How to connect two machines using the Messenger example? - c++

I have been trying to connect two machines: both Virtual Machines, one is Xubuntu and the other is Ubuntu. I'm also very new to OpenDDS, but the best way -or so it seems- to do it is to use the .ini files.
However, when I try to connect, I seem to fail in changing the Discovery Server, since the default is localhost:12345. Can somebody help me with that so I can configure the file properly?
I have tried using the dds_udp_conf.ini and the tcp one, but it doesn't seem to work.
Also, I tried using unicast, but failed.
the ini file:
And I use the syntax:
./publisher -DCPSConfigFile conf.ini
Well, the publisher and subscriber are supposed to connect, but the publisher sends some error messages and in the other VM nothing happens.
I seem to fail because I cant change the configuration in the localhost for discovery.
When I try to run the server with a different parameter than localhost:12345 it always sends error messages too.

It's unclear to me where you're running the InfoRepo if both the publisher and subscriber are told the InfoRepo is running at localhost. Regardless I would recommend using the RTPS discovery and transport instead. It's easy to set up because the participants can find each other through the network's multicast without InfoRepo. This config is the simplest way to use RTPS with OpenDDS:
Just give this to both the programs and they should find each other. If not that would mean there's probably something's wrong with how the networking is set up on your VMs.


libcurl use same user defined port to send periodic request

I am working on a project need to send periodic alive message to https server.
Because of security issue, we need to use minimal number of ports (blocking unused ports as many as we can).
I am using c++ libcurl easy interface to send https request in linux.
I have tried to use the same curl handler object (CURL object) and set CURLOPT_LOCALPORT to a port number. The first request is ok. But in the second, libcurl verbose mode said address already in use.
However, when I comment out the port set through CURLOPT_LOCALPORT, it works on second connection also, and by setting VERBOSE to 1, I can see "Re-using existing connection" print out, which is missing in version setting up local port.
And I check with linux netstat, find out that it is using the same port.
I cannot figure out why setting up local port will make it failed.
And also, I have tried to close the connection using curl_easy_cleanup, but due to tcp time_wait state, we cannot reuse the port in a while, that's not what I want.
Could anyone provide a solution or suggestion to us? Thanks a lot.
My reason using one port is not to keep opening and closing connection too much.
Because of the security issue ...
There is no security issue. You need to get over this phobia about using multiple local outbound ports. There is zero security benefit in using fewer, or in constraining them in any way.

talk_base::HttpServer and talk_base::HttpClient Examples

I've been working on an app that bridges http calls over an established tunnel between two JID's. I have my tunneling setup correctly, but I cannot figure out how I'm supposed to use the HttpServer to serve requests. Using talk_base::HttpListenServer I can accept connections:
server.Listen(talk_base::SocketAddress("", 59000));
But even after attaching a signal:
server.SignalHttpRequest.connect(this, &TunnelManager::HandleTouchRequest);
I have no idea how I'm supposed to respond to the requests. At this point, the requests just hang after connecting with no apparent signals being called. I was wondering if there are any better resources, possibly code examples, for me to look at to get a working http server?
So it looks like there might be a problem with using the PhysicalSocketServer on OSX instead of the platform specific wrapper. Setting up the correct socket server before anything else fixed the problem. Apparently my usage above is correct.
talk_base::Thread::Current()->set_socketserver(new talk_base::MacCFSocketServer());
This appears to have fixed problems with the HttpClient as well.

Run Linux command remotely from Window based application

I want to run Linux command remotely from Window based Qt C++ application programmatically. What is the simpliest way to do it?
You need some sort of server on the Linux machine and your Windows machine will be a client. I'd say the easiest way would be just make a php script to run your command and drop it in your www root and have your Windows machine fetch that URL.
At the end of the day, without knowing what your requirements are with regard to security and with regard to what kind of commands you'll be running is, it's very difficult to give a definitive answer to this question.
Simply connect to telnet server on the linux using sockets, and send the commands.
This actually requires very little code. Check the Java version here:
Sending telnet commands and reading the response with Java
You can do similarly with Qt/C++ as well.
Simple server-side program witch will handle the requests and then using ex system() function will be this "remotely" part of solution.
And on client-side simple text field handled by function witch will be able to connect to server to send command run request.
The most important thing in this solution will be to take care about security.
One way to do it is, to have a client-server model, the server resides in linux and client can be your computer. That way you can send commands to the server and have its output thrown at you. That's one way I think of this problem.
Use UPnP to get past the firewall(or use NAT traversal or UDP/TCP hole punching). Otherwise (without forwarding the port) it would be impossible to reach the server.
The second is to write your own RSH and SSH utility. (or use putty or other pre-existing software)
You could use Plink if you are on Windows whatever version. If you can run PuTTY, then you can run PLink. PuTTY Plink Documentation. Using that you could use the executable, and automate things. Otherwise, if you're looking for a specific programming language, they'd still be dependent upon some SSH Library. If you're writing your own installer, you could include the PLink.exe in your installer, and distribute it with your application.
From the documentation page:
Z:\sysosd>plink 'echo "Hello World"'

Is is possile to Hook file-download event of a program?

Please tell me is it possile to know when a program is trying to download a file ( like in Internet Download Manager ). I want to catch that event (hook it), get the download url, and then destroy the event.
Thanks in advance..
#Jerry Coffin:Sr, I forgot to tell you that this feature of IDM is not active by default. It is only turned on when you enable the "Use advance browser integration" option at "Download/Options" of IDM menu.
Like here :
+ Check the (1) options, OK, then reboot.
+ After reboot, the (2) option will appear, check it, OK, and now run your software. You should see some thing likes (3)
( this appear when I run the msgr9us.exe ( Yahoo! Messenger setup file) )
Give it a try..
For a specific program such as Internet Explorer, doing this is quite reasonable (IE includes hooks to invoke your code under the right circumstances). For most programs it's not possible though -- they simply don't generate any "event" for you to hook and "destroy".
To make a long story short, to get anywhere with this, you'll almost certainly need to handle the situation on a case-by-base basis, writing code specific to each application you want to deal with -- and know that any other application and even newer versions of the applications you've dealt with will probably break what you're trying to do.
Not really. Consider how a browser typically downloads a file: it opens a TCP socket connection to a remote server, either on port 23 or 80, and using the FTP protocol or HTTP protocol on that connection. These things you can detect, intercept and modify with high reliability. But there are other programs that use other mthods. for instance, P2P filesharing programs such as BitTorrent do not use HTTP or FTP, nor do they download a file from a single server.
So, while you don't need to understand every program, you must be able to detect and understand every file download protocol instead.
you could hook the network stream and filter for http download requests.
you'll need some library to capture network traffic (e.g.
Then you'll have to parse the network packets for the appropriate HTTP messages (sorry, I can't give them to you, I don't know them). I don't know if you can actually prevent packets from being sent though.
Another (easier) way would be to implement a proxy server (or modify an existing one) to do what you want. Then you just have to connect the IE to your proxy using the proxy server settings. Check for example Privoxy, which already does some kind of filtering.

how to read list of running processes on a remote computer in C++

What can be done to know and list all running processes on a remote computer?
One idea is to have a server listening to our request on the remote machine and the other one is to use ssh.
The problem is i dont know whether there will be such a server running on the remote machine and i cannot use ssh because it needs authentication.
Is there any other way out ?
If you
cannot install a server program on the remote machine
cannot use anything that requires authentication
then you should not be allowed to know the list of all running processes on a machine. That request would be a security nightmare!
You can do something much simpler without (as many) security problems: scan the publicly-available ports for programs that are running. Programs like let you know a fair bit of information about the publicly-running programs on machines.
I have done something similar in the past using SNMP. I don't have the specifics in front of me, but something like "snmpwalk -v2 -c public hostname prTable" got me the process table. I recall later configuring SNMP to generate errors when the number of processes didn't meet our specified requirement, like httpd must have at least 1 and less than 50.
I suggest you look at the code for a remote login, rlogin. You could remotely login to an account that has the privileges that you need. Once logged in, you can fetch a list of processes.
This looks like a good application for a script rather than a C or C++ program.