How to convert function insertion module pass to intrinsic to inline - llvm

I currently have a traditional module instrumentation pass that
inserts new function calls into a given IR according to some logic
(inserted functions are external from a small lib that is later linked
to given program). Running experiments, my overhead is from
the cost of executing a function call to the library function.
What I am trying to do:
I would like to inline these function bodies into the IR of
the given program to get rid of this bottleneck. I assume an intrinsic
would be a clean way of doing this, since an intrinsic function would
be expanded to its function body when being lowered to ASM (please
correct me if my understanding is incorrect here, this is my first
time working with intrinsics/LTO).
Current Status:
My original library call definition:
void register_my_mem(void *user_vaddr){
... C code ...
So far:
I have created a def in: llvm-project/llvm/include/llvm/IR/
let TargetPrefix = "x86" in {
def int_x86_register_mem : GCCBuiltin<"__builtin_register_my_mem">,
Intrinsic<[], [llvm_anyint_ty], []>;
Added another def in:
TARGET_BUILTIN(__builtin_register_my_mem, "vv*", "", "")
Added my library source (*.c, *.h) to the compiler-rt/lib/test_lib
and added to CMakeLists.txt
Replaced the function insertion with trying to insert the intrinsic
instead in: llvm/lib/Transforms/Instrumentation/myModulePass.cpp
FunctionCallee sm_func =
ArrayRef<Value*> args = {
builder.CreatePointerCast(sm_arg_val, currType->getPointerTo())
builder.CreateCall(sm_func, args);
Intrinsic::ID aREGISTER(Intrinsic::x86_register_my_mem);
Function *sm_func = Intrinsic::getDeclaration(currFunc->getParent(),
aREGISTER, func_type);
ArrayRef<Value*> args = {
builder.CreatePointerCast(sm_arg_val, currType->getPointerTo())
builder.CreateCall(sm_func, args);
If my logic for inserting the intrinsic functions shouldnt be a
module pass, where do i put it?
Am I confusing LTO with intrinsics?
Do I put my library function definitions into the following files as mentioned in as for example EmitRegisterMyMem()?
clang/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenFunction.cpp - define llvm::Instrinsic::ID
clang/lib/CodeGen/CodeGenFunction.h - declare llvm::Intrinsic::ID
My LLVM compiles, so it is semantically correct, but currently when
trying to insert this function call, LLVM segfaults saying "Not a valid type for function argument!"

I'm seeing multiple issues here.
Indeed, you're confusing LTO with intrinsics. Intrinsics are special "functions" that are either expanded into special instructions by a backend or lowered to library function calls. This is certainly not something you're going to achieve. You don't need an intrinsic at all, you'd just need to inline the function call in question: either by hands (from your module pass) or via LTO, indeed.
The particular error comes because you're declaring your intrinsic as receiving an integer argument (and this is how the declaration would look like), but:
asking the declaration of variadic intrinsic with invalid type (I'd assume your func_type is a non-integer type)
passing pointer argument
Hope this makes an issue clear.
See also:

Thanks you for clearing up the issue #Anton Korobeynikov.
After reading your explanation, I also believe that I have to use LTO to accomplish what I am trying to do. I especially found this link very useful: It seems that I am now on a right path.


Check if function is user defined in LLVM-IR or not

I am writing a LLVM pass which prints function name only if it is user-defined (which are defined by the user in the source file).
I cannot find any way to distinguish the user-defined function from the initialization function (or static constructors). I tried checking if the function is just declared or defined, but it does not work as there some init functions are defined (like __cxx_global_var_init).
At pass-time, I know of no way to accomplish what you're trying to do.
That said, Clang provides a way to determine this during initial compilation. See: clang::SourceManager::isInSystemHeader(). You would have to write a Clang plugin or a libTooling-based program to take advantage of this as the information is gone once opt is executed. Here is a contrived example of how to do so using an AST visitor:
bool VisitFunctionDecl(clang::FunctionDecl* funcDecl)
if (sourceManager.isInSystemHeader(funcDecl->getLocStart()))
return true;

How does it work and compile a C++ extension of TCL with a Macro and no main function

I have a working set of TCL script plus C++ extension but I dont know exactly how it works and how was it compiled. I am using gcc and linux Arch.
It works as follows: when we execute the test.tcl script it will pass some values to an object of a class defined into the C++ extension. Using these values the extension using a macro give some result and print some graphics.
In the test.tcl scrip I have:
use_namespace myClass
proc simulate {} {
uplevel #0 {
set running 1
for {} {$running} { } {
draw .world.canvas
.statusbar configure -text "t:[tstep]"
set toroidal 1
set nx 100
set ny 100
set mv_dist 4
setup $nx $ny $mv_dist $toroidal
addBugs 100
# size of a grid cell in pixels
set scale 5
myClass.scale 5
The looks like:
#include //some includes here
MyClass myClass;
make_model(myClass); // --> this is a macro!
The Macro "make_model(myClass)" expands as follows:
namespace myClass_ns { DEFINE_MYLIB_LIBRARY; int TCL_obj_myClass
(std::string)"myClass",myClass),1); };
The Class definition is:
class MyClass:
int tstep; //timestep - updated each time moveBugs is called
int scale; //no. pixels used to represent bugs
void setup(TCL_args args) {
int nx=args, ny=args, moveDistance=args;
bool toroidal=args;
The whole thing creates a cell-grid with some dots (bugs) moving from one cell to another.
My questions are:
How do the class methods and variables get the script values?
How is possible to have c++ code and compile it without a main function?
What is that macro doing there in the extension and how it works??
Whenever a command in Tcl is run, it calls a function that implements that command. That function is written in a language like C or C++, and it is passed in the arguments (either as strings or Tcl_Obj* values). A full extension will also include a function to do the library initialisation; the function (which is external, has C linkage, and which has a name like Foo_Init if your library is foo.dll) does basic setting up tasks like registering the implementation functions as commands, and it's explicit because it takes a reference to the interpreter context that is being initialised.
The implementation functions can do pretty much anything they want, but to return a result they use one of the functions Tcl_SetResult, Tcl_SetObjResult, etc. and they have to return an int containing the relevant exception code. The usual useful ones are TCL_OK (for no exception) and TCL_ERROR (for stuff's gone wrong). This is a C API, so C++ exceptions aren't allowed.
It's possible to use C++ instance methods as command implementations, provided there's a binding function in between. In particular, the function has to get the instance pointer by casting a ClientData value (an alias for void* in reality, remember this is mostly a C API) and then invoking the method on that. It's a small amount of code.
Compiling things is just building a DLL that links against the right library (or libraries, as required). While extensions are usually recommended to link against the stub library, it's not necessary when you're just developing and testing on one machine. But if you're linking against the Tcl DLL, you'd better make sure that the code gets loaded into a tclsh that uses that DLL. Stub libraries get rid of that tight binding, providing pretty strong ABI stability, but are little more work to set up; you need to define the right C macro to turn them on and you need to do an extra API call in your initialisation function.
I assume you already know how to compile and link C++ code. I won't tell you how to do it, but there's bound to be other questions here on Stack Overflow if you need assistance.
Using the code? For an extension, it's basically just:
# Dynamically load the DLL and call the init function
load /path/to/your.dll
# Commands are all present, so use them
NewCommand 3
There are some extra steps later on to turn a DLL into a proper Tcl package, abstracting code that uses the DLL away from the fact that it is exactly that DLL and so on, but they're not something to worry about until you've got things working a lot more.

llvm function wrapper for timing

I would like to add a function wrapper in order to record the entry and exit times of certain functions. It seems that LLVM would be a good tool to accomplish this. However, I've been having trouble finding a tutorial on how to write function wrappers. Any suggestions?
p.s. my target language is C
Assuming you need to call func_start when entering each function and func_return when returning, the easiest way is to do the following:
for each function F
insert a call to func_start(F) before the first instruction in the entry block
for each block B in function F
get the terminator instruction T
if T is a return instruction
insert a call to func_return(F) before T
All in all, including boilerplate code for your FunctionPass, wou'll have to write about 40 lines of code for this.
If you really want to go with the wrapper approach you have to do:
for each function F
clone function F (call it G)
delete all instructions in F
insert a call to func_start(F) in F
insert a call to G in F (forwarding the arguments), put the return value in R
insert a call to func_return(F) in F
insert a return instruction returning R in F
The code complexity in this case will be slightly higher and you'll likely incur in a higher compile- and run-time overhead.
I like doing this and use several approaches, depending on the circumstance.
The easiest if you are on a Linux platform is to use the wonderful ltrace utility. You provide the C program you are timing as an argument to ltrace. The "-T" option will output the elapsed call time. If you want a summary of call times use the "-c" option. You can control the amount of output by using the "-e" and "--library" options. Other platforms have somewhat similar tools (like dtrace) but they are not quite as easy to use.
Another, slightly hackish approach is to use macros to redefine the function names. This has all the potential pitfalls of macros but can work well in a controlled environment for smallish programs. The C preprocessor will not recursively expand macros so you can just call the actual function from inside your wrapper macro at the point of call. This avoids the difficulty of placing the "stop timing" code before each potential return in the function body.
#define foo(a,b,c) ({long t0 = now(); int retval = foo(a,b,c); long elapsed = now() - t0; retval;})
Notice the use of the non-standard code block inside an expression. This avoids collisions of the temporary names used for timing and retval. Also by placing retval as the last expression in the statement list this code will time function calls that are embedded in assignments or other expressional contexts (you need to change the type of "retval" to whatever is appropriate for your function).
You must be very careful NOT to include the #define before prototypes and such.
Use your favorite timer function and its appropriate data type (double, long long, whatever). I like <chrono> in C++11 myself.

Finding invocations of a certain function in a c++ file using python

I need to find all occurrences of a function call in a C++ file using python, and extract the arguments for each call.
I'm playing with the pygccxml package, and extracting the arguments given a string with the function call is extremely easy:
from pygccxml.declarations import call_invocation
def test_is_call_invocation(call):
if call_invocation.is_call_invocation(call):
for arg in call_invocation.args(call):
print " ",arg
print "not a function invocation"
What I couldn't find is a way of getting the calls parsing a file:
from pygccxml import parser
from pygccxml import declarations
decls = parser.parse( ['main.cpp'] )
# ...
Is there a way to find the calls to a certain function using the pygccxml package?
Or maybe that package is an overkill for what I'm trying to do :) and there's a much simpler way? Finding the function calls with a regular expression is, I'm afraid, much trickier than it might look at a first sight...
XML-GCC can't do that, because it only reports the data types (and function signatures). It ignores the function bodies. To see that, create
void foo()
void bar()
and then run gccxml -fxml=a.xml. Look at the generated a.xml, to see that the only mentioning of foo (or its id) is in the declaration of foo.
An alternative might be available in codeviz ( It consists of a patch to gcc 3.4.6 that generates call dependency information - plus some perl scripts that generate graphviz input; the latter you can safely ignore.
As yet another alternative (which doesn't need gcc modifications) you could copy the approach from egypt (; this parses GCC RTL dumps. It should work with any recent GCC, however, it might be that you don't get calls to inline functions.
In any case, with these approaches, you won't get "calls" to macros, but that might be actually the better choice.

Does an arbitrary instruction pointer reside in a specific function?

I have a very difficult problem I'm trying to solve: Let's say I have an arbitrary instruction pointer. I need to find out if that instruction pointer resides in a specific function (let's call it "Foo").
One approach to this would be to try to find the start and ending bounds of the function and see if the IP resides in it. The starting bound is easy to find:
void *start = &Foo;
The problem is, I don't know how to get the ending address of the function (or how "long" the function is, in bytes of assembly).
Does anyone have any ideas how you would get the "length" of a function, or a completely different way of doing this?
Let's assume that there is no SEH or C++ exception handling in the function. Also note that I am on a win32 platform, and have full access to the win32 api.
This won't work. You're presuming functions are contigous in memory and that one address will map to one function. The optimizer has a lot of leeway here and can move code from functions around the image.
If you have PDB files, you can use something like the dbghelp or DIA API's to figure this out. For instance, SymFromAddr. There may be some ambiguity here as a single address can map to multiple functions.
I've seen code that tries to do this before with something like:
#pragma optimize("", off)
void Foo()
void FooEnd()
#pragma optimize("", on)
And then FooEnd-Foo was used to compute the length of function Foo. This approach is incredibly error prone and still makes a lot of assumptions about exactly how the code is generated.
Look at the *.map file which can optionally be generated by the linker when it links the program, or at the program's debug (*.pdb) file.
OK, I haven't done assembly in about 15 years. Back then, I didn't do very much. Also, it was 680x0 asm. BUT...
Don't you just need to put a label before and after the function, take their addresses, subtract them for the function length, and then just compare the IP? I've seen the former done. The latter seems obvious.
If you're doing this in C, look first for debugging support --- ChrisW is spot on with map files, but also see if your C compiler's standard library provides anything for this low-level stuff -- most compilers provide tools for analysing the stack etc., for instance, even though it's not standard. Otherwise, try just using inline assembly, or wrapping the C function with an assembly file and a empty wrapper function with those labels.
The most simple solution is maintaining a state variable:
volatile int FOO_is_running = 0;
int Foo( int par ){
FOO_is_running = 1;
/* do the work */
FOO_is_running = 0;
return 0;
Here's how I do it, but it's using gcc/gdb.
$ gdb ImageWithSymbols
gdb> info line * 0xYourEIPhere
Edit: Formatting is giving me fits. Time for another beer.