Removing a row containing a specific text in Google Sheets - regex

I have a data set of around 3000 columns, but some of the columns have several cells that contain cells "na". These rows have no importance since they don't have data that I will need, is there a command in google sheets that can either highlight the entire row that contains that text or delete the entire row containing that text?
Any help would be appreciated.
My document ^.

you can use this formula to color all na rows:

This answer based on what I understand, sorry if I'm wrong. You can use conditional formatting to highlight all NA text
This is what rules I used
Here are another answers that may help you
Delete a row in Google Spreadsheets if value of cell in said row is 0 or blank
Google Sheets: delete rows containing specified data
Deleting Cells in Google Sheets without removing a whole row
Sorry for bad English.

I'm not sure if my understing is well but see below what you can do.
This is a google script function which color the whole column where "na" is in
function myFunction() {
//get the spreadsheet where the function is running
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive()
//Replace "the name of your sheet" by your sheet name" be careful its case sensitive.
var sheet = ss.getSheetByName("The name of your sheet")
//Get all your data as an array (If your sheet has no header, change 2 by 1 and (sheet.getLastRow()-1) by sheet.getLastRow())
var values = sheet.getRange(2,1,(sheet.getLastRow()-1), sheet.getLastColumn()).getValues();
//For each column
for (var i = 0; i< sheet.getLastColumn(); i++){
//using function map is helping to select one column by one column
var mapValues ={return r[i]});
//Searching your keyword in the column, in your case it's "na"
var position = mapValues.indexOf("Put the string that you are looking for, in your case 'na'");
//if at least there is one "na" inside the column
if( position >-1){
//then this color have to get red color as a background
var wholeColumn = sheet.getRange(2,(i+1),(sheet.getLastRow()-1));
Let me know if it works


Skip translating words with %% and [] in Google Sheets

I am using GoogleTranslate() with Sheets to translate some contents into different languages. In those contents, we have multiple hooks [ ] and % % in one string that do not need to translate. Example :
[name] [surname] looked at your profile %number% !
I do not need to translate hooks like [username] and %number%.
I'm looking for :
[name] [surname] a regardé ton profil %number% ! (in french for example)
A solution is already provided here for one character using REGEXREPLACE and REGEXEXTRACT. But I need either symbol [xxx] and %xxx% in one formula. Thank you.
Alternatively, instead of using the GOOGLETRANSLATE with multiple nested functions, you can try creating a bound script on your spreadsheet file & then copy/paste the simple custom script below that contains translate() function for a more simplified use of function on your sheet:
function translate(range) {
var container = [];
//KEEP ALL %***% and [***] INTO A CONTAINER
var regex = /(\[.*?])|(\%.*?%)/gm,
stringTest = range,
while(matched = regex.exec(stringTest)){
var replacedData = stringTest.replace(regex,'#');
var toTranslate = LanguageApp.translate(replacedData, 'en', 'fr');
var res = "";
res = res + toTranslate.split("#")[x]+" "+container[x];
return res.trim().replace("undefined","");
After saving the script, just simply put =translate(A1) (e.g. the text you want to translate is on cell A1) on a sheet cell and the script will skip any multiple words inside [***] & %***%, then it will only translate the rest of the text to french.
Try this:
=arrayformula(if(A1<>"",join("",if(isnumber(flatten(split(GOOGLETRANSLATE(join(" ",iferror(regexreplace(to_text(flatten(split(A1," "))),"(\[.*\])|(\%.*\%)","["&row(A$1:A)&"]"),)),"en","fr"),"[]"))),vlookup(flatten(split(GOOGLETRANSLATE(join(" ",iferror(regexreplace(to_text(flatten(split(A1," "))),"(\[.*\])|(\%.*\%)","["&row(A$1:A)&"]"),)),"en","fr"),"[]")),{sequence(len(regexreplace(A1,"[^\ ]",))+1,1),flatten(split(A1," "))},2,false),flatten(split(GOOGLETRANSLATE(join(" ",iferror(regexreplace(to_text(flatten(split(A1," "))),"(\[.*\])|(\%.*\%)","["&row(A$1:A)&"]"),)),"en","fr"),"[]")))),))
GOOGLETRANSLATE does not work with ARRAYFORMULA, but you can drag down this formula from cell B1 if you want to apply it to multiple rows in column A.
Individual steps taken:
Split text by space character, then flatten into one column.
Cell D1: =flatten(split(A1," "))
Replace [***] and %***% with [row#].
Cell E1: =arrayformula(iferror(regexreplace(to_text(flatten(split(A1," "))),"(\[.*\])|(\%.*\%)","["&row(A$1:A)&"]"),))
Join the rows into one cell.
Cell F1: =join(" ",E:E)
Apply Google Translate.
Cell G1: =GOOGLETRANSLATE(F1,"en","fr")
Split by [].
Cell H1: =flatten(split(G1,"[]"))
Where rows contain numbers, lookup item 1) above.
Cell I1: =arrayformula(if(isnumber(H1:H),vlookup(H1:H,{row(A$1:A),D:D},2,false),H1:H))
Join the rows into one cell.
Cell J1: =join(" ",I:I)

Google Sheets: How can I extract partial text from a string based on a column of different options?

Goal: I have a bunch of keywords I'd like to categorise automatically based on topic parameters I set. Categories that match must be in the same column so the keyword data can be filtered.
e.g. If I have "Puppies" as a first topic, it shouldn't appear as a secondary or third topic otherwise the data cannot be filtered as needed.
Example Data:
Parameters Tab: I will add words in columns D-F that change based on the keyword data set and there will often be hundreds, if not thousands, of options for larger data sets.
Categories Tab: I'd like to have a formula or script that goes down the columns D-F in Parameters and fills in a corresponding value (in Categories! columns D-F respectively) based on partial match with column B or C (makes no difference to me if there's a delimiter like a space or not. Final data sheet should only have one of these columns though).
Things I've Tried:
I've tried a bunch of things. Nested IF formula with regexmatch works but seems clunky.
e.g. this formula in Categories! column D
I nested more statements changing out to the next cell in Parameters!D column (as in , manually adding $D$5, $D$6 etc) but this seems inefficient for a list thousands of words long. e.g. third topic will get very long once all dog breed types are added.
Any tips?
Functionality I haven't worked out:
if a string in Categories B or C contains more than one topic in the parameters I set out, is there a way I can have the first 2 to show instead of just the first one?
e.g. Cell A14 in Categories, how can I get a formula/automation to add both "Akita" & "German Shepherd" into the third topic? Concatenation with a CHAR(10) to add to new line is ideal format here. There will be other keywords that won't have both in there in which case these values will just show up individually.
Since this data set has a bunch of mixed breeds and all breeds are added as a third topic, it would be great to differentiate interest in mixes vs pure breeds without confusion.
Any ideas will be greatly appreciated! Also, I'm open to variations in layout and functionality of the spreadsheet in case you have a more creative solution. I just care about efficiently automating a tedious task!!
Try using custom function:
To create custom function:
1.Create or open a spreadsheet in Google Sheets.
2.Select the menu item Tools > Script editor.
3.Delete any code in the script editor and copy and paste the code below into the script editor.
4.At the top, click Save save.
To use custom function:
1.Click the cell where you want to use the function.
2.Type an equals sign (=) followed by the function name and any input value — for example, =DOUBLE(A1) — and press Enter.
3.The cell will momentarily display Loading..., then return the result.
function matchTopic(p, str) {
var params = p.flat(); //Convert 2d array into 1d
var buildRegex = => '(' + i + ')').join('|'); //convert array into series of capturing groups. Example (Dog)|(Puppies)
var regex = new RegExp(buildRegex,"gi");
var results = str.match(regex);
// The for loops below will convert the first character of each word to Uppercase
for(var i = 0 ; i < results.length ; i++){
var words = results[i].split(" ");
for (let j = 0; j < words.length; j++) {
words[j] = words[j][0].toUpperCase() + words[j].substr(1);
results[i] = words.join(" ");
return results.join(","); //return with comma separator
return ""; //return blank if result is null
Example Usage:
First Topic:
Second Topic:
Third Topic:
Custom Functions
I've added a new sheet ("Erik Help") with separate formulas (highlighted in green currently) for each of your keyword columns. They are each essentially the same except for specific column references, so I'll include only the "First Topic" formula here:
=ArrayFormula({"First Topic";IF(A2:A="",,IFERROR(REGEXEXTRACT(LOWER(B2:B&C2:C),JOIN("|",LOWER(FILTER(Parameters!D3:D,Parameters!D3:D<>""))))) & IFERROR(CHAR(10)&REGEXEXTRACT(REGEXREPLACE(LOWER(B2:B&C2:C),IFERROR(REGEXEXTRACT(LOWER(B2:B&C2:C),JOIN("|",LOWER(FILTER(Parameters!D3:D,Parameters!D3:D<>""))))),""),JOIN("|",LOWER(FILTER(Parameters!D3:D,Parameters!D3:D<>""))))))})
This formula first creates the header (which can be changed within the formula itself as you like).
The opening IF condition leaves any row in the results column blank if the corresponding cell in Column A of that row is also blank.
JOIN is used to form a concatenated string of all keywords separated by the pipe symbol, which REGEXEXTRACT interprets as OR.
IFERROR(REGEXEXTRACT(LOWER(B2:B&C2:C),JOIN("|",LOWER(FILTER(Parameters!D3:D,Parameters!D3:D<>""))))) will attempt to extract any of the keywords from each concatenated string in Columns B and C. If none is found, IFERROR will return null.
Then a second-round attempt is made:
& IFERROR(CHAR(10)&REGEXEXTRACT(REGEXREPLACE(LOWER(B2:B&C2:C),IFERROR(REGEXEXTRACT(LOWER(B2:B&C2:C),JOIN("|",LOWER(FILTER(Parameters!D3:D,Parameters!D3:D<>""))))),""),JOIN("|",LOWER(FILTER(Parameters!D3:D,Parameters!D3:D<>"")))))
Only this time, REGEXREPLACE is used to replace the results of the first round with null, thus eliminating them from being found in round two. This will cause any second listing from the JOIN clause to be found, if one exists. Otherwise, IFERROR again returns null for round two.
CHAR(10) is the new-line character.
I've written each of the three formulas to return up to two results for each keyword column. If that is not your intention for "First Topic" and "Second Topic" (i.e., if you only wanted a maximum of one result for each of those columns), just select and delete the entire round-two portion of the formula shown above from the formula in each of those columns.

Google Sheet Conditional Formatting highlight 2 columns if one column contain certain text of 5 columns

In Google Sheet, I want to highlight only 2 columns out of 5 columns.
5 columns here but I want to highlight only 'Name' and 'Weight' columns if a cell contain the word 'Smith'
The outcome should be like this.
I want to input more name and if the name contain the word 'Smith', I want it to be automatically highlighted for name and weight columns.
I tried to use conditional formatting in Google sheet, and I could highlight only the name column.
This is what I tried.
Outcome was this.
You are not far, try the following formula in the conditional formatting:
=IF(REGEXMATCH($C3, "Smith"), 1, 0)
The formula given by #nabais works.
In conditional formatting though one does not need to use the starting IF function.
"Format cells if" is how conditional formatting rules are formed by default as noted in the official help page.
Create a rule.
Single color: Under "Format cells if," choose the condition that you want to trigger the rule. Under "Formatting style, choose what the
cell will look like when conditions are met.
Color scale: Under "Preview," select the color scale. Then, choose a minimum and maximum value, and an optional midpoint value. To choose
the value category, click the Down arrow Down Arrow.
So the following formula is all that is needed:
(Please adjust ranges to your needs)
=REGEXMATCH($G2, "Smith")
You can try the following code:
function highlight() {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var data = ss.getRange('A1:E').getValues();
for (i = 1; i < data.length; i++) {
var tf = ss.getRange("B" + i).createTextFinder('smith');
var result = tf.findNext();
if (result !== null) {
var range = result.getRow();
ss.getRange('B' + range).setBackground('Yellow');
ss.getRange('D' + range).setBackground('Yellow');

Issue with multiple conditions in script editor

I've created a script editor for a google sheet that has multiple tabs. One if statement I can't seem to get working is - If sheet "Employee Evolution" column 8 EQUALS "Disqualified" AND column 13 is NOT EQUAL to "NO DATA", move the row to sheet "Disqualified" I've tried so many different ways to rearrange and can't get it to work.
**function onEdit(event) {
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var s = event.source.getActiveSheet();
var r = event.source.getActiveRange();
if(s.getName() == "Employee Evolution" && r.getColumn() == 8 && r.getValue() == "Disqualified" && r.offset.getValue(0,5) != "NO DATA") {
var row = r.getRow();
var numColumns = s.getLastColumn();
var targetSheet = ss.getSheetByName("Disqualified");
var target = targetSheet.getRange(targetSheet.getLastRow() + 1, 1);
s.getRange(row, 1, 1,numColumns).moveTo(target);
I have no coding experience, so I'm having a difficult time understanding javascript documents that explain this stuff. Please help!
Below is the link to my spreadsheet
Right now I only have the first if statement and else if statement set up with multiple conditions, but that is not working. When I populate the 8th column (H) with Disqualified and populate the 13th column (M) with anything at all, nothing happens. And, if I populate column H with Qualified and populate column M with Paid Search, nothing happens.
Basically I want the row to move to either the PPC tab or the Disqualified tab. However, I don't want the row to move until both columns H and M are populated with specific text. If column H says "Qualified" AND column M says "Paid Search" the row should move to the PPC tab. If column H says "Disqualified" AND column M says anything other than NO DATA (even Paid Search), the row should move to the Disqualified tab.
The problem I can't get past is that I need to have each if statement look at both columns before executing true.
I hope this makes sense and thank you for your help.
It's not possible to define if that if should be working or not based just on the code as we don't have that spreadsheet you're using.
But I do notice some things that maybe are wrong on yout assumptiong, for this break that if into :
s.getName() == "Employee Evolution" => Checks if the current sheet that you have active is called "Employee Evolution"
r.getColumn() == 8 => checks if the current column that you have active is column number 8 (column h)
r.getValue() == "Disqualified" => checks if the current cell that you have active is equal to Disqualified (must matcha case as well)
r.offset.getValue(0,5) != "NO DATA") => Checks if column offset by 5 (will be equal column 13 indeed) is different then "NO DATA" (also must match case)
And of course as this function is onEdit, so this code will only run when you change something on the spreadsheet.
So I suppose by reading that code is that whenever someone changes column 8 to "Disqualified" (must match the capital letters as well) and all the other criterias match, it should be moved to "Disqualified" sheet. Pay attention to all the case sensitive scenarios you have.
I think overall the code seems fine. Share the spreadsheet so we can check what might be going wrong.
PS: by something being active I mean that your cursor is clicked/selected that thing

Remove Characters from Google Sheets up to # sign

I have a column of E-mail addresses in a Google Sheet and want to remove all of the domain names and '#' symbol and copy this to a new column. For example:
Copied and removing the domains to:
all you need is:
use this function on google App script:
function myFunction() {
// Your spreadsheet
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActive()
//if you got only one sheet
var sheet = ss.getSheets()[0];
// This is in the case that your sheet as a header, if not replace 2 by 1 and (sheet.getLastRow()-1) by sheet.getLastRow()
var valuesColumnA = sheet.getRange(2,1,(sheet.getLastRow()-1)).getValues();
//Just to have each value in the same array
var valuesColumnAMapped ={return r[0]});
valuesColumnAMapped.forEach(function(value, index){
var split = value.split("#");
My answer as per my understanding maybe I'm wrong so please follow if I'm right to understand.
use split to get this
Go to Data
Click on Split Text to Columns
Pick Custom From Drop Down
enter # and you get your result.