Understanding Monad - monads

Please help confirm or correct the understandings of what Monad is and its traits.
As Data Type
In my understanding, a Monad is:
a container which can accommodate any type T and
provides a bind interface that allows its client to apply a flat-map function and
projects its content into another Monad of any type T'.
There need to be a return or unit interface to create a Monad of type T.
unit:= T -> M[T]
In Scala, List() or Set() are the examples of return interface, and any Scala sequence types (Array, List, Map, String) are Monad which provide flatMap interface which is bind.
Are these correct?
As Design Pattern
Software engineering provides ways to manage complexity or to structure software, such as Structured Programming without goto, UNIX pipe to pipeline transformation, Object Oriented to encapsulate data & control access, etc.
Is Monad a design pattern providing a way to structure a computation as a chain?
In other systems
UNIX commands
I suppose UNIX commands e.g. cat, grep are functions that can be chained but it does not mean they are Monad, and they are not Monad because they do not have return/unit nor they are not data type. Or is it still regarded e.g. IO Monad as in Monadic i/o and UNIX shell programming?
I believe there is no bind or Scala flatMap equivalent in Python out of the box. Can I say Python does not have Monad feature out of the box?
Demystifying the Monad in Scala
Functors, Applicatives, And Monads In Pictures
Functional Programming and Category Theory [Part 1] - Categories and Functors
Monad (functional programming)
Monad in plain English? (For the OOP programmer with no FP background)

Yes, you're right about those interface things. However, it is noteworthy that in abstraction, a monad should have two adjunctive methods which can be composed to chain the computations. Note that flatMap is simply the composition of such methods - flat and map. map can be used to define a computation of type M[A] -> M[M[B]] and flat which is used to define M[M[B]] -> M[B].
Yes, in Scala they're a means to chain computations.
The shell script commands may fulfil the purpose of the monads (in the considered analogies) but still can't be regarded as monads (by me at least) as they don't necessarily comply with point 1.
Yes, the monads are NOT supported out-of-the-box in Python. One has to rely on the nested loops only.


Could std::foo::transform one day support any functor?

std::transform from the <algorithm> header applies to ranges, and it is what "enables" us to use ranges as the functors they are (in the sense of category theory(¹)). std::transform is iterator-based, yes, but std::ranges::views::transform is not, and its signature closely matches the signature of corresponding functions in functional languages (modulo the different order of the two arguments, but this is not a big deal).
When I saw this question (and in the process of answering to it), I learned that C++23 introduces std::optional<T>::transform, which makes std::optional a functor too.
All these news truly excite me, but I can't help thinking that functors are general, and that it'd be nice to have a uniform interface to transform any functor, as is the case in Haskell, for instance.
This makes me think that an object similar to std::ranges::views::transform (with a different name not alluding to ranges) could be made a customization point that the STL would customize not just for ranges, but also for std::optional and for any other functor in the STL, whereas the programmer could customize it for their user-defined classes.
Quite similarly, C++23 also introduces std::optional<T>::and_then, which is basically the monadic binding for std::optional. I'm not aware of any similar function that implements monadic binding for ranges, but C++20's some_range | std::ranges::views::transform(f) | std::ranges::views::join is essentially the monadic binding of some_range with f.
And this makes me think that there could be some generic interface, name it mbind, that one can opt in with any type. The STL would opt in for std::optional by implementing it in terms of std::optional<T>::and_then, for instance.
Is there any chance, or are there any plans that the language will one day support such a genericity?
I can certainly see some problems. Today std::ranges::views::transform(some_optional, some_func) is invalid, so some code might be relying on that via SFINAE. Making it suddenly work would break the code.
(¹) As regards the word functor, I refer to the definition that is given in category theory (see also this), not to the concept of "object of a class which has operator() defined"; the latter is not defined anywhere in the standard and is not even mentioned on cppreference, which instead uses the term FunctionObject to refer to
an object that can be used on the left of the function call operator
I'm not aware of any similar function that implements monadic binding for ranges, but C++20's some_range | std::ranges::views::transform(f) | std::ranges::views::join is essentially the monadic binding of some_range with f.
ranges::views::for_each is monadic bind for ranges (read), although it is just views::transform | views::join under the hood.
As for whether you'll get a generic interface for Functor and Monad. I doubt it unless such genericity will be useful to library writers writing templates. std::expiremental::future is monadic also (and I imagine Executors are too), so one could to write generic algorithms such as foldM over these three types. I think Erik Niebler has shown with range-v3 that it is possible to write a Functor/Monad library at the expense of hand coding every pipe operator i.e.
#include <fp_extremist.hpp>
template <typename M> requires Monad<M>
auto func(M m)
return m
| fp::extremist::fmap([](auto a) { return ...; })
| fp::extremist::mbind([](auto b) { return ...; })
What I think is actually possible, is that we'll get UFCS and a |> operator so we can get the benefits of invocable |> east syntax and the ability to pipe to algorithms. From Barry's blog:
It doesn’t work because while the range adapters are pipeable, the algorithms are not. ...
That is, x |> f still evaluates as f(x) as before… but x |> f(y) evaluates as f(x, y).
P.S. it's not hard to give the definition of a Functor in c++: <typename T> struct that provides transform.
Edit: I realised how to handle applicatives.
Applicative<int> a, b, c;
auto out = a
| zip_transform(b, c
, [](int a, int b, int c){ return a + b + c; })
zip_transform because it zips a, b, c into a Applicative<std::tuple<int, int, int>> and then transforms it (think optional, future, range). Although you could always work with Applicatives of partially applied functions, but that would involve lots of nested functions which is not the style of c++ and would disrupt the top to bottom reading order.
And this makes me think that there could be some generic interface, name it mbind, that one can opt in with any type. ...
Is there any chance, or are there any plans that the language will one
day support such a genericity?
There is P0650 which proposes a non-member monadic interface, customizable using traits. The paper shows customizations for expected and other types, implementable in C++17.
The accepted proposal for std::optional monadic operations P0798 §13.1 references P0650 while discussing alternatives to member-function syntax:
Unfortunately doing the kind of composition described above would be very verbose with the current proposal without some kind of Haskell-style do notation
std::optional<int> get_cute_cat(const image& img) {
return functor::map(
My proposal is not necessarily an alternative to [P0650]; compatibility between the two could be ensured and the generic proposal could use my proposal as part of its implementation.
It goes on to mention how other C++ features still in development, like unified call syntax, might provide a more concise syntax for generic monadic operations.
The accepted proposal for std::expected monadic operations P2505 doesn't reference P0650 directly, but discusses "Free vs member functions" as part of its design considerations, ultimately prioritizing consistency with the std::optional monadic interface.

OCaml - Why is Either not a Monad

I'm new to OCaml, but have worked with Rust, Haskell, etc, and was very surprised when I was trying to implement bind on Either, and it doesn't appear that any of the general implementations have bind implemented.
JaneStreet's Base is missing it
What I assume is the standard library is missing it
bind was the first function I reached for... even before match, and the implementation seems quite easy:
let bind_either (m: ('e, 'a) Either.t) (f: 'a -> ('e, 'b) Either.t): ('e, 'b) Either.t =
match m with
| Right r -> f r
| Left l -> Left l
Am I missing something?
It is because we prefer a more specific Result.t, which has clear names for the ok state and for the exceptional state. And, in general, Either.t is not extremely popular amongst OCaml programmers as usually, a more specialized type could be used with the variant names that better communicate the domain-specific purpose of either branch. It is also worth mentioning that Either was introduced to the OCaml standard very recently, just 4.12, so it might become more popular.
As mentioned by #ivg, Either is relatively new to the standard library and generally one would prefer to use types that make more sense. For example, Result for error handling.
There is also another point of view, which also applies to Result. Monads act on types parameterised by one type.
In Haskell, this is much less obvious because it is possible to partially apply type constructors. Hence; bind:: (a -> b) -> Either a -> Either b allows you to go from Either a c to Either b c.
In trying to generalise the behaviour of a monad via parameterised modules (functors in the ML sense of the term), one would have to "trick" oneself into standardising, for example, the treatment of option (a type of arity 1) and either (or result) which are of arity 2.
There are several approaches. For example, expressing multiple interfaces to describe a monad. For example describing Monad2 and describing Monad in terms of Monad2 as is done in the Base library (https://ocaml.janestreet.com/ocaml-core/latest/doc/base/Base/Monad/index.html)
In Preface we used a rather different (and perhaps less generic) approach. We leave it to the user to set the left parameter of Either (via a functor) (and the right parameter for Result): https://github.com/xvw/preface/blob/master/lib/preface_stdlib/either.mli
However, we do not lose the ability to change the left-hand type of the calculation because Either also has a Bifunctor module that allows us to change the type of both parameters. The conversation is broadly described in this thread: https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/instance-modules-for-more-parametrized-types/5356/2

why does OCaml use subtyping for polymorphic variants?

I have just read about row polymorphism and how it can be used for extensible records and polymorphic variants.
However, Ocaml uses subtyping for polymorphic variants. Why? Is it more powerful than row polymorphism?
OCaml uses both row polymoprhism and subtyping for polymorphic variants (and objects, for that matter). Row polymorphism is involved for "open" object types < m1 : t1; m2 : t2; .. > (the .. being literally part of the type), or "open" variant types [> `K1 of t1 | `K2 of t2 ]. Subtyping is used to be able to cast between closed, non-polymorphic types <m1:t1; m2:t2> :> <m1:t1> or [ `K1 of t1 ] :> [ `K1 of t1 | `K2 of t2 ].
Row polymorphism allows to avoid the need for bounded quantification to express types such as "take an object that has at least the method m, and return an object of the same type": subtyping is therefore rather simple, explicit, and cannot be abstracted over. On the contrary, row polymorphism is easier to infer and will play better with the rest of the type system. It should be rarely necessary to use closed types and explicit subtyping, but that is occasionally convenient -- and in particular, keeping type closed can produce error messages that are easier to understand.
To complement Gabriel's answer, one way to think about this is that subtyping provides a weak form of both universal and existential polymorphism. When both directions of parametric polymorphism are available, then the expressiveness of subtyping is mostly subsumed (especially when there is no depth subtyping). But that's not the case in Ocaml.
Ocaml replaces the universal aspect by actual universal polymorphism, but keeps subtyping to give you a form of existential quantification that it otherwise doesn't have. That is needed to form e.g. heterogeneous collections, such as a <a: int> list in which you want to be able to store arbitrary objects that at least have an a method of the right type.
I would go even further and say that, while this is usually explained as subtyping in the Ocaml world, you could actually interpret closed rows as existentially quantified over an (unknown) tail. Coercion via :> would then be existential introduction, thereby staying more faithful to the world of parametric polymorphism that rows are built upon. (Of course, under this interpretation, # would do implicit existential elimination.) If I were to design an Ocaml-like system from scratch, I'd probably try to model it that way.

What's the difference (if any) between Standard ML's module system and OCaml module system?

My question is if there is any difference between Standard ML's module system and OCaml module system? Has OCaml all the support of functors , ascriptions etc... that SML has?
There are some differences feature-wise, as well as semantically.
Features SML supports but not OCaml:
transparent signature ascription
module-level let
symmetric sharing constraints
syntactic sugar for functors over types and values
Features OCaml 4 has but not SML:
higher-order functors
recursive modules
local modules
nested signatures
modules as first-class values
general module sharing (sig with module A = M)
module type of
Several SML implementations provide some of these as extensions, however: e.g. higher-order functors (SML/NJ, Moscow ML, Alice ML), local and first-class modules (Moscow ML, Alice ML), module sharing (SML/NJ, Alice ML), nested signatures (Moscow ML, Alice ML), and recursive modules (Moscow ML).
Semantics-wise, the biggest difference is in the treatment of type equivalence, especially with respect to functors:
In SML, functors are generative, which means that applying the same functor twice to the same argument always yields fresh types.
In OCaml, functors are applicative, which means that applying the same functor twice to the exact same argument (plus additional syntactic restrictions) reproduces equivalent types. This semantics is more flexible, but can also break abstraction (see e.g. the examples we give in this paper, Section 8).
Edit: OCaml 4 added the ability to optionally make functors generative.
OCaml has a purely syntactic notion of signatures, which means that certain type equivalences cannot be expressed by the type system, and are silently dropped.
Edit: Consider this example:
module F (X : sig type t end) = struct type u = X.t -> unit type v = X.t end
module M = F (struct type t = int end : sig type t end)
The type of M is simply sig type u type v end and has thus lost any information about the relation between its types u and v, because that cannot generally be expressed in the surface syntax.
Another notable difference is that OCaml's module type system is undecidable (i.e, type checking may not terminate), due to its permission of abstract signatures, which SML does not allow.
As for semantics, a much better and elaborate answer is given by Andreas Rossberg above. However, concerning syntax this site might be what you are looking for.
There is also the abstype facility in SML which is like the datatype facility, except that it hides the structure of the datatype. OCaml relies on module abstraction to do all the hiding that is necessary. Notice that this site does not mention this facility in SML.

Should I avoid using Monad fail?

I'm fairly new to Haskell and have been slowly getting the idea that there's something wrong with the existence of Monad fail. Real World Haskell warns against its use ("Once again, we recommend that you almost always avoid using fail!"). I just noticed today that Ross Paterson called it "a wart, not a design pattern" back in 2008 (and seemed to get quite some agreement in that thread).
While watching Dr Ralf Lämmel talk on the essence of functional programming, I started to understand a possible tension which may have led to Monad fail. In the lecture, Ralf talks about adding various monadic effects to a base monadic parser (logging, state etc). Many of the effects required changes to the base parser and sometimes the data types used. I figured that the addition of 'fail' to all monads might have been a compromise because 'fail' is so common and you want to avoid changes to the 'base' parser (or whatever) as much as possible. Of course, some kind of 'fail' makes sense for parsers but not always, say, put/get of State or ask/local of Reader.
Let me know if I could be off onto the wrong track.
Should I avoid using Monad fail?
What are the alternatives to Monad fail?
Are there any alternative monad libraries that do not include this "design wart"?
Where can I read more about the history around this design decision?
Some monads have a sensible failure mechanism, e.g. the terminal monad:
data Fail x = Fail
Some monads don't have a sensible failure mechanism (undefined is not sensible), e.g. the initial monad:
data Return x = Return x
In that sense, it's clearly a wart to require all monads to have a fail method. If you're writing programs that abstract over monads (Monad m) =>, it's not very healthy to make use of that generic m's fail method. That would result in a function you can instantiate with a monad where fail shouldn't really exist.
I see fewer objections to using fail (especially indirectly, by matching Pat <- computation) when working in a specific monad for which a good fail behaviour has been clearly specified. Such programs would hopefully survive a return to the old discipline where nontrivial pattern matching created a demand for MonadZero instead of just Monad.
One might argue that the better discipline is always to treat failure-cases explicitly. I object to this position on two counts: (1) that the point of monadic programming is to avoid such clutter, and (2) that the current notation for case analysis on the result of a monadic computation is so awful. The next release of SHE will support the notation (also found in other variants)
case <- computation of
Pat_1 -> computation_1
Pat_n -> computation_n
which might help a little.
But this whole situation is a sorry mess. It's often helpful to characterize monads by the operations which they support. You can see fail, throw, etc as operations supported by some monads but not others. Haskell makes it quite clumsy and expensive to support small localized changes in the set of operations available, introducing new operations by explaining how to handle them in terms of the old ones. If we seriously want to do a neater job here, we need to rethink how catch works, to make it a translator between different local error-handling mechanisms. I often want to bracket a computation which can fail uninformatively (e.g. by pattern match failure) with a handler that adds more contextual information before passing on the error. I can't help feeling that it's sometimes more difficult to do that than it should be.
So, this is a could-do-better issue, but at the very least, use fail only for specific monads which offer a sensible implementation, and handle the 'exceptions' properly.
In Haskell 1.4 (1997) there was no fail. Instead, there was a MonadZero type class which contained a zero method. Now, the do notation used zero to indicate pattern match failure; this caused surprises to people: whether their function needed Monad or MonadZero depended on how they used the do notation in it.
When Haskell 98 was designed a bit later, they did several changes to make programming simpler to the novice. For example, monad comprehensions were turned into list comprehensions. Similarly, to remove the do type class issue, the MonadZero class was removed; for the use of do, the method fail was added to Monad; and for other uses of zero, a mzero method was added to MonadPlus.
There is, I think, a good argument to be made that fail should not be used for anything explicitly; its only intended use is in the translation of the do notation. Nevertheless, I myself am often naughty and use fail explicitly, too.
You can access the original 1.4 and 98 reports here. I'm sure the discussion leading to the change can be found in some email list archives, but I don't have links handy.
I try to avoid Monad fail wherever possible, and there are a whole variety of ways to capture fail depending on your circumstance. Edward Yang has written a good overview on his blog in the article titled 8 ways to report errors in Haskell revisited.
In summary, the different ways to report errors that he identifies are:
Use error
Use Maybe a
Use Either String a
Use Monad and fail to generalize 1-3
Use MonadError and a custom error type
Use throw in the IO monad
Use ioError and catch
Go nuts with monad transformers
Checked exceptions
Of these, I would be tempted to use option 3, with Either e b if I know how to handle the error, but need a little more context.
If you use GHC 8.6.1 or above, there is a new class called MonadFail and a language extension called MonadFailDesugaring. If you have access to these, use them. You can then use fail without a problem that some monad actually has no fail implementation.
This extension makes the fail desugaring requires a more restrictive MonadFail instead of any monad.