Making a list using api in google sheets - list

I am attempting to pull faction information from torns api but it puts all data into a single cell rather than listing. heres what ive got so far.
function onOpen() {
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
ui.createMenu('Faction members')
.addItem('Pulls faction member info','callNumbers')
function callNumbers() {
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch("");
var fact = response.getContentText();
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();

You could try to parse the information using JSON.parse. Something like:
function callNumbers() {
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch("");
var fact = response.getContentText();
var myObject = JSON.parse(fact);
// define an array of all the object keys
var headerRow = Object.keys(myObject);
// define an array of all the object values
var row ={ return myObject[key]});
// define the contents of the range
var contents = [
// select the range and set its values
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive();
var rng = ss.getActiveSheet().getRange(1, 1, contents.length, headerRow.length )

Related error: TypeError: Cannot read property 'values' of undefined [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
How can I test a trigger function in GAS?
(4 answers)
Closed 4 months ago.
I am trying to use a form submit to automatically complete a google doc template I have created. But I keep getting the error TypeError: Cannot read property 'values' of undefined, I am a complete newbie, can someone help me please?
function autoFillGoogleDocFromForm(e) {
//e.values is an array of form values
var timestamp = e.values[0];
var EmailAddress = e.values[1];
var CallReportWriter = e.values[2];
var DateOfMeeting = e.values[3];
var NameOfTheCustomerProspect = e.values[4];
var ContactNameFromClient = e.values[5];
var TitleandContacts = e.values[6];
var PresentfromSesomo = e.values[7];
var MeetingObjectives = e.values[8];
var MeetingResult = e.values[9];
var Background = e.values[10];
var Opportunities = e.values[11];
var Followuprequired = e.values[12];
var Responsible = e.values[13];
var Targetdates = e.values[14];
//file is the template file, and you get it by ID
var file = DriveApp.getFileById('12zJTxLgy_Nmxk1FScyZ3vqHzYnKQ55ckdQ8RsYy-MdA');
//We can make a copy of the template, name it, and optionally tell it what folder to live in
//file.makeCopy will return a Google Drive file object
var folder = DriveApp.getFolderById('1SorfCjOGknFVt1ch39MJ7atBorLf_Sdr')
var copy = file.makeCopy(DateOfMeeting + ',' + NameOfTheCustomer/Prospect, CallReport);
//Once we've got the new file created, we need to open it as a document by using its ID
var doc = DocumentApp.openById(copy.getId());
//Since everything we need to change is in the body, we need to get that
var body = doc.getBody();
//Then we call all of our replaceText methods
body.replaceText('{{MeetingDate}}', DateOfMeeting);
body.replaceText('{{NameOfCustomer}}', NameOfTheCustomer/Prospect);
body.replaceText('{{ReportWriterName}}', CallReportWriter);
body.replaceText('{{ContactNameFromClient}}', ContactNameFromClient);
body.replaceText('{{TitleAndContact}}', TitleandContacts);
body.replaceText('{{PresentFromSesomo}}', PresentfromSesomo);
body.replaceText('{{MeetingObjectives}}', MeetingObjectives);
body.replaceText('{{MeetingResults}}', MeetingResult);
body.replaceText('{{Background}}', Background);
body.replaceText('{{Opportunities}}', Opportunities);
body.replaceText('{{FollowUpRequired}}', Followuprequired);
body.replaceText('{{Responsible}}', Responsible);
body.replaceText('{{TargetDate}}', Targetdates);
//Lastly we save and close the document to persist our changes
Open the script editor of the sheet where the form response is landing
function onFormSubmit(e) {
var resp = e.source.getActiveSheet().getRange(e.range.rowStart,1, e.range.rowStart,14 ).getValues();
var timestamp = resp[0][0];
var EmailAddress = resp[0][1];
var CallReportWriter = resp[0][2];
var DateOfMeeting = resp[0][3];
// continue your code - I have not tested it
In script editor, you have to install the on-form-submit trigger
Then as soon as form response lands, your code will run and do whatever you want.

Issues with textfinder and IF

I have a piece of code that was scrounged together from another code that is known working. What it does is searches a column using textfinder for a value, in this case, yesterday's date, if nothing is found, it should send an email.
function findAndSendMail() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('FormResponses');
var ss2 = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName('AlertDate');
var search = ss2.getRange("B2").getValue(); //cell has yesterday's date
var lastRow = ss.getLastRow();
var range = ss.getRange(1,4,lastRow); //define range for column D, column D contains dates
//find all occurrences of search key in column D and push range to array
var ranges = range.createTextFinder(search).findAll();
if (ranges!==null) {
var message = '';
}else {
var message = 'Test';
var emailRange = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("EmailGroup").getRange("A1");
var emailAddress = emailRange.getValues();
var subject = 'Subject';
var link = "blahblahblah"
if (message) {
MailApp.sendEmail(emailAddress, subject, '**This is an automated message**\n\n' + message + '\n\n**This is an automated message**\n' + link);
As you see, it should search column D, then, if it finds something, the message variable will be blank, else if it finds nothing, it will send an email to the email addresses chosen. I'm not sure how the results from a textfinder work with this and I think the way it is written is incorrect. Any help is appreciated, unfortunately, I cannot share the document in question as my company doesn't allow sharing outside of the domain. Thank you!
Try this:
You will need to update the sheet names I moved them to end of the line comments
function findAndSendMail() {
var ss=SpreadsheetApp.getActive()
var sh1=ss.getSheetByName('Sheet1');//FormResponses
var sh2=ss.getSheetByName('Sheet2');//AlertDate
var d1=new Date(sh2.getRange("B2").getValue()); //cell has yesterday's date
var d2=new Date(d1.getFullYear(),d1.getMonth(),d1.getDate()).valueOf();
var rg1 = sh1.getRange(1,4,sh1.getLastRow(),1);
var vA=rg1.getValues().map(function(r){
var dt=new Date(r[0]);
var dtv=new Date(dt.getFullYear(),dt.getMonth(),dt.getDate()).valueOf();
return dtv;
if(vA.indexOf(d2)==-1) {
var message='test';
var emailAddress = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet3").getRange("A1").getValue();//EmailGroup
var subject = 'Subject';
var link = "blahblahblah"
if (message) {
MailApp.sendEmail(emailAddress, subject, '**This is an automated message**\n\n' + message + '\n\n**This is an automated message**\n' + link);
//SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert('I found something');//just for testing
This version sends an email if yesterday is not found.
In answer to you last question:
function findAndSendMail() {
var ss=SpreadsheetApp.getActive()
var sh1=ss.getSheetByName('Sheet1');//FormResponses
var sh2=ss.getSheetByName('Sheet2');//AlertDate
var d1=new Date(sh2.getRange("B2").getValue()); //cell has yesterday's date
if(isDate(d1)) {
var d2=new Date(d1.getFullYear(),d1.getMonth(),d1.getDate()).valueOf();
var rg1 = sh1.getRange(1,4,sh1.getLastRow(),1);
var vA=rg1.getValues().map(function(r){
var dt=new Date(r[0]);
var dtv=new Date(dt.getFullYear(),dt.getMonth(),dt.getDate()).valueOf();
return dtv;
if(vA.indexOf(d2)==-1) {
var message='test';
var emailAddress = ss.getSheetByName("Sheet3").getRange("A1").getValue();//EmailGroup
var subject = 'Subject';
var link = "blahblahblah"
if (message) {
MailApp.sendEmail(emailAddress, subject, '**This is an automated message**\n\n' + message + '\n\n**This is an automated message**\n' + link);
//SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert('I found something');//just for testing
SpreadsheetApp.getUi().alert('Data is sheet2!B2 is not a date')
function isDate(date){
return( === '[object Date]');

How to add dynamic values to field injections list with custom trigger to camunda properties panel?

I have two questions here
Is it possible to add dynamic lists values to field injection list input ?
Can I create a trigger for this so this can be initiated from any other input selection say a class selection will populate all fields
I was just looking into FieldInjection.js whether that can be extented for the same
Can someone please provide a hint or direction for this ?
For anyone interested in the answer, I was able to achieve the above goal by changing the set function of the Java Class select input as folllowing
few imports
var extensionElementsHelper = require('../../../../helper/ExtensionElementsHelper'),
elementHelper = require('../../../../helper/ElementHelper')
function getExtensionFields(bo) {
return bo && extensionElementsHelper.getExtensionElements(bo, CAMUNDA_FIELD_EXTENSION_ELEMENT) || [];
then changing the set function to create extension element and push the field values as :
set: function(element, values, node) {
var bo = getBusinessObject(element);
var type = getImplementationType(element);
var attr = getAttribute(type);
var prop = {}
var commands = [];
prop[attr] = values.delegate || '';
var extensionElements = getExtensionFields(bo);
//remove any extension elements existing before
commands.push(extensionElementsHelper.removeEntry(getBusinessObject(element), element, ele));
if(prop[attr] !== ""){
var extensionElements = elementHelper.createElement('bpmn:ExtensionElements', { values: [] }, bo, bpmnFactory);
commands.push(cmdHelper.updateBusinessObject(element, bo, { extensionElements: extensionElements }));
var arrProperties = ["private org.camunda.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression com.cfe.extensions.SampleJavaDelegate.varOne","private org.camunda.bpm.engine.delegate.Expression com.cfe.extensions.SampleJavaDelegate.varTwo"]
var newFieldElem = "";
var eachProp = {
var type = prop.split(" ")[1].split(".").reverse()[0];
var val = prop.split(" ")[2].split(".").reverse()[0]; = val;
if( type == "String"){
eachProp.string = "${" + val +" }"
}else if( type == "Expression"){
eachProp.expression = "${" + val +" }"
newFieldElem = elementHelper.createElement(CAMUNDA_FIELD_EXTENSION_ELEMENT, eachProp, extensionElements, bpmnFactory);
commands.push(cmdHelper.addElementsTolist(element, extensionElements, 'values', [ newFieldElem ]));
commands.push(cmdHelper.updateBusinessObject(element, bo, prop));
return commands;
Cheers !.

Import Data from Gmail into Google Spreadsheet

I have an email sent out on a daily basis that I need to pull data from to a Google Sheet. I have read on this and found a solution that worked for other's, but I've been unable to get it to work on mine. This is the code I've tried modifying:
function menu(e) {
var ui = SpreadsheetApp.getUi();
.addItem('parse mail', 'email')
function parseMail(body) {
var a=[];
var keystr="First Name : ,Last Name : ,Customer ID : ,Invoice : ";
var keys=keystr.split(",");
var i,p,r;
for (i in keys) {
p=keys[i]+"\n([a-zA-Z0-9\ \,\.]*)\n";
r=new RegExp(p,"m");
try {a[i]=body.match(p)[1];}
catch (err) {a[i]="no match";}
function email() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var s = ss.getActiveSheet();
var threads ='subject: "Fwd: ARB Subscription*"');
var a=[];
for (var i = 0; i < threads.length; i++) {
var messages = GmailApp.getMessagesForThread(threads[i]);
for (var j = 0; j < messages.length; j++) {
var nextRow=s.getDataRange().getLastRow()+1;
var numRows=a.length;
var numCols=a.length[0];
I've tried modifying the code, but the error I am getting is Cannot convert Array to Object[][] Line 35. any advice would be greatly appreciated
Get the dimensions of the data range as below.
Also, when you are setting the values on the range the size of two-dimensional array a must match the size of the range.
var dataRange = s.getDataRange();
var nextRow = dataRange.getLastRow() + 1;
var numRows = dataRange.getNumRows();
var numCols = dataRange.getNumColumns();

Google Apps Script document not accessible by replaceText()

Here is my code and I can't figure out why replaceText() isn't working.
function createDoc(){
var templateid = "1jM-6Qvy47gQ45u88WfDU_RvfuSTsw27zBP_9MfsUGr8"; // get template file id
var FOLDER_NAME = "Completed Rental Agreements"; // folder name of where to put doc
// get the data from an individual user
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
var data = sheet.getRange(2, 1, sheet.getLastRow()-1,sheet.getLastColumn()).getValues();
var lastRow = sheet.getLastRow();
var firstName = sheet.getRange(lastRow, 2, 1,1).getValues();
var lastName = sheet.getRange(lastRow, 3, 1,1).getValues();
var guestEmail = sheet.getRange(lastRow, 7, 1,1).getValues();
var companyEmail = "";
var companyName = "Bear Lake Project Management";
var username = ""; // get their email (from sheet name)
var me = "";
//Copy Template
var docid = DocsList.getFileById(templateid).makeCopy("Rental Agreement - "+firstName+""+lastName+"-"+guestEmail).getId();
// var file = DocsList.getFileById(docid).addEditors(me);
// move file to right folder
var file = DocsList.getFileById(docid);
var folder = DocsList.getFolder(FOLDER_NAME);
var doc = DocumentApp.openById(docid);
var body = doc.getActiveSection();
var body_text = doc.addEditor("");
// Append Cabin Rules
// doc.appendParagraph("This is a typical paragraph.");
body.replaceText("/^companyEmail$/", "test");
body.replaceText("%companyName%", "test1");
body.replaceText("%todayDate%", "test1");
I've tried doc.replaceText and body.replaceText along with several other options.
Any ideas why this isn't working?
Thank in advance
Consider this:
body.replaceText("%companyName%", "test1");
That will look for every instance of "companyName" with "%" on either side of it. The "%" in this case is just that, a piece of punctuation in a strange place. This is a convention used to decrease the likelihood of accidentally replacing real text in the document.
Your template document must have that exact pattern for the replacement to work. (Yours doesn't... instead you have just "companyName". Change it to "%companyName%".) Apply that rule for any other replacement you want to make.
You could benefit from some optimization.
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sheet = ss.getActiveSheet();
// Next line is hard to maintain - there's a better way.
// var data = sheet.getRange(2, 1, sheet.getLastRow()-1,sheet.getLastColumn()).getValues();
// Read whole spreadsheet, skip headers
var data = sheet.getDataRange().getValues().slice(1);
// Already read in all data, use it instead of reading sheet again.
var firstName = data[data.length-1][2-1]; // (2-1) because array counts from 0
var lastName = data[data.length-1][3-1]; // while spreadsheet columns from 1
var guestEmail = data[data.length-1][7-1]; // Better: put these into variables.
While experimenting with your code, I ran into an autocompletion issue with doc.getActiveSection(). It turns out that there has been a recent change, according to the release notes for April 15 2013.
Renamed Document.getActiveSection() to getBody().
You should update your code accordingly.