I have looked all the issue but cannot find the issue as I'm working on https for rails on the EC2 so I have setup loading balance and security group, but it keep said instance is not working as it's mention 'OutOfService', i have look at the security group and all port is open
as it said Instance has failed at least the UnhealthyThreshold number of health checks consecutively. but when i open ip address from Ec2 dns address and it working fine
Check availability zones of both load balancer and ec2 instance. If both are in different zones make sure that you enabled cross zone load balancing in the classic load balancer. Also make sure that the ping target is TCP:80 in the Health check of the load balancer.
I have a the application load balancer set up with a security group. I also have my ec2 instance (windows) set up with another security group. My ec2 instance is configured in vpc.
If I type the load balancer dns (for example http://alb-myrpoject-437610392.us-east-2.elb.amazonaws.com/) on the browser it works but the health check fails. Here is the screenshot of the target group:
I am using the Apache web server.
Any idea why the health check is failing while the load balancer dns works?
Thanks for trying to help with your comments. I realized that I didn't give enough info. Okay, I've finally figured it out. On the security group of the ec2 instance, I also added
Now the health check became healthy I can also reach out my web page using my ip of my ec2 instance.
I set my load balancer to allow traffic on port 80 to the security group of my EC2 instance, but the load balancer refuses to connect. To do a sanity check, when I allow HTTP traffic from my IP to the load balancer, I'm able to connect seamlessly. I can only access the load balancer from my EC2 instance when I allow all traffic to port 80 on my load balancer. I keep checking back and forth to make sure the security group that the EC2 instance is in is the same as the one that the load balancer should allow, so I know it's not that. What else could be blocking the traffic?
Context: I used a load balancer because I wanted a static address for my EC2 instances to access and I don't want the IP to be dynamic. Basically, behind the load balancer is one coordinator instance that I want to manage jobs for the auto scaling EC2 instances. The load balancer can be internal for the purposes I need it for.
Network traffic between an EC2 instance and a public facing load balancer will go out to the Internet and back, it won't stay within the VPC. Once the request leaves the VPC it loses its association with the source security group, which is why your security group rule isn't working. If the EC2 instance has an Elastic IP address assigned to it, you could try adding that to the load balancer's security group instead.
There is probably a better way to do what you are trying to do without having your EC2 instance access a public load balancer. Perhaps the load balancer could be converted to an internal load balancer? Or maybe there is a better way for this EC2 server to communicate with the resources behind the load balancer directly somehow. You would need to post more information about your system and your desired goal for help with that.
I've created a Network Load Balancer for use with ECS Fargate. When I try to connect to the load balancer (using either the ELB domain name or it's IP addresses) it won't connect. I don't even see the connection in the flow logs. The machine I'm using to connect to the LB can reach the instances fine, but when I try to hit it through the load balancer I don't get a TCP connection. The security group on the Fargate containers allows anything from anywhere. The load balancer shows the instances health checks as "Healthy" but I still can't get to them.
Changing the ECS task definition to use awsvpc network mode instead of bridge mode resolved this issue for us.
I have created a Application Load Balance in Aws.
I have created 2 EC2 and make them a group.
After that I add that group to the ALB with listener 80.
But when the system goes for healthy checks, it gives the error and shows that two registered EC2 are unhealthy.
The error is :
None of these Availability Zones contains a healthy target. Requests
are being routed to all targets.
Availability Zones:
subnet-5691df0f - ap-northeast-1c,
subnet-97ae35e1 - ap-northeast-1a
Please let me know the reason.
AWS Related image
AWS Related image2
I was running into this issue, and also getting a 504 Gateway timeout, and it ended up being this missing rule from the documentation.
Open the Amazon EC2 console at https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/.
In the left navigation, choose Security Groups.
Choose the security group that your container instances use. If you created your container instances by using the Amazon ECS first run wizard, this security group may have the description, ECS Allowed Ports.
Choose the Inbound tab, and then choose Edit.
For Type, choose All traffic.
For Source, choose Custom, and then type the name of your Application Load Balancer security group that you created in Configure Security Groups. This rule allows all traffic from your Application Load Balancer to reach the containers in your tasks that are registered with your load balancer.
Choose Save to finish.
Check if your heath check parameters in target group is properly configured
protocol and port should be pointing to something where response header return 200 ok
screenshot target group settings
also, check if you EC2 heath check is ok or not and the Subnet you added to Alb should have at least 1 Ec2 running any of those subnets,
check the security group also should allow ALB to look for EC2
AwS link 3: https://i.stack.imgur.com/TEOnU.gif]2
AWS Link 4
I encountered a similar issue while learning to setup load balancer for my EC2 instance.
It turns out that under Target Groups:
the "path" under the "Health Check" tab was not registered although it showed the correct value "/".
Therefore I just edited the path value(by clicking the "edit health check") to "/" and saved it again just so that the system can register that value. (you could also try saving it to some other value, say "/health", first and then saving it back to "/")
This seemed to fix my problem.
Hi all I just encountered the same issue and the solution is a setting in the ALB (Application Load Balancer) itself
Make sure the ALB AZ matches your instance AZ here is a screenshot of the setting. I am using us-east-1a and us-eas-1e for my instance. So my ALB setting for AZ should match that, click on the "Edit Subnets" button to edit your AZ on your ALB
Ensure that communication is allowed at security group level between your load balancer and your targets.
From AWS
You must ensure that your load balancer can communicate with registered targets on both the listener port and the health check port [...] you must verify that the security groups associated with the load balancer allow traffic on the new port in both directions.
For example, a simple way to portray the rules you would require if you have a PUBLIC FACING load balancer in security group sg-001 and three EC2 targets in another security group sg-002 is as follows:
Just add new AZs by clicking on the Edit Subnet under the Load Balancer description.
So I set up a proxy server in AWS EC2 (let's say EC2 A) under Elastic Load Balancer with AWS AutoScaling groups... So I have 5 of EC2 : A under this elastic load balancer that has one DNS server endpoint for this proxies.
Through this proxy DNS (e.g. http://myelb.elb.aws.com), I want to send HTTP request from EC2 B.
Then where should I set up the security group?
And what kind of security rules for this program flow?
I tried to add EC2 A to the Elastic Load Balancer but it keeps being OutofService, never got to InService mode.
OutofService indicates that your Elastic Load Balancer is either not ready, or the instances are failing their Health Check. If you point to the little "i" information icon, it will explain why an instance is not InService.
Within your Elastic Load Balancer, take a look at the Health Check tab and confirm that it is configured correctly. It will either be checking a URL (eg /index.htm) or checking a port (eg port 80). If your "A" servers are listening on port 80, the quickest way to pass the health check is to set it to TCP and set the Healthy Threshold to 2 attempts.
Your Security Groups should have these settings:
A Security Group on your Elastic Load Balancer (eg ELB-SG) that allows incoming traffic either from the whole Internet ( or at least from your "EC2 B" instance (specifically, it should allow traffic where the source is the name of a security group associated with your B instance).
A Security Group on your "EC2 A" instances that allows incoming traffic from the security group on your Load Balancer (ELB-SG).
If you are worried that your Security Groups are incorrectly configured, start troubleshooting by opening up access to the entire Internet ( and, once you have confirmed connectivity, progressively reduce access to the above settings.