Rails 5 erb doesn't escape html - xss

In a rails 5.2.3 erb template:
<% input = "<script>alert('XSS')</script>" %>
<p><%= input %></p>
is showing <script>alert('XSS')</script> instead of &gt.. etc
Isn't <%= ... %> supposed to prevent against reflected xss attack?
Same issue if input is retrieved from params[:input]
The raw is output in the html:

Need to look in source ctrl+u
as Gabor suggested


What is '<%%' in ERB in Rails?

I have bean seen code of scaffold in rails. I found
<%% breadcrumb_add "<%= plural_table_name.capitalize %>", <%= plural_table_name %>_path %>
<%%= render 'form' %>
What is <%% and how to use?
<%% in Erb produces a literal <% in the output. You can use it if you want the output of your template to also be Erb, which is what is happening in the Rails example you link to.
In your code, the output will be something like (if the variable plural_table_name is things):
<% breadcrumb_add "Things", thing_path %>
<%= render 'form' %>
which itself is Erb.

using a regex inside an HTML helper

I would like to add an HTML element attribute depending whether I'm passing an URL or not to an HTML helper.
I tried this in my template.html.eex:
<%= if Regex.match?(~r/www/, "#auxButton_linkURL") do %> target="_blank" <% else %><% end %>
I know that I'm close but this is not working (although no error, it simply just doesn't add the target attribute).
How to use it correctly?
Do you mean to use the #auxButton_linkURL value from conn.assigns? If so you should use:
<%= if Regex.match?(~r/www/, #auxButton_linkURL) do %> target="_blank" <% else %><% end %>
Notice there are no quotes around #auxButton_linkURL. As an aside, variables by convention should use snake_case (#aux_button_link_url)

Rails .each enumerator with a special case for the first line

I'm trying to put an enumerator to run over the top of a (refills/bourbon) front end framework. The element is a tab accordian which has repeatable elements but a special is-active class tag which flags to javascript which one should be expanded and the focus of a users attention.
I want to design an enumerator to create tabs and fill content based on how many records there are in ActiveRecord so I'm using an enumerator - but is there a smart way I can create a clean exception for the first <a> it outputs so it includes the is-active tag?
Currently my murky hack is below:
<div class="vertical-tabs-container">
<div class="vertical-tabs">
<% tab_num = 0 %>
<% #user.items.each do |item| %>
<% tab_num += 1 %>
<% if tab_num = 1 %>
<%= content_tag( :a, #user.item, :class=>"js-vertical-tab vertical-tab is-active, :rel="tab#{tab_num}", :href="javascript:void(0) %>
<% else %>
<%= content_tag( :a, #user.item, :class=>"js-vertical-tab vertical-tab, :rel="tab#{tab_num}", :href="javascript:void(0) %>
<% end %>
... content goes here...
There seems something deeply un-rails about that tab_num bit... and I sense a disturbance in the MVC force for putting this in my view... Plus this way I'd have to have another enumerator for the body element of the vertical-tabs-container...
Anyone got a better idea of how to do this neatly?
Firstly, this looks like it belongs in a helper or a presenter/decorator.
The code itself could be simplified. Helper method:
In your view:
<div class="vertical-tabs-container">
<div class="vertical-tabs">
<%= user_tabs(#user) %>
... content goes here...
Then in your helper:
def user_tabs(user)
output = ""
user.items.each_with_index do |item,i|
output << content_tag(:a, item, :class=>"js-vertical-tab vertical-tab #{i == 0 ? '' : 'is-active'", :rel="tab#{i}", :href="javascript:void(0)
However if you're going to start adding content and tabs seperately, take a look at draper and define methods for tab and body on the item element.

Use deface to change bad code in Spree store

I am working in Spree, and I am trying to use Deface to change this
<% if order.has_step?("delivery") %>
<div class="columns alpha four" data-hook="order-ship-address">
<h6><%= Spree.t(:shipping_address) %> <%= link_to "(#{Spree.t(:edit)})", checkout_state_path(:address) unless #order.completed? %></h6>
<%= render :partial => 'spree/shared/address', :locals => { :address => order.ship_address } %>
<% end %>
<% if #order.has_step?("delivery") %>
<div class="columns alpha four">
<h6><%= Spree.t(:shipments) %> <%= link_to "(#{Spree.t(:edit)})", checkout_state_path(:delivery) unless #order.completed? %></h6>
<div class="delivery">
<% order.shipments.each do |shipment| %>
<i class='fa fa-truck'></i>
<%= Spree.t(:shipment_details, :stock_location => shipment.stock_location.name, :shipping_method => shipment.selected_shipping_rate.name) %>
<% end %>
<%= render(:partial => 'spree/shared/shipment_tracking', :locals => {:order => #order}) if #order.shipped? %>
<% end %>
..into this.
<div class="columns alpha four" data-hook="order-ship-address">
<h6><%= Spree.t(:shipping_address) %> <%= link_to "(#{Spree.t(:edit)})", checkout_state_path(:address) unless #order.completed? %></h6>
<%= render :partial => 'spree/shared/address', :locals => { :address => order.ship_address } %>
I've already submitted a pull request about the redundant if statement and adding a data-hook to the second if #order.has_step?("delivery"), but in the meantime I need to write a deface override that will change the page to how I need it to look. I might be able to remove the first if #order.has_step?("delivery") since I think Deface will target the first instance of what I'm talking about on the page if I write
:remove => "erb[silent]:contains('if order.has_step?(\"delivery\"')")
although to be honest the documentation is not very good on that point. Anyway, how can I remove the entirety of the second if statement? There's no data-hook to target it, and using
:remove_content => "erb[silent]:contains('if order.has_step?(\"delivery\"')")
just removes the content of the first if statement. I can't target the first div in the second if statement since there's already a div class="columns alpha four" in the first if statement. I don't want to leave an empty div on the page, so what can I do?
The two if statements in the referenced code do not refer to the same variable. The first if refers to order, and the second to #order.
When using deface to remove existing sections of erb, the string passed in to contains must exactly match the code you want to move in order for the override to properly locate it. Since the second if statement uses #order, and your matcher doesn't include the # symbol, it won't remove that particular if statement.
Based on the rspec tests in the deface repo, it doesn't appear that you can currently use multiple matching strings with one override in the remove action. Instead, you'll have to use a second override to mach the second if statement and remove it.
The pull request I posted to Spree made this whole issue moot (which you can find here if you're interested: https://github.com/spree/spree/pull/5692 ). Also, it turns out that #order and order function in exactly the same way in that document, and all references to #order are in the process of getting removed from Spree anyway.

Dropdown select list won't display items with custom forms of Zurb Foundation 4 and Rails 4

I've been having this annoying problem in which I click over a select dropdown input of my custom form, styled with Zurb Foundation 4 in my Rails application, and the list won't show its elements.
I thought at a start that was a problem with simple form, but I changed the f.association for f.collection_select, my code looks like this:
<h2><%= I18n.t(".sign_up") %></h2>
<%= simple_form_for(resource, :html => {:class => "custom"}, :as => resource_name, :url => registration_path(resource_name)) do |f| %>
<%= f.error_notification %>
<%= devise_error_messages! %>
<%= f.input :rut %>
<%= f.input :name %>
<%= f.input :email %>
<%= f.label :supplier_type_id %>
<%= f.collection_select :supplier_type_id, SupplierType.all, :id, :name %>
<%= f.input :password %>
<%= f.input :password_confirmation %>
<%= f.error :base %>
<%= f.submit I18n.t(".sign_up"), :class => "button" %>
<% end %>
<%= render "devise/shared/links" %>
The most strange thing is that sometimes I'm able to see the items when refreshing the page, but when I get to the page navigating from other view of the app then it won't work. I've also noticed this when using hints for forms (i.e: If I have two hints in the same form, in different inputs, only one would show, but the same one message displays in both inputs when each message should show in their respective input. When reloading the page sometimes it shows one hint, and sometimes the other)
The styling looks good, so I think that it might be a foundation javascript problem.
Another thing I've noticed is that when I load the page the styling does a kind of "blinking" when using custom forms. This blinking it looks likes foundation takes a while to load the styling, I've also noticed this on their own custom form documentation site. This may indicate that is a form styled with javascript events or something similar, so this might mean that javascript is working well.
In addition, the checkboxes are having a similar problem, they only can be checked just when you reload the page, it might have some relation with this problem.
I'm very lost, some help would become very handy. Thanks!
--edit: Foundation 5 doesn't include custom forms and works better--
You might need to refresh dropdowns on each page:change event. Try something like this:
$(document).on("page:change", function() {
// SELECTOR_TO_CUSTOM_DROPDOWNS should select any Zurb custom dropdowns you
// are using.
That's from the documentation on Zurb custom form JS.
Yes, this is caused by turbolinks. It stops $(document).ready from firing on page load, which is required by foundation's custom forms.
Using ssorallen's answer and to be more unobtrusive than the OPs, add this to application.js:
$(function(){ $(document).foundation(); });
$(document).on("page:change", function() {
if ($('form.custom').length > 0) {
Also, if you have jquery/coffeescript that relies on document ready being fired, add jquery turbolinks to your Gemfile.
Ok, so I just figured out that I have repeated asset load on my browser. This is causing a javascript error. It appears that deleting in the manifest
//= require turbolinks
Solves the problem.
I solved my multiple asset problem changing
<%= javascript_include_tag "application" %>
To the head in my application layout.
After watching the turbolinks railscast I noticed that besides my multiple asset loading, turbolinks and foundation 4 may not be compatible, it might be a solution on this post. But still doesn't work perfect for me.
I also noticed that navbar is also affected by turbolinks.
I think that this is rather a turbolinks problem and not an specific foundation dropdown. I will close this question and open a new on turbolinks and foundation.
Thanks to some Nick Reed insights I found out that the foundation gem was initializing foundation in application.js like this:
$(function(){ $(document).foundation(); });
So I checked the docs and I used this:
After the "/body" tag in the application layout and everything seems to be working like a charm!