Using modulus to solve coin change question - c++

I'm looking for a different way to solve coin change problem using modulus. Most solutions refer to use of dynamic memory to solve this.
You are given coins of different denominations and a total amount of
money amount. Write a function to compute the fewest number of coins
that you need to make up that amount. If that amount of money cannot be
made up by any combination of the coins, return -1.
Input: coins = [1, 2, 5], amount = 11
Output: 3
Explanation: 11 = 5 + 5 + 1
The goal is to create a solution using modulus instead.
Here is what I've tried so far. I'm wondering if my variable should be initialized to something other than 0 or I'm updating in the wrong part of the code block.
class Solution {
int coinChange(vector<int>& coins, int amount) {
int pieces = 0;
int remainder = 0;
for(int i = coins.size()-1; i = 0; i--) {
if (amount % coins[i] == 0)
pieces += amount/coins[i];
} else {
pieces += amount/coins[i];
remainder = amount%coins[i];
amount = remainder;
return pieces;
I'm expecting the output as above. Stuck and not sure what else to try to get this to work.

I understand what you're trying to do, but your code isn't actually going to accomplish what you think it will. Here's a breakdown of your code:
int coinChange(vector<int>& coins, int amount) {
// Minimum number of coins to sum to 'amount'
int pieces = 0;
int remainder = 0;
// Assuming 'coins' is a non-decreasing vector of ints,
// iterate over all coins, starting from the larger ones,
// ending with the smaller ones. This makes sense, as it
// will use more coins of higher value, implying less
// coins being used
for(int i = coins.size()-1; i = 0; i--) {
// If what's left of the original amount is
// a multiple of the current coin, 'coins[i]',
if (amount % coins[i] == 0)
// Increase the number of pieces by the number
// of current coins that would satisfy it
pieces += amount/coins[i];
// ERROR: Why are you not updating the remaining amount?
} else {
// What's left of the original amount is NOT
// a multiple of the current coin, so account
// for as much as you can, and leave the remainder
pieces += amount/coins[i];
remainder = amount%coins[i];
amount = remainder;
// ERROR: What if amount != 0? Should return -1
return pieces;
If you fixed the ERRORs I mentioned above, the function would work ASSUMING that all ints in coins behave as the following:
If a coin, s, is smaller than another coin, l, then l must be a multiple of s.
Every coin has to be >= 1.
Proof of 1:
If a coin, s, is smaller than another coin, l, but l is not a multiple of s, using l as one of the coins in your solution might be a bad idea. Let's consider an example, where coins = [4, 7], and amount = 8. You will iterate over coins in non-increasing order, starting with 7. 7 fits into 8, so you will say that pieces = 1, and amount = 1 remains. Now, 4 doesn't fit into amount, so you don't add it. Now the for-loop is over, amount != 0, so you fail the function. However, a working solution would have been two coins of 4, so returning pieces = 2.
Proof of 2:
If a coin, c is < 1, it can be 0 or less. If c is 0, you will divide by 0 and throw an error. Even more confusingly, if you changed your code you could add an infinite amount of coins valued 0.
If c is negative, you will divide by a negative, resulting in a negative amount, breaking your logic.


Find Maximum amount of Coins and Selected Coins

I'm doing Coin Row Problem. And i got a small problem.
There is a row of n coins whose values are some positive integers c1, c2, . . . , cn, not necessarily distinct.
The goal is to pick up the maximum amount of money subject to the constraint that you cannot pick up any two adjacent coins. For instance, in the example below, once you pick up 10, you cannot take either 6 or the left-hand 2.
enter the number of coins: 6
enter the value of all coins : 5 1 2 10 6 2
The maximum amount of coin : 17
The selected coins to get maximum value : C1 , C4 , C6
I wanna get Selected coins (C1, C4, C6 in ex).
Here is my function code
I just can get only maximum amount in this code.
int getanswer(int array[],int len)
int C[20];
for (int j = 0; j < len; j++)
C[j + 1] = array[j];
int F[20];
F[0] = 0;
F[1] = C[1];
for (int j = 2; j < len+1; j++)
F[j] = max(C[j] + F[j - 2], F[j - 1]);
printf("temp :%d\n", C[j]);
return F[len];
How can i get Selected coins with my code?
A good solution would involve recursion, backtracking, and memoization (dynamic programming). Write a recursive routine that tries each of the available choices from the left end, and then recurs on the remaining list. Your current algorithm has a blind spot for unbalanced values just over its visible horizon (2 elements out).
Here's some pseudo-code to help you start.
int pickup(coin[])
// base case: <= 2 coins left
if size(coin) == 0 // return 0 for an empty list
return 0
if size(coin) <= 2 // if only 1 or 2 coins left, return the larger
return max(coin)
// Otherwise, experiment:
// pick *each* of the first two coins, solve the remaining problem,
// and compare results.
pick1 = coin[0] + pickup(coin[2:]) // pick 1st coin; recur on rest of list
pick2 = coin[1] + pickup(coin[3:]) // pick 2nd coin; recur on rest of list
return max(pick1, pick2)
That's the general attack. You can speed up the solution a lot with memoization. Also, you'll need to convert this to your preferred implementation language and add tracking to this so you get the indices you want. If all you need is to return the coin values in order, it's a simple to accumulate an array of those values, pre-pending one on each return.

Multiple Constrain Knapsack

I'm trying to solve the following problem:
An array of items, each item has 3 different weights (integers), a value and the amount available of this type of item.
A maximum for each type of weight
An array that tells how many of each item to take in order to achieve the maximum value. The sum of each of the weights of every item must not exceed the maximum allowed and you may not take more of an item of what is available.
Example output: {3,0,2,1} means 3 of item1, 0 of item2, 2 of item3, and 1 of item4.
Example scenario:
In case I wasn't very clear with the explanation, imagine it's about putting food on a backpack. Each type of food has a weight, a volume, a number of calories and a value and there's a certain amount of each type of food available. The objective would be to maximize the value of the food in the backpack without exceeding a certain maximum amount of weight, volume and calories.
On this scenario the INPUT could be:
Burger (Weight 2, Volume 2, Calories 5, Value 5$, number of Burgers 3)
Pizza (Weight 3, Volume 7, Calories 6, Value 8$, number of Pizzas 2)
Hot Dog (Weight 1, Volume 1, Calories 3, Value 2$, number of Hot Dogs 6)
int MaxWeight = 10; int MaxVolume = 15; int MaxCalories = 10;
My Attempt
Since the data set is quite small (say 7 types of items and there's no more than 15 pieces of each item available), I thought of a brute force search:
Keep track of the best set found so far (Most value and doesn't
exceed any limits), call best set B
Have a recursive function R(s) which takes a set (array of how many of each item) as input, if the input is invalid, it returns. If the input is valid it first updates B (in case s better than B) and then calls R(s + p_i) for every product p_i
The idea is to first call R(s) with s = empty set (0 for every product) and every possible branch will be created while the branches that exceed the weights are ignored.
This obviously didn't work cause the amount of branches that have to be checked is huge even for only as few as 7 items
Any help is much appreciated!
You have to consider each type of weight in your DP method. I'll write the implementation in C++:
vector<Food> Array;
int f(int ind, int weight1, int weight2, int weight3){
if(weight1<0 || weight2<0 || weight3<0) return -INF;
if(ind == Array.size()) return 0;
int &ret= memo[ind][weight1][weight2][weight3];
if(ret>0) return ret;
int res = 0;
for(int i=0;i<=Array[ind].maxOfType;i++)
res = max(res, i * Array[ind].value + f(ind+1, weight1-i*Array[ind].weight1, weight2-i*Array[ind].weight2, weight3-i*Array[ind].weight3));
return ret = res;
The DP function is recursive and we use memoization to optimize it. It returns the maximum value we can get. you can call it by:
f(0,MaxWeight1, MaxWeight2, MaxWeight3);
After that we have to track and see which items leads to maximum value. The Next method will print what you want:
void printResult(int ind, int weight1, int weight2, int weight3){
if(ind == Array.size()) return;
int maxi = memo[ind][weight1][weight2][weight3];
for(int i=0;i<=Array[ind].maxOfType;i++){
int cur = i * Array[ind].value + f(ind+1, weight1-i*Array[ind].weight1, weight2-i*Array[ind].weight2, weight3-i*Array[ind].weight3);
if(cur == maxi){
cout<<i<<", ";
printResult(ind+1, weight1-i*Array[ind].weight1, weight2-i*Array[ind].weight2, weight3-i*Array[ind].weight3);
All codes are tested and works well.

C++: What are some general ways to make code more efficient for use with large numbers?

Please when answering this question try to be as general as possible to help the wider community, rather than just specifically helping my issue (although helping my issue would be great too ;) )
I seem to be encountering this problem time and time again with the simple problems on Project Euler. Most commonly are the problems that require a computation of the prime numbers - these without fail always fail to terminate for numbers greater than about 60,000.
My most recent issue is with Problem 12:
The sequence of triangle numbers is generated by adding the natural numbers. So the 7th triangle number would be 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 + 7 = 28. The first ten terms would be:
1, 3, 6, 10, 15, 21, 28, 36, 45, 55, ...
Let us list the factors of the first seven triangle numbers:
1: 1
3: 1,3
6: 1,2,3,6
10: 1,2,5,10
15: 1,3,5,15
21: 1,3,7,21
28: 1,2,4,7,14,28
We can see that 28 is the first triangle number to have over five divisors.
What is the value of the first triangle number to have over five hundred divisors?
Here is my code:
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main() {
int numberOfDivisors = 500;
//I begin by looping from 1, with 1 being the 1st triangular number, 2 being the second, and so on.
for (long long int i = 1;; i++) {
long long int triangularNumber = (pow(i, 2) + i)/2
//Once I have the i-th triangular, I loop from 1 to itself, and add 1 to count each time I encounter a divisor, giving the total number of divisors for each triangular.
int count = 0;
for (long long int j = 1; j <= triangularNumber; j++) {
if (triangularNumber%j == 0) {
//If the number of divisors is 500, print out the triangular and break the code.
if (count == numberOfDivisors) {
cout << triangularNumber << endl;
This code gives the correct answers for smaller numbers, and then either fails to terminate or takes an age to do so!
So firstly, what can I do with this specific problem to make my code more efficient?
Secondly, what are some general tips both for myself and other new C++ users for making code more efficient? (I.e. applying what we learn here in the future.)
The key problem is that your end condition is bad. You are supposed to stop when count > 500, but you look for an exact match of count == 500, therefore you are likely to blow past the correct answer without detecting it, and keep going ... maybe forever.
If you fix that, you can post it to code review. They might say something like this:
Break it down into separate functions for finding the next triangle number, and counting the factors of some number.
When you find the next triangle number, you execute pow. I perform a single addition.
For counting the number of factors in a number, a google search might help. (e.g. ) You can build a list of prime numbers as you go, and use that to quickly find a prime factorization, from which you can compute the number of factors without actually counting them. When the numbers get big, that loop gets big.
Tldr: 76576500.
About your Euler problem, some math:
Preliminary 1:
Let's call the n-th triangle number T(n).
T(n) = 1 + 2 + 3 + ... + n = (n^2 + n)/2 (sometimes attributed to Gauss, sometimes someone else). It's not hard to figure it out:
1+2+3+4+5+6+7+8+9+10 =
(1+10) + (2+9) + (3+8) + (4+7) + (5+6) =
11 + 11 + 11 + 11 + 11 =
55 =
110 / 2 =
(10*10 + 10)/2
Because of its definition, it's trivial that T(n) + n + 1 = T(n+1), and that with a<b, T(a)<T(b) is true too.
Preliminary 2:
Let's call the divisor count D. D(1)=1, D(4)=3 (because 1 2 4).
For a n with c non-repeating prime factors (not just any divisors, but prime factors, eg. n = 42 = 2 * 3 * 7 has c = 3), D(n) is c^2: For each factor, there are two possibilites (use it or not). The 9 possibile divisors for the examples are: 1, 2, 3, 7, 6 (2*3), 14 (2*7), 21 (3*7), 42 (2*3*7).
More generally with repeating, the solution for D(n) is multiplying (Power+1) together. Example 126 = 2^1 * 3^2 * 7^1: Because it has two 3, the question is no "use 3 or not", but "use it 1 time, 2 times or not" (if one time, the "first" or "second" 3 doesn't change the result). With the powers 1 2 1, D(126) is 2*3*2=12.
Preliminary 3:
A number n and n+1 can't have any common prime factor x other than 1 (technically, 1 isn't a prime, but whatever). Because if both n/x and (n+1)/x are natural numbers, (n+1)/x - n/x has to be too, but that is 1/x.
Back to Gauss: If we know the prime factors for a certain n and n+1 (needed to calculate D(n) and D(n+1)), calculating D(T(n)) is easy. T(N) = (n^2 + n) / 2 = n * (n+1) / 2. As n and n+1 don't have common prime factors, just throwing together all factors and removing one 2 because of the "/2" is enough. Example: n is 7, factors 7 = 7^1, and n+1 = 8 = 2^3. Together it's 2^3 * 7^1, removing one 2 is 2^2 * 7^1. Powers are 2 1, D(T(7)) = 3*2 = 6. To check, T(7) = 28 = 2^2 * 7^1, the 6 possible divisors are 1 2 4 7 14 28.
What the program could do now: Loop through all n from 1 to something, always factorize n and n+1, use this to get the divisor count of the n-th triangle number, and check if it is >500.
There's just the tiny problem that there are no efficient algorithms for prime factorization. But for somewhat small numbers, todays computers are still fast enough, and keeping all found factorizations from 1 to n helps too for finding the next one (for n+1). Potential problem 2 are too large numbers for longlong, but again, this is no problem here (as can be found out with trying).
With the described process and the program below, I got
the 12375th triangle number is 76576500 and has 576 divisors
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <cstdint>
using namespace std;
const int limit = 500;
vector<uint64_t> knownPrimes; //2 3 5 7...
//eg. [14] is 1 0 0 1 ... because 14 = 2^1 * 3^0 * 5^0 * 7^1
vector<vector<uint32_t>> knownFactorizations;
void init()
knownFactorizations.push_back(vector<uint32_t>(1, 0)); //factors for 0 (dummy)
knownFactorizations.push_back(vector<uint32_t>(1, 0)); //factors for 1 (dummy)
knownFactorizations.push_back(vector<uint32_t>(1, 1)); //factors for 2
void addAnotherFactorization()
uint64_t number = knownFactorizations.size();
size_t len = knownPrimes.size();
for(size_t i = 0; i < len; i++)
if(!(number % knownPrimes[i]))
//dividing with a prime gets a already factorized number
knownFactorizations.push_back(knownFactorizations[number / knownPrimes[i]]);
//if this failed, number is a newly found prime
//because a) it has no known prime factors, so it must have others
//and b) if it is not a prime itself, then it's factors should've been
//found already (because they are smaller than the number itself)
len = knownFactorizations.size();
for(size_t s = 0; s < len; s++)
knownFactorizations[number][knownPrimes.size() - 1]++;
uint64_t calculateDivisorCountOfN(uint64_t number)
//factors for number must be known
uint64_t res = 1;
size_t len = knownFactorizations[number].size();
for(size_t s = 0; s < len; s++)
res *= (knownFactorizations[number][s] + 1);
return res;
uint64_t calculateDivisorCountOfTN(uint64_t number)
//factors for number and number+1 must be known
uint64_t res = 1;
size_t len = knownFactorizations[number].size();
vector<uint32_t> tmp(len, 0);
size_t s;
for(s = 0; s < len; s++)
tmp[s] = knownFactorizations[number][s]
+ knownFactorizations[number+1][s];
//remove /2
for(s = 0; s < len; s++)
res *= (tmp[s] + 1);
return res;
int main()
uint64_t number = knownFactorizations.size() - 2;
uint64_t DTn = 0;
while(DTn <= limit)
DTn = calculateDivisorCountOfTN(number);
uint64_t tn;
if(number % 2) tn = ((number+1)/2)*number;
else tn = (number/2)*(number+1);
cout << "the " << number << "th triangle number is "
<< tn << " and has " << DTn << " divisors" << endl;
return 0;
About your general question about speed:
1) Algorithms.
How to know them? For (relatively) simple problems, either reading a book/Wikipedia/etc. or figuring it out if you can. For harder stuff, learning more basic things and gaining experience is necessary before it's even possible to understand them, eg. studying CS and/or maths ... number theory helps a lot for your Euler problem. (It will help less to understand how a MP3 file is compressed ... there are many areas, it's not possible to know everything.).
2a) Automated compiler optimizations of frequently used code parts / patterns
2b) Manual timing what program parts are the slowest, and (when not replacing it with another algorithm) changing it in a way that eg. requires less data send to slow devices (HDD, hetwork...), less RAM memory access, less CPU cycles, works better together with OS scheduler and memory management strategies, uses the CPU pipeline/caches better etc.etc. ... this is both education and experience (and a big topic).
And because long variables have a limited size, sometimes it is necessary to use custom types that use eg. a byte array to store a single digit in each byte. That way, it's possible to use the whole RAM for a single number if you want to, but the downside is you/someone has to reimplement stuff like addition and so on for this kind of number storage. (Of course, libs for that exist already, without writing everything from scratch).
Btw., pow is a floating point function and may get you inaccurate results. It's not appropriate to use it in this case.

Is Coin Change Algorithm That Output All Combinations Still Solvable By DP?

For example, total amount should be 5 and I have coins with values of 1 and 2. Then there are 3 ways of combinations:
1 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 2
1 2 2
I've seen some posts about how to calculate total number of combinations with dynamic programming or with recursion, but I want to output all the combinations like my example above. I've come up with a recursive solution below.
It's basically a backtracking algorithm, I start with the smallest coins first and try to get to the total amount, then I remove some coins and try using second smallest coins ... You can run my code below in
The total amount is 10 and the available coin values are 1, 2, 5 in my code.
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
vector<vector<int>> res;
vector<int> values;
int total = 0;
void helper(vector<int>& curCoins, int current, int i){
int old = current;
int val = values[i];
current += val;
while (current>old) {
current -= val;
if (current>=0) {
helper(curCoins, current, i+1);
int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {
total = 10;
values = {1,2,5};
vector<int> chosenCoins;
helper(chosenCoins, 0, 0);
cout<<"number of combinations: "<<res.size()<<endl;
for (int i=0; i<res.size(); i++) {
for (int j=0; j<res[i].size(); j++) {
cout<<" ";
return 0;
Is there a better solution to output all the combinations for this problem? Dynamic programming?
My question is is this problem solvable using dynamic programming?
Thanks for the help. I've implemented the DP version here: Coin Change DP Algorithm Print All Combinations
A DP solution:
We have
{solutions(n)} = Union ({solutions(n - 1) + coin1},
{solutions(n - 2) + coin2},
{solutions(n - 5) + coin5})
So in code:
using combi_set = std::set<std::array<int, 3u>>;
void append(combi_set& res, const combi_set& prev, const std::array<int, 3u>& values)
for (const auto& p : prev) {
res.insert({{{p[0] + values[0], p[1] + values[1], p[2] + values[2]}}});
combi_set computeCombi(int total)
std::vector<combi_set> combis(total + 1);
combis[0].insert({{{0, 0, 0}}});
for (int i = 1; i <= total; ++i) {
append(combis[i], combis[i - 1], {{1, 0, 0}});
if (i - 2 >= 0) { append(combis[i], combis[i - 2], {{0, 1, 0}}); }
if (i - 5 >= 0) { append(combis[i], combis[i - 5], {{0, 0, 1}}); }
return combis[total];
Live Demo.
Exhaustive search is unlikely to be 'better' with dynamic programming, but here's a possible solution:
Start with a 2d array of combination strings, arr[value][index] where value is the total worth of the coins. Let X be target value;
starting from arr[0][0] = "";
for each coin denomination n, from i = 0 to X-n you copy all the strings from arr[i] to arr[i+n] and append n to each of the strings.
for example with n=5 you would end up with
arr[0][0] = "", arr[5][0] = "5" and arr[10][0] = "5 5"
Hope that made sense. Typical DP would just count instead of having strings (you can also replace the strings with int vector to keep count instead)
Assume that you have K the total size of the output your are expecting (the total number of coins in all the combinations). Obviously you can not have a solution that runs faster than O(K), if you actually need to output all them. As K can be very large, this will be a very long running time, and in the worst case you will get little profit from the dynamic programming.
However, you still can do better than your straightforward recursive solution. Namely, you can have a solution running in O(N*S+K), where N is the number of coins you have and S is the total sum. This will not be better than straightforward solution for the worst possible K, but if K is not so big, you will get it running faster than your recursive solution.
This O(N*S+K) solution can be relatively simply coded. First you run the standard DP solution to find out for each sum current and each i whether the sum current can be composed of first i coin types. You do not yet calculate all the solutions, you just find out whether at least one solution exists for each current and i. Then, you write a recursive function similar to what you have already written, but before you try each combination, you check using you DP table whether it is worth trying, that is, whether at least one solution exists. Something like:
void helper(vector<int>& curCoins, int current, int i){
if (!solutionExists[current, i]) return;
// then your code goes
this way each branch of the recursion tree will finish in finding a solution, and therefore the total recursion tree size will be O(K), and the total running time will be O(N*S+K).
Note also that all this is worth only if you really need to output all the combinations. If you need to do something else with the combinations you get, it is very probable that you do not actually need all the combinations and you may adapt the DP solution for that. For example, if you want to print only m-th of all solutions, this can be done in O(N*S).
You just need to make two passes over the data structure (a hash table will work well as long as you've got a relatively small number of coins).
The first one finds all unique sums less than the desired total (actually you could stop perhaps at 1/2 the desired total) and records the simplest way (least additions required) to obtain that sum. This is essentially the same as the DP.
The second pass then goes starts at the desired total and works its way backwards through the data to output all ways that the total can be generated.
This ends up being a two stage approach of what Petr is suggesting.
The actual amount of non distinct valid combinations for amounts {1, 2, 5} and N = 10 is 128, using a pure recursive exhaustive technique (Code below). My question is can an exhaustive search be improved with memoization/dynamic programming. If so, how can I modify the algorithm below to incorporate such techniques.
public class Recursive {
static int[] combo = new int[100];
public static void main(String argv[]) {
int n = 10;
int[] amounts = {1, 2, 5};
ways(n, amounts, combo, 0, 0, 0);
public static void ways(int n, int[] amounts, int[] combo, int startIndex, int sum, int index) {
if(sum == n) {
printArray(combo, index);
if(sum > n) {
for(int i=0;i<amounts.length;i++) {
sum = sum + amounts[i];
combo[index] = amounts[i];
ways(n, amounts, combo, startIndex, sum, index + 1);
sum = sum - amounts[i];
public static void printArray(int[] combo, int index) {
for(int i=0;i < index; i++) {
System.out.print(combo[i] + " ");

Algorithm to determine coin combinations

I was recently faced with a prompt for a programming algorithm that I had no idea what to do for. I've never really written an algorithm before, so I'm kind of a newb at this.
The problem said to write a program to determine all of the possible coin combinations for a cashier to give back as change based on coin values and number of coins. For example, there could be a currency with 4 coins: a 2 cent, 6 cent, 10 cent and 15 cent coins. How many combinations of this that equal 50 cents are there?
The language I'm using is C++, although that doesn't really matter too much.
edit: This is a more specific programming question, but how would I analyze a string in C++ to get the coin values? They were given in a text document like
4 2 6 10 15 50
(where the numbers in this case correspond to the example I gave)
This problem is well known as coin change problem. Please check this and this for details. Also if you Google "coin change" or "dynamic programming coin change" then you will get many other useful resources.
Here's a recursive solution in Java:
// Usage: int[] denoms = new int[] { 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200 };
// System.out.println(ways(denoms, denoms.length, 200));
public static int ways(int denoms[], int index, int capacity) {
if (capacity == 0) return 1;
if (capacity < 0 || index <= 0 ) return 0;
int withoutItem = ways(denoms, index - 1, capacity);
int withItem = ways(denoms, index, capacity - denoms[index - 1]);
return withoutItem + withItem;
This seems somewhat like a Partition, except that you don't use all integers in 1:50. It also seems similar to bin packing problem with slight differences:
Wikipedia: Partition (Number Theory)
Wikipedia: Bin packing problem
Wolfram Mathworld: Partiton
Actually, after thinking about it, it's an ILP, and thus NP-hard.
I'd suggest some dynamic programming appyroach. Basically, you'd define a value "remainder" and set it to whatever your goal was (say, 50). Then, at every step, you'd do the following:
Figure out what the largest coin that can fit within the remainder
Consider what would happen if you (A) included that coin or (B) did not include that coin.
For each scenario, recurse.
So if remainder was 50 and the largest coins were worth 25 and 10, you'd branch into two scenarios:
1. Remainder = 25, Coinset = 1x25
2. Remainder = 50, Coinset = 0x25
The next step (for each branch) might look like:
1-1. Remainder = 0, Coinset = 2x25 <-- Note: Remainder=0 => Logged
1-2. Remainder = 25, Coinset = 1x25
2-1. Remainder = 40, Coinset = 0x25, 1x10
2-2. Remainder = 50, Coinset = 0x25, 0x10
Each branch would split into two branches unless:
the remainder was 0 (in which case you would log it)
the remainder was less than the smallest coin (in which case you would discard it)
there were no more coins left (in which case you would discard it since remainder != 0)
If you have 15, 10, 6 and 2 cents coins and you need to find how many distinct ways are there to arrive to 50 you can
count how many distinct ways you have to reach 50 using only 10, 6 and 2
count how many distinct ways you have to reach 50-15 using only 10, 6 and 2
count how many distinct ways you have to reach 50-15*2 using only 10, 6 and 2
count how many distinct ways you have to reach 50-15*3 using only 10, 6 and 2
Sum up all these results that are of course distinct (in the first I used no 15c coins, in the second I used one, in the third two and in the fourth three).
So you basically can split the problem in smaller problems (possibly smaller amount and fewer coins). When you have just one coin type the answer is of course trivial (either you cannot reach the prescribed amount exactly or you can in the only possible way).
Moreover you can also avoid repeating the same computation by using memoization, for example the number of ways of reach 20 using only [6, 2] doesn't depend if the already paid 30 have been reached using 15+15 or 10+10+10, so the result of the smaller problem (20, [6, 2]) can
be stored and reused.
In Python the implementation of this idea is the following
cache = {}
def howmany(amount, coins):
prob = tuple([amount] + coins) # Problem signature
if prob in cache:
return cache[prob] # We computed this before
if amount == 0:
return 1 # It's always possible to give an exact change of 0 cents
if len(coins) == 1:
if amount % coins[0] == 0:
return 1 # We can match prescribed amount with this coin
return 0 # It's impossible
total = 0
n = 0
while n * coins[0] <= amount:
total += howmany(amount - n * coins[0], coins[1:])
n += 1
cache[prob] = total # Store in cache to avoid repeating this computation
return total
print howmany(50, [15, 10, 6, 2])
As for the second part of your question, suppose you have that string in the file coins.txt:
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
int main() {
std::ifstream coins_file("coins.txt");
std::vector<int> coins;
Now the vector coins will contain the possible coin values.
For such a small number of coins you can write a simple brute force solution.
Something like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
vector<int> v;
int solve(int total, int * coins, int lastI)
if (total == 50)
for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++)
cout << << ' ';
cout << "\n";
return 1;
if (total > 50) return 0;
int sum = 0;
for (int i = lastI; i < 6; i++)
sum += solve(total + coins[i], coins, i);
return sum;
int main()
int coins[6] = {2, 4, 6, 10, 15, 50};
cout << solve(0, coins, 0) << endl;
A very dirty brute force solution that prints all possible combinations.
This is a very famous problem, so try reading about better solutions others have provided.
One rather dumb approach is the following. You build a mapping "coin with value X is used Y times" and then enumerate all possible combinations and only select those which total the desired sum. Obviously for each value X you have to check Y ranging from 0 up to the desired sum. This will be rather slow, but will solve your task.
It's very similar to the knapsack problem
You basically have to solve the following equation: 50 = a*4 + b*6 + c*10 + d*15, where the unknowns are a,b,c,d. You can compute for instance d = (50 - a*4 - b*6 - c*10)/15 and so on for each variable. Then, you start giving d all the possible values (you should start with the one that has the least possible values, here d): 0,1,2,3,4 and than start giving c all the possible values depending on the current value of d and so on.
Sort the List backwards: [15 10 6 4 2]
Now a solution for 50 ct can contain 15 ct or not.
So the number of solutions is the number of solutions for 50 ct using [10 6 4 2] (no longer considering 15 ct coins) plus the number of solutions for 35 ct (=50ct - 15ct) using [15 10 6 4 2]. Repeat the process for both sub-problems.
An algorithm is a procedure for solving a problem, it doesn't have to be in any particular language.
First work out the inputs:
typedef int CoinValue;
set<CoinValue> coinTypes;
int value;
and the outputs:
set< map<CoinValue, int> > results;
Solve for the simplest case you can think of first:
coinTypes = { 1 }; // only one type of coin worth 1 cent
value = 51;
the result should be:
results = { [1 : 51] }; // only one solution, 51 - 1 cent coins
How would you solve the above?
How about this:
coinTypes = { 2 };
value = 51;
results = { }; // there is no solution
what about this?
coinTypes = { 1, 2 };
value = { 4 };
results = { [2: 2], [2: 1, 1: 2], [1: 4] }; // the order I put the solutions in is a hint to how to do the algorithm.
Recursive solution based on resource in Scala:
def countChange(money: Int, coins: List[Int]): Int = {
if (money < 0 || coins.isEmpty) 0
else if (money == 0) 1
else countChange(money, coins.tail) + countChange(money - coins.head, coins)
Another Python version:
def change(coins, money):
return (
change(coins[:-1], money) +
change(coins, money - coins[-1])
if money > 0 and coins
else money == 0