Parsing periods in a column dataframe - regex

I have a csv with one of the columns that contains periods:
timespan (string): PnYnMnD, where P is a literal value that starts the expression, nY is the number of years followed by a literal Y, nM is the number of months followed by a literal M, nD is the number of days followed by a literal D, where any of these numbers and corresponding designators may be absent if they are equal to 0, and a minus sign may appear before the P to specify a negative duration.
I want to return a data frame that contains all the data in the csv with parsed timespan column.
So far I have a code that parses periods:
import re
timespan_regex = re.compile(r'P(?:(\d+)Y)?(?:(\d+)M)?(?:(\d+)D)?')
def parse_timespan(timespan):
# check if the input is a valid timespan
if not timespan or 'P' not in timespan:
return None
# check if timespan is negative and skip initial 'P' literal
curr_idx = 0
is_negative = timespan.startswith('-')
if is_negative:
curr_idx = 1
# extract years, months and days with the regex
match = timespan_regex.match(timespan[curr_idx:])
years = int( or 0)
months = int( or 0)
days = int( or 0)
timespan_days = years * 365 + months * 30 + days
return timespan_days if not is_negative else -timespan_days
How do I apply this code to the whole csv column while running the function processing csv?
def do_process_citation_data(f_path):
global my_ocan
my_ocan = pd.read_csv(f_path, names=['oci', 'citing', 'cited', 'creation', 'timespan', 'journal_sc', 'author_sc'],
parse_dates=['creation', 'timespan'])
my_ocan = my_ocan.iloc[1:] # to remove the first row
my_ocan['creation'] = pd.to_datetime(my_ocan['creation'], format="%Y-%m-%d", yearfirst=True)
my_ocan['timespan'] = parse_timespan(my_ocan['timespan']) #I tried like this, but sure it is not working :)
return my_ocan
Thank you and have a lovely day :)

Like with Python's builtin map, Pandas also has that method. You can check its documentation here. Since you already have your function ready which takes a single parameter and returns a value, you just need this:
my_ocan['timespan'] = my_ocan['timespan'].map(parse_timespan) #This will take each value in the column "timespan", pass it to your function 'parse_timespan', and update the specific row with the returned value
And here is a generic demo:
import pandas as pd
def demo_func(x):
#Takes an int or string, prefixes with 'A' and returns a string.
return "A" + str(x)
df = pd.DataFrame({"Column_1": [1, 2, 3, 4], "Column_2": [10, 9, 8, 7]})
df['Column_1'] = df['Column_1'].map(demo_func)
print("After mapping:\n{}".format(df))
Column_1 Column_2
0 1 10
1 2 9
2 3 8
3 4 7
After mapping:
Column_1 Column_2
0 A1 10
1 A2 9
2 A3 8
3 A4 7


Find starting and ending index of each unique charcters in a string in python

I have a string with characters repeated. My Job is to find starting Index and ending index of each unique characters in that string. Below is my code.
import re
x = "aaabbbbcc"
xs = set(x)
for item in xs:
mo =,x)
flag = item
m = mo.start()
n = mo.end()
Output :
a 0 1
b 3 4
c 7 8
Here the end index of the characters are not correct. I understand why it's happening but how can I pass the character to be matched dynamically to the regex search function. For instance if I hardcode the character in the search function it provides the desired output
x = 'aabbbbccc'
xs = set(x)
mo ="[b]+",x)
flag = item
m = mo.start()
n = mo.end()
b 2 5
The above function is providing correct result but here I can't pass the characters to be matched dynamically.
It will be really a help if someone can let me know how to achieve this any hint will also do. Thanks in advance
String literal formatting to the rescue:
import re
x = "aaabbbbcc"
xs = set(x)
for item in xs:
# for patterns better use raw strings - and format the letter into it
mo ="{item}+",x) # fr and rf work both :) its a raw formatted literal
flag = item
m = mo.start()
n = mo.end()
print(flag,m,n) # fix upper limit by n-1
a 0 3 # you do see that the upper limit is off by 1?
b 3 7 # see above for fix
c 7 9
Your pattern does not need the [] around the letter - you are matching just one anyhow.
Without regex1:
x = "aaabbbbcc"
last_ch = x[0]
start_idx = 0
# process the remainder
for idx,ch in enumerate(x[1:],1):
if last_ch == ch:
print(last_ch,start_idx, idx-1)
last_ch = ch
start_idx = idx
a 0 2 # not off by 1
b 3 6
c 7 8
1RegEx: And now you have 2 problems...
Looking at the output, I'm guessing that another option would be,
import re
x = "aaabbbbcc"
xs = re.findall(r"((.)\2*)", x)
start = 0
output = ''
for item in xs:
end = start + len(item[0])
output += (f"{item[1]} {start} {end}\n")
start = end
a 0 3
b 3 7
c 7 9
I think it'll be in the Order of N, you can likely benchmark it though, if you like.
import re, time
timer_on = time.time()
for i in range(10000000):
x = "aabbbbccc"
xs = re.findall(r"((.)\2*)", x)
start = 0
output = ''
for item in xs:
end = start + len(item[0])
output += (f"{item[1]} {start} {end}\n")
start = end
timer_off = time.time()
timer_total = timer_off - timer_on

Grabbing columns with special characters and upper case letters

I have a data frame and I'm trying to loop through the data frame to identify those columns which contain a special character or which are all capital letters.
I have tried a few things but nothing where I'm apple to catch the column names within the loop.
data = data.frame(one=c(1,3,5,1,3,5,1,3,5,1,3,5), two=c(1,3,5,1,3,5,1,3,5,1,3,5),
thir=c("THiS","THAT34","T(&*(", "!!!","#$#","$Q%J","who","THIS","this","this","this","this"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
colls <- c()
for( col in names(data) ) {
if( length(strings[stringr::str_detect(data[,col], spec)]) >= 1 ){
colls <- c(collls, col)
else print ("NOOOOOOOOOO")
for( col in names(data) ) {
if( any(data[,col]) %in% spec ){
colls <- c(collls, col)
else print ("NOOOOOOOOOO")
Can anyone shed light on a good way to tackle this problem.
The end goal is to have a vector with a name of column names which meet that criteria. Sorry for my poor SO question, but hopefully this will help with what I'm trying to do
I would use grep() to search for the pattern you are interested in. See here.
[:upper:] Matches any upper case letters.
Combining it with anchors (^,$) and match one or more times (+) gives ^[[:upper:]]+$ and should only match entries completely in capitals.
The following would match the special characters in your toy data set (but is not guaranteed to match all special characters in your real data set i.e form feeds, carriage returns)
[:punct:] #Matches punctuation - ! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? # [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~.
Note that rather than use [:punct:] you could define your special characters manually.
We can try the resultant code on the first row of your data set:
#Using grepl() rather than grep() so that we return a list of logical values.
grepl(x= data[1,], pattern = "^[[:upper:]]+$|[[:punct:]]")
This gives us our expected response except for column nine which has the value 1.24. Here the decimal point is being recognised as punctuation and is being flagged as a match.
We can add a "negative lookahead assertion" - (?!\\.) - to remove any periods from consideration, before they are even tested for being punctuation characters. Note we use \ to escape the period.
grepl(x= data[1,], perl = TRUE, pattern = "(?!\\.)(^[[:upper:]]+$|[[:punct:]])")
This returns a better response - it now no longer matches decimal places. NOTE: This might not be what you want as this pattern also won't match any fullstops in character fields. You would need to refine the pattern further.
Rather than use a 'for loop' to reiterate this code across every row in your dataframe I would use vectorization instead which is 'more R like'.
To do this we must convert our script into a function which we will call with apply()
myFunction <- function(x){
matches <- grepl(x= x, perl = TRUE, pattern = "(?!\\.)(^[[:upper:]]+$|[[:punct:]])")
#Given a set of logical vectors 'matches', is at least one of the values true? using any()
apply(X = data, 1, myFunction)
The 1 above instructs apply() to reiterate across rows rather than columns.
In your example data set all rows have an entry containing a special character or a string of all capital letters. This is unsurprising as many columns in your example data set are a list of single capital letters.
If you are just interested in which values in column thirteen fit the stated criteria you can use:
matches <- grepl(x= data$thir, perl = TRUE, pattern = "(?!\\.)(^[[:upper:]]+$|[[:punct:]])")
To subset your dataframe on matching rows:
one two thr fou fiv six sev eig nin ten ele twe thir
3 5 5 D D 5 D D D 5.33 3 1 1 T(&*(
4 1 1 E A 1 E A A 1.44 4 1 2 !!!
5 3 3 F B 3 F B B 3.11 5 1 1 #$#
6 5 5 G D 5 G D D 5.33 6 1 2 $Q%J
8 3 3 I B 3 I B B 3.66 8 1 2 THIS
To subset your dataframe on non-matching rows:
one two thr fou fiv six sev eig nin ten ele twe thir
1 1 1 A A 1 A A A 1.24 1 1 1 THiS
2 3 3 B B 3 B B B 3.52 2 1 2 THAT34
7 1 1 H A 1 H A A 1.55 7 1 1 who
9 5 5 J D 5 J D D 5.33 9 1 1 this
10 1 1 H A 1 H A A 1.32 10 1 2 this
11 3 3 I B 3 I B B 3.54 11 1 1 this
12 5 5 J D 5 J D D 5.77 12 1 2 this
Note that the regular expression used doesn't match THAT34 as it isn't composed wholly of capitalised letters, having the number 34 at the end.
To get a list of column names identifying columns that fulfill the criteria in your edit use myFunction described above with:
colnames(data)[apply(X = data, 2, myFunction)]
"thr" "fou" "six" "sev" "eig" "thir"
The number in apply() changes from 1 to 2 to reiterate across columns rather than rows. We pass the output from apply(), a list of logical matches (TRUE or FALSE), to colnames(data) - this returns the matching column names via subsetting.
I would collapse the data into strings (one string per row)
strings = apply(data, 1, paste, collapse = "")
contains_only_caps = strings == toupper(strings)
# [1] "33BB3BBB3.52 212THAT34" "55DD5DDD5.33 311T(&*(" "11EA1EAA1.44 412!!!" "33FB3FBB3.11 511#$#"
# [5] "55GD5GDD5.33 612$Q%J" "33IB3IBB3.66 812THIS"
# escaping special characters
contains_spec = stringr::str_detect(strings, pattern = paste(spec, collapse = "|"))
# [1] "55DD5DDD5.33 311T(&*(" "33FB3FBB3.11 511#$#" "55GD5GDD5.33 612$Q%J"
You could also use which on contains_spec or contains_only_caps to get the corresponding row numbers for the original data frame. I think that using strings rather than row-wise data frame elements will by much faster - as long as you want to search the whole strings, not certain columns for certain conditions.

Subtract value in one data frame from the next value in a second data frame

I have a data frame that is composed of several datasets (about 146 and counting). two of my columns are labeled "start_time" and "stop_time," which represent the start and stop of a response (i.e., the total duration of the response).
I need to get the "inter-response time" or the start_time subtracted from the next corresponding value in start_time. Basically if:
start_time = [1,4,7]
stop_time = [2,5,8]
I need:
stop_time[0] - start_time[1]
stop_time[2] - start_time[3]
in order to get:
iri = [2,2]
My code looks like this:
iri_t = []
def grps():
for grp in lset2_name_grps.groups:
beg_eng_t = pd.DataFrame([lset2_name_grps.stop_time, lset2_name_grps.start_time], columns=['end_t','beg_t'])
end_t = [i for i in lset2_name_grps.stop_time]
beg_t = [i for i in lset2_name_grps.start_time]
beg_t = np.insert(beg_t, len(beg_t),0)
end_t = np.insert(end_t, 0,0)
iri_t.append(np.subtract(end_t, beg_t))
# for i,j in zip(end_t, beg_t):
# iri_t.append(np.subtract(i,j))
# lset2_name_grps['iri'] = iri_t
Essentially, it doesn't do anything close to what I'm trying to accomplish and the only out I get is either "Not Implemented" or an error.
How about something like this:
import pandas as pd
starts = pd.Series([1, 4, 7])
stops = pd.Series([2, 5, 8])
iri_t = [0]
for i in range(1, len(starts)):
iri_t.append(starts[i] - ends[i-1])
times_df = pd.concat([starts, stops, pd.Series(iri_t)], axis=1)
This creates the following data_frame:
0 1 2
0 1 2 0
1 4 5 2
2 7 8 2
I think what your asking (correct me if I'm wrong) is best accomplished by putting the two columns in a single dataframe, using shift to offset one of your columns, then doing an ordinary subtraction.
df = pd.DataFrame({'start_time':[1,4,7], 'stop_time':[2,5,8]})
df.stop_time - df.start_time.shift()
0 NaN
1 4
2 4
dtype: float64

Matlab: locate a string in txt and read it into a number

I have an input file like this:
number of elements = 4
number of nodes = 6
number of fixed points = 2
number of forces = 1
young = 2.0E8
poiss = 0.2
thickness = 0.002
node group
1 2 6
2 3 4
2 4 5
2 5 6
And I use this to read the file
fid = fopen(input_file);
tline = fgetl(fid);
line_number = 1;
while ischar(tline)
# this will locate the string, and find the number
if ~isempty(strfind(tline,'number of elements'))
NELEM = str2double(regexp(tline, '\d+', 'match'));
if ~isempty(strfind(tline,'young'))
YOUNG = str2double(regexp(tline, '\d+', 'match'));
tline = fgetl(fid);
The first works fine, however, for the second, YOUNG, the output is actually [2 0 8](original number is 2e8) The regexp turns the string into an array.
And for poiss, it read as [0,2].
How can I turn the string into the original number?
Your regular expression needs to match floating point numbers with exponents, try changing '\d+' to
This then matches numbers with an optional decimal point and exponent. For example:
str2double(regexp('young = 2.0E8', '[0-9]*\.?[0-9]+([eE][0-9]+)?', 'match'))
gives 200000000.

Find empty or NaN entry in Pandas Dataframe

I am trying to search through a Pandas Dataframe to find where it has a missing entry or a NaN entry.
Here is a dataframe that I am working with:
cl_id a c d e A1 A2 A3
0 1 -0.419279 0.843832 -0.530827 text76 1.537177 -0.271042
1 2 0.581566 2.257544 0.440485 dafN_6 0.144228 2.362259
2 3 -1.259333 1.074986 1.834653 system 1.100353
3 4 -1.279785 0.272977 0.197011 Fifty -0.031721 1.434273
4 5 0.578348 0.595515 0.553483 channel 0.640708 0.649132
5 6 -1.549588 -0.198588 0.373476 audio -0.508501
6 7 0.172863 1.874987 1.405923 Twenty NaN NaN
7 8 -0.149630 -0.502117 0.315323 file_max NaN NaN
NOTE: The blank entries are empty strings - this is because there was no alphanumeric content in the file that the dataframe came from.
If I have this dataframe, how can I find a list with the indexes where the NaN or blank entry occurs?
np.where(pd.isnull(df)) returns the row and column indices where the value is NaN:
In [152]: import numpy as np
In [153]: import pandas as pd
In [154]: np.where(pd.isnull(df))
Out[154]: (array([2, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7]), array([7, 7, 6, 7, 6, 7]))
In [155]: df.iloc[2,7]
Out[155]: nan
In [160]: [df.iloc[i,j] for i,j in zip(*np.where(pd.isnull(df)))]
Out[160]: [nan, nan, nan, nan, nan, nan]
Finding values which are empty strings could be done with applymap:
In [182]: np.where(df.applymap(lambda x: x == ''))
Out[182]: (array([5]), array([7]))
Note that using applymap requires calling a Python function once for each cell of the DataFrame. That could be slow for a large DataFrame, so it would be better if you could arrange for all the blank cells to contain NaN instead so you could use pd.isnull.
Try this:
df[df['column_name'] == ''].index
and for NaNs you can try:
Check if the columns contain Nan using .isnull() and check for empty strings using .eq(''), then join the two together using the bitwise OR operator |.
Sum along axis 0 to find columns with missing data, then sum along axis 1 to the index locations for rows with missing data.
missing_cols, missing_rows = (
(df2.isnull().sum(x) | df2.eq('').sum(x))
.loc[lambda x:].index
for x in (0, 1)
>>> df2.loc[missing_rows, missing_cols]
A2 A3
2 1.10035
5 -0.508501
6 NaN NaN
7 NaN NaN
I've resorted to
df[ (df[column_name].notnull()) & (df[column_name]!=u'') ].index
lately. That gets both null and empty-string cells in one go.
In my opinion, don't waste time and just replace with NaN! Then, search all entries with Na. (This is correct because empty values are missing values anyway).
import numpy as np # to use np.nan
import pandas as pd # to use replace
df = df.replace(' ', np.nan) # to get rid of empty values
nan_values = df[df.isna().any(axis=1)] # to get all rows with Na
nan_values # view df with NaN rows only
Partial solution: for a single string column
tmp = df['A1'].fillna(''); isEmpty = tmp==''
gives boolean Series of True where there are empty strings or NaN values.
you also do something good:
text_empty = df['column name'].str.len() > -1
The results will be the rows which are empty & it's index number.
Another opltion covering cases where there might be severar spaces is by using the isspace() python function.
df[df.col_name.apply(lambda x:x.isspace() == False)] # will only return cases without empty spaces
adding NaN values:
df[(df.col_name.apply(lambda x:x.isspace() == False) & (~df.col_name.isna())]
To obtain all the rows that contains an empty cell in in a particular column.
This will give the subset of DF_raw, which satisfy the checking condition.
You can use string methods with regex to find cells with empty strings: