Corda- Duplicate Attachment Exception - blockchain

I'm trying to performance test APIs of a CorDapp(built with open source Corda) using JMeter.
One of the API requires file upload,when I'm trying to upload a file multiple times(using more than 1 Number of threads) I get the 'net.corda.nodeapi.exceptions.DuplicateAttachmentException' response along with status code 500.
I guess the error is because the hash that is generated takes the file as well as timestamp as its inputs and when I try to do multiple uploads at the same instant, timestamp basically remains same,which results in same hash generation with every http request, hence resulting in the above mentioned error. How can I solve this issue as without properly hitting this API I cannot test subsequent APIs.

Corda prohibits upload the same attachment file twice. This is why you are seeing this error.


Django rest framework large file upload

Is there an easy way to upload large files from the client side to a django rest framework endpoint. In my application, users will be uploading very large files (>4gb). Browsers have a upload limit, here's the chart.
My current idea is to upload the file in chunks from the client side and receive the chunks from the rest endpoint. But how will I do that? I saw some libraries like - resumable.js, tus.js, flow.js etc. But how will I handle the chunks in the backend? Is there any library that is actively maintained for a problem like this? Please help me.
Maybe this module could help:
The module is utilized into a sample django app at the link, with example code for implementation. Here is the typical usage case the module provides, without the sample code for simplicity (code is at the link if you want it):
An initial PUT request is sent to the url linked to ChunkedUploadView (or any subclass) with the first chunk of the file. The name of the chunk file can be overriden in the view (class attribute field_name).
In return, the server will respond with the url of the upload, and the current offset.
3 Repeatedly PUT subsequent chunks to the url returned from the server.
Server will continue responding with the url and current offset.
Finally, when upload is completed, POST a request to the returned url. This request must include the checksum (hex) of the entire file.
If everything is OK, server will response with status code 200 and the data returned in the method get_response_data (if any).
If you want to upload a file as a single chunk, this is also possible! Simply make the first request a POST and include the checksum digest for the file. You don't need to include the Content-Range header if uploading a whole file.
Based on these instructions, it seems that the server handles the upload by tracking offsets of the chunk through received headers ("Content-Range"), as well as its url, storing the uploaded chunks in .part files. It then responds like so:
'id': 'f64ebd67-83a3-45b6-8acd-c749ea1ed4cd'
'url': 'https://your-host/<path_to_view>/f64ebd67-83a3-45b6-8acd-c749ea1ed4cd',
'file': 'https://your-host/<path_to_file>/f64ebd67-83a3-45b6-8acd-c749ea1ed4cd.part',
'filename': 'example.bin',
'offset': 10000,
`created_at`: '2021-05-18T17:12:50.318718Z',
'status': 1,
'completed_at': None,
'user': 1
When the full file is uploaded as determined by the recieved headers, the .part files are combined into the final upload. This also allows you to resume uploads if they are interuptted, because the existing .part files persist until the upload finishes.
Maybe this can help you. As you mentioned, the file is uploaded by breaking it into small parts.
you should do it with celery tasks.
take a look at this link. it explains how to upload a file using django and celery.

How to facilitate downloading both CSV and PDF from API Gateway connected to S3

In the app I'm working on, we have a process whereby a user can download a CSV or PDF version of their data. The generation works great, but I'm trying to get it to download the file and am running into all sorts of problems. We're using API Gateway for all the requests, and the generation happens inside a Lambda on a POST request. The GET endpoint takes in a file_name parameter and then constructs the path in S3 and then makes the request directly there. The problem I'm having is when I'm trying to transform the response. I get a 500 error and when I look at the logs, it says Execution failed due to configuration error: Unable to transform response. So, clearly that's where I've spent most of my time. I've tried at least 50 different iterations of templates and combinations with little success. The closest I've gotten is the following code, where the CSV downloads fine, but the PDF is not a valid PDF anymore:
#set($contentDisposition = "attachment;filename=${method.request.querystring.file_name}")
#set($context.responseOverride.header.Content-Disposition = $contentDisposition)
#set($contentDisposition = "attachment;filename=${method.request.querystring.file_name}")
#set($context.responseOverride.header.Content-Disposition = $contentDisposition)
where contentHandling = CONVERT_TO_TEXT. My binaryMediaTypes just has application/pdf and that's it. My goal is to get this working without having to offload the problem into a Lambda so we don't have that overhead at the download step. Any ideas how to do this right?
Just as another comment, I've tried CONVERT_TO_BINARY and just leaving it as Passthrough. I've tried it with text/csv as another binary media type and I've tried different combinations of encoding and decoding base64 and stuff. I know the data is coming back right from S3, but the transformation is where it's breaking. I am happy to post more logs if need be. Also, I'm pretty sure this makes sense on StackOverflow, but if it would fit in another StackExchange site better, please let me know.
Resources I've looked at:
(But they're all so confusing...)
EDIT: One Idea I've had is to do CONVERT_TO_BINARY and somehow base64 encode the CSVs in the transformation, but I can't figure out how to do it right. I keep feeling like I'm misunderstanding the order of things, specifically when the "CONVERT" part happens. If that makes any sense.
EDIT 2: So, I got rid of the $util.base64Encode in the PDF one and now I have a PDF that's empty. The actual file in S3 definitely has things in it, but for some reason CONVERT_TO_TEXT is not handling it right or I'm still not understading how this all works.
Had similar issues. One major thing is the Accept header. I was testing in chrome which sends Accept header as text/html,application/xhtml.... api-gateway ignores everything except the first one(text/html). It will then convert any response from S3 to base64 to try and conform to text/html.
At last after trying everything else I tried via Postman which defaults the Accept header to */*. Also set your content handling on the Integration response to Passthrough. And everything was working!
One other thing is to pass the Content-Type and Content-Length headers through(Add them in method response first and then in Integration response):
Content-Length integration.response.header.Content-Length
Content-Type integration.response.header.Content-Type

How to reference other collections in postman

Is there a way to reference other collections from a specific collection. For example, if I have a file upload collection (something that uploads a file), I want to be able to use that from other collections. How would I reference the file upload?
Here's an example of what I'm talking about.
I have a collection where a file is uploaded and a calculation needs to be performed. The test or collection would go something like this where each step is a POST, GET, etc
Upload and run calculation:
Generate a token
make call
copy/save token value
Upload specific file (these would be 3 individual requests)
Upload file
Monitor upload status
Return ID of file uploaded
run calculation
use ID to pass as parameter
pass other values to set up calculation
monitor run
validate results
In another collection I need to validate uploaded files metadata is correct. Not directly related to the one above, but has some similarities
Generate a token
make call
copy/save token value
Upload specific file (these would be 3 individual requests)
Upload file
Monitor upload status
Get final result and return ID of file uploaded
Get me
validate metadata is correct.
Steps 1 and 2 are common functionality, there would be no difference there. How could I extract those two steps as modular components or functionality so I can reference them from any collection?
For additional clarity, we use ReadyAPI and are able to do 'Run Test Case' which can obviously run another test case. We've separated the functionality of token and file uploads into it's own test case and use it as a modular component. I'd like to achieve something similar with Postman.
Unfortunately Postman collections are working a little bit different.
But you can Merge your two collections to a single one, and execute it as one single collections.

Get metadata info without downloading the complete file

As I read the different posts here and libtorrent documentation, I know (as documented), I have to download the torrent file in order to get the metadata. but how the uTorrent App works, when I just start downloading, I get the metadata within a second then after getting the metadata, I can pause downloading. So, it doesn't restrict me to download a complete file in order to return metadata.
So, is there a way to get metadata without downloading the complete file
libtorrent's metadata_received_alert is what you want. This will be sent once the metadata finishes downloading. Do make sure that youre receiving status notifications though.

WireMock returns image that's corrupt

I've recorded a mock through WireMock that contains an image in the body. When I try to get the stub using Postman the response back is an image that won't load and the size of the content is roughly 20-50% larger than when I get the same image from the production server. In Google Chrome it says Resource interpreted as Document but transferred with MIME type image/jpeg.
I can't tell if this is an underlying issue with Jetty or WireMock. I read some related chatter on the user group about images being returned incorrectly, but I've tried the suggestion of removing the mapping stub and just keeping the __file - no luck. This seems like an encoding issue, but I don't know how to debug it further.
If you can hang in there until next week we're putting the finishing touches on a brand new recorder and I've been specifically working through the encoding issues the current recorder suffers from.
Meanwhile, you might want to try turning off gzip in your client code.