Apollo client mutation with writeQuery not triggering UI update - apollo

I have a mutation to create a new card object, and I expect it should be added to the user interface after update. Cache, Apollo Chrome tool, and console logging reflect the changes, but the UI does not without a manual reload.
const [createCard, { loading, error }] = useMutation(CREATE_CARD, {
update(cache, { data: { createCard } }) {
let localData = cache.readQuery({
variables: { id: deckId }
localData.deck.cards = [...localData.deck.cards, createCard];
variables: { id: parseInt(localData.deck.id, 10) },
data: { ...localData }
I have changed cache.writeQuery to client.writeQuery, but that didn't solve the problem.
For reference, here is the Query I am running...
const CARDS_QUERY = gql`
query CardsQuery($id: ID!) {
deck(id: $id) {
user {
cards {
toggleDeleteSuccess #client

I managed the same result without the cloneDeep method. Just using the spread operator solved my problem.
const update = (cache, {data}) => {
const queryData = cache.readQuery({query: USER_QUERY})
const cartItemId = data.cartItem.id
queryData.me.cart = queryData.me.cart.filter(v => v.id !== cartItemId)
cache.writeQuery({query: USER_QUERY, data: {...queryData}})
Hope this helps someone else.

Ok, finally ran into a long Github thread discussing their solutions for the same issue. The solution that ultimately worked for me was deep cloning the data object (I personally used Lodash cloneDeep), which after passing in the mutated data object to cache.writeQuery, it was finally updating the UI. Ultimately, it still seems like there ought to be a way to trigger the UI update, considering the cache reflects the changes.
Here's the after, view my original question for the before...
const [createCard, { loading, error }] = useMutation(CREATE_CARD, {
update(cache, { data: { createCard } }) {
const localData = cloneDeep( // Lodash cloneDeep to make a fresh object
variables: { id: deckId }
localData.deck.cards = [...localData.deck.cards, createCard]; //Push the mutation to the object
variables: { id: localData.deck.id },
data: { ...localData } // Cloning ultimately triggers the UI update since writeQuery now sees a new object.


How to update an item after being newly created in AWS DynamoDB and Amplify

I am trying to update a query in AWS Dynamo using AWS Amplify on top of Next.js.
My scenario is simple.
On page load, if there exists a user and the user has not visited a page before, a new object will be created with set values using SWR.
const fetchUserSite = async (owner, code) => {
try {
// Create site object if no site exists
if (userData == null) {
const siteInfo = {
id: uuidv4(),
code: parkCode,
owner: user?.username,
bookmarked: false,
visited: false,
await API.graphql({
query: createSite,
variables: {input: siteInfo},
console.log(`${code} added for the first time`)
return userData || null
} catch (err) {
console.log('Site not added by user', data, err)
// Only call the fetchUserSite method if `user` exists
const {data} = useSWR(user ? [user?.username, parkCode] : null, fetchUserSite)
Currently, this works. The object is added to the database with the above attributes. HOWEVER, when I click a button to update this newly created object, I get an error of path: null, locations: (1) […], message: "Variable 'input' has coerced Null value for NonNull type 'ID!'"
This is my call to update the object when I click a button with the onClick handler "handleDBQuery".
const handleDBQuery = async () => {
await API.graphql({
query: updateSite,
variables: {
input: {
id: data?.id,
bookmarked: true,
owner: user?.username,
console.log(`${name} Bookmarked`)
My hunch is that the updateSite query does not know about the createSite query on page load.
In short, how can I update an item after I just created it?
I looked into the code at master branch and follow along as you describe. I found that the data?.id here comes from a state variable and it is set only before the call to createSite. I suggest you try setId again using the data returned from the createSite
Try this
const fetchUserSite = async (owner, code) => {
try {
// Create site object if no site exists
if (userData == null) {
const siteInfo = {
id: uuidv4(),
code: parkCode,
owner: user?.username,
bookmarked: false,
visited: false,
const { data: newData } = await API.graphql({
query: createSite,
variables: {input: siteInfo},
setId(newData.id); // <====== here (or setId(siteInfo.id))
console.log(`${code} added for the first time`)
return newData; // <======= and this, maybe? (you may have to modify the qraphql query to make it return the same item as in the listSite
return userData || null
} catch (err) {
console.log('Site not added by user', data, err)

getted data is only null in apollo-client / apollo-server & useSubscription

I try use pubsub in apollo server & apollo client. but subscribed data is only null.
client dependency
"#apollo/react-hooks": "^3.1.5",
"apollo-boost": "^0.4.9",
"apollo-link-ws": "^1.0.20",
"graphql": "^15.0.0",
"react": "^16.13.1",
"react-dom": "^16.13.1",
"react-router-dom": "^5.2.0",
"react-scripts": "3.4.1",
"styled-components": "^5.1.1",
"subscriptions-transport-ws": "^0.9.16",
"typescript": "~3.7.2"
server dependency
"apollo-server": "^2.14.1",
"graphql": "^15.0.0",
"merge-graphql-schemas": "^1.7.8",
"ts-node": "^8.10.2",
"tsconfig-paths": "^3.9.0",
"typescript": "^3.9.3"
// apolloClient.ts
import { ApolloClient, HttpLink, InMemoryCache, split } from 'apollo-boost'
import { WebSocketLink } from 'apollo-link-ws'
import { getMainDefinition } from 'apollo-utilities'
const wsLink = new WebSocketLink({
uri: 'ws://localhost:4000/graphql',
options: {
reconnect: true
const httpLink = new HttpLink({
uri: 'http://localhost:4000'
const link = split(
// split based on operation type
({ query }) => {
const definition = getMainDefinition(query);
return (
definition.kind === 'OperationDefinition' &&
definition.operation === 'subscription'
const cache = new InMemoryCache()
const client = new ApolloClient({
cache: cache,
link: link,
export default client
// subscribe.ts
const ON_PUT_UNIT = gql`
subscription onPutUnit($code: String!) {
onPutUnit(code: $code)
const onPutResult = useSubscription(
{ variables: {
code: code,
// in is only null!!
console.log('subscribe', onPutResult)
type Subscription {
onPutUnit(code: String!): Room
import { pubsub } from '#src/index'
const { withFilter } = require('apollo-server')
export default {
Subscription: {
onPutUnit: {
subscribe: withFilter(
() => pubsub.asyncIterator(['PUT_UNIT']),
(payload: any, variables: any) => {
// no problem in payload & variable data
return payload.code === variables.code
type Mutation {
putUnit(code: String!, x: Int!, y: Int!, userName: String!): Room!
export default {
Mutation: {
putUnit: async (_: any, args: args) => {
const { code, x, y, userName } = args
const room = findRoom(code)
console.log(room) // no problem. normal data.
pubsub.publish('PUT_UNIT', room)
return room
Is it some problem? subscribe event is normally reached to client when publish. but data is is only null. I can't fine the reason.
You only specified a subscribe function for onPutUnit, without specifying a resolve function. That means the field utilizes the default resolver.
The default resolver just looks for a property with the same name as the field on the parent object (the first parameter passed to the resolver) and returns that. If there is no property on the parent object with the same name as the field, then the field resolves to null. The parent object is the value the parent field resolved to. For example, if we have a query like this:
user {
whatever the resolver for user returns will be the parent value provided to the resolver for name (if user returns a Promise, it's whatever the Promise resolved to).
But what about user? It has no parent field because it's a root field. In this case, user is passed the rootValue you set when initializing the ApolloServer (or {} if you didn't).
With subscriptions, this works a bit differently because whatever value you publish is actually passed to the resolver as the root value. That means you can take advantage of the default resolver by publishing an object with a property that matches the field name:
pubsub.publish('PUT_UNIT', { onPutUnit: ... })
if you don't do that, though, you'll need to provide a resolve function that transforms the payload you published. For example, if we do:
pubsub.publish('PUT_UNIT', 'FOOBAR')
Then our resolver map needs to look something like this:
const resolvers = {
Subscription: {
onPutUnit: {
subscribe: ...,
resolve: (root) => {
console.log(root) // 'FOOBAR'
// return whatever you want onPutUnit to resolve to

Apollo GraphQL client doesn't return cached nested types in a query

I'm performing a query to get PowerMeter details in which contains another type inside called Project. I write the query this way:
query getPowerMeter($powerMeterId: ID!) {
powerMeter: powerMeter(powerMeterId: $powerMeterId) {
project {
When I perform the query for the first time, project is successfully returned. The problem is that when I perform subsequent queries with the same parameters and default fetchPolicy (cache-first), project isn't returned anymore.
How may I solve this problem?
Also, I call readFragment to check how powerMeter is saved in the cache and the response shows that powerMeter has project saved.
const frag = client.readFragment({
fragment: gql`
fragment P on PowerMeter {
project {
id: 'PowerMeter:' + powerMeterId,
Power Meter returned first time
Fragment after calling power meter first time
Power Meter returned second time
Fragment after calling power meter second time
Edit 1: Fetching Query
The code below is how I'm fetching data. I'm using useApolloClient and not a query hook because I'm using AWS AppSync and it doesn't support query hook yet.
import { useApolloClient } from '#apollo/react-hooks';
import gql from 'graphql-tag';
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
export const getPowerMeterQuery = gql`
query getPowerMeter($powerMeterId: ID!) {
powerMeter: powerMeter(powerMeterId: $powerMeterId) {
project {
export const useGetPowerMeter = (powerMeterId?: string) => {
const client = useApolloClient();
const [state, setState] = useState<{
loading: boolean;
powerMeter?: PowerMeter;
error?: string;
loading: true,
useEffect(() => {
if (!powerMeterId) {
return setState({ loading: false });
.query<GetPowerMeterQueryResponse, GetPowerMeterQueryVariables>({
query: getPowerMeterQuery,
variables: {
.then(({ data, errors }) => {
if (errors) {
setState({ loading: false, error: errors[0].message });
const frag = client.readFragment({
fragment: gql`
fragment P on PowerMeter {
project {
id: 'PowerMeter:' + powerMeterId,
loading: false,
powerMeter: data.powerMeter,
.catch(err => setState({ loading: false, error: err.message }));
}, [powerMeterId]);
return state;
Edit 2: Fetching Policy Details
When I use fetchPolice equals cache-first or network-only, the error persists. When I use no-cache, I don't get the error.
I think this might have been the solution:
Probably way too late, but it could help people coming to this issue in the future.
When using apollo client's InMemoryCache it seems you need to provide a list of possible types so the fragment matching can be done correctly when using the InMemoryCache.
You can do that manually when having few union types and a pretty stable API which doesn't change very often.
Or you automatically generate these types into a json file, which you can use directly in the InMemoryCache's possibleTypes config directly.
Visit this link to the official docs to find out how to do it.

ApolloClient: UI (ROOT_QUERY) not updating after subscription delete

apollo-client: 2.6.3
react-apollo: 2.2.1
So, I have a subscription that is fired upon an item delete request but does not update the UI after the subscription has taken place.
My subscription code is as follows:
subscribeToDeleteItems={() =>
variables: {},
updateQuery: (prev, { subscriptionData }) => {
if (!subscriptionData.data) return prev;
const deletedItem = subscriptionData.data.itemDeleted;
let newItemList;
console.log("prev = ", prev);
if (isDuplicateItem(deletedItem.id, prev.me.items)) {
newItemList = prev.me.items.filter((item) => {
return deletedItem.id !== item.id;
console.log("new item list = ", newItemList);
} else {
return prev;
return Object.assign({}, prev, {
me: {
items: [newItemList]
>Delete This Item</DeleteItem>
and the generated output looks as follows:
ROOT_Query store:
What am I overlooking here and how do I resolve it?
So I resolved this by changing the parent query's fetchPolicy to "cache-and-network" and ensuring that IDs were present in every query where results need to be normalised, as mentioned here: Issue with automatic UI updates in Apollo: `updateQuery` not working properly with `subscribeToMore`

Ember - Within action, result is defined, returnvalue of same action logged in parent action is undefined? Why?

Quick and shortly I have following problem:
I have following two actions within a component in Ember:
createData: function(user) {
let collection = [];
for (let i = 0; i < user.posts.length; i++) {
let data = this.send('createSingleData',user.posts[i], user, 'post');
return collection;
createSingleData: function(data, user, type) {
let entitySkeleton = {
name: data.place.name,
belongsTo: user.id,
position: {
return entitySkeleton;
the first log - within createSingleData, right before returning the logged value - writes the entitySkeleton as Object into the console - as expected.
However, the console.log(data) - within createData - writes 'undefined' to the console.
Is there any aspect of asynchrounosity I didn't respect?
I also logged any paramater within createSingleData, they are all set properly.
The variable collection also only gets pushed 'undefined'.
You cannot return the value from action, instead you can set property from the action.
how to return values from actions in emberjs
actions: {
PrintSomething: function() {
let obj = [{a: 'raj'}, {a: 'Prudvi'}, {a : 'thimappa'}]
console.log('before', obj);
this.send('returnSomething', obj);
console.log('after calling action', this.get('returnvalue'));
returnSomething: function(obj) {
obj.push({a: 'FSDFSDF'})
var data = obj;
this.set('returnvalue', data);