Find dropbox path not working on some computers - regex

The code below is causing some trouble. I have used it on 5 computers and it works fine. My company has now brought 5 more computers and now it doesn't want to work on the new ones. It is supposed to find the dropbox path using the JSON file.
Function DownloadF()
Dim RegEx As Object
Dim MatchColl As Object
Dim DataLine As String
Dim DropboxPath
Const FileNum = 1 ' Assumes no other files are open!!
Set RegEx = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
RegEx.Global = True
RegEx.IgnoreCase = False
Open Environ("LOCALAPPDATA") & "\Dropbox\info.json" For Input As #FileNum
Do While Not EOF(FileNum)
Line Input #FileNum, DataLine ' read in data 1 line at a time
' decide what to do with dataline,
' depending on what processing you need to do for each case
Close #FileNum
RegEx.Pattern = "^.*""path"": ""([^""]*).*"
DropboxPath = Replace(RegEx.Replace(DataLine, "$1"), "", "")
' If there are multiple dropbox accounts on this machine, this will
' only get the first one
DownloadF = DropboxPath & Range("Pathway")
End Function
The above picture is what it is supposed to show but the below is what it returns.
All the settings are the same for excel. Has anyone came across this problem?


Unable to get missingFiles.txt to add values

I've been working on this for awhile and have gotten lots of help (Thank you!). I believe I'm on the last step of my code. I need to write to a MissingFiles.txt file, I've added it in my Else clause but it never fires. Even when I know there are missing graphics. It does copy the files found in a try/catch. I was thinking maybe add the missingText file code in the catch part but that didn't do anything.
So I'm back to using the Else clause in my If System.IO.File.exists else part.
Private Sub btnMoveGraphics(sender As Object, e As EventArgs)
Dim imgLocation = txtSearchICN.Text
Dim MissingFiles = MoveLocation & "\Reports\MissingGraphicList.txt"
Dim fileNames = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(imgLocation).Join(
Function(p) Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(p),
Function(f) f,
Function(p, f) p)
' create the directory first (does nothing if it already exists)
Dim MoveImgTo = MovePath & "\Figures"
' copy each file
For Each fileName In fileNames
Dim copyFilesTo = Path.Combine(MoveImgTo, Path.GetFileName(fileName))
If System.IO.File.Exists(fileName) Then
'The file exists
Debug.Write(vbCr & "ICN file name - " & fileName)
System.IO.File.Copy(fileName, Path.Combine(MoveImgTo, Path.GetFileName(fileName)))
Catch ex As Exception
End Try
Debug.Write(vbCr & "Missing file name - " & fileName)
'the file doesn't exist
Dim objWriter As New System.IO.StreamWriter(MissingFiles, IO.FileMode.Append)
End If
End Sub
There are several possible solutions to your question. They all involve two steps, (1) get the list of files in the imgLocation folder, and (2) compare that list with the GraphicList list.
One solution is to compare the two lists directly.
' Get the list of file
Dim fileNames as String() = System.IO.Directory.GetFiles(imgLocation)
' For each name in GraphicList, we want to check whether it is in fileNames.
For Each name As String In GraphicList
' See whether name appears in fileNames.
Dim found As Boolean = False
' Search name in fileNames.
For Each fileName As String In fileNames
' GraphicList consists of filename without extension, so we compare name
' with the filename without its extension.
If Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(fileName) = name Then
' The fileName name exists.
' ... do whatever code ...
' Set found to True so we do not process name as missing, and exit For.
found = True
Exit For
End If
If Not found = True Then
' There is no fileName name.
' ... do whatever code ...
End If
If the number of files you have are in the hundreds, then this solution will be efficient enough. However, if you have many more files, in the thousands or more, then there are more efficient solutions that involves using data structures such as dictionaries and sets.
Final note, instead of:
Dim objWriter As New System.IO.StreamWriter(MissingFiles, IO.FileMode.Append)
objWriter.WriteLine(fileName) ' <== Here it should be a name from GraphicFile because filename does not exist.
You could simply write:
File.AppendAllText(MissingFiles, name & vbNewLine)

Why does this regular expression test give different results for what should be the same body text?

Here's the pertinent code, which is giving different results on the regular expression test for the message body depending on whether I launch it using TestLaunchURL or the message is passed to it by Outlook when an incoming message arrives:
Public Sub OpenLinksMessage(olMail As Outlook.MailItem)
Dim Reg1 As RegExp
Dim AllMatches As MatchCollection
Dim M As Match
Dim strURL As String
Dim RetCode As Long
Set Reg1 = New RegExp
With Reg1
.Pattern = "(https?[:]//([0-9a-z=\?:/\.&-^!#$;_])*)"
.Global = True
.IgnoreCase = True
End With
PlayTheSound "Speech On.wav"
RetCode = Reg1.Test(olMail.Body)
MsgBox "The RetCode from Reg1.Test(olMail.Body) equals" + Str(RetCode)
' If the regular expression test for URLs in the message body finds one or more
If RetCode Then
PlayTheSound "chimes.wav"
' Use the RegEx to return all instances that match it to the AllMatches group
Set AllMatches = Reg1.Execute(olMail.Body)
For Each M In AllMatches
strURL = M.SubMatches(0)
' Don't activate any URLs that are for unsubscribing; skip them
If InStr(1, strURL, "unsubscribe") Then GoTo NextURL
' If the URL ends with a > from being enclosed in darts, strip that > off
If Right(strURL, 1) = ">" Then strURL = Left(strURL, Len(strURL) - 1)
' The URL to activate to accept must contain both of the substrings in the IF statement
PlayTheSound "tada.wav"
If InStr(1, strURL, ".com") Then
PlayTheSound "TrainWhistle.wav"
' Activate that link to accept the job
RetCode = ShellExecute(0, "Open", strURL)
Set Reg1 = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If
End If
Set Reg1 = Nothing
End Sub
Private Sub TestLaunchURL()
Dim currItem As MailItem
Set currItem = ActiveExplorer.Selection(1)
OpenLinksMessage currItem
End Sub
The test IF Reg1.Test(olMail.Body) always returns a 0 when invoked from an Outlook rule on an incoming message and always returns a -1 when I use the debugger to trigger it for that same message from my inbox.
The code is acting almost as though it has a null message body when it is triggered by an Outlook rule versus having the message body when kicked off by me from exactly the same message once it's in my inbox.
I am completely flummoxed, as I can't understand how one and the same message, with one and the same body, can give 2 different results depending on who hands the message to the subroutine.
Additional Debugging Information:
Since the issue appears to surround the value of the Body of the message, I added the following code, that also examines the HTMLBody as well:
If IsNull(olMail.Body) Then
MsgBox "The message body is null!!"
MsgBox "BODY: " + "|" + olMail.Body + "|"
End If
If IsNull(olMail.HTMLBody) Then
MsgBox "The message HTMLbody is null!!"
MsgBox "BODY: " + "|" + olMail.HTMLBody + "|"
End If
When the script is triggered by the Outlook rule on a message with the content, and only the content, "", when it arrives these are the two message boxes:
[I am being forbidden to post images for some reason. These show absolutely nothing between the two pipe characters for BODY and some text, but nothing with the URL in it, for the HTMLBody]
while these are the message boxes if I trigger the script via TestLaunchURL after that very same message is sitting in my inbox:
[Shows the actual expected content. I am forbidden from posting more images.]
If anyone can explain this discrepancy, please do.
Here is the code that finally works. It's clear that the .Body member of olMail is not available until some sort of behind the scenes processing has had time to occur and if you don't wait long enough it won't be there when you go to test using it. Focus on the Public Sub OpenLinksMessage which is where the problem had been occurring.
The major (and only) change that allowed the expected processing of olMail.Body to take place, apparently, was the addition of the line of code: Set InspectMail = olMail.GetInspector.CurrentItem. The time it takes for this set statement to run allows the .Body to become available on the olMail parameter that's passed in by the Outlook rule. What's interesting is that if you immediately display InspectMail.Body after the set statement it shows as empty, just like olMail.Body used to.
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function ShellExecute _
Lib "shell32.dll" Alias "ShellExecuteA" ( _
ByVal hWnd As Long, _
ByVal Operation As String, _
ByVal Filename As String, _
Optional ByVal Parameters As String, _
Optional ByVal Directory As String, _
Optional ByVal WindowStyle As Long = vbMinimizedFocus _
) As Long
Public Sub OpenLinksMessage(olMail As Outlook.MailItem)
Dim InspectMail As Outlook.MailItem
Dim Reg1 As RegExp
Dim AllMatches As MatchCollection
Dim M As Match
Dim strURL As String
Dim SnaggedBody As String
Dim RetCode As Long
' The purpose of the following Set statement is strictly to "burn time" so that the .Body member of
' olMail is available by the time it is needed below. Without this statement the .Body is consistently
' showing up as empty. What's interesting is if you use MsgBox to display InspectMail.Body immediately after
' this Set statement it shows as empty.
Set InspectMail = olMail.GetInspector.CurrentItem
Set Reg1 = New RegExp
With Reg1
.Pattern = "(https?[:]//([0-9a-z=\?:/\.&-^!#$;_])*)"
.Global = True
.IgnoreCase = True
End With
RetCode = Reg1.Test(olMail.Body)
' If the regular expression test for URLs in the message body finds one or more
If RetCode Then
' Use the RegEx to return all instances that match it to the AllMatches group
Set AllMatches = Reg1.Execute(olMail.Body)
For Each M In AllMatches
strURL = M.SubMatches(0)
' Don't activate any URLs that are for unsubscribing; skip them
If InStr(1, strURL, "unsubscribe") Then GoTo NextURL
' If the URL ends with a > from being enclosed in darts, strip that > off
If Right(strURL, 1) = ">" Then strURL = Left(strURL, Len(strURL) - 1)
' The URL to activate to accept must contain both of the substrings in the IF statement
If InStr(1, strURL, ".com") Then
' Activate that link to accept the job
RetCode = ShellExecute(0, "Open", strURL)
Set InspectMail = Nothing
Set Reg1 = Nothing
Set AllMatches = Nothing
Set M = Nothing
Exit Sub
End If
End If
Set InspectMail = Nothing
Set Reg1 = Nothing
Set AllMatches = Nothing
Set M = Nothing
End Sub
Special thanks to niton for his patience and assistance on other questions that formed the basis for this one. He led me to the solution.
Addendum: Another individual assisting me elsewhere brought up something that deserves noting here, as I think she's got it right. I am using Gmail via IMAP access to download my messages. What appears to be happening is that once the header information is populated into the MailItem object, the Outlook Rule is immediately being triggered. The rest of the members of that object, including .Body, appear to be being populated asynchronously behind the scenes. The speed of processing in your script versus the speed of population processing can lead to situations where the script is triggered with the header information and gets to the point where it accesses the .Body before it's been populated by Outlook itself. What's interesting is when this occurred, and that was most of the time until this solution was found, .Body was not considered to be NULL. The IsNull test never passed, but the content when printed was nothing, as in absolutely nothing between the two pipe characters I used as delimiters. What is "nothing that takes up any characters" but that also is not NULL?
Clearly the whole MailItem passed would not pass the "Is Nothing" test, and I would not think to test an individual member of an object with "Is Nothing."
For myself, I consider this to be buggy. Before a MailItem object is ever handed off for script processing it would be the logical presumption that all Members of that object that can be prepopulated will be prepopulated by Outlook before the handoff. It just doesn't appear to be happening that way, and this is under Outlook 2010 on my machine and Outlook 2016 on another. If you get a member that has not yet been populated it should always have the NULL value, as that should be what everything is initialized to prior to the population process taking place.

How to insert a new line after each occurrence of a particular format in a text field

I have a system that I can output a spreadsheet from. I then take this outputted spreadsheet and import it into MS Access. There, I run some basic update queries before merging the final result into a SharePoint 2013 Linked List.
The spreadsheet I output has an unfortunate Long Text field which has some comments in it, which are vital. On the system that hosts the spreadsheet, these comments are nicely formatted. When the spreadsheet it output though, the field turns into a long, very unpretty string like so:
09:00 on 01/03/2017, Firstname Surname. :- Have responded to request for more information. 15:12 on 15/02/2017, Firstname Surname. :- Need more information to progress request. 17:09 on 09/02/2017, Firstname Surname. :- Have placed request.
What I would like to do is run a query (either in MS Access or MS Excel) which can scan this field, detect occurrences of "##:## on ##/##/####, Firstname Surname. :-" and then automatically insert a line break before them, so this text is more neatly formatted. It would obviously skip the first occurrence of this format, as otherwise it would enter a new line at the start of the field. Ideal end result would be:
09:00 on 01/03/2017, Firstname Surname. :- Have responded to request
for more information.
15:12 on 15/02/2017, Firstname Surname. :- Need more information to progress request.
17:09 on 09/02/2017, Firstname Surname. :- Have placed request.
To be honest, I haven't tried much myself so far, as I really don't know where to start. I don't know if this can be done without regular expressions, or within a simple query versus VBA code.
I did start building a regular expression, like so:
But this looks a little ridiculous and I'm fairly certain I'm going about it in a very unnecessary way. From what I can see from the text, detecting the next occurrence of "##:## on ##/##/####" should be enough. If I take a new line after this, that will suffice.
You have your RegExp pattern, now you need to create a function to append found items with your extra delimiter.
look at this function. It takes, your long string and finds your date-stamp using your pattern and appends with your delimiter.
Ideally, i would run each line twice and add delimiters after each column so you have a string like,
datestamp;firstname lastname;comment
you can then use arr = vba.split(text, ";") to get your data into an array and use it as
date-stamp = arr(0)
name = arr(1)
comment = arr(2)
Public Function FN_REGEX_REPLACE(iText As String, iPattern As String, iDelimiter As String) As String
Dim objRegex As Object
Dim allmatches As Variant
Dim I As Long
Set objRegex = CreateObject("vbscript.regexp")
With objRegex
.Multiline = True
.Global = True
.IgnoreCase = True
.Pattern = iPattern
If .test(iText) Then
Set allmatches = .Execute(iText)
If allmatches.count > 0 Then
For I = 1 To allmatches.count - 1 ' for i = 0 to count will start from first match
iText = VBA.Replace(iText, allmatches.item(I), iDelimiter & allmatches.item(I))
Next I
End If
End If
End With
Set objRegex = Nothing
On Error GoTo 0
Exit Function
MsgBox Err.description
End Function
use above function as
mPattern = "[0-9]{2}:[0-9]{2}\s[o][n]\s[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{2}\/[0-9]{4}\,"
replacedText = FN_REGEX_REPLACE(originalText,mPattern,vbnewline)
Excel uses LF for linebreaks, Access uses CRLF.
So it should suffice to run a simple replacement query:
UPDATE myTable
SET LongTextField = Replace([LongTextField], Chr(10), Chr(13) & Chr(10))
WHERE <...>
You need to make sure that this runs only once on newly imported records, not repeatedly on all records.

Get information from file and put in list

Right now i'm making a program that allows you to mod a game more easier. In the regular game you have to open up files and navigate through the animations. I wanted to make it easier. I've already made the other parts of the program but go to the last part that I need help with. I want to be able to grab all forms of the first animation name and then the inside animation name, make that go along with it. So I can make an easy to use editor. I know this would most likely involve regex and I am fairly bad at it, I am also still trying to RE-learn after not toying with the language for ages. If someone could help me out, i'd be very thankful:
The file I am trying to load:
animation "idle0"
animation "idle_yoga";
animation "idle1"
animation "idle_pants";
Here you have a sample code performing what you are after:
Dim dict As Dictionary(Of String, String) = New Dictionary(Of String, String)()
Dim sr As System.IO.StreamReader = New System.IO.StreamReader("path to the file")
Dim line As String
Dim started As Boolean = False
Dim inside As Boolean = False
Dim firstInput As String = ""
line = sr.ReadLine()
If (line IsNot Nothing) Then
If (line.ToLower().Contains("animation")) Then
If (started AndAlso inside) Then
Dim curItem As String = line.ToLower().Split(New String() {"animation"}, StringSplitOptions.None)(1).Trim()
If (curItem.Substring(curItem.Length - 1, 1) = ";") Then curItem = curItem.Substring(0, curItem.Length - 1)
curItem = curItem.Replace("""", "")
dict.Add(firstInput, curItem)
started = False
inside = False
ElseIf (Not inside) Then
'Group name
Dim curItem As String = line.ToLower().Split(New String() {"animation"}, StringSplitOptions.None)(1).Trim()
curItem = curItem.Replace("""", "")
firstInput = curItem
started = True
End If
ElseIf (started AndAlso line.Contains("{")) Then
inside = True
End If
End If
Loop Until line Is Nothing
End Try
This code reads the information from a file as described (the code you posted line by line) and performs the grouping you want. Finally, I chose a Dictionary (ListBox is perhaps not the best control for that; you might consider to use a ListView better) because the whole point is showing you how can this situation be addressed. I guess that what the code does is pretty clear: you will have to extend/adapt it to your actual requirements, although the main structure should be something on these lines anyway.

Does VBscript have modules? I need to handle CSV

I have a need to read a CSV file, and the only language I can use is VBscript.
I'm currently just opening the file and splitting on commas, and it's working OK because there aren't any quoted commas in fields. But I'm aware this is an incredibly fragile solution.
So, is there such a thing as a VBscript module I can use? Somewhere to get a tried-and-tested regular expression that would only split on commas not in quotes?
Any suggestions gratefully received.
VBScript does not have a module system comparable to Perl. However you can open CSV files with ADO and access them like a database table. The code would go something like this:
(The funny comments are solely to fix SO's broken VB syntax highlighting)
Dim conn ''// As ADODB.Connection
Dim rs ''// As ADODB.RecordSet
Dim connStr ''// As String
Dim dataDir ''// As String
dataDir = "C:\" '"
connStr = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & dataDir & ";Extended Properties=""text"""
Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
Set rs = conn.Execute("SELECT * FROM [data.txt]")
''// do something with the recordset
WScript.Echo rs.Fields.Count & " columns found."
WScript.Echo "---"
WScript.Echo rs.Fields("Col1Name").Value
If Not rs.EOF Then
WScript.Echo rs.Fields("Col3Name").Value
End If
''// explicitly closing stuff is somewhat optional
''// in this script, but consider it a good habit
Set rs = Nothing
Set conn = Nothing
Creating a schema.ini file that exactly describes your input is optimal. If you don't, you force the text driver to guess, and all bets are off if it guesses the wrong thing. The schema.ini must reside in the same directory where your data is.
Mine looked like this:
Col1=Col1Name Long
Col2=Col2Name Long
Col3=Col3Name Text
Col4=Col4Name Text
and with this data.txt:
1;2;"foo bar";"yadayada"
1;2;"sample data";"blah"
I get this output:
C:\>cscript -nologo data.vbs
4 columns found.
sample data
Worth a read in this regard: Much ADO About Text Files off the MSDN.
You can try creating an Excel ODBC Data Source to CSV (Called DSN I think. Its in Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> ODBC Data Sources. Then on, you can query it using SQL.
I am still unsure if you can get what you want. I mean inserting a string with commas in it as a value for a particular cell.
A regexp:
'Credits go to
r.Pattern = ",(?=(?:[^""]*""[^""]*"")*(?![^""]*""))"
It will find all commas that are not inside quotes.
Alternatively, you can use this function which I just adapted for vbs.
call test
Function ParseCSV(StringToParse, Quotes)
Dim i, r(), QuotedItemStart, prevpos
ReDim r(0)
prevpos = 1
For i = 1 To Len(StringToParse)
If Mid(StringToParse, i, 1) = "," Then
If QuotedItemStart = 0 Then
r(UBound(r)) = Trim(Mid(StringToParse, prevpos, i - prevpos))
ReDim Preserve r(UBound(r) + 1)
prevpos = i + 1
End If
If InStr(1, Quotes, Mid(StringToParse, i, 1)) Then
If QuotedItemStart Then
r(UBound(r)) = Trim(Mid(StringToParse, QuotedItemStart, i - QuotedItemStart))
ReDim Preserve r(UBound(r) + 1)
QuotedItemStart = 0
prevpos = i + 2
i = i + 1
QuotedItemStart = i + 1
End If
End If
End If
If prevpos < Len(StringToParse) Then r(UBound(r)) = Trim(Mid(StringToParse, prevpos))
ParseCSV = r
End Function
Sub Test()
Dim i, s
s = ParseCSV("""This is, some text!"",25,""Holy holes!"", 286", """")
For i = LBound(s) To UBound(s)
msgbox s(i)
msgbox "Items: " & CStr(UBound(s) - LBound(s) + 1)
End Sub
To answer the other half of your question, I have a vague recollection that you can use Windows Script Host spread across several WSF files. I have never done it myself, link to MSDN. Not pure VBS, but it should work in 'just' windows, if that was the real constraint.
More links:
Scripting Guys