public static byte[] getWSResponseData(String urlString, boolean usePost)
ConnectionRequest r = new ConnectionRequest();
InfiniteProgress prog = new InfiniteProgress();
Dialog dlg = prog.showInifiniteBlocking();
catch (InterruptedException ex)
byte[] responseData = r.getResponseData();
return responseData;
public static void getLocationsList(double lat, double lng)
boolean done = false;
while (!done)
byte[] responseData = getWSResponseData(finalURL,false);
result = Result.fromContent(parser.parseJSON(new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(responseData))));
String venueNames[] = result.getAsStringArray("/results/name");
nextToken = result.getAsString("/next_page_token");
if ( nextToken == null || nextToken.equals(""))
done = true;
finalURL = completeURL + "&pagetoken=" + nextToken;
This code works fine with the sleep timer, but when I remove the Thread.sleep, only the first page gets called.
Any help would be appreciated.
Using the debugger does not help as this is a timing issue and the issue does not occur when using the debugger.
Also when I put some print statements into the code
while (!done)
String nextToken = null;
System.out.println("Total Number of entries returned: " + itemCount);
I get the following output:
First Run (WITHOUT SLEEP):,-74.00597299999998&radius=200&types=food&key=XXXXXXXX,-74.00597299999998&radius=200&types=food&key=XXXXXXXX&pagetoken=CqQCF...
Total Number of entries returned: 20
Using the network monitor I see that the response to the second WS call returns:
"html_attributions" : [],
"results" : [],
"status" : "INVALID_REQUEST"
Which is strange as when I cut and paste the WS URL into my browser, it works fine...
Second Run (WITH SLEEP):,-74.00597299999998&radius=200&types=food&key=XXXXXXXXX,-74.00597299999998&radius=200&types=food&key=XXXXXXXXX&pagetoken=CqQCFQEAA...,-74.00597299999998&radius=200&types=food&key=XXXXXXXXX&pagetoken=CsQDtQEAA...
Total Number of entries returned: 60
Well it seems to be a google API issue as indicated here:
Paging on Google Places API returns status INVALID_REQUEST
I still could not get it to work by changing the WS URL with a random parameter as they suggested, but I will keep trying and post something here if I get it to work. For now I will just keep a 2 second delay between the calls which seems to work.
Well gave up on using the google WS for this and switched to Yelp, works very well:

Alfresco WS Client API - WSSecurityException when using fetchMore method

Can someone tell me what's wrong with my code here... I'm always getting this exception on the first call to after the first fetchMore has occurred. The security token could not be authenticated or authorized
// Here we're setting the endpoint address manually, this way we don't need to use
AuthenticationUtils.startSession(wsUsername, wsPassword);
// Set the batch size in the query header
int batchSize = 5000;
QueryConfiguration queryCfg = new QueryConfiguration();
RepositoryServiceSoapBindingStub repositoryService = WebServiceFactory.getRepositoryService();
repositoryService.setHeader(new RepositoryServiceLocator().getServiceName().getNamespaceURI(), "QueryHeader", queryCfg);
ContentServiceSoapBindingStub contentService = WebServiceFactory.getContentService();
String luceneQuery = buildLuceneQuery(categories, properties);
// Call the repository service to do search based on category
Query query = new Query(Constants.QUERY_LANG_LUCENE, luceneQuery);
// Execute the query
QueryResult queryResult = repositoryService.query(STORE, query, true);
String querySession = queryResult.getQuerySession();
while (querySession != null) {
ResultSet resultSet = queryResult.getResultSet();
ResultSetRow[] rows = resultSet.getRows();
for (ResultSetRow row : rows) {
// Read the content from the repository
Content[] readResult = Predicate(new Reference[] { new Reference(STORE, row.getNode().getId(), null) },
STORE, null), Constants.PROP_CONTENT);
Content content = readResult[0];
// Get the next batch of results
queryResult = repositoryService.fetchMore(querySession);
// process subsequent query results
querySession = queryResult.getQuerySession();

Why does SQL Server CLR procedure hang in GetResponse() call to web service

Environment: C#, .Net 3.5, Sql Server 2005
I have a method that works in a stand-alone C# console application project. It creates an XMLElement from data in the database and uses a private method to send it to a web service on our local network. When run from VS in this test project, it runs in < 5 seconds.
I copied the class into a CLR project, built it, and installed it in SQL Server (WITH PERMISSION_SET = EXTERNAL_ACCESS). The only difference is the SqlContext.Pipe.Send() calls that I added for debugging.
I am testing it by using an EXECUTE command one stored procedure (in the CLR) from an SSMS query window. It never returns. When I stop execution of the call after a minute, the last thing displayed is "Calling GetResponse() using http://servername:53694/odata.svc/Customers/". Any ideas as to why the GetResponse() call doesn't return when executing within SQL Server?
private static string SendPost(XElement entry, SqlString url, SqlString entityName)
// Send the HTTP request
string serviceURL = url.ToString() + entityName.ToString() + "/";
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(serviceURL);
request.Method = "POST";
request.Accept = "application/atom+xml,application/xml";
request.ContentType = "application/atom+xml";
request.Timeout = 20000;
request.Proxy = null;
using (var writer = XmlWriter.Create(request.GetRequestStream()))
SqlContext.Pipe.Send("Calling GetResponse() using " + request.RequestUri);
WebResponse response = request.GetResponse();
SqlContext.Pipe.Send("Back from GetResponse()");
string feedData = string.Empty;
Stream stream = response.GetResponseStream();
using (StreamReader streamReader = new StreamReader(stream))
feedData = streamReader.ReadToEnd();
HttpStatusCode StatusCode = ((HttpWebResponse)response).StatusCode;
if (StatusCode == HttpStatusCode.Created /* 201 */ )
return "Created # Location= " + response.Headers["Location"];
return "Creation failed; StatusCode=" + StatusCode.ToString();
catch (WebException ex)
return ex.Message.ToString();
if (request != null)
The problem turned out to be the creation of the request content from the XML. The original:
using (var writer = XmlWriter.Create(request.GetRequestStream()))
The working replacement:
using (Stream requestStream = request.GetRequestStream())
using (var writer = XmlWriter.Create(requestStream))
You need to dispose the WebResponse. Otherwise, after a few calls it goes to timeout.
You are asking for trouble doing this in the CLR. And you say you are calling this from a trigger? This belongs in the application tier.
Stuff like this is why when the CLR functionality came out, DBAs were very concerned about how it would be misused.