Grading tet mesh density in cgal polygon mesher - c++

I'm still trying to density control (grade) meshes in CGAL. Specifically tet-meshing a polygon surface (or multiple surface manifolds) that I simply load as OFF files. I can also load lists of selected faces or face nodes too.
But I can't seem to get to first base on this with the polygon tet-mesher. All I want to do is assign and enforce a mesh density/size at selected faces in the OFF file.
I CAN get some kinds of mesh density working by inserting 1-D features with volumetric data meshing, but for CAD and 3D printing purposes it has to be computed from an STL-like triangular surface manifold, so volume-based meshing is not do-able.
Is what I'm trying to do even possible in CGAL? It feels to me like it must be, and I'm just missing something obvious.
I really hope someone can help here. FYI i'm mostly working with the Mesh3 example using v4.14.
Thanks very much.

Look at the Mesh_facet_criteria and in particular this constructor where SizingField is where you can control the size. For locating the point wrt a face, you can use the AABB-tree function closest_point_and_primitive().


How to mesh a 2D point cloud in C++

I have a set of 2D points of a known density I want to mesh by taking the holes in account. Basically, given the following input:
I want something link this:
I tried PCL ConcaveHull, but it doens't handle the holes and splitted mesh very well.
I looked at CGAL Alpha shapes, which seems to go in the right direction (creating a polygon from a point cloud), but I don't know how to get triangles after that.
I though of passing the resulting polygons to a constrained triangulation algorithm and mark domains, but I didn't find how to get a list of polygons.
The resulting triangulated polygon is about a two step process at the least. First you need to triangulate your 2D points (using something like a Delaunay2D algorithm). There you can set the maximum length for the triangles and get the the desired shape. Then you can decimate the point cloud and re-triangulate. Another option is to use the convex hull to get the outside polygon, then extract the inside polygon through a TriangulationCDT algorithm, the apply some PolygonBooleanOperations, obtain the desired polygon, and finaly re-triangulate.
I suggest you look into the Geometric Tools library and specifically the Geometric Samples. I think everything you need is in there, and is much less library and path heavy than CGAL (the algorithms are not free for this type of work unless is a school project) or the PCL (I really like the library for segmentation, but their triangulation breaks often and is slow).
If this solves your problem, please mark it as your answer. Thank you!

How to get curve from intersection of point cloud and arbitrary plane?

I have various point clouds defining RT-STRUCTs called ROI from DICOM files. DICOM files are formed by tomographic scanners. Each ROI is formed by point cloud and it represents some 3D object.
The goal is to get 2D curve which is formed by plane, cutting ROI's cloud point. The problem is that I can't just use points which were intersected by plane. What I probably need is to intersect 3D concave hull with some plane and get resulting intersection contour.
Is there any libraries which have already implemented these operations? I've found PCL library and probably it should be able to solve my problem, but I can't figure out how to achieve it with PCL. In addition I can use Matlab as well - we use it through its runtime from C++.
Has anyone stumbled with this problem already?
P.S. As I've mentioned above, I need to use a solution from my C++ code - so it should be some library or matlab solution which I'll use through Matlab Runtime.
P.P.S. Accuracy in such kind of calculations is really important - it will be used in a medical software intended for work with brain tumors, so you can imagine consequences of an error (:
You first need to form a surface from the point set.
If it's possible to pick a 2d direction for the points (ie they form a convexhull in one view) you can use a simple 2D Delaunay triangluation in those 2 coordinates.
otherwise you need a full 3D surfacing function (marching cubes or Poisson)
Then once you have the triangles it's simple to calculate the contour line that a plane cuts them.
See links in Mesh generation from points with x, y and z coordinates
Perhaps you could just discard the points that are far from the plane and project the remaining ones onto the plane. You'll still need to reconstruct the curve in the plane but there are several good methods for that. See for instance and

Voxels... Honestly, I need to know where to begin

Okay, i understand that voxels are just basically a volumetric version of a pixel.
After that, I have no idea what to even look for.
Googling doesn't show any tutorials, I can't find a book on it anywhere, I can't find anything even having to do with the basic idea of what a voxel really is.
I know much of the C++ library, and have the basics of OpenGL down.
Can someone point me in the right direction?
EDIT: I guess I'm just confused on how to implement them? Sorry for being a pain, it's just that I can't really find anything that I can easily correlate to... I think I was imagining a voxel being relevant to a vector in which you can actually store data.
a voxel can be represented as ANY 3D shape? For example, say I wanted the shape to be a cylinder. Is this possible, or do they have to link like cubes?
Minecraft is a good example of using voxels. In Minecraft each voxel is a cube.
To see a C++ example you can look at the Minecraft clone Minetest-c55. This is open source so you can read all of the source code to see how its done.
Being cubes is not a requirement of voxels. They could be pyramids or any other shape that can fit together.
I suspect that you are looking for information on Volume Rendering techniques (since you mention voxels and OpenGL). You can find plenty of simple rendering code in C++, and more advanced OpenGL shaders as well with a little searching on that term.
In the simplest possible implementation, a voxel space is just a 3 dimensional Array. For solids you could use a single bit per voxel: 1 == filled and 0 == empty. You use implicit formulas to make shapes, e.g. A sphere is all the voxels within a radius from the center voxel.
Voxels are not really compatible with polygon-based 3d rendering, but they are widely used in image analysis, medical imaging, computer vision...
Let's Make a Voxel Engine on Google Sites might help one to get started creating a voxel based engine:
In addition to that there are presentations of the results on Youtube worth checking:
Typically a voxel is a position in some 3D space that has a volume (analogous to the area that a pixel contains.
Just like in an image, where a pixel contains some scalar value (grayscale) or vector of values (like in a color image where the vector is either the red, green, and blue components, or hue, saturation, and value components) the entries for a voxel can have some scale or vector of values.
A couple natural examples of volumetric images that contains voxels are 3D medical imagines such as CT, MRI, 3D ultrasound etc.
Mathematically speaking a 3D image is a function from some voxel space to some set of numbers.
look for voxlap or try this or write your own code. Yes, a voxel can be reduced to a 3d coordinate (which can be implied by it's position in the file structure) and a graphical representation which can be anything (cube, sphere, picture, color ...). Just like a pixel is a 2D coordinate with a color index.
You only need to parse your file and render the corresponding voxels. Sadly, there is no 'right' file format although voxlaps file formats seem pretty neat.
good luck

Techniques for generating a 2D game world

I want to make a 2D game in C++ using the Irrlicht engine. In this game, you will control a tiny ship in a cave of some sort. This cave will be created automatically (the game will have random levels) and will look like this:
Suppose I already have the the points of the polygon of the inside of the cave (the white part). How should I render this shape on the screen and use it for collision detection? From what I've read around different sites, I should use a triangulation algorithm to make meshes of the walls of the cave (the black part) using the polygon of the inside of the cave (the white part). Then, I can also use these meshes for collision detection. Is this really the best way to do it? Do you know if Irrlicht has some built-in functions that can help me achieve this?
Any advice will be apreciated.
Describing how to get an arbitrary polygonal shape to render using a given 3D engine is quite a lengthy process. Suffice to say that pretty much all 3D rendering is done in terms of triangles, and if you didn't use a tool to generate a model that is already composed of triangles, you'll need to generate triangles from whatever data you have there. Triangulating either the black space or the white space is probably the best way to do it, yes. Then you can build up a mesh or vertex list from that, and render those triangles that way. The triangles in the list then also double up for collision detection purposes.
I doubt Irrlicht has anything for triangulation as it's quite specific to your game design and not a general approach most people would take. (Typically they would have a tool which permits generation of the game geometry and the navigation geometry side by side.) It looks like it might be quite tricky given the shapes you have there.
One option is to use the map (image mask) directly to test for collision.
For example,
if map_points[sprite.x sprite.y] is black then
collision detected
assuming that your objects are images and they aren't real polygons.
In case you use real polygons you can have a "points sample" for every object shape,
and check the sample for collisions.
To check whether a point is inside or outside your polygon, you can simply count crossings. You know (0,0) is outside your polygon. Now draw a line from there to your test point (X,Y). If this line crosses an odd number of polygon edges (e.g. 1), it's inside the polygon . If the line crosses an even number of edges (e.g. 0 or 2), the point (X,Y) is outside the polygon. It's useful to run this algorithm on paper once to convince yourself.

Implementing Marching Cube Algorithm?

From My last question: Marching Cube Question
However, i am still unclear as in:
how to create imaginary cube/voxel to check if a vertex is below the isosurface?
how do i know which vertex is below the isosurface?
how does each cube/voxel determines which cubeindex/surface to use?
how draw surface using the data in triTable?
Let's say i have a point cloud data of an apple.
how do i proceed?
can anybody that are familiar with Marching Cube help me?
i only know C++ and opengl.(c is a little bit out of my hand)
First of all, the isosurface can be represented in two ways. One way is to have the isovalue and per-point scalars as a dataset from an external source. That's how MRI scans work. The second approach is to make an implicit function F() which takes a point/vertex as its parameter and returns a new scalar. Consider this function:
float computeScalar(const Vector3<float>& v)
return std::sqrt(v.x*v.x + v.y*v.y + v.z*v.z);
Which would compute the distance from the point and to the origin for every point in your scalar field. If the isovalue is the radius, you just figured a way to represent a sphere.
This is because |v| <= R is true for all points inside a sphere, or which lives on its interior. Just figure out which vertices are inside the sphere and which ones are on the outside. You want to use the less or greater-than operators because a volume divides the space in two. When you know which points in your cube are classified as inside and outside, you also know which edges the isosurface intersects. You can end up with everything from no triangles to five triangles. The position of the mesh vertices can be computed by interpolating across the intersected edges to find the actual intersection point.
If you want to represent say an apple with scalar fields, you would either need to get the source data set to plug in to your application, or use a pretty complex implicit function. I recommend getting simple geometric primitives like spheres and tori to work first, and then expand from there.
1) It depends on yoru implementation. You'll need to have a data structure where you can lookup the values at each corner (vertex) of the voxel or cube. This can be a 3d image (ie: an 3D texture in OpenGL), or it can be a customized array data structure, or any other format you wish.
2) You need to check the vertices of the cube. There are different optimizations on this, but in general, start with the first corner, and just check the values of all 8 corners of the cube.
3) Most (fast) algorithms create a bitmask to use as a lookup table into a static array of options. There are only so many possible options for this.
4) Once you've made the triangles from the triTable, you can use OpenGL to render them.
Let's say i have a point cloud data of an apple. how do i proceed?
This isn't going to work with marching cubes. Marching cubes requires voxel data, so you'd need to use some algorithm to put the point cloud of data into a cubic volume. Gaussian Splatting is an option here.
Normally, if you are working from a point cloud, and want to see the surface, you should look at surface reconstruction algorithms instead of marching cubes.
If you want to learn more, I'd highly recommend reading some books on visualization techniques. A good one is from the Kitware folks - The Visualization Toolkit.
You might want to take a look at VTK. It has a C++ implementation of Marching Cubes, and is fully open sourced.
As requested, here is some sample code implementing the Marching Cubes algorithm (using JavaScript/Three.js for the graphics):
For more details on the theory, you should check out the article at