Haskell : Filter list for elements of second list - list

I am currently trying to filter a list , that consist of tuples of the form (String , Double), for a List that consists of Strings. If the tuple doesn't contain a String of the second list, it should be removed from the list of tuples. So far I came up with this:
test :: [ExamScore] -> String -> [ExamScore]
test a b = filter ((== b).fst) a
My current problem is to replace the String that is filtered for by a list of Strings. Thanks for your help! Please go easy on me, I'm a first year informatics student that hasn't coded anytime before.

It's almost the same, just another filter function using elem:
test a b :: [ExamScore] -> [String] -> [ExamScore]
test a b = filter (\(s, _) -> elem s b) a
Or, if you're more into the composition style:
test a b = filter (flip elem b . fst) a
(It's worth noting that it's not the most efficient way, since elem is O(N) for lists, so depending on your case you may want to find a better structure for storing the keys.)


How to implement recursive function to simplify polynomial terms with sorted tuple list?

I'm trying to implement a function to add like terms of a sorted list of tuples (first number represents polynomial's constant, the second represents the power). I'm an ocaml noob and don't really know what I'm doing wrong or how to do this correctly.
I tried to write it, but it doesn't work
let rec simp list =
match list with
| (a,b)::(c,d)::remainder where b == d -> (a+c,b)::simp(remainder)
| (a,b)::(c,d)::remainder where b != d -> (a,b)::(c,d)::simp(remainder)
| _ -> list;;
This should combine all the terms with the same second value and just return one tuple with their first values added to the new list. ie: [(3,2);(4,2)] -> [(7,2)].
I am not familiar with the where keyword - there is ocaml-where which provides it, but it seems to be doing something different than what you are expecting. As such, the syntax is just wrong, and where is unexpected.
You probably meant when instead of where.

Haskell -- List Comprehension with Lists inside a Tuple inside a List

I have:
type Person = String
type Book = String
type Database = [(Person,[Book])]
I'm trying to define a function:
books :: Database -> Person -> [Book]
that takes in
1) a list of tuples (which contain a string and a list of strings
2) a String name
and returns a list of strings (namely the books from the database)
I want to use list comprehension, but I don't know how to access elements within a list that is in the tuple inside of the database list.
Example database would look like:
db = [("Bob", ["Red Riding Hood", "Alice in Wonderland"]), ("Carol", ["Game of Thrones"])]
And if I ask for say "Carol", it should return ["Game of Thrones"].
Since you have an association list you can use the lookup function. It pretty much works exactly like you want:
getVal :: Database -> String -> Maybe [String]
getVal = lookup
The only difference is that it returns a Maybe but IMHO that is the right behavior, consider what would happen if you didn't have a value in your database when you looked it up?
Since you want to use pattern matching here is the source of lookup
lookup :: (Eq a) => a -> [(a,b)] -> Maybe b
lookup _key [] = Nothing
lookup key ((x,y):xys)
| key == x = Just y
| otherwise = lookup key xys
Or in your case
getVal :: Database -> String -> [String] --Avoids a Maybe if you want
getVal _key [] = []
getVal key ((x,y):xys)
| key == x = y
| otherwise = getVal key xys
As the other posters said, lookup is the way to go here: it's the standard procedure to search for something in an association list.
That said, a solution using a list comprehension would be
books :: Database -> Person -> [Book]
books db authorName = [book | (author, bookName) <- db,
author == authorName
book <- bookName]
It's taking out (author, bookName) tuples one by one, discarding the ones where the author doesn't match. If then adds the books of that author to the result.
Again, this implements a sort-of workaround for a function that's already in the standard libraries, and it's less readable in general. Really, use lookup.
I wouldn't use a list comprehension for implementing that function - list comprehensions are better suited for building lists.
What you are looking for is the Prelude function lookup:
lookup :: Eq a => a -> [(a, b)] -> Maybe b
As you can see it almost has the correct type, if a ~ Person and b ~ [Book] and after swapping the arguments. Since you want [Book] back and not Maybe [Book] you can wrap the whole thing inside fromMaybe, resulting in:
books db = fromMaybe [] . flip lookup db

haskell list of tuples, with unique tuples

I come from a Python and Java background so Haskell is quite different for me. I'm trying little activities to learn but I am stuck on this .
I have an ordered list of tuples, [(name, studentNumber)], and I want to filter this list so that each student and each studentNumber appears only once. Since the tuples are ordered, I want to keep the first instance of a name or studentNumber and remove any others that may show up.
I tried doing a list comphrenshion, but I'm not sure how to check if a name or number has already been added to the list.
It sounds as if you'd want (as a first, inefficient approximation) something like this:
import Data.List (nubBy)
import Data.Function (on)
filt = nubBy ((==) `on` snd) . nubBy ((==) `on` fst)
The first call to nubBy will result in a list in which each name appears only once, and that will then be passed to the second, resulting in a list in which each number appears only once.
Just using nub will result in a list in which each (name,number) pair occurs only once; there might still be repetitions of names with different numbers and numbers with different names.
(Of course something custom with an accumulator would be faster.)
You can spy on Data.List sources and write your extended nub function:
type Student = (Name, Number)
type Name = String
type Number = Int
unique :: [Student] -> [Student]
unique = go [] []
go unames unumbers (s#(name, number):ss)
| name `elem` unames || number `elem` unumbers = go unames unumbers ss
| otherwise = s : go (name:unames) (number:unumbers) ss
go _ _ [] = []
Should do what you want.
To unique-ify a list there's always the nub function from the prelude, I think that should do exactly what you need!

Haskell - Convert x number of tuples into a list [duplicate]

I have a question about tuples and lists in Haskell. I know how to add input into a tuple a specific number of times. Now I want to add tuples into a list an unknown number of times; it's up to the user to decide how many tuples they want to add.
How do I add tuples into a list x number of times when I don't know X beforehand?
There's a lot of things you could possibly mean. For example, if you want a few copies of a single value, you can use replicate, defined in the Prelude:
replicate :: Int -> a -> [a]
replicate 0 x = []
replicate n | n < 0 = undefined
| otherwise = x : replicate (n-1) x
In ghci:
Prelude> replicate 4 ("Haskell", 2)
Alternately, perhaps you actually want to do some IO to determine the list. Then a simple loop will do:
getListFromUser = do
putStrLn "keep going?"
s <- getLine
case s of
'y':_ -> do
putStrLn "enter a value"
v <- readLn
vs <- getListFromUser
return (v:vs)
_ -> return []
In ghci:
*Main> getListFromUser :: IO [(String, Int)]
keep going?
enter a value
keep going?
enter a value
keep going?
Of course, this is a particularly crappy user interface -- I'm sure you can come up with a dozen ways to improve it! But the pattern, at least, should shine through: you can use values like [] and functions like : to construct lists. There are many, many other higher-level functions for constructing and manipulating lists, as well.
P.S. There's nothing particularly special about lists of tuples (as compared to lists of other things); the above functions display that by never mentioning them. =)
Sorry, you can't1. There are fundamental differences between tuples and lists:
A tuple always have a finite amount of elements, that is known at compile time. Tuples with different amounts of elements are actually different types.
List an have as many elements as they want. The amount of elements in a list doesn't need to be known at compile time.
A tuple can have elements of arbitrary types. Since the way you can use tuples always ensures that there is no type mismatch, this is safe.
On the other hand, all elements of a list have to have the same type. Haskell is a statically-typed language; that basically means that all types are known at compile time.
Because of these reasons, you can't. If it's not known, how many elements will fit into the tuple, you can't give it a type.
I guess that the input you get from your user is actually a string like "(1,2,3)". Try to make this directly a list, whithout making it a tuple before. You can use pattern matching for this, but here is a slightly sneaky approach. I just remove the opening and closing paranthesis from the string and replace them with brackets -- and voila it becomes a list.
tuplishToList :: String -> [Int]
tuplishToList str = read ('[' : tail (init str) ++ "]")
Sorry, I did not see your latest comment. What you try to do is not that difficult. I use these simple functions for my task:
words str splits str into a list of words that where separated by whitespace before. The output is a list of Strings. Caution: This only works if the string inside your tuple contains no whitespace. Implementing a better solution is left as an excercise to the reader.
map f lst applies f to each element of lst
read is a magic function that makes a a data type from a String. It only works if you know before, what the output is supposed to be. If you really want to understand how that works, consider implementing read for your specific usecase.
And here you go:
tuplish2List :: String -> [(String,Int)]
tuplish2List str = map read (words str)
1 As some others may point out, it may be possible using templates and other hacks, but I don't consider that a real solution.
When doing functional programming, it is often better to think about composition of operations instead of individual steps. So instead of thinking about it like adding tuples one at a time to a list, we can approach it by first dividing the input into a list of strings, and then converting each string into a tuple.
Assuming the tuples are written each on one line, we can split the input using lines, and then use read to parse each tuple. To make it work on the entire list, we use map.
main = do input <- getContents
let tuples = map read (lines input) :: [(String, Integer)]
print tuples
Let's try it.
$ runghc Tuples.hs
("Hello", 2)
("Haskell", 4)
Here, I press Ctrl+D to send EOF to the program, (or Ctrl+Z on Windows) and it prints the result.
If you want something more interactive, you will probably have to do your own recursion. See Daniel Wagner's answer for an example of that.
One simple solution to this would be to use a list comprehension, as so (done in GHCi):
Prelude> let fstMap tuplist = [fst x | x <- tuplist]
Prelude> fstMap [("String1",1),("String2",2),("String3",3)]
Prelude> :t fstMap
fstMap :: [(t, b)] -> [t]
This will work for an arbitrary number of tuples - as many as the user wants to use.
To use this in your code, you would just write:
fstMap :: Eq a => [(a,b)] -> [a]
fstMap tuplist = [fst x | x <- tuplist]
The example I gave is just one possible solution. As the name implies, of course, you can just write:
fstMap' :: Eq a => [(a,b)] -> [a]
fstMap' = map fst
This is an even simpler solution.
I'm guessing that, since this is for a class, and you've been studying Haskell for < 1 week, you don't actually need to do any input/output. That's a bit more advanced than you probably are, yet. So:
As others have said, map fst will take a list of tuples, of arbitrary length, and return the first elements. You say you know how to do that. Fine.
But how do the tuples get into the list in the first place? Well, if you have a list of tuples and want to add another, (:) does the trick. Like so:
oldList = [("first", 1), ("second", 2)]
newList = ("third", 2) : oldList
You can do that as many times as you like. And if you don't have a list of tuples yet, your list is [].
Does that do everything that you need? If not, what specifically is it missing?
Edit: With the corrected type:
Eq a => [(a, b)]
That's not the type of a function. It's the type of a list of tuples. Just have the user type yourFunctionName followed by [ ("String1", val1), ("String2", val2), ... ("LastString", lastVal)] at the prompt.

How do I add x tuples into a list x number of times?

I have a question about tuples and lists in Haskell. I know how to add input into a tuple a specific number of times. Now I want to add tuples into a list an unknown number of times; it's up to the user to decide how many tuples they want to add.
How do I add tuples into a list x number of times when I don't know X beforehand?
There's a lot of things you could possibly mean. For example, if you want a few copies of a single value, you can use replicate, defined in the Prelude:
replicate :: Int -> a -> [a]
replicate 0 x = []
replicate n | n < 0 = undefined
| otherwise = x : replicate (n-1) x
In ghci:
Prelude> replicate 4 ("Haskell", 2)
Alternately, perhaps you actually want to do some IO to determine the list. Then a simple loop will do:
getListFromUser = do
putStrLn "keep going?"
s <- getLine
case s of
'y':_ -> do
putStrLn "enter a value"
v <- readLn
vs <- getListFromUser
return (v:vs)
_ -> return []
In ghci:
*Main> getListFromUser :: IO [(String, Int)]
keep going?
enter a value
keep going?
enter a value
keep going?
Of course, this is a particularly crappy user interface -- I'm sure you can come up with a dozen ways to improve it! But the pattern, at least, should shine through: you can use values like [] and functions like : to construct lists. There are many, many other higher-level functions for constructing and manipulating lists, as well.
P.S. There's nothing particularly special about lists of tuples (as compared to lists of other things); the above functions display that by never mentioning them. =)
Sorry, you can't1. There are fundamental differences between tuples and lists:
A tuple always have a finite amount of elements, that is known at compile time. Tuples with different amounts of elements are actually different types.
List an have as many elements as they want. The amount of elements in a list doesn't need to be known at compile time.
A tuple can have elements of arbitrary types. Since the way you can use tuples always ensures that there is no type mismatch, this is safe.
On the other hand, all elements of a list have to have the same type. Haskell is a statically-typed language; that basically means that all types are known at compile time.
Because of these reasons, you can't. If it's not known, how many elements will fit into the tuple, you can't give it a type.
I guess that the input you get from your user is actually a string like "(1,2,3)". Try to make this directly a list, whithout making it a tuple before. You can use pattern matching for this, but here is a slightly sneaky approach. I just remove the opening and closing paranthesis from the string and replace them with brackets -- and voila it becomes a list.
tuplishToList :: String -> [Int]
tuplishToList str = read ('[' : tail (init str) ++ "]")
Sorry, I did not see your latest comment. What you try to do is not that difficult. I use these simple functions for my task:
words str splits str into a list of words that where separated by whitespace before. The output is a list of Strings. Caution: This only works if the string inside your tuple contains no whitespace. Implementing a better solution is left as an excercise to the reader.
map f lst applies f to each element of lst
read is a magic function that makes a a data type from a String. It only works if you know before, what the output is supposed to be. If you really want to understand how that works, consider implementing read for your specific usecase.
And here you go:
tuplish2List :: String -> [(String,Int)]
tuplish2List str = map read (words str)
1 As some others may point out, it may be possible using templates and other hacks, but I don't consider that a real solution.
When doing functional programming, it is often better to think about composition of operations instead of individual steps. So instead of thinking about it like adding tuples one at a time to a list, we can approach it by first dividing the input into a list of strings, and then converting each string into a tuple.
Assuming the tuples are written each on one line, we can split the input using lines, and then use read to parse each tuple. To make it work on the entire list, we use map.
main = do input <- getContents
let tuples = map read (lines input) :: [(String, Integer)]
print tuples
Let's try it.
$ runghc Tuples.hs
("Hello", 2)
("Haskell", 4)
Here, I press Ctrl+D to send EOF to the program, (or Ctrl+Z on Windows) and it prints the result.
If you want something more interactive, you will probably have to do your own recursion. See Daniel Wagner's answer for an example of that.
One simple solution to this would be to use a list comprehension, as so (done in GHCi):
Prelude> let fstMap tuplist = [fst x | x <- tuplist]
Prelude> fstMap [("String1",1),("String2",2),("String3",3)]
Prelude> :t fstMap
fstMap :: [(t, b)] -> [t]
This will work for an arbitrary number of tuples - as many as the user wants to use.
To use this in your code, you would just write:
fstMap :: Eq a => [(a,b)] -> [a]
fstMap tuplist = [fst x | x <- tuplist]
The example I gave is just one possible solution. As the name implies, of course, you can just write:
fstMap' :: Eq a => [(a,b)] -> [a]
fstMap' = map fst
This is an even simpler solution.
I'm guessing that, since this is for a class, and you've been studying Haskell for < 1 week, you don't actually need to do any input/output. That's a bit more advanced than you probably are, yet. So:
As others have said, map fst will take a list of tuples, of arbitrary length, and return the first elements. You say you know how to do that. Fine.
But how do the tuples get into the list in the first place? Well, if you have a list of tuples and want to add another, (:) does the trick. Like so:
oldList = [("first", 1), ("second", 2)]
newList = ("third", 2) : oldList
You can do that as many times as you like. And if you don't have a list of tuples yet, your list is [].
Does that do everything that you need? If not, what specifically is it missing?
Edit: With the corrected type:
Eq a => [(a, b)]
That's not the type of a function. It's the type of a list of tuples. Just have the user type yourFunctionName followed by [ ("String1", val1), ("String2", val2), ... ("LastString", lastVal)] at the prompt.