Visual Studio Code File not outputting - c++

So i have made a simple Program that outputs the text "Hi!" in C++.
I'm using Visual Studio Code and it was working before. But the last time i tried to open the program after succesfully compiling it, it wanted me to choose a software to open the file. I accedentally chose QT, and deinstalled QT afterwards, because i didn't want it anyways and thought that might fix the problem. But no there is no output in the terminal.
Here is a screenshot of VS Code after trying to output the file:

You are currently typing test.cpp in the terminal. This is the source code of the program and not the executable.
You should type test.exe in the terminal.


Terminal will not create .exe file for C++ file?

I have attached image of my compiler. My cygwin terminal will not create .exe file for my C++ program? I do not see exe file in my project diretory. I have used cygwin to compile code before, so I do not understand why it does not work.
VScode does the same thing as well?
Does anyone know a possible solution?
I have found that the full version of Visual Studios works much better than VS Code for compiling EXE's. You can get it for free here:

Visual Studio Code terminal and G++

I'm using VS code as my IDE fr a small C++ project, and I'm using the terminal to compile it using G++ (I know I could set up a build environment but I find it easier for now).
g++ *.cpp -o main
Problem is, when I compile a bunch of files, and the compiler tell me that something is wrong, I go back to the editor, apply the changes, and then recompile, but the terminal shell (Powershell in my case), still "sees" the old file.
Only closing the terminal and reopening a new shell solves the issue.
This is very annoying, since I find VS code a great IDE.

Setup C++ on Visual Studio Code [duplicate]

I am programming in C in Visual Studio Code, but I can't compile, as VSC only offers three compilers built in - Node.js, C# Mono, and Extension development. After a little bit of digging I came across the Visual Studio Marketplace. This seemed like the right sort of thing, but only four uncommon languages were there.
I can only assume that C debugging support is built in, I just can't find it or I am going the wrong way about doing it. I attempted to create a new launch.json (the manifest that seems to hold the compiling/debugging settings for each file) and manually entering the GCC binaries that I have, but that didn't end up working. I'm currently stuck manually compiling the C source file I am working on through command prompt.
Would really help if someone could point me in the right direction on what to do.
tl;dr - Help from anyone debugging C in Visual Studio Code
Windows 8, if that matters
A friendly reminder: The following tutorial is for Linux user instead of Windows
If you want to debug your c++ code with GDB
You can read this ( Debugging your code ) article from Visual Studio Code official website.
Step 1: Compilation
You need to set up task.json for compilation of your cpp file
or simply type in the following command in the command window
g++ -g file.cpp -o file.exe
to generate a debuggable .exe file
Step 2: Set up the launch.json file
To enable debugging, you will need to generate a launch.json file
follow the launch.json example or google others
Step 3: Press (Ctrl+F5) to start compiling
this launch.json file will launch the configuration when you press the shortcut (Ctrl+F5)
Enjoy it!
ps. For those who want to set up tasks.json, you can read this from vscode official (-> TypeScript Hello World)
Press Ctrl + Shift + P to pull up the Command Pallette, and Type ext install cpptools. It will install everything you need to debug C and C++.
Debugging in VS code is very complete, but if you just need to compile and run:
Look in the debugging section, and it will explain everything.
There is a much easier way to compile and run C code using GCC, no configuration needed:
Install the Code Runner Extension
Open your C code file in Text Editor, then use shortcut Ctrl+Alt+N, or press F1 and then select/type Run Code, or right click the Text Editor and then click Run Code in context menu, the code will be compiled and run, and the output will be shown in the Output Window.
Moreover you could update the config in settings.json using different C compilers as you want, the default config for C is as below:
"code-runner.executorMap": {
"c": "gcc $fullFileName && ./a.out"
For Windows:
Install MinGW or Dev C++
Open Environment Variables
In System Variable select Path -> Edit -> New
Copy this C:\Program Files (x86)\Dev-Cpp\MinGW64\bin to the New window.
(If you have MinGW installed copy its /bin path).
To check if you have added it successfully: Open CMD -> Type "gcc" and it should return:
gcc: fatal error: no input files compilation terminated.
Install C/C++ for Visual Studio Code && C/C++ Compile Run || Code Runner
If you installed only C/C++ Compile Run extension you can compile your program using F6/F7
If you installed the second extension you can compile your program using the button in the top bar.
Screenshot: Hello World compiled in VS Code
Just wanted to add that if you want to debug stuff, you should compile with debug information before you debug, otherwise the debugger won't work. So, in g++ you need to do g++ -g source.cpp. The -g flag means that the compiler will insert debugging information into your executable, so that you can run gdb on it.
You need to install C compiler, C/C++ extension, configure launch.json and tasks.json to be able to debug C code.
This article would guide you how to do it:
EDIT: As of ~March 2016, Microsoft offers a C/C++ extension for Visual Studio Code and therefor the answer I originally gave is no longer valid.
Visual Studio Code doesn't support C/C++ very well. As such it doesn't >naturally support gcc or gdb within the Visual Studio Code application.
The most it will do is syntax highlighting, the advanced features like >intellisense aren't supported with C. You can still compile and debug code >that you wrote in VSC, but you'll need to do that outside the program itself.

CPP file runs, but doesn't work when compiled to exe

I have created a cpp file using Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 and Allegro. It runs perfectly fine in the Visual Studio interface, but when I compile it into an exe, it says:
"The program can't start because allegro-5.0.10-monolith-md-debug.dll is missing from your computer. Try reinstalling the program to fix this problem."
I am running the exe on the same computer I used to write the code and debug it, so it shouldn't be the fault of a missing dll. Should it? That doesn't make sense to me.... I have compiled other exes before, and they do run on other computers, and the Allegro one works just fine while it's a cpp file, but when the Allegro file is run as an exe, it says I don't have the monolith thing.
Why is the file failing as an exe, but not a cpp?
This is what worked for me:
When in Configuration Properties -> Debugging
- Add PATH=c:\allegro\bin;%PATH% to the Environment Variable.
I had the exact same error, the program was telling me that it couldn't find the monolith DLL file. What I had noticed is instead of PATH=c:\allegro\bin;%PATH% I had put PATH=c:\allegro\bin:%PATH%. The difference is not easy to spot.
I put a : instead of a ; between bin and %PATH%
it was an easy mistake, however it caused me about 3 hours of heartache to fix.

Can't run programs on my mac

I've been programming on windows for about three months now and when my computer finally died I bought a mac. I'm really happy with it except I can't figure out how to run my c++ programs.
On windows it would open up in command prompt so I figured it would do the same thing except with terminal.
After I write my programs (in Xcode) I can compile them and it'll tell me if there are syntax errors but the run and run related buttons are all Grey and unusable.
It's incredibly annoying that I can't see how the program that I put 4 hours into runs and even more annoying that I don't know if I've made a runtime error. Someone please help.
Thank you very much, James
Assuming that you're trying to write a program that you interact with on the command line, you want to create a "Command Line Tool" project, found under "Application" in the Mac OS X section of the New Project dialog. Choose "C++ stdc++" from the "Type" dropdown, as well. This will give you a main.cpp that should look familiar to you, with a "Hello, World!" sample.
Note that when you Run this program, it might appear to do nothing - You need to open the Console (from the Run menu, or shift+command+R) to see your output.
Xcode deals in projects. If you're just opening the source file, there is no project. Create a project with the files in it and Xcode should let you run it.
Alternately, you can just use G++ on the command line to compile your files and run the resulting executable there.
Try compiling from the terminal as stated above. The a.out file should be created, and should run as long as Xcode has been installed. It should work fine from the terminal, and point out any errors in the compiler's output.
To runs the a.out file, ensure you are in the files directory in terminal and type ./a.out