Cannot install "psycopg2" on Windows 10 with Python 3.8 - django

Yesterday I uninstalled python 3.7 version by mistake. Then I install python again (this time 3.8 version) and again set up my environment. But I could not start my Django project which has Postgres connection. Actually I cannot install "psycopg2" in my environment. I searched for hours and implement every solutions I get from online but it does not work. Let me tell you what I did so far.
First it said to add Postgres in my PATH so I added C:\Program Files\PostgreSQL\12\bin\ in my PATH.
A new problem then arise with a huge ERROR report with 2 vital Error.
ERROR: Failed building wheel for psycopg2
Running install for psycopg2 ... error
I try to upgrade wheel but it says,
Requirement already up-to-date
I learned from this site that psycopg2 requires python2 version. So I installed python 2.7 also.
I reinstalled PostgreSQL but it does not work.
I deleted my virtual environment and create again but it does not work.
Some says they solve this problem by running pip install psycopg2-binary But it does not work for me.
Please help me to get rid of this. I stuck for hours.

When you asked this question, Python 3.8 had been released very recently so there were not any wheels for Python 3.8 yet.
At the time, my suggestion was to install Python 3.7.X and install the binary wheel with:
pip install psycopg2-binary
Since then, binary wheels have been released for Python 3.8, so the above command should work with Python 3.8.X as well.
I wouldn't try to build from source on Windows if it can be avoided.
Finally, you misunderstood the section of the docs about Python 2. You only need Python 2.7 if you are running Python 2. For Python 3, which you should be using for all new projects, it currently supports Python 3.4 to 3.8.

sudo apt install python3-dev libpq-dev
then try doing:
pip3 install psycopg2
Hope it works for you!!

This problem mainly occurs due to this -- " error: Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or greater is required. Get it with "Microsoft C++ Build Tools":"
Now to install psycopg2, first you need to install visual studio from Microsoft -
now you need to install the c++ desktop development tool with all its default components selected.
After successful visual studio c++ desktop development kit installation, you can now install psycopg2 successfully in your machine.


pypy2.7.1.1 fails using pyenv

I am trying to install python version pypy2.7.1.1 using the following
pyenv install pypy2.7-7.1.1
I get the following error:
Downloading pypy2.7-v7.1.1-osx64.tar.bz2...
Installing pypy2.7-v7.1.1-osx64...
Installing pip from
error: failed to install pip via
BUILD FAILED (OS X 11.2.3 using 0000000000)
Inspect or clean up the working tree at /var/folders/zt/q3p12vyx3l990yc32wmybqdr0000gs/T/python-build.20210428193745.1720
Results logged to /var/folders/zt/q3p12vyx3l990yc32wmybqdr0000gs/T/python-build.20210428193745.1720.log
Last 10 log lines:
/var/folders/zt/q3p12vyx3l990yc32wmybqdr0000gs/T/python-build.20210428193745.1720 ~
/var/folders/zt/q3p12vyx3l990yc32wmybqdr0000gs/T/python-build.20210428193745.1720/pypy2.7-v7.1.1-osx64 /var/folders/zt/q3p12vyx3l990yc32wmybqdr0000gs/T/python-build.20210428193745.1720 ~
ERROR: This script does not work on Python 2.7 The minimum supported Python version is 3.6. Please use instead.
since pip was moved for 2.7 how do I install this now? is there a different way to install deprecated versions of python now?
I was having a similar issue on Mac OS 10.15.7 (Catalina).
This is how I was finally able to install Python 2.7 via pyenv
export GET_PIP_URL=
PYTHON_BUILD_HOMEBREW_OPENSSL_FORMULA=openssl#1.0 pyenv install 2.7.5
I realize that you are trying to install pypy and not Python, but hopefully the method above helps you, or others!

Need a downgrade of Django on MacOS

I'm currently using Django version-3.1.5 but for my university course it's recommended for testing version-2.2.17. Was wondering how to downgrade using MacOS Terminal? When I use pip3 install Django-2.2.17 I get a error message saying I'm already on a newer version of Django.
Install using the command
pip3 install django==2.2.17
This will install the version you have specified.

how avoid Anaconda to hijack pip

I have 2 versions of Python installed on my PC (Windows 7, 64Bit).
Python 2.7 Version installed with Anaconda
Python 3.6 Version installed directly from (the "regular IDLE")
Now, i would like to install the necessary packages on the 3.6 using pip, but anaconda keeps on hijacking the command.
For example, on typing in the cmd window:
pip install numpy
and i get:
Requirement already satisfied: numpy in
Which is the case for python2.7, but i was trying to install it for version 3.6 installed without Anaconda.
I tried re-installing pip hoping it would erase the hijacking by Anaconda2 ... failed.
I am contemplating to remove Anaconda2 altogether although i risk that in windows, removing a programme does not necessaraly remove the dependencies.
Any lead please ?
I think what you are looking for is pip3 install pip3 and you should be able install packages for python3
It should come as standard with python3 installation setup.
First check if it is there with
where pip3
For any further issues check this post
You don't need to uninstall anaconda2. Both python versions can co-exist and libraries different managed by different package installers pip for python 2 and pip3 for python 3 respectively.
Hope this answers your question.
Install it with pip3, because you want it for python 3:
pip3 install numpy

Changing default Python from 2.7.10 to 3.5.2 in terminal so I can install pip

I was hoping for some help in setting up a Python development environment on a Mac.
Background: I'm running a newly upgraded macOS Sierra 10.12.1, and setting up various parts of Python development on it. This macOS version already came with Python 2.7.10 installed - and I'd prefer to leave that alone for now.
So I installed Homebrew, and then used that in turn to install the latest python3, that is, Python 3.5.2; but I guess it's not the default for Terminal yet, since when I run the python -V command, I get this in the Terminal window:
Python 2.7.10
So now I've got at least 2 version of Python on my Mac, and that's fine I guess, but the latest Python one is not the one that is the 'default'. How do I set 3.5.2 as my default rather than 2.7.10?
(Backstory for why I want to do that... pip is not installed, i.e., when I go to Terminal and type in pip, it says:
-bash: pip: command not found
When I tried to follow the installation instructions for pip, I ran into a permissions issue, which makes sense I guess, since I don't have access to the Mac's 2.7.10 Python install, nor do I really want it at this stage. So I'd like to switch Terminal to take the new Python 3.5.2 as my default one, in which case I guess I won't have pip permissions issues...)
Thanks in advance for any help folks!
The safest solution is to create a virtual environment running python 3 and use it as development environment. Check the following links:

Fail to install Python 2.7.9 on a Windows google compute engine instance

I fired up a new Windows google compute engine instance. It's running Windows 2008 R2, service pack 1.
I download and try running the Python .msi installer for version 2.7.9, and it fails with this error:
There is a problem with this Windows Installer package. A program required for this install to complete could not be run. Contact your support personnel or package vendor.
I see this error for both the 64-bit and the 32-bit installer.
Has anyone else seen it or know of a work-around?
I reproduced your issue and I found two workarounds:
You can install python 2.7.6 successfully without further action.
If you need python 2.7.9 you can install it deselecting pip from the install menu.
This seems to be related to this answer in another thread although in that case the issue is with version 3.4.
Install python EXCEPT "pip"
Run the python install msi again and select "change"
Select "pip" and install the pip
It would be works...
I think it is a priority problem into the msi package...the package seems to try to install the pip before installing python.exe. So, pip can not be installed...
I'm using Windows 8.1 64-bit. I had 2.7.11 installed and then I tried to install PIP as well via Chocolatey PIP package.
I think my installation had got messed up because I had tried to install Python 3.4 as well as Python 2.
Then I had deleted all the Python 2 and Python 3 files in an attempt to get rid of this.
What worked for me was:
Editing the Environment Variables both, System and User to remove any PYTHONHOME or PYTHONPATH variables
I also deleted the path I had to python2 in the PATH environment variable
Now (as mentioned in Python Issue 22329) after deleting the Environment variables you can go into 'Programs and Features', click on the Python 2.7.11 (64-bit) program and then click 'Repair' - this then worked as I would expect without error.
Now finally I was able to go into 'Programs and Features', click on the Python 2.7.11 (64-bit) program and then click 'Uninstall'.
Edit: I assume this is connected with this PYTHON_HOME answer to a problem with Python 3.4
It seems to be a dependency issue, please try to install "Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable Package (x64)"