How to trigger CodePipeline for GitHub pull requests being merged? - amazon-web-services

How can I configure CodePipeline to be triggered for Pull Requests being opened, edited or merged?
Here is a Terraform configuration:
resource "aws_codepipeline_webhook" "gh_to_codepipeline_integration" {
name = "gh_to_codepipeline_integration"
authentication = "GITHUB_HMAC"
target_action = "Source"
target_pipeline =
authentication_configuration {
secret_token = var.github_webhook_secret
// accept pull requests
// Is there a way to filter on the PR being closed and merged? This isn't it...
filter {
json_path = "$.action"
match_equals = "closed"
CodePipeline is set to accept webhook events that have all of the conditions specified in the filters, which corresponds to Pull Request Events.
Note that the GitHub documentation states for the action field of a PullRequestEvent (my emphasis in bold):
The action that was performed. Can be one of assigned, unassigned,
review_requested, review_request_removed, labeled, unlabeled, opened,
edited, closed, ready_for_review, locked, unlocked, or reopened. If
the action is closed and the merged key is false, the pull request was
closed with unmerged commits. If the action is closed and the merged
key is true, the pull request was merged. While webhooks are also
triggered when a pull request is synchronized, Events API timelines
don't include pull request events with the synchronize action.
It seems like I need to filter for both $.action==closed && $.pull_request_merged=true, but it doesn't look like I can do both. If I just filter on $.action==closed then my pipeline will rebuild if PRs are closed without merging. Is this an oversight on my part, or are CodePipelines not as flexible in their triggers as CodeBuild projects?

For pull requests being opened/updated, because CodePipeline's Git integrations require a branch name, this is not natively supported as the branch name is variable, unless you open PRs on long running branches like dev, qa etc (e.g. if you are using a Gitflow-based workflow).
The way that we support PRs based from dynamic branches is use CodeBuild for the build/unit test stage of our workflow, and then package up the repository and build artefacts to S3. From there we trigger Deployment pipelines for integration and acceptance environments using S3 artefact as the source. Using CodePipeline for deployments is powerful as it automatically ensures only one stage can execute at a time, meaning only one change for a given application is going through a given environment at any one time.
This approach is however quite complex and requires quite a bit of Lambda magic mixed with SQS FIFO queues to deal with concurrent PRs (this is to overcome the superseding behaviour of CodePipeline), but it's quite a powerful pattern. We also use GitHub reviews to do things like trigger acceptance stage, and auto-approve manual approval steps in CodePipeline.
Once you are ready to merge the PR, we just use normal CodePipeline triggered off master to deploy to production - one thing you also need to do is ensure you use the artefact that was built and tested on the PR.

I'm not sure why you want to trigger the whole pipeline when a pull request is open? They way I usually set things up is:
CodePipeline watches the master branch and triggers on a push to it
It will run some builds in CodeBuild
If the builds pass it runs a deploy
Then we have CodeBuild which gets triggered by both CodePipeline and also GitHub pull requests:
resource "aws_codebuild_webhook" "dev" {
project_name =
filter_group {
filter {
type = "EVENT"
Then you can use codebuild filters to choose when to trigger the build. The terraform docs are also helpful.


aws_codepipeline inside cdk-pipelines, how?

I'm exploring how to do CI/CD using cdk-pipelines, but while the setup part works, I don't understand the control part. All the examples are really simple inline code Lambda Functions.
How do I "release a change" of a codepipeline.Pipeline inside a cdk_pipelines?
const cdk_pipeline = new pipelines.CodePipeline(...)
cdk_pipeline.addStage(new BuildImageTestStage(...))
// build-image-test-stage.ts
new BuildImageTestStack(...)
// build-image-test-stack.ts
const pipeline = new codepipeline.Pipeline(...)
It sets up the pipeline just fine, but it doesn't fire off the actual codepipeline itself.
Options that I see:
codepipeline.Pipelines(triggerOnPush: true) - doesn't work because I want the cloud formation to run first THEN build+test. Trigger on push effectively runs parallel.
Completely separate setup from code deployment by using codepipeline_actions.CloudFormationCreateUpdateStackAction
Unsure option:
cdk_pipeline.addStage(..., { post: [] }) - CDK Pipeline post to trigger a code deploy, but I'm unsure on how to "wait" for it to finish.
Separately, I wish cdk-pipelines were named differently than codepipeline. It's just so hard to search.
[Edit after exchanges in the comments]: pipeline.CodePipeline is a wrapper for a codepipeline.Pipeline. It creates a new codepipeline.Pipeline under the hood in its construtor. The const pipeline = new codepipeline.Pipeline(...) line is adding a *second* codepipeline.Pipeline. You almost certainly don't want two. You have a few options:
Option 1: Pass codePipeline: pipeline in the cdk_pipeline constructor. cdk_pipeline will use your codepipeline.Pipeline instead of creating its own.
Option 2: Get rid of your pipeline instance. Refactor your build/test actions as pre or post Steps in the options for cdk_pipline.addStage or addWave. A CodeBuildStep will add a build step, for example. You can add arbitrary CodePipeline actions as steps, too.
AWS pipeline executions always run from beginning to end, each step "waiting" for the next to finish (except if stopped by an error). A CDK pipeline.CodePipeline always starts with the source action defined in its synth property.
The addStage method adds a serial stage to the pipeline. To add parallel stages, use addWave.
A CDK pipeline.CodePipeline makes it easy to create a pipeline that deploys CDK apps. It abstracts away the details of the more general-purpose codepipeline.Pipeline. If your use case is something other than building/testing/deploying CDK apps, though, you may be better off working directly with the latter, as the docs say.

How to get Commit ID of secondary source in CodePipeline

I have a Codepipeline where in one of the stages I use CodeBuild to collect Commit IDs of multiple sources.
I can get the commit ID of the primary source using CODEBUILD_RESOLVED_SOURCE_VERSION environment variable in codecommit. How do I get the commit id of the second source? Please help
You can get the commit IDs for all your source actions using the list_pipeline_executions command. It provides you with a list of CodePipeline execution summaries, where the first result is the latest execution. Each summary has a sourceRevisions attribute which looks like this for GitHub sources:
"actionName": "Action name",
"revisionId": "Commit ID",
"revisionSummary": "Commit Message",
"revisionUrl": "Link to the commit details page"
If your pipeline is likely to be running concurrently, make sure you get the current execution ID first so things do not get mixed up. You can do this with a one-liner in CodeBuild as suggested here.

AWS CodeBuild/CodePipeline user input parameters

I'm new to AWS and transitioning from Azure. I would like to create a pipeline in CodePipeline which asks the user for input (for example: the user needs to input a value for the variable "hello"), and uses that input to run a CodeBuild project. In Azure DevOps this was quite easy to define in the pipeline YML specification, but I can't seem to find a way to easily do this in AWS, or am I missing something?
AWS CodePipeline not supporting this feature currently. What you can do is, pass this parameter in your commit message (if pipeline trigger on commits to branches) or in your Git tag (if pipeline trigger on git tag push).
commit message: my commit message [my_var]
git tag: my_var-1.0.0
Then in your buildspec.yml file collect the commit message or tag and check whether it contains your required parameters. If so execute the next commands otherwise exit the script.

Architecture for AWS configuration application

I am creating an application which should only store some configuration. I am using AWS AppConfig as the configuration store.
I want to be able to update this configuration data through code. So when an event happens, I want to call SQS to create a message which holds the new configuration data to be appended. The SQS should call a lambda. The Lambda should get the latest configuration from AppConfig, append the new configurations, then deploy to AppConfig.
As a result, I want AppConfig to have the old configurations, and the new ones appended.
Is there a simple way to achieve this using only AWS services?
I've not tried any of this or used AppConfig directly but it shouldn't be difficult for you to piece information together from the web.
Create SQS Queue to hold the updates.
Create Lambda to read from the SQS Queue.
Write code for the Lambda which receives the message from the Queue, pulls the AppConfig and updates with the new values. Use one of the many AWS SDK's for your preferred language.
One thing that you should be aware of is that Lambdas can run multiple at a time so assuming your AppConfig looks like this:
"version": 1
then two updates get pushed to the SQS Queue at the same time:
"update1": "abc"
"update1": "xyz"
They could be executed at the same time and a race condition may occur where both save but one overwrwites the other.
I don't see the benefit of the SQS Queue here or understand the full use case or reason for using this set up but I think there may be a better way to achieve what you're trying to achieve.

Perform cloud formation only if any changes in lambda using AWS Code Pipeline

I am uisng AWS Code pipeline to perform cloud formation. My source code is committed in GitHub repository. When ever a commit is happening in my github repository, AWS Code Pipeline will starts its execution and perform the cloud formation. These functionalities are working fine.
In my project I have multiple modules. So if a user is modified only in one module, the entire module's lambda's are updated. Is there any way to restrict this using AWS Code Pipeline.
My Code Pipeline has 3 stages.
The following is the snapshot of my code pipeline.
We had a similar issue and eventually we came to conclusion that this is not exactly possible. So unless you separate your modules into different repos and make separate pipelines for each of them it is always going to execute everything.
The good thing is that with each execution of the pipeline it is not entirely redeploying everything when the cloud formation is executed. In the deploy stage you can add Create Changeset part which is basically going to detect what is changed from the previous CloudFormation deployment and it is going to redeploy only those parts and will not touch anything else.
This is the exact issue we faced recently and while I see comments mentioning that it isn't possible to achieve with a single repository, I have found a workaround!
Generally, the code pipeline is triggered by a CloudWatch event listening to the GitHub/Code Commit repository. Rather than triggering the pipeline, I made the CloudWatch event trigger a lambda function. In the lambda, we can write the logic to execute the pipeline(s) only for module which has changes. This works really nicely and provides a lot of control over the pipeline execution. This way multiple pipeline can be created from a single repository, solving the problem mention in the question.
Lambda logic can be something like:
import boto3
# Map config files to pipelines
project_pipeline_mapping = {
"CodeQuality_ScoreCard" : "test-pipeline-code-quality",
"ProductQuality_ScoreCard" : "test-product-quality-pipeline"
files_to_ignore = [ "" ]
codecommit_client = boto3.client('codecommit')
codepipeline_client = boto3.client('codepipeline')
def lambda_handler(event, context):
projects_changed = []
# Extract commits
print("\n EVENT::: " , event)
old_commit_id = event["detail"]["oldCommitId"]
new_commit_id = event["detail"]["commitId"]
# Get commit differences
codecommit_response = codecommit_client.get_differences(
print ("\n Code commit response: ", codecommit_response)
# Search commit differences for files that trigger executions
for difference in codecommit_response["differences"]:
file_name = difference["afterBlob"]["path"]
project_name = file_name.split('/')[0]
print("\nChanged project: ", project_name)
# If project corresponds to pipeline, add it to the pipeline array
if project_name in project_pipeline_mapping:
projects_changed = list(dict.fromkeys(projects_changed))
print("pipeline(s) to be executed: ", projects_changed)
for project in projects_changed:
codepipeline_response = codepipeline_client.start_pipeline_execution(
Check AWS blog on this topic: Customizing triggers for AWS CodePipeline with AWS Lambda and Amazon CloudWatch Events
Why not model this as a pipeline per module?