How to clone, build, and link g2o framework in C++ - c++

I want to use g2o library in my C++11 project on Ubuntu 18.04, but I cannot make build working. I have all the dependencies. But I cannot link g2o library to my project via CMakeLists.txt
I am a newbie in C++ dependencies.
I've tried cloning repository and building it with cmake.
The structure is as following:
|__ cmake_modules
|__ project_src
|__ CMakeLists.txt
|__ Thirdparty
|____ g2o
|____ bin
|____ build
|____ cmake_modules # findG2O.cmake
|____ lib # .so shared libraries (all of them, like 20)
|____ g2o
|____ core # headers and source files
|____ solvers
|____ types
|____ CMakeLists.txt
I added cmake_modules from inside g2o to the CMakeLists.txt of my_project
and than try to find it with find_package but it is not found.
find_package(G2O REQUIRED)
message(FATAL_ERROR "G2O not found.")
I left findG2O.cmake untouched as it is in
Should I change the findG2O.cmake? I do not really understand what is going on. How should I proceed with building out of the source and linking?
I haven't found precise answer to my problem anywhere on StackOverflow but maybe I just didn't know what I was searching for.
Error message was:
/home/miki/ORB_SLAM2/Thirdparty/g2o/g2o/types/sim3/types_seven_dof_expmap.h:29:10: fatal error: g2o/config.h: No such file or directory #include "g2o/config.h"
When I tried to change to #include "../../config.h" it worked. How can I solve it in CMakeLists so I do not have to change all includes in ThirdParty library?

The config.h is generated after executing the command
cmake ..
in the folder
, and this file has some information like what type of used floating point or library you try to use. I think such information will be used to modify some code blocks automatically.
By default, the location of file config.h is in the folder
Or you can also use the command
make install
to copy this file to the install path.
If your ${CMAKE_PREFIX_INTALL} is /home/user/, then the location of file config.h is in the folder
And if you want to find g2o libraries with find_package, then you need to write
set (G2O_ROOT /home/user)
before the find_package.
Finally, add the header path into CMakeLists.txt, like


Cmake with multiple directories

|------ CMakeLists.txt (The main Cmake)
|------ somePlace/someOtherPlace/CmakeLists.txt
| |----- some.proto (google proto files)
| |----- CMakeList.txt
|------ Project2/CmakeListst.txt
|----- .cpp files
|----- .hpp files
|----- CMakeList.txt
I have a similar topology as above, my main cmake could be able to generate cmake files, and after the main cmake I could be able to build Project2 with:
make Project2
I have added Project2 as subdirectory to the main cmake. I have no problem here. But I also want to build common/someplace/CmakeLists.txt together with the Project2, when I run make Project2. I also know that I could be able to build common/someplace/CmakeLists.txt inside its directory by cmake and make commands. You can check somePlace/someOtherPlace/CmakeLists.txt :
But I want Project2 to depend on somePlace/someOtherPlace/CmakeList.txt and build together with it.How can I achieve it?
Should I use add_executable/add_library commands? The problem is somePlace/someOtherPlace/CmakeLists.txt creates header and cc file along with the .a file.
PS: I can give further information, if it is requested.
I peeked into the documentation of FindProtobuf, and they put a warning here
Note: The protobuf_generate_cpp and protobuf_generate_python functions and add_executable() or add_library() calls only work properly within the same directory.
So perhaps if you could include the content of somePlace/someOtherPlace/CmakeList.txt inside your Project2/CmakeListst.txt, then you could safely use the generated file.
I can't really test the following code, but maybe in Project2/CmakeListst.txt before using the generated files you can do

Cannot link local libraries in CMake

I'm developing a c++ program on visual studio that will be deployed on linux, and it is debugged on linux through an ssh. Currently, this is the structure of my folder:
Currently, all the .h, .cpp, .o, .cpp.o, .a files that I think I have to link to are kept within the three xs------- directories. I am quite new to cmake, and this linking to these libraries is giving me trouble; I am able to link correctly to the includes, but there are undefined references errors thrown when I don't do linking, and when I attempt linking, it throws errors. This is my current CMakeLists.txt file:
# CMakeList.txt : CMake project for ANT, include source and define
# project specific logic h"ere.
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.8)
project ("ANT")
link_directories(${ANT_SOURCE_DIR}/xscommon xscontroller xstypes)
target_include_directories(ANT PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
target_link_libraries(ANT PUBLIC xscommon_config)
When I run this, the builder says the following:
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lxscommon_config
I need to look for these libraries in the directory that ANT.cpp is in, as this is where they are kept, however nothing I do (and I have messed around with configurations for hours now) will tell camke to look for these libraries in the src folder. it always goes to /usr/bin/ld.
I really just need to know what to tell CMake such that it will look in the correct place for each file, that is if I am telling it to look for the correct file (I am fairly sure I am).
So I have remade the CMakeLists.txt file to this:
# CMakeList.txt : CMake project for ANT, include source and define
# project specific logic here.
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.15)
project ("ANT")
add_library(xscommon SHARED IMPORTED)
add_library(xscontroller SHARED IMPORTED)
add_library(xstypes SHARED IMPORTED)
target_include_directories(ANT PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
And still get undefined references. I am going to try building the libraries instead. Additionally, I have contacted the manufacturer of the IMUs which use this SDK, as colleagues have not been able to fix this either.
The problem is you are linking to a library that has not been build.
# link to this directory
target_link_libraries(ANT PRIVATE xscommon)
tries to link to a library called xscommon to the target ANT but you have not build xscommon anywhere in your project.
If xscommon is a pre-build library and you just want to import it then add the library and set the IMPORTED target property:
add_library(xscommon [STATIC | SHARED | MODULE] IMPORTED)
If you want to build xscommon in your root CMakeLists.txt. Add xscommon as a library and include the location of the headers.
add_library(xscommon [STATIC | SHARED | MODULE]
xxx/xxx.cpp #list all source files that build the library - use relative path
target_include_directories(xscommon PRIVATE
xxx/xxx #path to the location of library header files
Also you don't need to add the header files when adding the executable. So this
can be simplified to
Suppose your dir is like this:
First add a CMakeLists.txt file to xscommon/:
Now in xscommon/CMakeLists.txt we will create a library, that will be imported and linked in the main CMakeLists.txt file:
#define another target, let's name it 'xscommon'
#more sources if you want
Now in the main CMakeLists.txt file:
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 3.8)
project ("ANT")
#remove this line
#link_directories(${ANT_SOURCE_DIR}/xscommon xscontroller xstypes)
# add the xscommon directory, this will make the library target defined there available here
# link to this directory
target_link_libraries(ANT PRIVATE xscommon)
# use PUBLIC if the xscommon library will be part of the public interface of your
# library. But since it is an executable, PRIVATE is better here.
target_include_directories(ANT PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
Use the above method, you can create more libraries and link to them.
Note that it is not necessary to create separate cmake files for each subdirectory but it is considered a good practice and modularizes your code. If you want to do this in the main cmake file instead of creating a subdirectory, add this to the main cmake:
#more sources if you want
Update according to the changes in question
Your current CMakeLists.txt:
These three lines below are not doing anything, definitely not what you think. add_library() command has the word "add" in it, I know, but it doesn't add any library, just like add_executable doesn't add any executable. It creates a library.
add_library(xscommon SHARED IMPORTED)
add_library(xscontroller SHARED IMPORTED)
add_library(xstypes SHARED IMPORTED)
How to create a library in cmake out of two file a.cpp and a.h:
add_library(myALib "a.cpp")
That's it. If you have more sources, you will include them accordingly of course. In your case you will have to add the sources of xscommon and others accordingly.
Once you have created the libraries, you need to link them to your executable. If you won't you will get undefined reference errors because compiler can locate the declarations in header files but not the definitions of your code which exists in .cpp files.
So, how do you link? Simple:
# TARGET_NAME: can be `executable` or `library`
# PUBLIC or PRIVATE (for exe, it is usually private)
# LIBRARY_NAME: Name of library you want to link to TARGET_NAME
# So if you wanted to link "myALib" which I created above to ANT, you would do:
target_link_libraries(ANT PRIVATE myALib)
# Note: You need to add this line **after** add_executable() because target "ANT" will be created after that. You can do the linking after the "target_include_directories" command.

cmake: Include directories root?

I'm trying to set up cmake for a project I'm working on, but I have a problem which I can't resolve currently. My project has the following folder structure:
MotorEngine (root dir)
| CMakeLists.txt
| ThirdParty
|-| SDL2
|-|-| include (contains all header files for SDL2)
|-|-| lib
|-|-|-| x64
|-|-|-|-| SDL2.lib (the library file I need to link with)
| Source
|-| CMakeLists.txt
|-| main.cpp
The root CMakeLists.txt file:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6)
# Set an output directory for our binaries
# Include SDL2
# Add the engine + third party subdirectory
The Source's CMakeLists.txt:
add_executable(MotorEngine main.cpp)
target_link_libraries(MotorEngine ${THIRDPARTY_PATH}/SDL2/lib/x64/SDL2.lib)
Now, I want to achieve the following, in the main.cpp I want to write
#include "SDL2/include/SDL2.h"
But currently I have to write
#include "SDL2.h"
Since there will be files with the same name later on, I need to distinguish them in their folders. So the easiest would be to add the "ThirdParty" folder as a root so I can use #include relative to that then, but doing
does not work. Any ideas? Thank you!
With help of k.v. I was able to sort this out. I needed to add the following in the CMakeLists.txt in the Source directory:
target_include_directories(MotorEngine PUBLIC ${THIRDPARTY_PATH})

CMake doesn't include header directory of submodule A within submodule B

I have a CMake project that looks like this:
The "library" subproject, A, is compiled as a static library, becoming libsubprojectA.a. The "main" project, B, is compiled as a binary and depends on the library. mainB.cpp includes a reference to headerA.hpp.
Here is subprojectA/CMakeLists.txt:
add_library(subprojectA STATIC src/libraryA.cpp)
And here is subprojectB/CMakeLists.txt:
add_executable(mainBinary src/mainB.cpp)
target_link_libraries(mainBinary subprojectA)
The main Project CMakeLists.txt looks like:
Note that subprojectB, the main project, is listed before subprojectA.
Here's the problem. When I first run "cmake" on this project, ${SubProjectA_INCLUDE_DIRS} is not set within SubProjectB.
What I think is happening is that the CMakeLists for SubProjectB loads first, when ${SubProjectA_INCLUDE_DIRS} has not yet been set. It sets its own include path to an empty string as a result. However, even though libsubprojectA.a gets built successfully before mainBinary, the include path was already set empty beforehand. As a result, I get this error when trying to make mainBinary:
subprojectB/src/mainB.cpp:1:23: fatal error: headerA.hpp: No such file or directory
#include "headerA.hpp"
It's a workaround to put subprojectA before subprojectB in the main Project CMakeLists in the declarative world of CMake. What I really want is to know the proper way to indicate to CMake that the include_directories(${SubProjectA_INCLUDE_DIRS}) line depends on the definitions that exist inside SubProjectA's CMakeLists. Is there a better way to do this?
If you want to express that include directory subprojectA/include is an interface of the library subprojectA, attach this property to the target with target_include_directories command:
add_library(subprojectA STATIC src/libraryA.cpp)
# PUBLIC adds both:
# 1) include directories for compile library and
# 2) include directories for library's interface
target_include_directories(subprojectA PUBLIC include)
So any executable(or other library) which linked with subprojectA will have this include directory automatically:
add_executable(mainBinary src/mainB.cpp)
target_link_libraries(mainBinary subprojectA)
Of course, for use last command properly you need to process directory with library before one with executable:

CMake with gmock

I just want to make sure that my understanding about CMakeLists.txt is correct. My dummy project structure:
|-+ dummy
|-+ CMakeLists.txt
|-+ src
|-- CMakeLists.txt
|-- Converter.cpp
|-- Converter.hpp
|-- main.cpp
|-+ tests
|-- CMakeLists.txt
|-- Converter_ut.cpp
|-+ thirdparty
|-+ gmock-1.7.0
My goal is to create build process with CMake. This is my first attempt so I assume that there are some mistakes. It works but I am not sure if I understand everything correctly and I would be thankful if you could share with some comments / suggestions.
cmake_minimum_required (VERSION 2.8.11)
project (SUB)
add_subdirectory (src)
add_subdirectory (tests)
cmake_minimum_required is pretty self-explanatory,
project (SUB) sets project variables like ${SUB_SOURCE_DIR} and ${SUB_BINARY_DIR},
add_subdirectory, tells CMake to go and process CMakeLists.txt in the following directories
add_library (Sub
target_include_directories (Sub PUBLIC ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR})
# Executable
add_executable (converter
target_link_libraries (converter Sub)
add_library, creates library called "Sub" from two source files,
target_include_directories, tells the compiler where are the header files for "Sub" library (is that "PUBLIC" really needed here?),
add_executable, creates "converter" executable from Converter.cpp (why main.cpp is not needed here?),
target_link_libraries, links "Sub" library with "converter" executable
set (GMOCK_DIR "../thirdparty/gmock-1.7.0")
add_subdirectory(${GMOCK_DIR} ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/gmock)
include_directories(SYSTEM ${GMOCK_DIR}/include ${GMOCK_DIR}/gtest/include)
# Executable
add_executable (tests
target_link_libraries (tests gmock_main Sub)
set (GMOCK_DIR ...), sets local variable "GMOCK_DIR" with my gmock folder location,
add_subdirectory, tells CMake to jump into gmock location and run their CMakeLists.txt, what is the second argument? {CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/gmock?
add_executable, creates second executable file
target_link_libraries, links gmock_main library with second executable, "Sub" library is needed here because Converter_ut.cpp
needs to include "Converter.hpp" from src directory
Thank you in advance. I have read plenty of sites / tutorials already but I am still not sure about that.
One more thing - I cannot really imagine project with plenty of source files. Isn't there a better way to add source files to add_library and add_executable functions than listing it manually? Something like "take all *.cpp files from current directory"?
Cmake is not properly a programming language supporting a full paradigm, so use it, but if possible never start creating "a framework with it" (it would be cumbersome without proper syntactic sugar), it is intended to make small scripts not to write thousand lines of code (and despite few good frameworks exists, I tend to not use them: "If I cannot code it in few lines, then it's not job for CMAKE").
The important parts are (not that it is slightly different, I copy-pasted the improved version i still have to commit):
cmake_minimum_required( VERSION 2.8)
project( Infectorpp2)
# find additional cmake scripts (I'm driving away from this)
# create list of files from a glob
# create list of files from a glob
# or just "add_executable" the dollar "${}" just expand the list
add_library( libInfectorpp2 STATIC
If you are not using 3rd party libraries, then you do not need to add target_include_directories because for your own application relative paths suffice.
For the testing part you are mostly ok to me, but I would do:
## details omitted...
# create list of files from a glob
# Executable
add_executable (tests
target_link_libraries (tests gmock_main Sub)
add_test(tests tests)
Also note that CMAKE is the only reason why I find useful having different extensions for C++ files, because of GLOBS, if you want to exclude some file you have to change its extension (to cc, c++, cxx or what your prefer).
You can do mostly anything following the same pattern, note that with GLOB you have to re-configure CMake to detect newly added files, however still better than adding them manually to build script (and anyway that will not cause a whole recompilation, CMake keep track of data and will avoid to re-compile old files)
Some people find useful adding files manually to CMake scripts because "I can keep old file there". Don't do that, move old files into an "old" folder, or just let your subversion system keep memory of them for you.
You will catch most errors earlier, and you will have a "ready to ship" project (you won't accidentally left wrong files that users will attempt to compile)
Another important point:
Do out of source builds, from your script I guess you are still not doing that.