Splunk migration to S3 DataLake - amazon-web-services

We're looking at moving away from Splunk as our datastore and looking at AWS Data Lake backed by S3.
What would be the process of migrating data from Splunk to S3? I've read lots of documents talking about archiving data from Splunk to S3 but not sure if this archives the data as a usable format OR if its in some archive format that needs to be restored to splunk itself?

Check out Splunk's SmartStore feature. It moves your non-hot buckets to S3 so you save storage costs. Running SmartStore on AWS only makes sense, however, if you run Splunk on AWS. Otherwise, the data export charges will bankrupt you. Data export applies when Splunk needs to search a bucket that's stored in S3 and so copies that bucket to an indexer. See https://docs.splunk.com/Documentation/Splunk/8.0.0/Indexer/AboutSmartStore for more information.

From what I've read there are a couple of ways to do it:
Export using the Web UI
Export using REST API Endpoint
Export using CLI
Copy certain files in the filesystem
So far I've tried using the CLI to export and I've managed to export around 500,000 events at a time using
splunk search "index=main earliest=11/11/2019:00:00:01 latest=11/15/2019:23:59:59" -output rawdata -maxout 500000 > output2.dmp
However - I'm not sure how I can accurately repeat this step to make sure I include all 100 million+ events. IE search from DATE A to DATE B for 500,000 records, then search from DATE B to DATE C for the next 500,000 - without missing any events inbetween.


How can I achieve date-based folder partitioning when I am running full-loads?

I am currently trying to run a daily snapshot (I schedule it to run every day) of an RDS (Postgres) database using AWS DMS. My destination endpoint is S3 and I am using Full Load Replication. My goal is to write every snapshot into a separate date partition. For example, I would like to write today's snapshot into an S3 folder partition that looks like:
However, it seems like I am unable to achieve the folder partitioning with full loads. Reading the docs on date-based folder partitioning (here):
You can enable date-based folder partitioning when you create an S3
target endpoint. You can enable it when you either migrate existing
data and replicate ongoing changes (full load + CDC), or replicate
data changes only (CDC only).
To my understanding of the docs date-based folder partitioning seems to be only available for CDC or CDC + full loads. I have also tried using it myself but without success.
To summarize, my goal is to be able to run full-loads via DMS and to place each day's load into a date-partitioned folder structure within S3. I am aware that I can write to S3 then place the written files into folder using Lambdas, but I was hoping to achieve that cleanly using DMS and without adding a further complexity to the system.

List all forecast CSV files exported to AWS S3 bucket when using AWS Forecast Export Job

I have trained a Predictor on AWS Forecast, and used it to make some forecasts.
I want to get these forecasts as CSV files. To do so, I created a "ForecastExportJob".
After the exportation is done, I can successfully see the CSV files in my S3 bucket.
I would like to download them programmatically, so is there a way to have a list of S3 keys that correspond to the CSV files created with the "ForecastExportJob" command?
I could list all objects in the destination buckets and filter them, but I am wondering if there is a "more elegant" solution to my problem.
Put it simply, I would like to know if there is an AWS command that can list the files created by the "ForecastExportJob" command:
Note: I am using boto3
Thank you in advance and happy new year!

Analyze binary NetCDF files with AWS Quicksight / Athena

I have a task to analyze weather forecast data in Quicksight. The forecast data is held in NetCDF binary files in a public S3 bucket. The question is: how do you expose the contents of these binary files to Quicksight or even Athena?
There are python libraries that will decode the data from the binary files, such as Iris. They are used like this:
import iris
filename = iris.sample_data_path('forecast_20200304.nc')
cubes = iris.load(filename)
So what would be the AWS workflow and services necessary to create a data ingestion pipeline that would:
Respond to an SQS message that a new binary file is available
Access the new binary file and decode it to access the forecast data
Add the decoded data to the set of already decoded data from previous SQS notifications
Make all the decoded data available in Athena / Quicksight
Tricky one, this...
What I would do is probably something like this:
Write a Lambda function in Python that is triggered when new files appear in the S3 bucket – either by S3 notifications (if you control the bucket), by SNS, SQS, or by schedule in EventBridge. The function uses the code snipplet included in your question to transform each new file and upload the transformed data to another S3 bucket.
I don't know the size of these files and how often they are published, so whether to convert to CSV, JSON, or Parquet is something you have to decide – if the data is small CSV will probably be easiest and will be good enough.
With the converted data in a new S3 bucket all you need to do is create an Athena table for the data set and start using QuickSight.
If you end up with a lot of small files you might want to implement a second step where you once per day combine the converted files into bigger files, and possibly Parquet, but don't do anything like that unless you have to.
An alternative way would be to use Athena Federated Query: by implementing Lambda function(s) that respond to specific calls from Athena you can make Athena read any data source that you want. It's currently in preview, and as far as I know all the example code is written in Java – but theoretically it would be possible to write the Lambda functions in Python.
I'm not sure whether it would be less work than implementing an ETL workflow like the one you suggest, but yours is one of the use cases for which Athena Federated Query was designed for and it might be worth looking into. If NetCDF files are common and a data source for such files would be useful for other people I'm sure the Athena team would love to talk to you and help you out.

Export DynamoDB table to S3 automatically

The scenario is the following: I have a lambda function that does an http request to get the data of today and the last 365 days and stores them in DynamoDB. The function is triggered every day at 8am, so the most recent data is always saved in the DynamoDB table.
Now my goal is to export the DynamoDB table to a S3 file automatically on an everyday basis as well, so I'm able to use services like QuickSight, Athena, Forecast on the data.
If possible and easily implementable, I'd like to only have one S3 file that gets added with the most recent data of the day, because an extra file everyday seems kinda pricey. If that's not possible, an extra file everyday would also be fine.
What's the best way to go about doing so without using CLI (because I'm not allowed to install programs to my laptop) and without using Lambda (because I wouldn't know how to write a function for that without any tutorials)?
Take a look at DataPipeline. This is a use case and most of the configuration is simple.
It will also not require any knowledge of Lambda and can be automated.
More info: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/amazondynamodb/latest/developerguide/DynamoDBPipeline.html
DynamoDB recently released a new, native feature to export your table's data to an S3 bucket. It supports exporting into DynamoDB JSON and Amazon Ion - see the documentation on how to use it at:
This will enable you to run whatever analytics tools you'd like (Athena, etc.) on the data exported in S3.

Pointing multiple projects' log sinks to one bucket

I have a few GCP projects with log sinks to different storage buckets. I'd like to combine them into a single bucket. But the stackdriver export doesn't add any distinguishing information to the object names it creates; they all look like cloudaudit.googleapis.com/activity/2017/11/14/00:00:00_00:59:59_S0.json
What will happen if I start pushing them all to a single bucket? Will the different project sinks overwrite each other's objects? Is there any way to distinguish which project created the logs just from the object?
If not, I guess I should switch to pubsub sinks, and then write some code that produces objects with more desirable names. Are there any established patterns or examples for doing this?
Update: I filed https://issuetracker.google.com/issues/69371200 for this issue.
To enable this, just select custom destination on the sink and point to the bucket with this format: storage.googleapis.com/[BUCKET_ID].
I've just enabled this in a couple of my projects, as I'm curious to see the results when exporting to a bucket. However, I have been using a single BQ sink for all my projects, and the tables created have all the logs mixed, so no logs lost when using a single BQ sink.
I'm assuming for a GCS sink will work in the same way, but I'll tell you in a couple of days.
If a single bucket sink does not work, you can always use a single BQ sink (that will help in analyzing the logs), and when you no longer want to have them in BQ, export them and store the files wherever you want.
Also, since you'll be writing to your sink constantly, you can't use nearline or coldline, so the storage pricing is better in BQ than a regional bucket (0.02 USD/GB in BQ vs somewhere between 0.02 and 0.35 USD/GB for regional storage, depending on the region; BQ has 10GB free monthly, GCS 5GB).
I would generally recommend using a BQ sink, but I'll tell you what happens with my bucket logs.
A few hours later, and I've verified that shared bucket sinks work pretty much as you would expect. It concatenates logs chronologically regardless of the project origin, and only creates a single file for each time window. Hope this helps! (I still prefer BQ as a log sink...)
Update 2:
For the behavior you seek in the feature request, I would use BQ, but you could just as easily grep the project ID and separate the logs:
grep '"logName":"projects/<your-project-id>/' mixed-log.json > single-project-log.json
Or just get a cloud function triggered by bucket updates (so, every time you receive a log file in the sink) to run this for you.
Or namespace you buckets and have a cloud function moving them to wherever you need as soon as they are written.
The possibilities are endless!
If you have an organization or folder which includes all the projects that you want to collect logs from, then you can create a sink that collects from all projects in that org/folder.
Unfortunatlely, you cannot do this from the Cloud Console. Instead you must use gcloud with the --organization or --folder option or the API.