Can't install extension + version selector shows empty list - c++

Edit: After wait too long, I have resorted to do a clean install of Windows 7.
It solves everything.
I believe the cause is : some Windows files, or some service are disabled, by me or virus.
Now, I can no longer test any solution so I accept the existing useful one.
Original Question
My Visual Studio 2017 can run & compile C++ code, but :-
(main problem) can't install any Extension (double click .vsix yield nothing)
double click .sln will popup "Choose Application" that shows no choice. (but "Open with..." works OK)
This issue happens only to my computer in workplace.
It had worked OK before I cleaned up my system.
I tried :-
install, uninstall and repair Visual Studio 2017 several times.
%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\Installer\resources\app\layout\InstallCleanup.exe -full then reinstall (can remove "(2)", but not other symptom)
update to the latest version 15.9.17
(Thank comment from Jeaninez - MSFT) Make sure my .sln start with this at the first line:-
Microsoft Visual Studio Solution File, Format Version 12.00
# Visual Studio 15
I believe the issue is related to Microsoft Visual Studio Version Selector.
This symptom might come after I uninstall VS2019.
My system might be broken?
Perhaps, the cause may be somethings very deep in OS. I am considering reinstall Windows 7.
Why I think it is Version-Selector-related : Can't install the extension on Visual Studio 2017 after installing Visual Studio 2019
Similar question (2014) : How do I add versions to “Visual Studio Version Selector”, my list is empty (repair not help)
Visual Studio Version Selector Doesn't open (2010)
Best link about (2) :

To install extensions, try to find VSIXInstaller.exe on your disk. Normally it is installed here:
c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\Common7\IDE\VSIXInstaller.exe


CUDA: Triple Angle Brackets gives me an error in Visual Studio [duplicate]

I'm trying to install CUDA, but I get a message saying "No supported version of visual studio was found". I think that this is because I am using Visual Studio 2017 (Community), and CUDA currently only supports up to Visual Studio 2015. Unfortunately, Microsoft will not allow me to download old versions of Visual Studio without paying a subscription fee.
Is there a way I can get around the compatibility issue with VS 2017, or can I not use CUDA?
If you want to install CUDA 8.0 with Visual Studio 2017 you need to install additional components for Visual Studio 2017.Click on the Start Menu and type Visual Studio Installer. Open Visual Studio InstallerOpen Individual components tab and select VC++ 2015.3 v140 toolset
under Compilers, build tools and runtimes.
You also need to install .NET Framework 3.5 if you didn't have it installed. Nvda.Build.CudaTasks.v8.0.dll assembly dependents on MS .NET Framework 3.5.
Open Classical Control Panel, go to Programs and features and press Turn Windows features on or off. Check .NET Framework 3.5 and press OK.
Download full CUDA toolkit distribution and extract it somewhere on your disk.
If you didn't have CUDA toolkit installed, do it now. If you have only Visual Studio 2017 installed, unselect Visual Studio integration checkbox.
Now you want to receive the "No supported version of the visual studio was found" error.
But in order to successfully build Cuda toolkit projects in Visual Studio 2017, you also need to follow steps 5 and 6.
Go to the CUDAVisualStudioIntegration\extras\visual_studio_integration\MSBuildExtensions folder in your extracted distribution, copy all the files and paste them to C:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft.Cpp\v4.0\v140\BuildCustomizations:
In the last step, you will need to edit your Cuda projects to recognize NVidia's build tasks from Visual Studio 2017. Open your .vcxproj file in a text editor and find all occurrences of CUDA 8.0.props. Replace the macro at the beginning of the string with $(VCTargetsPath14) so that XML snippet would look as follows:
<ImportGroup Label="ExtensionSettings">
<Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath14)\BuildCustomizations\CUDA 8.0.props" /></ImportGroup>
Don't forget to edit the custom targets path at the end of the file:
<ImportGroup Label="ExtensionTargets">
<Import Project="$(VCTargetsPath14)\BuildCustomizations\CUDA 8.0.targets" /></ImportGroup>
Make sure to double check your path conifuration!
If you use nvcc from command prompt you might not be calling cl.exe from Visual Studio folder!
Now you can build your Cuda project from Visual Studio 2017.
Parts of this solution are from Oleg Tarasov blog.
At the moment, Microsoft still seems to be making VS2015 Update 2 community edition available. You have to join the "dev essentials" program, but it seems to be free.
I was able to download the installer from here recently.
Update: CUDA 9 RC was made available yesterday at to registered developers, and it has support for VS 2017.
Thank you everyone for your help. I just wanted to supplement this post with the last pieces of the puzzle. CUDA v9.0 RC is looking for VS2017 to identify as 1910 but the latest update actually identifies as 1911. To fix open .../CUDA/v9.0/include/crt/host_config.h and change this line:
#if _MSC_VER < 1600 || _MSC_VER > 1910
to this:
#if _MSC_VER < 1600 || _MSC_VER > 1911
You may also have to add the following to your CMakeLists:
list(APPEND CUDA_NVCC_FLAGS --cl-version=2017)
For people seeing this latter.
First, try to just install CUDA 10 (CUDA Toolkit 10.0).
If it still doesn't work without any mods make sure that you have as many VC++ toolsets as you see on the list. Check out this video, stop at 8:41 and compare the lists.
If for some reason you have to use CUDA 9.0 - 9.2 you will need to jump some hoops:
For cmd builds set vcvars_ver=14.11 - see this answer
For IDE builds set Platform Toolset (in project properties - General) to
Visual Studio 2017 (v141)) or
Visual Studio 2015 (v140))
If you have very customized cmd based build, hunt #if _MSC_VER (in .../CUDA/.../include/crt/host_config.h) and remove trailing || _MSC_VER > ...
In order to get working Cuda compiler nvcc in windows shell you need to do following
install proper toolset version from individual component for VS 2017 - VC++ 2017 version 15.4 v.14.11 toolset
Run in windows shell following "c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvarsall.bat" x64 -vcvars_ver=14.11
You can compile nvcc code without errors from windows shell
I ran into the same issue using CUDA 9.1 and VS2017 Enterprise.
After changing the VC++ compiler to v140 (instead of 141) everything runs fine.
Already had flags
#if _MSC_VER < 1600 || _MSC_VER > 1911
But it wouldn't stop showing the error.
No idea why, but trying to run it on VS2015 lead to errors about v141 not being installed... so because of some twisted logic I tried to not use v141 where it was installed... and everything worked!!
Leaving this here as it may help someone else in the same situation. (although I really don't understand the why, how, when, who or what of the solution.
Latest update (correct as of 06/12/2018) latest Cuda version is 9.2 and latest Visual Studio version is 2017.7 do NOT work together. The instructions provided in solution above don't work. Here is what worked for me:
Uninstall Visual Studio.
Uninstall Visual Studio Installer
Download Visual Studio 2017.6 (note that Microsoft is known to change links and revisions without notice)
Launch installer
Go to Individual Components. Click on Windows 10 SDK 10.0.15063
enter image description here
Download cuda Toolkit from the official website:
You may need to download patch.
I wanted to edit my CUDA programs using a text editor (i.e. Sublime) and compile them from the command prompt but I ran into an nvcc compiler error. I installed Visual Studio 2017 with Windows 10 OS but after compiling, it said "only version of VS 2012, 13, 15 and 17 are allowed." So what I did was to intall VC++ 2015 toolkit from the installation package of the VS 2017 installer (refer to the image of the top post). I didnt go through his entire process instead, I only copied the path of my cl.exe file from the newly created VS 14.0 folder to the environment variable. The .exe can be found here:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 14.0\VC\bin
Hope this helps!
Just as update. My compatibility is:
Cuda version 11.2
Visual Studio Community 2019

fxc.exe not found by VS2017 in windows 10

I'm going to use the HelixToolkit.SharpDX with VS2017 in my Windows 10 workstation, when I attempt to build the solution, it will prompt the Assertion Failed error with "No fxc.exe found".
I have checked the installation option, Windows SDK has been included, nand I have downloaded and install again, and I can see the fxc.exe in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.16299.0\x64" & "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\bin\10.0.16299.0\x86" folders, so it should be available for any windows version, but unfortunately, the same error reported.
However, I have also installed VS2017 in another Windows 7 machine, it works fine, and it has the fxc.exe in the same folder as my Windows 10 workstation, but it can be located by VS2017.
Is there any setting in VS2017 to locate the fxc.exe?
Or how can I fix this issue?
Copy fxc.exe in Bin\\x86 to Bin\x86 to fix this issue. Because the HLSL compile tool hard coded the path.
One can find solution on helix toolkit github page.
Visual Studio 2017. Windows 10 SDK.
Missing fxc.exe issue with newest Windows 10 SDK:
Copy fxc.exe in C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows
Kits\10\Bin\\x86 to C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows
Kits\10\bin\x86 to fix this issue. Because the HLSL compile tool hard
coded the path.
This seems to have been fixed in Visual Studio 2019 16.0.2, as of writing. Just have to make sure $(WindowsSDK_ExecutablePath) is pointing to the correct SDK directory and the build version that matches with the Targeted Platform in the Project Properties page.
Second post answered:
The executables that the C++ build process uses from the Windows SDK directory are MIDL.exe, MT.exe and RC.exe. If you digitally sign your executables then you will find signtool.exe here too. So I am kind of surprised that it finds some critical build tools correctly but others it fails to find.
My suggestion would be:
1) Verify that you are having this problem with your project in Visual Studio 2019 16.0.2 (the latest version at the time of writing) or Visual Studio 2019 Preview (16.1 Preview 1 at the time of writing). This is to check that if this has been found to be a bug, then it could have been fixed.
2) Create a completely new project. Without touching the project's executable path, try to create a sample that shows this behaviour. It doesn't need to be a full sample, just complete enough to show that Visual Studio fails to find fxc.exe.
3) If doing all of this shows that Visual Studio fails to find fxc.exe, then through Visual Studio 2019, report it as a bug.
But I will mention that a naïve test on my end shows that Visual Studio 2019 can compile HLSL shaders without any issues using the 18362, 17763 and 17134 SDKs. These were tested because these are the versions that I have installed.

Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 Update 4 Installer displaying in Chinese

I need to install Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 Update 4 but when I run it, it opens in Chinese even though I selected English. I have tried in three different browsers. When I right click the downloaded file from Microsoft, it says English in the details.
I am not familiar with Microsoft support, and I couldn't find any place to report anything. I am afraid to install it and do any damage. Any suggestions?
It is a problem on Microsoft side, that has been reported, and a fix should be available sooner or later.
Meanwhile, if you have installed the complete Visual Studio 2012 update 4, the redistributable msi that were installed locally are free from this problem, find them in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC\redist\1033.
I've put the correct msi (links deleted).
The official link is now fixed, download is correct.

Fresh installation of VS 2012 will not build default console application: Missing SDKDDKVer.h (and stdio.h / CRT)

I have been using the trial version of VS 2012 Professional for about 1 month on my Windows 7 64-bit machine.
Today, I noticed that the Platform Toolset option (project properties) was set for Visual Studio 2010 (v100), which seemed odd, because I am running VS 2012. Changing the "Platform Toolset" to VS 2012 resulted in the error noted in the title of this question:
Cannot open include file: 'SDKDDKVer.h': No such file or directory
... while building stdafx.cpp (the error itself occurs in the file targetver.h).
A forum discussion I was browsing earlier hinted that the presence of VS 2010 during a VS 2012 install might have caused the problem. (I do not have links to those posts currently on hand.)
Because I have recently purchased VS 2012 Professional, I uninstalled the trial version of VS 2012, and then reinstalled a paid version VS 2012 (Professional) from a fresh download from the MSDN website. All told, the uninstall/reinstall required 2 hours or so.
During the reinstallation of VS 2012, I paid very close attention to all possible options, to see if any option might conceivably have caused the VS 2012 installer to "skip" the VS 2012 header files or other VS 2012 components, and use VS 2010 components instead. I could find no such option.
Reinstallation of VS 2012 was successful.
I created a new console project in a new workspace (note that my "recent projects list" still showed my recent VS 2012 projects, despite the uninstall/reinstall). The project settings for the new console project showed that the correct toolset was being used - Platform Toolset = Visual Studio 2012 (v110).
Unfortunately, building the out-of-the-box VS 2012 console application (including the precompiled header option, but no other option in the Create Project Wizard), results in exactly the same error:
Cannot open include file: 'SDKDDKVer.h': No such file or directory
What should I do?
ADDENDUM: Note for future readers; after changing path settings (see comments beneath answer, below) so that VS 2012 finds SDKDDKVer.h, it nonetheless fails to find stdio.h, a more serious problem because the VC11 version of stdio.h (as well as all the VC11 CRT headers) is not available on the machine anywhere.
Unfortunately, Microsoft has still not resolved these major bugs in their VS 2012 installation process. The only way I found to get a working VS 2012 installation including all VC11 CRT files is to:
Wipe your system completely clean of all MS products (this may be overkill, but I had to at least uninstall VS 2010 in addition to uninstalling VS 2012)
Remove the registry keys noted in the comments to the answer below (to be safe)
Delete residual directories (to be safe)
Restart (to be safe)
Install VS 2012 from scratch FROM THE .ISO, not the installer (assuming the installation files are downloaded from the MSDN site) (use a program like Power2Go to mount the .iso)
THEN, be absolutely sure to install VS 2012 Service Pack 1 (through "Windows Update" control panel) (without doing this step, the VC11 CRT headers are STILL not installed anywhere on the machine)
And finally, map the Windows SDK library directories as described in [this link](Link now points to a scam site, removed) (without doing this latter step, the linker fails to finde the path to the Windows kernel library)
... THEN there is a working installation of VS 2012.
Thanks alot, Microsoft.
After I set up Visual Studio 2013, I had same sdk error for a simple C++ code. I solve same problem with below steps:
Select Project Properties>Configuration>VC++ Directories>Include Directories and add that: c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1A\Include
Select Project Properties>Configuration>VC++ Directories>Library Directories and add that: c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1A\Lib
After that configuration I had problem about rc.exe link error. For this problem one more thing is needed:
copy RC.exe and RcDll.dll files from C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.1A\Bin and past them to C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 12.0\VC\bin
After all those configuration steps, you can build a simple "Hello World!" example and run if you are lucky.
from MSDN forum:
Looking at the Include Directories for this project, I see the following
"WindowsSdkDir" is defined to be "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.0\"
Unfortunately, the folder
"C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.0\Include\" doesn't actually
have any header files in it. Instead it contains three sub-folders.
One of these is the folder called "shared" which happens to contain
the "SDKDDKVer.h" file shown in the error message.
If this is your situation, replace $(WindowsSdkDir)include by the three folder names (at least $(WindowsSdkDir)include\shared) in your include path in your project properties under VC++ Directories.
To add this path permanently to VS2012, you'll need to make changes to the Microsoft.Cpp.Win32.user.props file under the C:\Users\xxx\AppData\Local\Microsoft\MSBuild\v4.0 folder (where xxx is your user name).
I had this problem with VS2013. Turns out when I separately installed Windows SDK 8.1 first, then Visual Studio 2013, it fixed the problem.
I should also note that I was installing this on a Windows 7 w SP 1 VM and at no point during the installation did it have a connection to the internet (I have read elsewhere some folks think an internet connection during install will fix the problem, but I was personally unable to verify that, and now that I have it working I'm not going to backtrack and test it).

Can't get visual studio C++ include file 'excpt.h' to get installed

I'm trying to compile a visual studio C++ project and I can't get anywhere because of the compiler reporting "Cannot open include file: 'excpt.h': No such file or directory". The problem has been reported numerous times on the Internet but I can't find any help regarding my particular situation. The problem is not that the include path of the project are not correctly setup, the problem is that this include file (and probably a bunch of other files) are just missing from my computer. There is no such file on my hard drive. So I tried installing Windows SDK 7.1. The file is not inside the installed SDK (although it should be). I tried repairing the install, uninstall it, reinstall it... all numerous time. I also try to install, repair, uninstall, reinstall Visual Studio 2010 professional numerous time, with and without the Windows SDK installed. I even tried uninstalling the professional version to install the express VC++... nothing seems to work, no 'excpt.h' never get installed on my computer. I am clueless... someone has a hint of a solution? I'm on Windows 7.
As supplementary information, note that 'excpt.h' is included in by "windows.h". Also, the "excpt.h" file is normally installed with the Windows SDK under a path like "c:\program files (x86)\microsoft sdks\windows\v7.1\include\" and with Visual Studio under a path like "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\".
EDIT: If it might help, I might add that the folder C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include related my Visual Studio install has only two files... which is certainly not normal!!! However, I can't find any ways to get the installer to install all the .h files that should appear in this repertory.
See if you have it at C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC\include\excpt.h Check to be sure that the system include-paths are correct in Visual Studio. If all else fails, uninstall everything, all SDK's, etc., and re-install Visual C++.
Third party search programs do a better job than the Windows one for finding things. Try Agent Ransack. It's free.
For those who have the same problem, here is the solution I found after about 10h of install/uninstall/cleaning cycles... I've uninstalled completely visual studio using this. After that, using the control panel, I've uninstalled the Windows SDK and everything that can be associated with it or with visual studio (e.g. .NET framework). Then, I've removed all the left overs by manually deleting the visual studio and the Windows SDK folders located in C:/Program files. Finally, I deleted all the entries related to the Windows SDK or to Visual Studio in the registry (they are located in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft). Then, I reinstalled Visual Studio... and it was finally working correctly. I should add that I restarted and cleaned the registry using CCleaner after any install or uninstall step.
I had this problem with a project that had been updated to VS2017 from VS2015.
This was a header included via windows.h. I knew this header should have no problems as I had other projects created directly in VS2017 that used windows.h.
Another symptom was that the intellisense was highlighting includes of standard headers (e.g string, vector etc), although these were not generating compile errors.
The fix for me was similar to VS 2010 Cannot open source file “string”.
Initially, I retargeted the project, hoping this would help (right-click the project, select retarget projects), but this did not in itself cure the problem.
I then took a working project and copied the include directories from project properties->Configuration Properties->VC++ Directories and used these to replace the same property for my broken project. This fixed the problem.
Initially, the value for this property was
The replacement value was
I had the same problem, and tried the answer given by OP, but it did not work. However, copying the contents of C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\VC (specifically bin, lib, and include) from a machine that did work to this machine worked.
It seems the Visual Studio 2012 installer is buggy when it comes to installing into a different drive letter than C:. I have installed the VS2012 into the D: drive and got the same error. I found that for some unknown reason the installer put some of the files into the correct location at:
D:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0
but the remaining files were at
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0
so I have moved the files from the C: into the D: location and it fixed the problem.
Some situation cause such problem. If you have uninstalled vs2010. you lost platform C++ binaries for .net framework 4 forever. You have to delete all of VS 2010 2012 2013, clean system up and its accompany components and reinstall them from scratch.
Or you can download this package. Include them in your project that may solve your problem properly.
one simeple way,just copy vc directory(C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\VC) from other computer
Fixing your Visual Studio installation is a good idea, but you don't necessarily need to re-install the same old version of VS. I uninstalled VS 2015, then modified my VS 2017 installation to add the VC++ v140 build tools, and now my project builds.