How to build foundation from scss - zurb-foundation

Is it possible to build foundation from the .scss files simply using scss?
If I run:
scss compile --watch foundation.scss
I get an error:
error No such file or directory # rb_sysopen - compile
How to build the whole suite just using scss?

We use gulp for the most setups.


Compilation failed for package with Rcpp

I have a .cpp file which can be compiled by sourceRcpp() successfully. Now I use Rcpp.package.skeleton() for it, and it generates the related directory. Then I run the code R CMD Install on the command line, but it showed a warning with an ERROR:
compilation failed for package...
I'm Windows user and use RStudio. I've followed some advice and found the file, it has only one line
Maybe I need to add Rcpp:::LdFlags() or something. I've already install Rtools before because I can compile and install my own packages without using Rcpp.
Could you give me some advice how to deal with it?
If you are in RStudio already do this:
File -> New Project -> New Directory -> R Package
Important: Switch the toggle in 'Create Package' from 'R Package' to 'R Package w/Rcpp'.
Build the package. It will work, just like Rcpp.package.skeleton().
Copy your source file into src/.
Build the package again. This will automagically run compileAttributes() for you which is what you failed to do manually.
All this is documented.

Build folder and makefile

The question comes from my puzzlement when compiling a makefile for Deep Learning framework Caffe on Ubuntu, but it relates, I believe, to a more general phenomenon of the nature of compiling a C++ makefile.
After "make all", the resulting files from the compilation were put in a hidden folder: .build_release, not in the respective folders where the cpp files are.
Then when I tried to run the following lines:
I was getting an error that the system does not find the file:
./ 16: ./ build/examples/mnist/convert_mnist_data.bin: not found
But the file actually existed in the .build_release folder.
What happened and how to fix this problem?
The issue is not with make, you simply need to follow the instructions carefully. The BUILD_DIR is specified by Makefile.config. By default this folder is named build. Once you followed the compilation instructions:
cp Makefile.config.example Makefile.config
# Adjust Makefile.config (for example, if using Anaconda Python)
make all
make test
make runtest
Navigate to build:
cd build

Using Travis CI to compile c++ project

i'm new at Travis CI and I want to ask you how to exactly use Travis CI to compile OpenGL with a lot .cpp, .h files. If you can hint me how to create correct .travis.yml file.
Also I tried to this but i'm getting this error:
The command "./configure && make" exited with 127.
/home/travis/ line 41: ./configure: No such file or directory
.travis.yml file:
language: cpp
- gcc
- clang
Change this to your needs
script: ./configure && make
There must be a 'configure' file in the directory where the build starts. It is possible that you are using autotools, and need to run ./ or autoreconf first, which generates the configure file. It is possible you are integrating travis with github, and your repository has a .gitignore that ignores the configure file (as it should) so that there is no configure file in the repository (only in your build directory on your dev machine.)

Gradle build: does someone tried alternative build script with alternative setting.gradle?

I am using gradle 1.4, and renamed a build.gradle to buildExpr.gradle and settings.gradle to settingExpr.gradle, both files are in the project root, and I am using following command to run gradle build.
'gradle C:\myProject>gradle -i -b buildExpr.gradle -c settingsExpr.gradle project'
it seems command line option '-c' is not being honored and gradle is not picking settingsExpr.gradle file, hence it is not able to display all modules defined in settings.gradle file while executing project task.
I am getting following log
C:\ASM\asm_workspace\asm71\AutoLab>gradle -i -c settingsExpr.gradle -b buildExpr.gradle project
Starting Build
Settings evaluated using empty settings script.
Projects loaded. Root project using build file 'C:\ASM\asm_workspace\asm71\AutoLab\buildExpr.gradle'.
Included projects: [root project 'AutoLab']
Evaluating root project 'AutoLab' using build file 'C:\ASM\asm_workspace\asm71\AutoLab\buildExpr.gradle'.
All projects evaluated.
Selected primary task 'projects'
Tasks to be executed: [task ':projects']
Root project
Root project 'AutoLab'
No sub-projects
it is very strange behavior by gradle command line shows. but if I change buildExpr.gradle to build.gradle and settingsExpr.gradle to settings.gradle, it executes normally and shows all sub-modules in log
-b and -c can't be used together. When using a settings file, everything else (e.g. the locations of build files) is determined from the settings file.

CMAKE error project files invalid ; does not contain cmakelists.txt

I am trying to compile the code from the following website on a 64 bit windows computer..
I am getting the following errors:
1) error configuration.. project files may be invalid
2) CMake Error: The source directory "/GMM_Fisher_toolkit/GMM_CUDA_src" does not appear to contain CMakeLists.txt.
Specify --help for usage, or press the help button on the CMake GUI.
How can I compile it?
To create an out-of-source build:
Extract your source code to ~/src/test
Create a folder ~/build/test
Goto: ~/build/test
Run: cmake ../../src/test
Run: make