cannot delete the camunda incident - camunda

I am trying to resolve the incident in camunda using this API
but getting this error.
"type": "InvalidRequestException",
"message": "Cannot resolve an incident of type failedExternalTask"
Also, I cannot find option in camunda UI.
I would like to know how to resolve the incident and re-trigger the workflow after resolving the incident.
Details of the Camunda
- Community Edition, container image tag is: "7.11.0"

The incident will be resolved when you increase the number of retries in the corresponding external task. E.g. using the endpoint:
This is described here:


Google My Business Pub/Sub Notifications Not Working

I am trying to get Review notifications to an external server, without success.
I have currently set up a topic with a Push subscription towards my endpoint, but I can't get Google to publish notifications to said topic: I have used this API to set my account's notification settings, and whenever I retrieve the current notificationSettings I get the following response:
"name": "accounts/myAccId/notificationSetting",
"pubsubTopic": "projects/myProjName/topics/myTopicName",
"notificationTypes": [
Despite this, whenever I leave a review (with a different google account) under one of the locations managed/owned by my Business Account, no notification arrives to my external endpoint.
I might also add that I already gave (exactly as written here) Pub/Sub Publisher role for my topic, and that my topic correctly delivers when testing manually.
Am I missing something? Or is there any way I can get some kind of logs and see what the problem is?

AWS SageMaker EndPoint returns 415

I have trained a multiclass classification model on the wine quality dataset and I have deployed the model.
After deploying the model I got EndPoint URL like:
And I am invoking the URL after passing AWS credentials and body like:
"instances": [7.4,0.7,0,1.9,0.076,11,34,0.9978,3.51,0.56,9.4]
But I am getting below error:
"LogStreamArn": "",
"OriginalMessage": "'application/json' is an unsupported content type.",
"OriginalStatusCode": 415
I tried looking for the trace logs in the cloud watch but no traces there as well. Anyone could guide me on this?
I have trained a model using Sage Maker Studion.
The message "'application/json' is an unsupported content type." seems to show your issue. Most likely your inference container does not support JSON content type, so you will need to use a content type that the container supports.

Calling operations.get in gcp throws "field [name] has issue [invalid operation name]"

Recently I was trying to get the status of an operation calling operation.get on API explorer in GCP
The request throws:
field [name] has issue [invalid operation name]
I tried the same request using node Lib for GCP and got the same result.
Operation name used is in format as below:
Did someone encounter this error before?
The issue is caused because the operation you are trying to fetch is from a different resource from the API that you are calling.
Most Cloud APIs have their own APIs, and each one performs its own operations under their own resource.
In this case you are trying to get your operation in the Resource Manager API, as a Resource Management resource, while it is from the Compute Engine resource, and this API (or this one if the operation is global to your project) should be used instead.
Using this API instead would solve this issue.
I agree that the response message could be improved in order to point users to which is the actual issue, when facing issues like the one in this question.
That's why I have opened a feature request that you can see in the following link. You can star it in order to give it more visibility and notifications on the updates made there, and add comments here if you have any additional information you might add to this improvement.

Prediction failed: unknown error

I'm using Google Cloud Machine Learning to predict images with labels.
I've trained my model, named flower and I see the API end point at Google API Exporer but, when I call the API at API Explorer, I get the following error:
Image Error
I can't understanding why.
I guess you followed the tutorial from
I had the exact same problem but with some trial and errors I succeeded with the payload:
{"instances":[{"image_bytes": {"b64": "/9j/ of the base64..."}, "key": "0"}]}

wso2am 2.1.0 API export - No enum constant APIDTO.TypeEnum.NULL

exporting an API definition through a REST service service I got a following exception:
ERROR - GlobalThrowableMapper An Unknown exception has been captured by global exception mapper.
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: No enum constant
at java.lang.Enum.valueOf(
If I import an API through the REST APIM API, I can GET / export it. As soon I update the set of resources manually in the publisher (I delete a resource and add another one), this exception occurs.
Thank you all for any hint
It's bug in API manager, it has resolved in issue The pull request has just merged recently, till now, till now there's no official build including this. However you can manually patch it in your system.
Apparently some things which seems to be optional need to be defined to make the API exportable, such as parameter description. Specifying a parameter description helped in this case