Qt cannot load cocoa plugin - c++

I'm trying to compile and run an application on a MacBook using Qt Creator. There are no issues compiling the project, but when I try and run it, it seems to be unable to load a plugin.
Could not load the Qt platform plugin "cocoa" in "" even though it was found.
The application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
This error occurs both when trying to run the application from Qt Creator or via Finder. It seems to only happen when I use the CMake build system (no issues when using QMake), but my existing project that I need to deploy on MacOS uses CMake.
My steps to reproduce are:
Install a completely clean MacOS (no user data)
Install Xcode 11
Install CMake 3.15
Install Qt 5.13.1 MacOS package
Open QtCreator->New Project->Qt Quick Application - Scroll
Set build system to CMake (important)
Compile and notice error
I am using:
Qt 5.13.1
macOS Catalina 10.15
Apple Clang 11
I recognize that for final user deployment I will need to use the macqtdeploy tool to copy the Qt libraries to the executable folder, but I should be able to run my app from QtCreator without doing this? Especially as it works fine when using QMake.

So it ended up being some kind of name resolution thing where Qt Creator couldn't decide whether to use the debug or release versions of the framework. Supplying DYLD_IMAGE_SUFFIX=_debug fixed this (add this to the environment section under Kits).


QT5 Creator "/usr/bin/g++" is used by qmake, but "/usr/bin/g++-9" is configured in the kit

In QT5 Creator, I changed the compiler version in the project kit, but it's throwing the above error now(note: 'g++' in this context refers to version 10, which QT5 isn't compatible with). I found some information on using terminal commands to change some stuff with qmake, but does anyone know how I can fix this?
Edit: To clarify, a kit different from the default kit is being used for this project(that's what I changed), and I'm migrating this project from QT4 to QT5. This is installed on Ubuntu, and there aren't multiple versions of QT on here(installed from Ubuntu repositories)

iOS kit not detected on Qt (macOS)

I am currently trying to port an android application on iOS. The application was developped on Linux. But I can't manage to use Qt on macOs for iOS developpement.
I followed those (rather unclear) instructions : http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/ios-support.html
First, I installed successfully XCode and I managed to deploy a dummy app on my iPhone. Then, I installed Qt and opened the ".pro" project file.
But the only kit I can use is "Desktop Qt 5.4.1 clang 64 bit". The kits for iOS don't seem to be detected.
Did I do something wrong ? Am I missing something ?
When I launch the ".pro", I got this error :
Project ERROR: Xcode not set up properly. You may need to confirm the license agreement by running /usr/bin/xcodebuild.
Unfortunately, it is NOT related to this well known issue (Qt Creator - Project ERROR: Xcode not set up properly. You may need to confirm the license agreement by running /usr/bin/xcodebuild)
When I run the command :
I get this error:
xcodebuild: error: The directory /Users/<UserName> does not contain an Xcode project
Okay I managed to solve my problem by re installing Qt with version 5.8 (instead of 5.9.1).
But I am not sure this is what was causing the issue though. In deed, I realized I installed Qt prior to configuring XCode the first time(with my Developer Account).

Unable to build for Windows on Linux, with MinGW

Because I am not a Java enthusiast, I decided to use C++ and Qt for one of my projects. However, I came across the big cross-compiling Qt problem, and I am unable to produce an .exe file for Windows users.
My setup
Linux Ubuntu 12.04, with Wine and Qt. qmake -v gives the following output :
QMake version 2.01a
Using Qt version 4.8.1 in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu
I also have a MinGW32 compiler, which can be found at /usr/bin/i586-mingw32msvc-g++. My Wine drive_c folder contains the following Qt directories :
The mingw48_32 directory contains the necessary include/ and lib/ directories, which are used in my mkspec file, /usr/share/qt4/mkspecs/win32-x-g++/qmake.conf :
QMAKE_INCDIR_QT = /home/me/.wine/drive_c/Qt/Qt5.2.0/5.2.0/mingw48_32/include
QMAKE_LIBDIR_QT = /home/me/.wine/drive_c/Qt/Qt5.2.0/5.2.0/mingw48_32/lib
The problem
According to most guides I've found about Qt cross-compiling, my setup should be enough to run a simple :
qmake -spec win32-x-g++
wine /path/to/my/application.exe
But... nothing's linked. QApplication and every other symbol I use in my program are "not found". No QApplication, no QPushButton, no connect(), no SIGNAL(), no SLOT()...
My objective here is to successfully configure QtCreator to use this setup (in an independent build configuration), so that it can build a Linux executable (through the first and working configuration), and a Win32 .exe (through the MinGW setup above). However, I cannot modify a single build step in QtCreator :
Cannot add a "MinGW" toolchain : it is not available in the "Add" dropdown list.
Cannot change the -spec parameter value in the project build configurations panel. The field is non-editable.
Despite guides and solutions I found all over the Internet, my only solution so far is to send my source code to a virtual Windows machine, and have it create a new project with it. On this VM, I could probably compile for Windows... But of course, this doesn't actually sound like a real "solution" to me...
Is there any way Qt(Creator) has finally made cross-compiling easier now ? I'm getting a bit tired of "symbol not found" errors...
sudo apt-get install mingw-w64
Then, check if Qt Creator finds the toolchain.
Next, until Ubuntu starts providing a mingw-w64-qt package, download the Qt source and build it. This is bound to get messy, and maybe even the simplest thing to do is to install WINE and use a Windows Qt version.

How to compile Qt statically under Windows?

After successfully installing the Qt SDK 4.7.4 (MingW) and building an application I can find no way to deploy my program. Qt is really nice, but to deploy under Windows means to leave he surfaced road.
First the executable requires QtCore4.dll plus some other DLLs, but the Creator does not copy them into the deploy folder. Do I really have to try DEPENDS.EXE, to find out which DLLs are required, and then cull them manually from somewhere under C:/QtSDK?
Be that as it may, preferably I want to link statically. There are few recipes on the net how this can be done (e.g. here and here). So I launched a Qt 4.7.4 Desktop (MingW) command prompt. The Qt Reference Documentation tells to run CONFIGURE.EXE, but there's no CONFIGURE.EXE and no CONFIGURE.CMD, not under C:/QtSDK and not under C:/.
What am I missing?

qmake on a mac missing for qt-creator

I am working on Mac OS X at the moment, and wanted to start building apps using Qt Creator.
Unfortunately i can't build any applications as it gives me an error saying that qmake's path is not found or qmake is missing.
I tried using netbeans, which works perfectly with simple c/c++ programs, but for qt apps it then gives me the same error.
My version of Xcode 4 works perfectly and builds without any problems.
Any ideas?
Thanks :)
It is not enough to just download the Qt Creator, you need to download the complete sdk: http://qt.nokia.com/downloads (almost 1GiB)
My Macbook is no longer my primary computer. But, when it was, I found out through painful experiences that it was best to install software from MacPorts whenever what you wanted was available from http://www.macports.org/
Even more important, I also discovered that when software was not offered from MacPorts, it was invariably because that particular software did not install without some sort of tweaking on a Mac. Hence, since Macports does not currently offer Qt v5, and I had problems installing the qt-project.com Qt v5.2.1 SDK on my Macbook, I would advise to go with the MacPort for Qt v4.8.5 [qt4-mac] which includes qmake. Qt Creator is available as a separate MacPort [qt4-creator-mac].
Here is how I successfully installed Qt v4.8.5 [with qmake] and Qt Creator on my Macbook:
1) 'sudo port install qt4-mac'
2) 'sudo port install qt4-creator-mac'
3) I used Finder to run Qt Creator which was in the /Applications/MacPorts/Qt4 folder.
4) When I first ran Qt Creator, its Preferences dialog listed the auto-installed Desktop kit, but that kit had no Qt version, no qmake, and no debugger.
5) Manually added a second kit.
6) Configured kit's Qt version for /opt/local/bin/qmake, which is where qt4-mac installed qmake. This was enough for the kit to now discover Qt v4.8.5 which had been installed by qt4-mac.
7) Used kit's auto-detect feature to now discover the debugger.
8) Configured that kit to be the default kit.