How to make such animation in After Effects - after-effects

I have the basics of AE but I don't know everything, I would like to make an animation like the one in the link, with phone, if someone can tell me where to find such tutorial then that would be great. The animation of the phone is my main problem, it looks like a 3d model in sketch style.

First of all you need vector paths for drawing the tablet/phone it the style you have shown. (like in this video
Next you just need to put that all in 3D via camera settings and each layer as an 3D object and work this out step by step.
I think you should find many examples on youtube for what you are looking for.


How do I output a visual to the screen using C++?

I am a Computer Science student working on a project, and I need some help. I'm writing this in C++. In my project, I basically need some way to output a graphic to the screen. It doesn't have to be pretty at all, but I don't know how to do it. If there are any libraries that would be helpful I could use them, but I don't know what they are.
Basically I am writing a program in which an object can be moved around in space. It will have a starting point, and an ending point, and I want to be able to output its path as it moves along it, so that the user can actually watch the object moving around in space. I've thought about trying something with ray tracing, but I don't think that's quite what I'm looking for. Like I said, it doesn't have to be pretty. A dot moving to another dot would be good enough, I just need to have something. Thanks for your help.
In another thread, they suggest using Cairo. I used it in the past for creating a pdf to animate (page by page), but it seems it can display directly to screen as well integrating with OpenGL.

Rendering text into the world in box2d

I am working on Box2D in C++. I have the world created. Is there some sort of shape, or inbuilt method, which can be used to write text into the world, and at it, maybe as a fixture? Maybe this is easy, but I haven't been able to figure it out!
Box2D provides only two basic shapes out of the box that you may probably already know: Polygons and Circles. If you need more advanced shapes, you should go for tools like box2d editor

Face detection and image preview drawing

I'm developing application that uses DirectShow combined with C++.
Its main goal is to capture users' faces.
I have reached the phase when I capture a image from my webcam.
The problem is I need an intelligent render. In fact, I need that render to be able to detect a face inside a rectangle.
I'm wondring if there is a filter that I can use for this purpose,
or if I need to create my own custmized filter.
If so enlighten my mind.
It would look like this:
I need to understand how I can draw a recangle in my render in the first place. Because otherwise, even if I know the algorithm, I will not be able to apply it. This is my main goal now.
I have some idea but I don't know if they are correct. I think I need to grab each frame separately and apply some modification in some pixels, like what's drawn in the live render.
Have a look at OpenCV
Quick look inside and I found this.
Making your own "filter" that works well is no easy job.
Are you talking about automatic detection of where there is something like a human face in the shot you have taken with the webcam? In this case object detection algorithms like Viola-Jones might be interesting for you.
If a commercial package is an option, you can use the Montivision Filter SDK which includes filters that should do the job out of the box. They offer a free eval which is perfect for experimentation.

How can I create a good sprites for my app?

I have someone that draws everything for me. He is actually drawing it and not using any program... it turns out all right but I have a problem. It looks just like someone drew it and not "real" or "high level of drawing".
Anyways, I want to take the sprite that he made and make it look "lifelike". For example look at the game "sprinkle" (link below), the character in there looks not drawn, I mean like it looks like its 3d but not 3d. I hope that you understand me..
The scenarios and assets of that game are pretty impressive.
The options you do have:
Model 3D and render as 2D (3dStudioMax and Blender are recommended for games);
Scan draws, stroke with digital tool (Photoshop, Gimp) and use painter skill to it looks like vivid as you want.

Idea about how to model a building using OpenGL/GLUT?

I'm new to graphics, and I have to make a model of a building for an assignment using only GLUT or OpenGL.
Basically the school building's model( only the exterior portion) is to be made, and I have no clue where to start. Upto now I have drawn polygons, other shapes using GLUT, nothing in which there are multiple shapes. All the drawing upto now is using lines, or points, or polygons and mathematics.
Could you please give me an idea of how to go about it?
Update: I just want to know what steps I can follow to get it done. Some reference links would be awesome!
You could use modeling programs to create your model, and then use tools such as COLLADA to get your model into OpenGL.
The problem with hand-coding a complex object like that is that it takes a great number of lines of code just to define the vertices of the object.
People usually use 3D modeler software to build complex 3D objects, like Maya, 3DSMax or Blender and then export them in a format to be read into your OpenGL application.
Think about what you want your building to look like, and think about what kind of triangles you need to render in order to make that. You can either draw the entire thing in some sort of modelling software, and then import it into OpenGL, or you can come up with the triangles/textures yourself and do it by hand in OpenGL.
The exterior of the building will probably have a similar texture on the whole thing (brick, etc), and then there will be windows, doors, and a roof. Maybe some sort of sign that says "School Building". Take this all into account, what exactly you want your building to look like, and then think about what textures you will need to draw these things.
For example, say you're doing a brick building that is in the shape of a box, with a door and a few windows. I'd use one texture for the brick, and first draw an entire wall of brick. Then, I'd use a grey/blue looking texture for the window, and draw it over the brick wall. Then I'd do the same (different texture) for the door.
Just think about the design, and then just try things out - experiment. Good luck!
I once had a simillar homework. I did it by creating the models with Google SketchUp, then export the models to .3ds file and use my program to render it.
I choose Google SketchUp because it's the easiest to use among those tool I tried. Plus, they had a discount for students. You could also use Blender, which is free but take too much time to learn IMHO. 3dsMax is too expensive to pay for a homework.
To load the model into my program, I used Assimp library.