Build OpenCV using qmake - c++

I make part of a 'big' project based on QT-Creator.
It is an image adquisition/processing project.
I am working in a particular library where we need to use OpenCV functions.
I found out how to build, install and include OpenCV using CMAKE thanks to answers like this one.
My problem is that we need that each person on the team can get the OpenCV source and build/install/include automatically (something we normally do with our own libraries) AND this is 100% based on qmake then I should not add CMAKE to our project.
The question is does someone know how to build OpenCV directly with qmake in a project on QT-Creator?


Correct way to build OpenCV as a third party library along with your project in CMAKE

I have a C++ project, where I use opencv, VTK. I would like to build and install these dependent libraries (opencv,vtk) automatically, which are situated in my thirdparty project folder. I know that opencv and VTK use cmake build system to build their libraries. I even saw the function ExternalProject to add them to my CMakesLists.txt but I had problem of linking the target with opencv libs.
Searching on stack overflow I could not find a proper defined method to do it to implement this for version 3.0, the proposed solutions where Version < 3.0. I would like to know how you will structure your project to build opencv automatically as a thirdparty library, exports its targets and link it with my project target.
I think that the best way is to look for what's being done on larger project on github. I would advise to look at this repo in which they use opencv version 3.2, automatically download it and compile it. I believe that this is the correct way because you just have to change the version to try the compatibility with the newer versions if you want to update your code.
What you are looking for is probably what is called a superbuild. This post might help.
I would suggest to build and install opencv in a subfolder of your repo or your build directory. Then you could set the OpenCV_DIR environment variable to the <opencv_install_prefix>/lib/cmake/opencv4 folder (or at least point to the folder where OpenCVConfig.cmake is)
Then in your CMakeLists.txt you can directly use :
find_package(OpenCV 4 REQUIRED
COMPONENTS core imgproc ximgproc)
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC ${OpenCV_LIBS})
The OpenCV_DIR variable tells CMake where to find the OpenCV configuration files needed for find_package function.
For the build and installation step, you could use ExternalProject or FetchContent (I prefer the later) but since OpenCV could be very long to build, you might want to keep the build artifact outside of your project's build folder. Then you can erase your build folder to rebuild your project without rebuilding the whole OpenCV library.
On my side, I'm using a shell script that build OpenCV if needed before building the project that needs it.

how to make a code::blocks project for caffe

I like to have a code::blocks project out of the sources of the caffe framework.
I checked out the whole repository from caffe and made the makefile.config and all the stuff and already build caffe with make. Till now I used caffe only as a black-box and were fine with that.
But now I like get some deeper knowledge of what happens inside and my first step is to make a proper project for the Code::Blocks IDE.
I read that it is possible to generate project-files with cmake and those cmake-generators ( and But I'm not so familiar with the settings and parameter for cmake and need some help.
I'm developing on Ubuntu 15.04-64bit. If you need some further information add a comment and I'll edit the post.

Where is the lib folder (or its replacement) in the current OpenCV?

I'm following a book written for the older version of OpenCV (OpenCV 2 Computer Vision, by PACT) and it tells me to include the lib folder in my Visual Studio 2013 Property Manager when creating a new property sheet.
I don't see a directory called lib in the current GitHub version (opencv-master, which is OpenCV 3.1.x). Has this folder been replaced by something else?
I built OpenCV with cmake. I found a 4 year old unanswered question wherein someone was also looking for this folder. They tried building the library from another directory that no longer exists, but that didn't work for them anyway...
Another OpenCV user just told me that GitHub doesn't include the libraries, so you have to cmake them locally. I'm still not clear on where / how I can cmake them.
I realize the pre-built binaries have this, but I'm avoiding them because I need the SURF functions in opencv_contrib, so I needed to build it from source.
The pre-built binaries will have a library folder in the corresponding path
Local System Path(Opencv Folder)-> build->x64/x86->vc10/vc11/vc12->lib.
As you mentioned that you don't wish to use it then the only option left for you is to build it locally which is a much better option if you plan to use Opencv libraries for varied functions and projects as it resolves many build errors that you might face later.
I used the Cmake Graphical user interface to build opencv, following are the steps I followed to successfully build the libraries on my system .
So, you would need to create a new folder that will contain all
the Makefiles generated.
Please refer to this image for clearer understanding:
In GUI you define source directory path where OpenCVConfig.cmake is present, according to your image it's the
current folder in your image opencv-master.
Similarly, define the path to the new directory you created where all the build files would be stored.
Make sure to uncheck Build_Examples to avoid configuration errors.
Then click Configure at the bottom when configuring is done .(you may need to configure it twice)
After click the tab adjacent to configure, Generate to create the solution file.It will ask you for the compiler name
select the
compiler installed on your system from the list of choices. After
generation is done.
Go to this path Build_New_Directory(the directory you created) you will find OpenCV.sln build this project, it will take around 10-15 minutes depending on your processor, wait patiently .If you get a build error at this point don't invest your time in debugging on Visual Studio go back to Cmake GUi and configure it again and this time give the path to dependent libraries on your system that it could not find .Repeat the process it should be successfully build now.
After it is successfully build you can now locate the path of all opencv libraries build on your system as follows.
Build_New_Directory(the directory you created)->
install->x64->vc10(compiler I used)->lib.
As an update to Nikita's awnser:
There is a cmake build bug where the x64 folder will not be created if OpenCV_RUNTIME is not set. This will happen if you build an old OpenCV (e.g. <= 3.2.0) with a newer Visual Studio Version than was available at that time (e.g. Visual Studio 2017)
To fix this, add the correct MSVC_VERSION elseif-cases in both ./cmake/OpenCVDetectCXXCompiler.cmake and the ./cmake/templates/ (or ./cmake/OpenCVConfig.cmake in < v3.2.0) files:
set(OpenCV_RUNTIME vc14)
# old version ends here with endif()
set(OpenCV_RUNTIME vc15)
set(OpenCV_RUNTIME vc16)

Issue with CLion and find_package: Generated CMake files are placed in some odd location

So basically I have the following setup:
A small test library called mylib with an according CMake file. The CMake file creates all the necessary information so that another project (which is going to be my binary) can use find_package to add the library. The library also has a install target.
A small binary called mybin again wih according CMake file which is depended on the mylib project. Using find_package I can add mylib either by specifying the location of the according myLibConfig.cmake (and myLibTargets.cmake etc.) files or by executing the install target of mylib and then letting CMake find the library itself.
Using CMake and XCode everything works like a charm. First, I configure and build the library. Second, I configure my binary project, specify the location of the library and then build it without any problems.
Now I want to do the same using CLion. My problem now is that CLion puts all the generated CMake file (which usually are placed in the build folder) in some cryptic location which can't be changed in the IDE. Now, when I want to build the mybin project I have to specify this cryptic location which seems kinda odd to me (especially because you have to find out first where CLion actually places those files).
So my question is: Is there a more convenient way to handle the described configuration? I guess this is more or less the standard use case which makes me wonder if I'm missing out on something. Being able to specify where CLion should put the generated CMake files would solve my problem I guess.
I know that i can install the library (using the install target) and then let CMake find it. The problem here is that CLion (to my understanding) doesn't support install targets and therefore I have to use (in my case) XCode to build and install the library first.
I was misunderstsanding the intention of find_package(as Tsyvarev pointed out). By using the solution proposed in this question I managed to add an install target to CLion which now allows me to conveniently build "mylib" and use it in the "mybin" project without having to configure anything manually.

Integrate ITK (Insight Toolkit) into own project

i am having problems integrating ITK - Insight Toolkit into another image processing pipeline. ITK itself is a medical image processing toolkit and uses cmake as build system. My image pipeline project uses cmake as well. According to the user manual of ITK it is favorable to use the "UseITK.cmake" file in the build (out of source) directory of ITK. You can do that by adding the following lines the CMakeList.txt of your own project.
My problem is, this approach points to the current installtion of ITK, but i have to integrate itk completly into my project, without dependencies outside my project.
Is there a build option in the cmake build system of itk, which dumps/delivers all the header and lib files into a build directory, so i can place them into my project on my own.
I have a lib and header include structure i do not want to break. I already tried to to manually copy the lib and header files into my project but it didn't work out.
I am new to itk and cmake so this question might sound vague. I hope you guys can help me anyway.
Thanks in advance!
Best regards,
I don't know if you're still having the problem, but here's an easy way:
Build the ITK project, and then "make install" (or build the INSTALL.vcproj project in VS), and it will write to a directory you pass as CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX while configuring your project. This directory will contain /bin, /lib and /include. You can import those into your project directly.
Using CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX to point to you base directory is the best solution.
When you issue "make install" all the headers/configurationfiles/libraries will be copied over.
C:/Program Files (x86)/ITK is value of CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX for ITK and set automatically.