Lambda boto3 background functions with api - amazon-web-services

I'm trying to build a basic AWS Lambda API and function setup to do the following:
Part 1: Client calls function with api and runs both a background 1 min function to process data and a quick messesge to client in browser.
Part 2: When background function is complete it returns 302 redirect to the client with a generated link.
I'm stuck on Part 2. How can I go from the background function to the API back to the client?
I'm using python boto3 for my Lambda scripts.

This is AWS Lambda so your client doesn't have a persistent connection to the server-side code.
Here is an idea of one way to build this:
your client makes an API request that triggers a Lambda function
on invocation, your Lambda function generates a new, unique id (a UUID), writes that to DynamoDB so that this UUID can later be associated with the result of the background processing
the Lambda kicks off the background processing, passing the UUID to it
the Lambda returns the generated UUID to the client
the background processing happens asynchronously, ultimately writing any results to the DynamoDB item associated with the UUID that triggered it
the client polls another API periodically, say every 10s, sending in the UUID it was given
the polled Lambda takes the presented UUID, does a lookup in DynamoDB and returns a 302 redirect to a URL result, or an indication that the results aren't ready yet (e.g. HTTP 404)
some process that you create removes the item from DynamoDB later (or not)


Can a lambda return a response and wait for a new body without closing the session?

I am running a puppeteer function in AWS Lambda and I have a scenario that the user makes a POST request to the lambda with his username and email. The function is going to check if they are valid in a website and return the JSON to the user with the answer. Is it possible to use the same lambda session to receive another input/body from the user?
The reason I need it to be the same session is because each time an user and email is sent to the lambda, the puppeteer website is going to generate unique ID's that need to be used AFTER the user sends his data in that exact moment because it is logged into the website with an unique session.
I'm currently running this function in a NodeJS and it is fine because the session isnt going to be closed but the session is closed once the lambda returns the first response.
Like people mentioned above, Lambda function is stateless resource and you can ultimately use dynamoDB to store any values such session ID or so.
Additionally, if the Lambda function should wait for response or any updated values by querying DynamoDB, then you can implement AWS Step Function or Airflow which provides the "wait" state.
See what States you can leverage in the AWS Docs.

How should I handle asynchronous processes that occur after API calls in AWS?

I'm designing the backend for a website that uses API Gateway and Lambda to handle API requests, many of which target a MySQL DB on RDS. Some processes need to happen asynchronously but I'm debating which is best practice or cleaner.
In the given scenario, every time a user creates a new row in a certain table, let's say an email also needs to be sent asynchronously. There are many other scenarios similar to this but this will set precedent.
Option 1: In the lambda that handles the API request, first write to the MySQL instance to add the new row. When the response from MySQL comes back successful, write to something like SQS which will later be read from another lambda that sends an email. When the response from SQS is successful that the record was added to the queue, send a 201 response saying the REST API call was successful.
Option 2: In the lambda that handles the API request, write to the MySQL instance to add the new row. When the response from the MySQL comes back successful, send a 201 response saying the REST API call was successful. Then set up a DMS (data migration service) task that runs indefinitely to send database modification binlogs to a kinesis stream which will trigger a lambda that will handle all DB changes, read the change as a new row in a certain table, and send an email.
Option 1:
less infrastructure
more direct tracking of logic from an API call
1 extra http call (to sqs) delaying response times for an api for a web page
Option 2:
more infrastructure (dms task, replication instance)
scaling out shards may mean loss of ordering when processes binlog events if ordering is a requirement (it is)
side question: Are you able to choose hash key for kinesis for dms tasks from mysql?
a single codebase for reacting to all modifications in the DB may actually make following logic in code simpler
Is this the tradeoff or am I missing something? What is best practice in this scenario?
Option 1 in my view seems most logical, but I would replace SQS and second lambda with SNS. So, modified option 1 could be:
Option 1: In the lambda that handles the API request, first write to the MySQL instance to add the new row. When the response from MySQL comes back successful, publish confirmation message to SNS that sends an email. When the response from SNS is successful send a 201 response saying the REST API call was successful.
This should be faster, cheaper and easier to implement then using SQS and second lambda for sending email.

AWS Lambda Payload Response

I'm working on an application and our Back-end is written in .NET Web APi Core and Front-end in React. I make an endpoint which gets a JSON list and the size of the list is almost 83 MB. When I, deploy my back-end into AWS Lambda and call my endpoint it gives me an error (Error converting the response object of type Amazon.Lambda.APIGatewayEvents.APIGatewayProxyResponse from the Lambda function to JSON: Unable to expand the length of this stream beyond its capacity.: JsonSerializerException). I already check the Lambda payload response limit is 6 MB, (storing data into S3 from lambda endpoint and then call into Front-End will not work for me), so is there any way I can get that much data through Lambda.
Not with a single call, sorry, you cannot. As described in this link, the payload limit (for synchronous call) is, as you say, 6MB. Asynchronous calls have even lower limits.
I'd suggest you modify your UI/API to narrow your results first, or trap this error and alert the user (or calling service) that the payload is too large (and hence should be aborted, narrowed, or split into multiple calls).
In a single call we cannot retrieve more than 6.2 mb data from AWS lambda or through AWS API.Im also facing the same issue,Either we have to filter data or should do multiple calls

Sending newly created primary key value back to app using Lambda

My mobile app sends a message to SQS which triggers a Lambda function
that inserts data into a SQL DB.
When it creates the new row, it generates a Primary key. I want to send that
new primary key value to my mobile app before my lambda function is done running.
Should I use SNS to send the value? All opinions appreciated!
A few ideas come to mind:
1) When you mobile app create the SQS message, it should include some sort of callback information in the payload so that the Lambda knows how to reach back to the mobile app and send the primary key information.
2) This sounds like this should be synchronous REST API call. Instead of the mobile app creating a message on a queue, could it instead be invoking your lambda function via a synchronous API Gateway request which can then directly return the primary key to the caller.

Create API using Amazon lambda function and API Gateway

I am implementing an API using Amazon lambda function and API Gateway this lambda function will, in turn, call another 3rd party API and will transform that data into a specific format and will return it.
The 3rd part API that I am using to fetch records has pagination and throttling enabled but the API I am building using lambda and API Gateway I don't want to implement pagination in it rather I want this API to get all the pages one by one transform them in the specific format and return at once. The Client of this API should not have to call it with different pagination parameters.
Now as Lambda function has a maximum of 15-minute limit and the 3rd part API also has a max request per minute limit what is the best way to implement this.
This is how I am doing it right now, in my lambda function I push a specific number of requests in promises and when the max number is reached I stop pushing more and execute the pending promises and set a timeout function for one minute meanwhile the pending promises executes and I generate the response from them but don't send it back as there are pending requests to be made. When the timeout completes I again push a specific amount of requests in promises and repeat the process.
Once all the pages are completed I return the data.
Now the problem is this may exceed more than 15 minutes and the lambda function would terminate.
Is there a better approach for this, even by using some other amazon services.