Use of dimension time() in fortran - fortran

Can anyone help me decoding below code, as in what is the function of time()?
IF (TIME(1).EQ.0.0) THEN
open (unit = 20, file = "C:\Temp\RANDOM.TXT")

See the Abaqus User Subroutines Reference Guide, in section 1 User Subroutines -> 1.1 Abaqus/Standard subroutines -> 1.1.41 UMAT. TIME is an array with two elements:
Value of step time at the beginning of the current increment or
Value of total time at the beginning of the current increment.


READ from array instead of file

I have an existing Fortran 77 program where the input values are read from an input file.
read (unit=*, fmt=*) value
The read statement automatically jumps to the next line in the file every time it is called.
Is it possible to replace the "reference" index with another data container, like an array?
For example:
read (myarray, fmt=*) value
I tried it but it always reads the first array-element and does not jump automatically to the next element.
I would have to change every read(unit=*, ...) to read(array(i), ...) and increase the i separately to get to the next element.
Since the program is huge, I am looking for a way to keep the existing read statements and just change the source of the data.
So the unit wouldn't be a integer value but a array where every element is a line from my input file.
Does anybody have an idea?
I tried to discribe the problem in code:
(the input_file.input ist just 15 lines with the numbers 1 to 15)
program FortranInput
implicit none
! Variables
integer :: i, inpid
character*130, dimension(100) :: inp_values
character*130 :: value
inpid = 20
! Open File
open(inpid, file='input_file.input')
! Read from file ------------------------------------------------
do i = 1, 15
! read always takes the next line in the file
read(inpid,'(a130)') value
! write each line to new array-element
inp_values(i) = value
! output each line from file to screen
write(*,*) value
end do
close (inpid)
! Read from array -----------------------------------------------
do i = 1, 15
! read always takes the first line in the array
read(inp_values,'(a130)') value
write(*,*) value
end do
end program FortranInput
Yes, in your example you have to always read from the appropriate array element using the (i) syntax. I can't see another way.
However, often you can use a character array as file in multiple records without using the element index. Consider this:
integer :: i, n=15
character*130, dimension(100) :: inp_values
character*130 :: value
integer :: values(100)
do i = 1, n
write(value,*) i
inp_values(i) = value
end do
read(inp_values,'(*(i130,/))') values(1:n)
write(*,*) values(1:n)
or even
read(inp_values,*) values(1:n)
It is important to remember that an internal file does not keep track of the position at which it is opened. The position is only valid within each write or read statement.
Internal files, unlike external files, have no concept of persistent position (between input/output statements). In this regard if you want one read statement to transfer from one record and the next read from another record you will have to reference these records directly.
However, you don't show how you really want to use the input. If you can re-write the input to use a single read statement then the appropriate records will be the source.
For example, if you can rewrite
do i=1,5
read(unit, '(I5)') x(i)
end do
read(unit, '(I5,/)') x(1:5)
then you can easily switch to using an internal file.

Fortran is reading beyond endfile record

I'm trying to read some data from a file, and the endfile record detection is important to stop reading. However, depending of the array dimensions of the array used to read data, I cannot detect properly the endfile record and my Fortran program stops.
The program is below:
!integer, dimension(3) :: x ! line 1.1
!integer, dimension(3,10) :: x ! line 1.2
integer, dimension(10,3) :: ! line 1.3
integer :: status,i=1
character(len=100) :: error
open( 30, file='data.dat', status='old' )
print *,i
!read( 30, *, iostat=status, iomsg=error ) x ! line 2.1
!read( 30, *, iostat=status, iomsg=error ) x(:,i) ! line 2.2
read( 30, *, iostat=status, iomsg=error ) x(i,:) ! line 2.3
if ( status < 0 ) then print *,'EOF'
print *,'total of ',i-1,' lines read.'
else if ( status > 0 ) then
print *,'error cod: ',status
print *,'error message: ', error
else if ( status == 0 ) then
print *,'reading ok.'
i = i + 1
end if
end do
With 'data.dat' file been:
10 20 30
30 40 50
When lines 1.3 and 2.3 are uncommented the mentioned error appears:
error cod: 5008
error message: Read past ENDFILE record
However, using lines 1.1 and 2.1, or 1.2 and 2.2, the program works, detecting endfile record.
So, I would like some help on understanding why I cannot use lines 1.3 and 2.3 to read properly this file, since I'm giving the correct number of array elements for read command.
I'm using gfortran compiler, version 6.3.0.
EDIT: simpler example
the following produces a 5008 "Read past ENDFILE record" error:
implicit none
integer x(2,2),s
if we make x a scalar or a one-d array ( any size ) we get the expected -1 EOF flag. It doesn't matter if the file actually doesn't exist or is empty. If the file contains some, but not enough, data its hard to make sense of which return value you might get.
I am not sure if I am expressing myself correctly but it has to do with the way fortran is reading and storing 2d-arrays. When you are using this notation: x(:,i), the column i is virtually expanded in-line and the items are read using this one line of code. In the other case where x(i,:) is used, the row i is read as if you called read multiple times.
You may use implied loops if you want to stick with a specific shape and size. For example you could use something like that:read( 30, *, iostat=status, iomsg=error ) (x(i,j), j=1,3)
In any case you should check that your data are stored properly (as expected at least) in variable x.
Please note this is only a guess. Remember that Fortran stores arrays in column major order. When gfortran compiles read() x(:,i), the 3 memory locations are next to each other so in the executable, it produces a single call to the operating system to read in 3 values from the file.
Now when read() x(i,:) is compiled, the three data elements x(i,1), x(i,2) and x(i,3) are not in contiguous memory. So I am guessing the executable actually has 3 read calls to the operating system. The first one would trap the EOF but the 2nd one gives you the read past end of file error.
UPDATE: I have confirmed that this does not occur with Intel's ifort. gfortran seems to have had a similar problem before: Bad IOSTAT values when readings NAMELISTs past EOF. Whether this is a bug or not is debatable. The code certainly looks like it should trap an EOF.

Rainflow algorithm - Fortran conversion to Matlab

I am trying to convert a Rainflow cycle counting algorithm which is in Fortran, which is a language I am not familiar with, into Matlab.
There is a ready made Rainflow I've downloaded for Matlab but that does not fit the requirements of my project so I'm trying to build one from scratch.
Here is the Fortran code:
call 'get next peak/valley', VALUE
not enough points to form a cycle
c -- cycle has been closed
c -- remove the cycle
c -- see if this value closes any more cycles
I had downloaded f2matlab (a Fortran to Matlab converter) but it requires a Fortran compiler which I do not have.
The bits I don't really understand how I can convert are:
The call 'get next… line (is this an input()?)
The BUFFER(4096) etc (is this a bit large to be a matrix in matlab?)
The GOTO/CONTINUE structure.
What do they mean, in English (or Matlab)?
I have seen
How to translate fortran goto state to matlab
translating loop from Fortran to MATLAB
but they do not help me very much.
call 'get next peak/valley', VALUE
isn't (currently) syntactically valid Fortran and I'm not sure whether any compiler of yore would have understood it either. I guess that it means get a VALUE for use in the following bits of code.
is a simple declaration that BUFFER is a vector of 4096 integers, nothing to scare Matlab in that volume of data.
Finally, GOTO is an unconditional jump and the number following it is the label of the line to jump to, so GOTO 10 means execute the line with label 10 next. It was fairly common in FORTRAN of the vintage you are showing us to jump to a CONTINUE statement which is, in this context, a no-operation, execution continues to the next line.
In another context, with DO loops CONTINUE would have marked the end of the block of code inside the scope of the loop and would have a subtly different effect.

Fortran's warning on a program for evaluating elliptic integrals

On internet, I found this program that demonstrate Evaluating elliptic integrals of first and second kinds (complete)
implicit none
real*8 e,e1,e2,xk
integer i, n
print *,' K K(K) E(K) STEPS '
print *,'------------------------------------------'
do i = 1, 20
call CElliptic(e,xk,e1,e2,n)
write(*,50) xk,e1,e2,n
xk = xk + 0.05d0
end do
print *,'1.00 INFINITY 1.0000000 0'
50 format(' ',f4.2,' ',f9.7,' ',f9.7,' ',i2)
Complete elliptic integral of the first and second kind. The input parameter is xk, which should be between 0 and 1. Technique uses Gauss' formula for the arithmogeometrical mean. e is a measure of the convergence accuracy. The returned values are e1, the elliptic integral of the first kind, and e2, the elliptic integral of the second kind.
Subroutine CElliptic(e,xk,e1,e2,n)
! Label: et
real*8 e,xk,e1,e2,pi
real*8 A(0:99), B(0:99)
integer j,m,n
pi = 4.d0*datan(1.d0)
A(0)=1.d0+xk ; B(0)=1.d0-xk
if (xk < 0.d0) return
if (xk > 1.d0) return
if (e <= 0.d0) return
et n = n + 1
! Generate improved values
if (dabs(A(n)-B(n)) > e) goto et
do j = 1, n
end do
e2 = e2*e1/2.d0
I have compiled it but I have received the following errors:
gfortran -Wall -c "gauss.f" (nel direttorio: /home/pierluigi/Scrivania)
50 format(' ',f4.2,' ',f9.7,' ',f9.7,' ',i2)
Error: Invalid character in name at (1)
if (dabs(A(n)-B(n)) > e) goto et
Warning: Deleted feature: Assigned GOTO statement at (1)
if (dabs(A(n)-B(n)) > e) goto et
Error: ASSIGNED GOTO statement at (1) requires an INTEGER variable
write(*,50) xk,e1,e2,n
Error: FORMAT label 50 at (1) not defined
Compilation failed.
Any suggestions please?
I have read all your answers and thanks to you I managed to compile the program. I also have another curiosity and I do not know whether to write another question. In the meantime I modify this question. In my program, xk is increased by 0.05. Now I will that the program to read data from a file containing: the minimum value of xk; the maximum value of xk; the number of intervals. I thought:
open (10,file='data/test')
read (10,*) xkmi, xkma
read (10,*) nk
close (10)
lkmi = dlog(xkmi)
lkma = dlog(xkma)
ldk = (lkma-lkmi)/dfloat(nk-1)
In addition, the program must be modified in such a way that the result is written to another file. How can I change the rest of the program? Thank you very much.
Your source code file extension is f which, I think (check the documentation), tells gfortran that the file contains fixed source form. Until Fortran 90 Fortran was still written as if onto punched cards and the location of various bits and pieces of a line is confined to certain columns. A statement label, such as 50 in the first of the error messages, had to be in columns 1 - 6. Two solutions:
Make sure the label is in (some of) those columns. Or, better
Move to free source form, perhaps by changing the file extension to f90, perhaps by using a compilation option (check your documentation).
The error raised by the goto et phrase is, as your compiler has told you, an example of a deleted feature, in which the goto jumps to a statement whose label is provided at run-time, ie the value of et. Either tell your compiler (check ...) to conform to an old standard, or modernise your source.
Fix those errors and, I suspect, the other error messages will disappear. They are probably raised as a consequence of the compiler not correctly parsing the source after the errors.
Because the file has type ".f" gfortan is interpreting it as fixed-source layout. Trying compiling with the free-form layout by using compiler option -ffree-form and see if that works. This probably explains the error about the "invalid character". That statement not being recognized explains the "format not defined error". The "computed goto" is obsolete but valid Fortran. You can ignore that warning. If you wish, later you can modernize the code. For the remaining error, for the "assigned goto", declare "et" as an integer.
I would just do this
10 n = n + 1
! Generate improved values
if (dabs(A(n)-B(n)) > e) goto 10
and possibly compile as free form source as others have shown. The label et seems weird and non-standard, possibly a rare vendor extension.
You could also change the lines above to a do-loop with an exit statement (Fortran 90).
(The program compiled for me after the change).
I tested the subroutine and compared with matlab and it was not the same. It is very similar to the algorithm used in Abramowitz's book. Here is the one I wrote that works well, just for comparing.
subroutine CElliptic(m,K,E)
implicit none
real*8 m,alpha,E,K,A,B,C,A_p,B_p,C_0,pi,suma
integer j,N
pi = 4.d0*datan(1.d0)
do j=1,N
end do
end Subroutine CElliptic
best regards

Fortran subroutine hung up on OPEN statement

I've recently started working on an existing Fortran program, and picking up the language at the same time. I wrote the following subroutine:
subroutine timing(yyyy, mm, dd, var, ntime, time_blocks,
* time_day)
use myglobals
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
! Common Variables
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
integer yyyy, ! year
* mm, ! month
* dd, ! day
* ntime ! nr of blocks for which time was measured
real time_blocks(ntime),
* time_day
character*4 var
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
! Internal Variables
! ---------------------------------------------------------------------
integer ios
integer out_unit=52
open(unit=out_unit, file=diroutput(1:69)//'timing',
* err=450, iostat=ios)
450 print*, "iostat= ", iostat
print*, "open"
write(out_unit, format_str) yyyy, mm, dd, var, time_blocks,
* time_day
The purpose of this subroutine is to write the inputs it gets from another part of the program to a file, following a defined format (format definition not included in my example). The file must be created on the first call of this subroutine, then accessed on each further call in order to append the new information. diroutput is a character string defined in myglobals.
My problem is that the program seems to get hung up at the OPEN statement, i.e. nothing happens until I kill the process. I ran the code with several print*, statements to locate the error, and found out this way that the error must be in the OPEN statement. It seems strange that the program does nothing at all, not even jump to the error label.
As I'm new to Fortran I might be missing something fairly obvious, so a quick look by someone more experienced might help. I'm certain that diroutput contains a valid path.
I'm using Linux (CentOS 5.5) and I compiled my program with Intel Fortran Compiler 11.1.
Your code seems, from the continuation characters in (generally) column 6, to be written in fixed-form despite containing features of Fortran 90. If it is fixed-form then statement labels, such as 450 should be in columns 1 to 5. I don't immediately see why that would cause the program to hang rather than crash, but I suggest you fix this and try again.