How can I compare the next character which the file contains? - c++

I am getting few problems when reading code. This is the text file.
I am getting a proper input for the first line but in second line first I need to ignore. I searched here and found how to use it and it's work to get to next line ignoring all the left over characters of first line.
You can see in second line with X there is no integer, now problem is the second while loop is running continuously. If I add 1 in text file with the X the file reads perfectly. Also how can I put a condition to satisfy this that when there is directly X or -X, it should store 1 or -1 and goes to next character? Also you can see ^ I have to store this in a variable whereas I should ignore it but didn't how to ignore it?
Thanks in advance
int main()
int in;
int power;
char x;
char f;
fstream fin;"input1.txt");
list l1,l2;
while(fin.peek() != 61)
while(fin.peek() != 61)

Unfortunately, this is not so simple as expected.
We need to split up the task into smaller parts.
What you want to do, is splitting your equation in terms and extract from this the coefficients and exponents.
Splitting up something in similar parts is also called tokenizing.
So, your equation consists of terms, which all follow the same pattern. First an optional sign, followed by the coefficients, then a “X^”, and, at the end the exponent (which may or may not have a sign).
And since all terms have the same pattern, we can find them with a so-called regex. C++ supports this functionality. Also for splitting up a text in smaller tokens/terms/pattern-matches, we have a special iterator std::sregex_token_iterator. Like any other iterator in C++, it iterates over the source string and extracts (and copies) all matched patterns.
OK, then we found already a solution for the first sub task. Extract all terms and put them into a std::vector. We will use the std::vectors range constructor, to do this, while defining the variable.
The next step is to get the coefficient. Here we need some special handling, because the coefficient can be omitted with an assumed 1. Using this assumption, we will read the term and convert the coefficient to an integer. And because we want to do that in one statement, we use std::transform from the STL’s algorithm library.
Getting the exponents is easier. We simply convert anything in a term following the ‘^’-sign to an integer. We again use std::transform to work on all terms in one statement.
Last but not least, we will get the right-hand-side of the equation and convert it also to an integer.
Please note:
All this can be done also with float type values
We could also allow spaces in the equation
For that, we would simple modify the std::regex-string.
Please see the complete example below:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <iterator>
#include <regex>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iomanip>
int main() {
std::string equation{ "5X^6+X^2+X^1-4X^0=0" };
const std::regex re(R"(([+-]?\d?X\^[+-]?\d+))");
std::vector<std::string> terms{ std::sregex_token_iterator(equation.begin(), equation.end(), re,1),std::sregex_token_iterator() };
std::vector<int> coefficients(terms.size());
std::vector<int> exponents(terms.size());
int rightHandSite{ 0 };
// Everything in front of X is the coefficient. Handle special case, when no digit is given
std::transform(terms.begin(), terms.end(), coefficients.begin(), [](const std::string& s) {
std::string temp = s.substr(0U, s.find('X'));
if (1 == temp.size() && !std::isdigit(temp[0])) temp += '1';
return std::stoi(temp); });
// Get all exponents
std::transform(terms.begin(), terms.end(), exponents.begin(), [](const std::string & s) {
return std::stoi(s.substr(s.find('^') + 1)); });
// Get right Hand site of equation
rightHandSite = std::stoi(equation.substr(equation.find('=') + 1));
// Show result
std::cout << "\nEquation: " << equation << "\n\nFound '" << terms.size() << "' terms.\n\nCoeffient Exponent\n";
for (size_t i = 0U; i < terms.size(); ++i)
std::cout << std::right << std::setw(9) << coefficients[i] << std::setw(10) << exponents[i] << "\n";
std::cout << "\n --> " << rightHandSite << "\n";
return 0;
There are many other possible solutions. But maybe it will give you some idea on what you could do.


CSV file handling in c ++

My name is Jose. I need help with a project. I need to handle .csv files in C++. The file contains nit, date and amount spent. The program must accumulate the purchase totals by NIT and must print on screen:
Sum NITs:
Average NITs
Min NITs
Max NITs
Count NITs
This following are links tot he csv files with nit, date, and total spent
I am trying to create output similar to:
My current codes is:
using namespace std;
void mostrar_csv();
int main()
return 0;
void mostrar_csv()
ifstream archivo("archivo.csv");
string linea = "";
string escritura = "";
vector<string> vect;
while (getline(archivo, linea))
stringstream dato(linea);
while (getline(dato, escritura, ';'))
for (int i = 0; i < vect.size(); i++)
{ // EL .size literalmente es un metodo, es el tamaño que tiene el vector
cout << i + 1 << ".-- " << << "\n";
cout << "\n\n";
cout << "the size is " << " " << vect.size() << " \n\n ";
See a full description below.
But first the example code (one of many possible solutions):
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <numeric>
#include <iterator>
#include <regex>
#include <map>
#include <tuple>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iomanip>
std::regex delimiter(",");
using Data = std::tuple<unsigned long, std::string, double>;
int main() {
// Open the file and check if it could be opened
if (std::ifstream csvFileStream{ "r:\\archivo.csv" }; csvFileStream) {
// Here we will store all data
std::vector<Data> data;
// Now read every line of the file until eof
for (std::string line{}; std::getline(csvFileStream, line); ) {
// Split the line into tokens
std::vector token(std::sregex_token_iterator(line.begin(), line.end(), delimiter, -1), {});
// Add to our data vector
data.emplace_back(Data{ std::stoul(token[0]), std::string(token[1]), std::stod(token[2]) });
// Now we want to aggregate the data. Get the sum over all
const double sum = std::accumulate(data.begin(), data.end(), 0.0, [](double v, const Data& d) { return v + std::get<2>(d); });
// Get the average over all
const double average = sum / data.size();
// Get the min and max value over all.
const auto [min, max] = std::minmax_element(data.begin(), data.end(), [](const Data& d1, const Data& d2) { return std::get<2>(d1) < std::get<2>(d2); });
// Next, we want to group based on NIT
std::map<unsigned long, double> groups{};
for (const Data& d : data) groups[std::get<0>(d)] += std::get<2>(d);
// Generate output
std::cout << "No. NIT Total Vendido\n";
unsigned int no{ 1U };
for (const auto& [NIT, gsum] : groups)
std::cout << std::right << std::setw(3) << no++ << ' ' << std::left << std::setw(9) << NIT
<< std::right << std::fixed << std::setprecision(2) << std::setw(19) << gsum << "\n";
std::cout << " ---------------\nSumatoria NITS:" << std::setw(17) << sum
<< "\nMedia NITs :" << std::setw(17) << average << "\nMin NITS :" << std::setw(17) << std::get<2>(*min)
<< "\nMax NITS :" << std::setw(17) << std::get<2>(*max) << "\nCount NITs :" << std::setw(14) << groups.size() << "\n";
else {
std::cerr << "\n*** Error: Could not open csv file\n";
return 0;
One of the major topics here is, how to parse a string or, it is called like this, how to split a string into tokens.
Splitting strings into tokens is a very old task. In very early C there was the function strtok, which still exists, even in C++. Here std::strtok.
But because of the additional functionality of std::getline is has been heavily misused for tokenizing strings. If you look on the top question/answer regarding how to parse a CSV file (please see here), then you will see what I mean.
People are using std::getline to read a text line, a string, from the original stream, then stuffing it into an std::istringstream and use std::getline with delimiter again to parse the string into tokens. Weird.
But, since many many many years, we have a dedicated, special function for tokenizing strings, especially and explicitly designed for that purpose. It is the
And since we have such a dedicated function, we should simply use it.
This thing is an iterator. For iterating over a string, hence the function name is starting with an s. The begin part defines, on what range of input we shall operate, then there is a std::regex for what should be matched / or what should not be matched in the input string. The type of matching strategy is given with last parameter.
0 --> give me the stuff that I defined in the regex and (optional)
-1 --> give me that what is NOT matched based on the regex.
We can use this iterator for storing the tokens in a std::vector. The std::vector has a range constructor, which takes 2 iterators as parameter, and copies the data between the first iterator and 2nd iterator to the std::vector. The statement
std::vector tokens(std::sregex_token_iterator(s.begin(), s.end(), re, -1), {});
defines a variable “tokens” as a std::vector and uses the so called range-constructor of the std::vector. Please note: I am using C++17 and can define the std::vector without template argument. The compiler can deduce the argument from the given function parameters. This feature is called CTAD ("class template argument deduction").
Additionally, you can see that I do not use the "end()"-iterator explicitly.
This iterator will be constructed from the empty brace-enclosed default initializer list with the correct type, because it will be deduced to be the same as the type of the first argument due to the std::vector constructor requiring that.
You can read any number of tokens in a line and put it into the std::vector
But you can do even more. You can validate your input. If you use 0 as last parameter, you define a std::regex that even validates your input. And you get only valid tokens.
Additionally, it helps you to avoid the error that you made, with the last getline statement.
Overall, the usage of a dedicated functionality is superior over the misused std::getline and people should simple use it.
Some people may complain about the function overhead, but how many of them are using big data. And even then, the approach would be probably then to use string.findand string.substring or std::stringviews or whatever.
Now we should have gotten a basic understanding, how to split a string into tokens.
Next, we will explore the rest os the software.
At the beginning we open a file and check, if it has been open. We use the new existing if statement, where you can put an initializer and the condition in the (). So, we define a variable std::ifstream an use its constructor to open the file. That was the initializer. Then we put the stream as condition as the 2nd part of the if-statement. This will check, if the file could be opened or not. That works, because the std::ifstreams !-operator is overwritten and will return a boolean state of the stream.
OK, now the file is open. With a normal for-statement, we read all lines of the file, using std::getline.
Then we tokenize the line (the string). Our data per line (csv) consists of 3 values. An unsigned long, a std::string and a double. We define a Type "Data" to be a tuple of those types.
The tokens for each line will be converted and put into the std::tuple via in-place construction and the tuple will then be added to our target vector.
So, basically we need just 3 lines of code, to read and parse the complete source csv-file.
Good. Now we have all data in a std::vector "data".
We can use existing functions from the algorithm library for getting the sum, average, min and max value.
Since we want to group the data based on the NIT, we then create an associative container: std::map. The key is the NIT and the value is the sum of the doubles. With the std::map index operator [] we can access or create a new key. Meaning, when a NIT is not existing in the map, then it will be added. In any case, the index operator [] will return a reference to the value. And we simply add the double to the value of the map. This we do for all tuples in the data-vector.
After this, all group sums exist, and the number of keys in the map, the size() of the std::map is the number of groups.
The rest is just simple formatiing and output.

Comparing strings using std::string::compare, c++

I have a question:
Let's say there are two std::strings and I want to compare them, there is the option of using the compare() function of the string class but I also noticed that it is possible using simple < > != operators (both of the cases are possible even if I don't include the <string> library).
Can someone explain why the compare() function exists if a comparison can be made using simple operators?
btw I use Code::Blocks 13.12
here is an example of my code:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::string;
using std::getline;
int main()
string temp1, temp2;
cout << "Enter first word: ";
getline (cin,temp1);
cout << "Enter second word: ";
getline (cin,temp2);
cout << "First word: " << temp1 << endl << "Second word: " << temp2 << endl;
if (temp1 > temp2)
cout << "One" << endl;
if ( < 0)
cout << "Two" << endl;
return 0;
.compare() returns an integer, which is a measure of the difference between the two strings.
A return value of 0 indicates that the two strings compare as equal.
A positive value means that the compared string is longer, or the first non-matching character is greater.
A negative value means that the compared string is shorter, or the first non-matching character is lower.
operator== simply returns a boolean, indicating whether the strings are equal or not.
If you don't need the extra detail, you may as well just use ==.
string cat = "cat";
string human = "human";
cout << << endl;
This code will give -1 as a result. This is due to the first non-matching character of the compared string 'h' is lower or appears after 'c' in alphabetical order, even though the compared string, 'human' is longer than 'cat'.
I find the return value described in is more accurate which are-:
0 : They compare equal
<0 : Either the value of the first character that does not match is lower in the compared string, or all compared characters match but the compared string is shorter.
more than 0 : Either the value of the first character that does not match is greater in the compared string, or all compared characters match but the compared string is longer.
Moreover, IMO's description is simpler and so far best describe to my own experience.
negative value if *this appears before the character sequence specified by the arguments, in lexicographical order
zero if both character sequences compare equivalent
positive value if *this appears after the character sequence specified by the arguments, in lexicographical order
Regarding the question,
” can someone explain why the compare() function exists if a comparison can be made using simple operands?
Relative to < and ==, the compare function is conceptually simpler and in practice it can be more efficient since it avoids two comparisons per item for ordinary ordering of items.
As an example of simplicity, for small integer values you can write a compare function like this:
auto compare( int a, int b ) -> int { return a - b; }
which is highly efficient.
Now for a structure
struct Foo
int a;
int b;
int c;
auto compare( Foo const& x, Foo const& y )
-> int
if( int const r = compare( x.a, y.a ) ) { return r; }
if( int const r = compare( x.b, y.b ) ) { return r; }
return compare( x.c, y.c );
Trying to express this lexicographic compare directly in terms of < you wind up with horrendous complexity and inefficiency, relatively speaking.
With C++11, for the simplicity alone ordinary less-than comparison based lexicographic compare can be very simply implemented in terms of tuple comparison.

Unique Lines and Words? How to implement it?

I'm having trouble with this program. The program is supposed to tell the user the number of lines, words, characters, unique lines, and unique words there are in a given input. So far, words and characters are okay. However, if the user wants to input more than one line, how do I do that? The functions will only output the results of one line at a time, rather than adding the results of both lines together. Also, I can't get the Unique Lines and Unique Words to work properly. I just got into C++ so I don't really have much experience. Can someone please help me?
Program reads one line at a time, so when the user inputs multiple times, the program produces the results separately rather than adding it together as one entity.
Unique Lines and Unique Words are not working. Any ideas how to implement it using the library used in the program.
#include <iostream>
using std::cin;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
#include <string>
using std::string;
#include <set>
using std::set;
// write this function to help you out with the computation.
unsigned long countLines()
return 1;
unsigned long countWords(const string& s)
int nw =1;
for (size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); i++)
if (s[i] == ' ') //everytime the function encounters a whitespace, count increases by 1)//
return nw;
unsigned long countChars(const string& s)
int nc = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < s.size(); i++)
if ( s[i] != ' ') //everytime the function encounters a character other than a whitespace, count increases//
return nc;
unsigned long countUnLines(const string& s, set<string>& wl)
return wl.size();
unsigned long countUnWords(const string& s, set<string>& wl)
int m1 = 0;
int m2 = 0;
string substring;
for(m2 = 0; m2 <= s.size(); m2++){
if (m2 != ' ' )
substring = s.substr(m1,m2);
m1 = m2 + 2;}
return wl.size();
int unw = 0;
return unw;
int main()
//stores string
string s;
//stores stats
unsigned long Lines = 0;
unsigned long Words = 0;
unsigned long Chars = 0;
unsigned long ULines = 0;
unsigned long UWords = 0;
//delcare sets
set<string> wl;
Lines += countLines();
Words += countWords(s);
Chars += countChars(s);
ULines += countUnLines(s,wl);
UWords += countUnWords(s);
cout << Lines << endl;
cout << Words<< endl;
cout << Chars << endl;
cout << ULines << endl;
cout << UWords << endl;
Words = 0;
Chars = 0;
ULines = 0;
UWords = 0;
return 0;
You are resetting your count variables to zero at the end of your getline while loop. This is why you are only getting results for one line. The user can input multiple lines in your program as it is right now you are just resetting the count.
I think you're headed in the right direction. In order to count unique lines and words you're gonna have to store every line and word in a data structure of some kind, I'd suggest an unordered_map. Each element in the map you'll have a counter for # of occurences of each line/word.
I don't want to give the answer away wholesale, but here are some ideas to get you started.
The function getline() can read in an entire line of input. Do this until there's no more input.
You can use a container like std::set (or better, std::unordered_set) to store the lines read in. Not the most efficient, but it keeps track of all your lines, and only stores the unique ones.
Each line can then be broken down into words. Consider using something like std::stringstream for this.
Store the words in a different std::unordered_set.
The number of unique lines (words) is simply the number of lines (words) stored in the containers. Use the .size() method to obtain this.
Doing the total number of lines, words, and characters can be computed as you read the data in, so I won't go into much detail there.
Each item is googleable, and you may choose to implement different parts differently (if you don't want to use a stringstream, you can always iterate over the line read, for example.) This should get you on the right track.
It's pretty easy to get fairly accurate counts, but can be surprisingly difficult to get correct counts for all of this.
The big problem is the character count. If you open the file (as you usually would) in text mode, the number of characters you count may not match what the OS thinks is there. For the obvious examples, under Windows a CR/LF pair will be translated to a single new-line character, so you'll typically count each line as one character shorter than it really is.
Technically, there's no way to deal with that entirely correctly either -- the translation from external to internal representation when a file is opened in text mode is theoretically arbitrary. At least in theory, opening in binary mode doesn't help a lot either; in binary mode, you can have an arbitrary number of NUL characters after the end of the data that was written to the file.
The latter, however, is pretty much theoretical these days (it was allowed primarily because of CP/M, which most people have long forgotten).
To read lines, but retain the line-end delimiters intact, you can use std::cin.get() instead of std::getline(), then read the delimiters separately from the line itself.
That gives us something like this:
#include <iostream>
#include <set>
#include <string>
#include <iterator>
#include <sstream>
#include <fstream>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
static char line[4096];
unsigned long chars = 0;
unsigned long words = 0;
unsigned long lines = 0;
std::set<std::string> unique_words;
std::ifstream in(argv[1], std::ios::binary);
while (in.get(line, sizeof(line), '\n')) {
chars += strlen(line);
std::istringstream buffer(line);
std::string word;
while (buffer >> word) {
while (in.peek() == '\n' || in.peek() == '\r') {
std::cout << "words: " << words << "\n"
<< "lines: " << lines << "\n"
<< "chars: " << chars << "\n"
<< "unique words: " << unique_words.size() << "\n";
Note that although this does answer that the OP actually asked at least for most typical OSes (Linux, *BSD, MacOS, Windows), it's probably not what he really wants. My guess is that his teacher isn't really asking for this level of care to try to get an accurate character count.
Also note that if you should encounter a line longer than the buffer, this can still give an inaccurate count of lines -- it'll count each buffer-full of data as a separate line, even if it didn't find a line-delimiter. That can be fixed as well, but it adds still more complexity to a program that's almost certainly already more complex than intended.

C++ code for taking substrings

I have a string as "1.0.0" and I want to extract the "1", "0", and "0". If the last zero is not present, the string must store 0 by default:
The above statement can find the first digit that is "1", however, I am not able to think of a solution for extracting the remainder of the string.
After this i convert it to a long as:
va = atol(verstr.substr(0,verstr.find(".")).c_str());
so i want the "1" in va , 0 in "vb" and so on
C++11 solution:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <regex>
using namespace std;
int main(int, char **) {
string version("1.2.3");
match_results<string::const_iterator> m;
regex re("([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)(\\.([0-9]+))?");
if (regex_match(version, m, re)) {
int major = stoi(m[1].str()),
minor = stoi(m[2].str()),
rev = stoi(m[4].str().length() == 0 ? 0 : m[4].str());
cout << "major: " << major << endl;
cout << "minor: " << minor << endl;
cout << "rev: " << rev << endl;
} else {
cout << "no match\n";
The regular expression used is ([0-9]+)\.([0-9]+)(\.([0-9]+))? and breaks down as follows:
[0-9]+ matches one or more digits
\. matches a literal dot.
? following the last expression indicates that it is optional
Expressions wrapped in ( and ) are capture groups. There are five capture groups in this expression:
0 - always matches the entire string - we don't use this.
1 - matches the major version number.
2 - matches the minor version number.
3 - matches a dot followed by the revision number - we don't use this but it is necessary because we use the parentheses followed by a ? to make this whole group optional.
4 - matches the revision number.
Not sure if I understand what you need, if you want to retrieve the digits as strings, with a minimum of x digits, you can do something like this.
vector<string> GetVersion(const string &strInput, int iMinSize)
vector<string> vRetValue;
std::stringstream ss(strInput);
string strItem;
while(std::getline(ss, strItem, '.'))
while(vRetValue.size() < iMinSize)
return vRetValue;
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
vector<string> vRetValue = GetVersion("1.0", 3);
return 0;
A possibility would to use std::sscanf(). It is simple to use and provides a level of error checking with relatively few lines of code:
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <cstdio>
int main()
std::string input[] = { "1.0.7", "1.0.", "1.0", "1.", "1" };
for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(input)/sizeof(input[0]); i++)
std::cout << input[i] << ": ";
// Init to zero.
int parts[3] = { 0 };
// sscanf() returns number of assignments made.
if (std::sscanf(input[i].c_str(),
&parts[2]) >= 2)
// OK, the string contained at least two digits.
std::cout << parts[0]
<< ","
<< parts[1]
<< ","
<< parts[2]
<< "\n";
std::cout << "bad format\n";
return 0;
1.0.7: 1,0,7
1.0.: 1,0,0
1.0: 1,0,0
1.: bad format
1: bad format
See online demo: .
find and substr are two really nice family of function overloads that are pretty well suited to many simple parsing problems, especially when your syntax checking only needs to be loose.
To extract multiple scalars out of your version vector, store the found index somewhere:
const auto a = verstr.find('.');
const std::string major = verstr.substr(0, a);
Then re-use it with one of the overloads of string::find, saying start searching at one after a:
const auto b = verstr.find ('.', a+1);
const std::string minor = verstr.substr(a+1, b);
And so forth.
If you need a syntax check, compare the returned indices against string::npos:
const auto a = verstr.find('.');
if (std::string::npos == a)
.... bad syntax ....
Pastebin style version of this answer:
#include <string>
#include <stdexcept>
#include <iostream>
struct Version
std::string Major, Minor, Patch;
Version(std::string const &Major)
: Major(Major), Minor("0"), Patch("0")
Version(std::string const &Major, std::string const &Minor)
: Major(Major), Minor(Minor), Patch("0")
Version(std::string const &Major, std::string const &Minor, std::string const &Patch)
: Major(Major), Minor(Minor), Patch(Patch)
std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream &os, Version const &v)
return os << v.Major << '.' << v.Minor << '.' << v.Patch;
Version parse (std::string const &verstr) {
if (verstr.empty()) throw std::invalid_argument("bad syntax");
const auto first_dot = verstr.find('.');
if (first_dot == std::string::npos)
return Version(verstr);
const auto second_dot = verstr.find('.', first_dot+1);
if (second_dot == std::string::npos)
return Version(verstr.substr(0, first_dot),
verstr.substr(first_dot+1, second_dot));
return Version(verstr.substr(0, first_dot),
verstr.substr(first_dot+1, second_dot),
and then
int main () {
std::cout << parse("1.0") << '\n'
<< parse("1.0.4+Patches(55,322)") << '\n'
<< parse("1") << '\n';
parse(""); // expected to throw
try something like this instead of solution below the line
string s = "1.0.0";
string delimiters = ".";
size_t current;
size_t next = -1;
current = next + 1;
next = s.find_first_of( delimiters, current );
string current_substring = s.substr( current, next - current ); // here you have the substring
while (next != string::npos);
Ok, please don't use this solution below, if you really don't know what you're doing, according to discussion below this answer with #DavidSchwartz
Take a look at function strtok
char str[] = "1.0.0";
char * pch;
pch = strtok (str,".");
while (pch != NULL)
printf ("%s\n",pch);
pch = strtok (NULL, ".");
Take a look at Boost libraries, specifically String Algo.
Standard library support for string manipulation is somewhat limited in C++. And reinventing the wheel is just plain bad.
I was asked in comments why I consider all find/substr based solutions bad style.
I'll try my best.
As questions does not states otherwise, performance is not a question here. Maintainability and readability are much more important. All solutions proposed here tightly tie split algorithm semantics with a specific version parsing algorithm semantics. This hurts both.
This hurts maintainability, because when you will need to change version format, it will involve changing the very same block of code that implements splitting, making it more error-prone. Same applies to unit-tests.
This hurts readability, because due to mixed semantics I can't at once guess an intent behind this block of code. For example, when I am looking up parse algorithm to check how missing 3d version argument is handled, I'd better not waste my time digging through split implementation details.
If parsing pattern would have been slightly more difficult, I'd have advised regular expressions. But in this case splitting string by a delimiter is an action generic and often used enough to justify having it as a separate function.
if it's only simple char comparison in a small string...
char[] should not be so bad... and c functions should work... (EDIT: for some, its a blasphemy... a lot of C++ method use char* whether it's const or not).
why use an object if it's to has the same functionality with more memory to be used, and more time for the process to spend?
I saw that some answer suppose to create a lot of string object... i don't khnow if it's really the best way...
a little 2 line recursive C like function can do that without gasping a lot.
In c++ code I probably would do that with string object, as it's negligible gasp... but just to say it so.
In string object i would use the length property to get the last char first (with [] operator, or appropriate method).
then just need to get the two elements (in a loop, or with 2 back reference in an object accepting regex (which is less efficient))

How to check if a string contains spaces/tabs/new lines (anything that's blank)?

I know there's an "isspace" function that checks for spaces, but that would require me to iterate through every character in the string, which can be bad on performance since this would be called a lot. Is there a fast way to check if a std::string contains only spaces?
function(" ") // returns true
function(" 4 ") // returns false
One solution I've thought of is to use regex, then i'll know that it only contains whitespace if it's false... but i'm not sure if this would be more efficient than the isspace function.
regex: [\w\W] //checks for any word character(a,b,c..) and non-word character([,],..)
thanks in advance!
With a regular string, the best you can do will be of the form:
return string::find_first_not_of("\t\n ") == string::npos;
This will be O(n) in the worst case, but without knowing else about the string, this will be the best you can do.
Any method would, of necessity, need to look at each character of the string. A loop that calls isspace() on each character is pretty efficient. If isspace() is inlined by the compiler, then this would be darn near optimal.
The loop should, of course, abort as soon as a non-space character is seen.
You are making the assumption regex doesnt iterate over the string. Regex is probably much heavier than a linear search since it might build a FSM and traverse based on that.
The only way you could speed it up further and make it a near-constant time operation is to amortize the cost by iterating on every update to the string and caching a bool/bit that tracks if there is a space-like character, returning that value if no changes have been made since, and updating that bit whenever you do a write operation to that string. However, this sacrifices/slows that speed of modifying operations in order to increase the speed of your custom has_space().
For what it's worth, a locale has a function (scan_is) to do things like this:
#include <locale>
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
int main() {
std::string inputs[] = {
"all lower",
"including a space"
std::locale loc(std::locale::classic());
std::ctype_base::mask m = std::ctype_base::space;
for (int i=0; i<2; i++) {
char const *pos;
char const *b = &*inputs[i].begin();
char const *e = &*inputs[i].end();
std::cout << "Input: " << std::setw(20) << inputs[i] << ":\t";
if ((pos=std::use_facet<std::ctype<char> >(loc).scan_is(m, b, e)) == e)
std::cout << "No space character\n";
std::cout << "First space character at position " << pos - b << "\n";
return 0;
It's probably open to (a lot of) question whether this gives much (if any) real advantage over using isspace in a loop (or using std::find_if).
You can also use find_first_not_of if you all the characters to be in a given list.
Then you can avoid loops.
Here is an example
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int main()
string str1=" ";
string str2=" u ";
bool ContainsNotBlank1=(str1.find_first_not_of("\t\n ")==string::npos);
bool ContainsNotBlank2=(str2.find_first_not_of("\t\n ")==string::npos);
bool ContainsNotBlank3=(str2.find_first_not_of("\t\n u")==string::npos);
cout << ContainsNotBlank1 <<endl;
cout << ContainsNotBlank2 <<endl;
cout << ContainsNotBlank3 <<endl;
return 0;
1: because only blanks and a tab
0: because u is not into the list "\t\n "
1: because str2 contains blanks, tabs and a u.
Hope it helps
Tell me if you have any questions