Docker Image tagging in ECR - amazon-web-services

I am pushing docker image in AWS ECR using Jenkins.
While pushing the image I am providing tag as $Build_Number. So in ECR repo I have images with tags like 1,2,3,4.
But when I am trying to pull the image from EC2 with below command from Jenkins job
docker pull
I am getting an error as there is no image with tag as latest.
Here I want to pull the latest image (with tag 4). I cannot hard-code tag number here as docker pull command will run from Jenkins job automatically. So what way can I pull the latest image?

I believe that the correct approach here would be to push the same image twice with different tags. One push would include the image with no tag and then the second push would be the same image after you have tagged it.
Note that you don't have to build the image twice. You only need to issue the docker push twice.
ECR is "smart" enough to recognise that the image digest did not change and it will not try to actually upload the image twice. On the second push only the tag will be send to ECR.
Now that you have an untagged version and a tagged version, you can pull the image without the tag specification and you will get the :latest image. Here is a reference to the AWS docs where they mention that the :latest tag will be added if no tag was sent by the user.
The flow would look something like this:
# Build the image
docker build -f ./Dockerfile -t my-web-app
# Push the untagged image (will become the ":latest")
docker push my-web-app
# Tag the image with your build_number
docker tag my-web-app my-web-app:build_number
# Push the tagged image
docker push my-web-app:build_number
You will now be able to:
docker pull my-web-app:build_number
docker pull my-web-app
Which will result in 2 identical images with only the tag differentiating between them.

one solution is suggested by #Lix that you can try, or if you are interested with just latest pushed image and no matter whats the tag of a latest image then you can get the latest image from AWS-CLI.
So your Jenkins job command will be
TAG=$(aws ecr describe-images --output json --repository-name stage/redis --query 'sort_by(imageDetails,& imagePushedAt)[-1].imageTags[0]' | jq . --raw-output)
docker pull$TAG

If you want a latest tag on ECR, you need to add it and push it there when you build the image. You can use the -t to docker build multiple times (see; just make sure to push them all.


Command To Delete All Image Versions of Artifact Registry Except Latest?

I have a GitHub Action that pushes my image to Artifact Registry. This is the steps that authenticates and then pushes it to my Google Cloud Artifact Registry
- name: Configure Docker Client
run: |-
gcloud auth configure-docker --quiet
gcloud auth configure-docker $GOOGLE_ARTIFACT_HOST_URL --quiet
- name: Push Docker Image to Artifact Registry
run: |-
Where $GIT_TAG is always 'latest'
I want to add one more command that then purges all except the latest version. In this screenshot below, you see theres 2 images
I would like to remove the one that was 3 days ago as its not the one with the tag 'latest'.
Is there a terminal command to do this?
You may initially check through the filtered list of container images for your specific criteria.
gcloud artifacts docker images list --include-tags
Once you have the view of the images to be deleted, move to the following.
You may use the following command to delete an Artifact Registry container image.
gcloud artifacts docker images delete IMAGE [--async] [--delete-tags] [GCLOUD_WIDE_FLAG …]
A valid container image that can be referenced by tag or digest, has the format of
This command can fail for the following reasons:
Trying to delete an image by digest when the image is still tagged.
Add --delete-tags to delete the digest and the tags.
Trying to delete an image by tag when the image has other tags. Add
--delete-tags to delete all tags.
A valid repository format was not provided.
The specified image does not exist.
The active account does not have permission to delete images.
It is always recommended to check and reconfirm any deletion operations so you don’t lose any useful artifacts and data items.
Also check this helpful document here for Artifacts docker Image Deletion guidelines and some useful information on Managing Images.
As guillaume blaquiere mentioned you may have a look at this link which may help you.

How do you push updated container images to AWS ECR?

So my understanding of containers and the associated terminology is tenuous at best, so if I say anything completely off please correct me.
I have a Lambda function that I am publishing as a container instance. I successfully pushed my container and ran my Lambda code, which had a bug (side note: Is there really no other way to test minor code changes rather than rebuild and push the entire container every time? I'm not using SAM, which is a decision I regret and am stuck with).
I went to fix the bug, and the absolute only thing I can find is the original commands:
docker build -T CONTAINER-NAME .
aws ecr create-repository --repository-name CONTAINER-NAME --image-scanning-configuration scanOnPush=true
docker tag CONTAINER-NAME:latest
aws ecr get-login-password | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin
docker push
These worked fine the first time around but now run without error, but do not update my image. I suspect it has to do with the tags, which the documentation is very unclear about--are they just tags like the rest of AWS resources', or something more?. I've experimented with different combinations of changing tags, which generally leads to errors about a given tag or repo not existing.
You can try with these code, create a new image with different tag. Mine is using date command to seperate tag. You specify the latest tag, and the running environment already has it, so it won't pull the new one.

How to duplicate/clone an image inside same AWS ECR repository with different tag?

I have an existing image inside an ECR repo with the tag "780" and I wanted to make a copy of it inside the same repo with the tag "781".
I tried executing the below commands which I found from here but that gives a new tag to the same image when given the same repo.
docker login REPO
docker pull REPO/IMAGE:TAG
Is there an API or utility (preferably in python) or any other way using which this can be achieved?
It's not possible to have two Docker images in the same repo with the same SHA256 hash. The Docker repository is saving space by detecting that they are the same image, so it is simply adding the tags to the image that already exists in the repo. This is working as intended.

Moving images from Docker registry to GCR

Google cloud run does not support the docker registry, therefore I have to manually pull the image, tag it and push it to GCR.
Container image URL should match pattern [region.][:tag or #digest]
Is there any simpler way to do this?
Sadly, that's the easiest way to move a Docker image from one container registry to another one.
Just for documentation purposes, I will add the steps for the benefit of the community:
Pull the Docker image using the following command:
Then, tag that pulled image using the following command:
docker tag [IMAGE][PROJECT-ID]/[IMAGE]
Push that image to your gcr repository using the following command:
docker push[PROJECT-ID]/[IMAGE]
I'm afraid in any case, "simpler" won't be a thing. Though, you may try to use Docker web hooks to call a simple Cloud function (pull, tag, push) in order to keep your images in sync in your GCR.
There seems to be some projects to manage that kind of hassle like dregsy but I didn't try them...
I've been working on some tooling called regclient that supports this use case. For copying a single image, the command would be:
regctl image copy ${source} ${target}
regctl image copy ubuntu:latest
This checks the digests before copying with a HEAD request to allow the command to be run frequently but only using your quota when the upstream image doesn't match what's on GCR. It also copies multi-platform images which you wouldn't get with a docker pull and docker push (docker dereferences the image to your platform on the pull). And unlike the docker pull, the individual layers are only copied when they don't exist on the target registry.
If you have lots of images to continuously mirror, there's also a regsync command that copies according to a yaml file with a list of images, tags, and schedule to run the copies.
These can run as containers, but they are also available as standalone binaries that don't require docker to run.

Docker image different size when pushed to ECR than locally

I have a docker image that is 1.46GB on my local machine, but when this is pushed to AWS ECR (either via my local machine or via CicleCI deployment) it is only 537.05MB. I'm pretty new to Docker and to AWS, so any help in figuring out as to why this may be would be appreciated!
I have a feeling that it has not fully uploaded to ECR for whatever reason, as I am trying to use this container for a Batch job, but for some reason the same command which works when used locally does not work when used in the job definition. The command is simply python, but I have also tried with absolute path python /usr/local/src/app/, both of which result in [Errno 2] No such file or directory.
Commands used in my Makefile deployment are as below:
docker build --force-rm=true -t $(EXTRACTOR_IMAGE_NAME) ./extractor
$(shell aws ecr get-login --no-include-email)
Edit 1:
I think this might be to do with the size of the base image, which is python:2.7 in this case. The base image is 914MB, plus the size of my ECR image 537.05MB = 1451.05MB, i.e. approx 1.46GB. Still not sure what the issue is with the Batch command though...
Edit 2:
I've been mounting code into my container using a volume, which is why this has been working locally. At build time I've forgotten to copy the code into the container, which I assume is the only reason why this is not working in Batch!
That could be due to how docker client acts before it pushes the image to ECR as documented:
Beginning with Docker version 1.9, the Docker client compresses image layers before pushing them to a V2 Docker registry. The output of the docker images command shows the uncompressed image size, so it may return a larger image size than the image sizes shown in the AWS Management Console.
So when you pull an image you will notice that the image layers go through three stages:
Regarding this command: python /usr/local/src/app/ are executing it while you inside /usr/local/src/app/ ? You might need to ensure this first also have you checked the command inside the container using the image before you push it as the error seems to be code related more than a docker issue
We can read the following in the the AWS ECR documentation:
Beginning with Docker version 1.9, the Docker client compresses image layers before pushing them to a V2 Docker registry. The output of the docker images command shows the uncompressed image size, so it may return a larger image size than the image sizes shown in the AWS Management Console.
I suspect you'd get the sizes you expect, would you use the CLI (docker images) instead of the ECR web console.