How to output multiple frames from GLSL postprocessing shader? - glsl

Can i use multiple ouptuts from postprocessing shader in GLSL?
I'm using Reshade with Super Depth 3D.
I added there sequential frame 3D output (for 120Hz monitor).
I need to rewrite part of it to allow 60FPS games display in 3D.
Right now it is working only when game hit stable 120FPS with provided algorithm:
for each frame:
if frame is even:
generate left eye image
generate right eye image
I have to change this to following one (so game can be played in 60FPS):
for each frame:
generate left eye image AND right eye image
Sequence of frames before shader:
After shader:
Apparently Reshade not allows to inject any new frame via shaders, because it is only appending information to already rendered frame.
So is this frame insertion possible via other software? (e.g. ENB)
Is there any software implementation of black frame insertion for DirectX/OpenGL games?
I'm assuming it have to get stream of 60FPS and output 120FPS.


Given an input of fragment positions in a shader, how can I blur each fragment position with an airy disc?

I am attempting to create a reasonably interactive N-body simulation, with the novelty of being able to observe the simulation from the surface of one of the bodies. By this, I mean that I have some randomly placed 'stars' of very high masses with random velocities and 'planets' of smaller masses given initial circular velocities around these stars. I am then rendering this in real-time via OpenGL on Linux and DirectX11 on Windows.
My question is in regards to rendering the scene out, NOT the N-body simulation. I have a very efficient/accurate solver working now, and it can always be improved later without affecting the rendering.
The problem obviously arises that stars are obscenely far away from each other, thus the fragment shader is incapable of rendering distant stars as they are fractions of pixels in size. Using a logarithmic depth-buffer works fine for standing on a planet and looking at a moon and the host star, but I am really struggling on how to deal with the distant stars. I am not interested in 'faking' it, or rendering a star map centered on the player, as the whole point is to be able to view the simulation in real time. A.k.a the star your planet is orbiting is ~1e6m away and is rendered as a sphere, as it has a radius ~1e4 m. Other stars are ~1e8m away from you, so they show up as single lit pixels (sometimes) with a far Z-plane of ~1e13.
I think I have an idea/plan, but I think it involves knowledge/techniques I am not aware of yet.
Have world space of stars on a given frame
This gives us 'screen' space, or fragment position, of star's center of mass in fragment shader
Rather than render this as a scaled sphere, we can try to mimic what our eye's actually do: convolve this point (pixel) with an airy disc (or gaussian or whatever is most efficient, doesn't matter) so that stars are rendered instead as 'blurs' on the sky, with their 'bigness' depending on their luminosity and distance (in essence re-creating the magnitude system for free)
Theoretically this would enable me to change the 'lens' parameters of my airy disc at will in order to produce things that look reasonably accurate/artistic.
The problem: I have no idea how to achieve this blurring effect!
I have some basic understanding of shaders, and have different render passes going on currently, but this seems to involve things I have not stumbled upon, or even how to achieve this effect.
TLDR: given an input of a fragment position, how can I blur it in a fragment/pixel shader with an airy disc/gaussian/etc.?
I thought a logarithmic depth buffer would work initially, but obviously that only helps with z-fighting, not dealing with angular size of far away objects.
You are over-thinking it. For stars smaller than a pixel, just render a square with an Airy disc texture. This is not "faking" - this is just how [real-time] computer graphics works.
If the lens diameter changes, calculate a new Airy disc texture.
For stars that are a few pixels big (do they exist?) maybe you want to render a few-pixel sphere convolved with an Airy disc, then use that texture. Asking the GPU to do convolution every frame is a waste of time, unless you really need it to. If the size really is only a few pixels, you could alternatively render a few copies of the single-pixel texture, overlapping itself and 1 pixel apart. Though computing the texture would allow you to have precision smaller than a pixel, if that's something you need.
For the nearby stars, the Airy disc from each pixel sums up to make a halo, I think? Then you just render a halo, instead of doing the convolution. It isn't cheating, I swear.
If you really do want to do a convolution, you can do it directly: render everything to a texture by using a framebuffer, and then render that texture onto the screen, using a shader that reads from several adjacent texture pixels, and multiplies them by the kernel. Since this runs for every pixel multiplied by the size of the kernel, it quickly gets expensive, the more pixels you want to sample for the convolution, so you may prefer to skip some and make it approximate. If you are not doing real-time rendering then you can make it as slow as you want, of course.
When game developers do a Gaussian blur (quite common) or a box blur, they do a separate X blur and Y blur. This works because the convolution of an X blur and a Y blur is a 2D blur, but I don't know if this works for the Airy disc function. It minimizes the number of pixels sampled for the convolutions.

OpenGL warp effect with too few polygons

I am working on a small 2d game where my wizards casts a spell I want to create an effect where the world warps as if the spell is bending Light much like hot air around a fire would. Right now I have a vertex shader warping the points of the rectangles I use to draw the world. There are two problems. The first is that there are not enough polygons in my simple 2d game for this to work seemlessly. The second is that my terrain is composed of hex tiles like a hex grid. Because the 4 points rectangle polygons do not represent where the 6 points of the hex grid join together, the warping of polygons causes the world to break apart and gaps appear below. Now I can change the world to use 6 points hex polygons instead of rectangles with hex textures but that would be out of scope.
Would it be possible to render my world somewhere offscreen then grab the offscreen frame as a texture then render it again with a higher polygon count? At that point I would use my warp vertex shader.
Also is there another way to do this?
You want to do this as a post processing effect in the pixel shader. Take your previous render target then use it as input for this post processing effect.
Guide for Rendering to Texture
Fire does refraction but i'd learn from code about this swirling and modify it to effect the screen more like how you want it too. Doing refraction is a bit more difficult, but you can emulate it with the ideas within here and manipulating how you sample the uv's with noise.
This should get you pointed some what in the right direction.

Terrain Object collision detection

I've written my own 3D Game Engine in the past few years and wanted to actually use it for a game.
I stumbled accros the following problem:
I have multiple planes in my game but lets talk about one single plane.
Naturally, planes are not able to dive into the ground and fly under the terrain.
Therefor, I need to implement something that detects the collision between a plane/jet and my ground.
The informations given are the following:
Grid of terrain [2- dimensional array; stores height at according x,z coordinate]
Hitbox of my plane (it moves with my plane, so the bounds etc. are all already calculated and given)
So about the hitboxes:
I though about which method to use. The best one in terms of performance seems to be simple spheres with different radius.
About the ground: Graphically, the ground is subdivided into triangles:
So what I need now is the optimal type of hitbox (sphere, AABB,...) and the according most efficient calculations.
My attempt was to get every surrounding triangle and calculate the distance from that one to each center of my hitbox spheres. If the distance is less than the radius, it has successfully detected a collision. But when I have up to 10/20 spheres in my plane and like 100 triangles to check, it will take to much time.
Another attempt was to get the vertical distance to the ground from each hitbox sphere. This one needs way less calculations but fails when getting near steep surfaces.
I would be very happy if someone could help me implementing an efficient version of plane/terrain collision detection :)
render terrain
May be you could try liner depth buffer to improve accuracy.
read depth texture
you can use glReadPixels with GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT and GL_FLOAT. That will copy depth buffer into CPU side memory. So now you can do also collision on CPU side or any computation related to ground in view...
use the depth buffer as texture
so copy it back GPU with glTexImage2D. I know this is slow (but most likely much faster then your current computation of collision. In case you are not using Intel HD Graphics You can instead #2,#3 use FBO for depth which will render depth buffer directly to texture. But on Intel this does not work reliably (or at all).
now render your objects (off screen) with GLSL
inside fragment shader just compare rendered position with depth (attached as texture). If bellow output the collision somewhere. If done in compute shaders than you can store results in some texture. Or you could use some attachment or FBO for this.
In case you can not use FBO you could render to "screen" with specifically color encoded collisions. Then read it with glReadPixels and scan for it to handle what ever collision logic you have on CPU side...
Do not write to Depth buffer in this pass !!! And also do not use CULL_FACE because that could miss some collision of the back side of your object.
now render the objects normally
in case you do not render in #4 or you encode collision to screen buffer you need to overwrite/render the stuff. Otherwise this step is not needed. But rendering after collision detection is good because in case of collision you most likely change the object position/orientation/mesh and already rendered object could be hindering the altered one.
Copying image between CPU and GPU is slow so use FBO and render to texture if you can instead.
If you are not familiar with multiple pass rendering see some QAs for inspiration:
OpenGL Scale Single Pixel Line
Render filled complex polygons with large number of vertices with OpenGL
This works only in view ... but you can do just collision rendering pass (per object). Render with camera set to view from top to down (birdseye) and covering only area around your object... Also you do not need too big resolution for this so it should be relatively fast ... So you can divide your screen to square areas (using glViewport) testing more objects in single frame to lover the sync time slowdowns as much as possible (use less glReadPixel calls). Also you do not need any vertex colors or textures for this.

Pixel manipulation in OpenGL

Lets say I have this image and in it is an object (a cube). That object is being tracked (with labels) and I manage to render a virtual cube onto it (augmented reality). Now that I can render a virtual cube onto it I want to be able to make the object 'disappear' with some really basic diminished-reality technique called "inpainting". The inpaint in question is pretty simple (it has to be or the FPS will suffer) and it requires me to do some operations on pixels and their neighbors (like with Gaussian blur or other basic image processing).
To do that I first need:
A mask: black background with a white cube in it.
Access each pixel of the initial image (at coordinates x and y) as well as its neighborhood and do stuff based on the pixel value of the mask at the same x and y coordinates. So basically the mask serves as a way to say ignore this pixel or use this pixel.
How do I do this using OpenGL? I want to be able to access pixel values 1 by 1 preferably in 2D because of the neighbors.
Do I use FBOs or PBOs? I've read many things about buffers and methods like glDrawPixels() but I'm having trouble putting them all together. The paper I saw this method in used the GL_BACK buffer but mine is already used. Some sample code (C++) would be really appreciated with all the formalities (OpenG` calls) since I'm still a beginner in OpenGL.
I'm even thinking of using OpenCV if pixel manipulation is too hard in OpenGL since my AR library (Aruco) works on top of OpenCV. In that case I will still need to get the mask (white cube on black background), convert it to a cv::Mat and then do my processing.
I know this approach is inefficient (going back and forth from the GPU/CPU) but my goal (for now) is to at least make the basics work.
Setup a framebuffer object to render your original image + virtual cube. Here's a tutorial.
Next you can attach that framebuffer texture as a input (sampler) texture of your next stage and render a quad (two triangles) that cover your mask.
In the fragment shader you should be able to sample your "screen coordinate" by reading the variable gl_FragCoord. Setting up the texture filter functions as GL_NEAREST, you can access the exact texture coordinates. Also the neighboring pixels are available with a displacement (deltaX = 2/Width, deltaY=2/Height).
Using a previous framebuffer texture as source is mandatory, as the currently active framebuffer is write only.

Video as voxels in OpenGL

Any good references on displaying sequence of images from a video as voxel data in OpenGL? I want to display all these images at once as a cuboid with 50% alpha and navigate using keyboard or mouse.
Check out this tutorial on setting up a 3D texture.
If you then render slices through the texture array with the appropriate UVW coordinates you will get what you are after.