read large txt file stored in sas - sas

I've large txt file stored in sas enterprise guide(sas is connected to Winscp this is where th txt file is stored). How to read it and convert it to sas data as output.
When I check in SAS community I've get the code sample to read txt file (see bellow) is it same to read txt stored in sas?
proc import datafile='path'
There is another method I see also which use infile.
Which method shoul I use for me case?
I’ve not tried any method yet. Because I do not understand parameters. the path should it be the one in sas (in server) or in winscp?

Proc IMPORT works only on operating file 'references' that deliver the file directly.
WinSCP is a ftp client, so you two options:
Use WinSCP to copy the remote file to the local operating system, then you can use IMPORT or DATA step with INFILE
Use filename FTP access method and DATA step that reads data lines retrieved by SAS FTP engine
filename offsite ftp 'remote-filename` user=… pass=… host=… cd=… ;
data gotit;
infile offsite;
input var1 var2 var3 etc … ;
The specific input statement might need informats and pointer control options, all dependent on the data file layout. Other infile options might be needed depending on field delimiters and content.


How to import a zipped ".sas7bdat" file?

I have a sas7bdat format file, but it's zipped.
I could unzip the file and work on it, but this makes me lose hard disk space and time.
So I tried this code on SAS :
filename myfile ZIP 'C:\...\' member="data.sas7bdat" ;
data yoyo;
infile myfile (data.sas7bdat);
put _infile_;
But I get an empty yoyo table in the WORK library.
How can I successfully import the data.sas7bdat ?
Thank you,
You need to uncompress the dataset before SAS can use it. So you need to find a place that has enough space for the fully expanded file.
Note that your code is trying to specify the member name of the file within the ZIP file twice. You should only do that once. Either point the fileref to the aggregate location and use member name in the reference. Or point the fileref to the individual member and just use the fileref.
Here is a method to expand the file into your current WORK folder.
%let member=data.sas7bdat;
filename in zip 'C:\...\' member="&member" recfm=n;
filename out "%sysfunc(pathname(work))/&member" recfm=n;
data _null_;
You can now work with the file using the name WORK.DATA.
proc print; run;
If you want to read data from a ZIP file directly then it either needs to be raw (text) data or in a streaming format, like a SAS V5 XPORT file.

How to read data from data file using infile statement?

I am trying to read numeric data from the file. But I am to read it properly the output that I am getting from my SAS program is attached. I recently started learning SAS programming.
I am using SAS University Edition on the windows machine. I already tried by reading data in character as well as numeric formate.
data ds;
infile '/folders/myshortcuts/my_folder/exrate.sas7bdat';
input s ;
I am expecting the same table to be as an output result.
Data File
There are 3 things you need to do:
Make sure that the folder you put the dataset in is accessible to the SAS University Edition VM. Did you follow the setup guide in full? Usually that directs you to set up a folder that becomes available within the VM as /folders/myfolders
Assign a library pointing to the folder using a libname statement.
Use a set statement to access the dataset, not an infile statement. The latter is for reading raw data like csv files.
The sas code should look like this:
libname mylib "/folders/myfolders"; /*Change this to point to your folder path if you're sure you've got the right one*/
data ds;
set mylib.exrate(keep = s);

SAS File <lib>.<dataset>.DATA does not exist but proc datasets shows dataset

I'm trying to move a SAS dataset over to our Linux server from a client. They created it on SAS 9.4, 64-bit on Windows 7. I'm using SAS 9.4, 64-bit on Linux.
If I do
proc datasets library=din;
I get the following in my log
Libref DIN
Engine V9
Physical Name /sasUsr/DM/DATA/SAS_DATA/201510_SSI
Filename /sasUsr/DM/DATA/SAS_DATA/201510_SSI
Inode Number 46358529
Access Permission rwxrwxr-x
Owner Name cvandenb
File Size (bytes) 4096
Member File
# Name Type Size Last Modified
1 SAMPLE_FROM_SSI DATA 131072 09/14/2015 17:07:01
2 TEST DATA 131072 09/15/2015 09:35:59
15 run;
but when I do
data test;
set din.sample_from_SSI;
I get
18 data test;
19 set din.sample_from_SSI;
ERROR: File DIN.SAMPLE_FROM_SSI.DATA does not exist.
20 run;
I also created a dummy dataset din.test and was able to proc print it. This seems to either be a version compatibility issue or transmission issue. I thought this would be straightforward. Any suggestions? I'm moving the file from windows to Linux with WinSCP. I'd rather not have to request a .csv and create the input statement, but will if I have to. Your help is appreciated.
If you are talking about an actual SAS dataset then make sure that the name of the file is in all lowercase letters and has the extension of .sas7bdat. If the source file from Windows did not have an extension of .sas7bdat then perhaps you are not dealing with a SAS dataset, but some other type of file.
In SAS code it does not matter whether you reference a dataset using upper or lower case letters. So you can reference a datasets as sample_from_SSI or Sample_From_Ssi to refer to the same file. The same is true of general filenames on a Windows machine. But on Unix system file names with different use of upper and lower case letters are distinct files. SAS requires that the filename of a SAS dataset must be in all lowercase letters.
So if you write:
libname DIN '/sasUsr/DM/DATA/SAS_DATA/201510_SSI';
proc print data=DIN.SAMPLE_FROM_SSI;
Then you are looking to make a listing of the data in a file named:
I usually get a note about CEDA in this case not missing data.
Create either a CPORT or XPORT file using the associated proc, PROC CPORT or XPORT and then move that file.
Try referring to the data with all caps as well, which I don't think should be the issue, but is possible.
I would try using PROC COPY directly on the libname, as you can select memtype=data that way without explicitly specifying the file.
If SAS still can't do that, then you might have a permissions issue or something else that is outside of the SAS realm I suspect.
Use the CPORT Procedure to convert the file into a transport file.
Use the CIMPORT Procedure to convert the transport file to a SAS format.
There is an example that sounds similar to what you are doing here.
According to SAS, the general procedure is:
A transport file is created at the source computer using PROC CPORT.
The transport file is transferred from the source computer to the target computer via communications software or a magnetic medium
The transport file is read at the target computer using PROC CIMPORT.
Note: Transport files that are created using PROC CPORT are not
interchangeable with transport files that are created using the XPORT
If that doesn't work, or it is taking a very long time to figure out, it would be faster to ask them for a CSV and import it directly using PROC IMPORT. It should read in quite easily, especially if it comes from PROC EXPORT.


In SAS (9.4, if it matters) I would like to grab a CSV file from a remote host via SFTP, parse the CSV, and drop the result into a SAS data table.
I set up SFTP using PuTTY as described in the SAS docs. Binding a fileref to SFTP works okay, something like:
FILENAME mysftpfileref SFTP 'location/on/host/file.csv' HOST='myhost' USER='mysuser';
DATA _null_;
INFILE mysftpfileref TRUNCOVER;
INPUT a $25.;
Will successfully read data.
However, I can't seem to figure out to use PROC IMPORT to actually parse the data. The docs for that proc state
"The IMPORT procedure does not support device types or access methods
for the FILENAME statement except for DISK. For example, the IMPORT
procedure does not support the TEMP device type, which creates a
temporary external file."
Is there a workaround?
You'll need to either:
Write the import code yourself (using the data step)
Download the file in some fashion and then run PROC IMPORT on the downloaded file
If you choose the second option, you can do this a few ways. The easiest is probably to write something like the above data step, read the entire line in or use the _INFILE_ automatic variable, and then write it out locally. Something along these lines (define these filenames or change them, of course):
data _null_;
infile Sftpfile;
file localf;
input #;
put _infile_;

Import data from European Social Survey

I need to import data from European Social Survey databank to SAS.
I'm not very good at using SAS so I just naively tried importing the text file one gets but it stores it all in one variable.
Can someone maybe help me with what to do? Since there doesn't seem to be a guide on their webpage I reckon it has to be pretty easy.
It's free to register (and takes 5 secs) and I need all possible data for Denmark.
Edit: When downloading what they call a SAS file, what i get is a huge proc format and the same text file as one gets by choosing text.
The data in the text file isn't comma separated and the first row does not contain variable names.
Download it in SAS format. Save the text file in a location you can remember, and open the SAS file. It's not just one big proc format; it's a big proc format followed by a datastep with input code. It was probably created by SPSS (it fits the pattern of an SPSS saved .sas file anyhow). Look for:
DATA OUT.ESS1_4e01_0_F1;
Or something like that (that's what it is when I downloaded it). It's probably about 3/4 of the way down the page. You just need to change the code:
INFILE 'ESS1_4e01_0_F1.txt';
or similar, to be the directory you placed the text file in. Create a LIBNAME for OUT that goes to wherever you want to permanently save this, and do that at the start of the .sas file, replacing the top 3 lines like so.
Change these to:
libname out "c:\mystuff\"; *but probably not c:\mystuff :);
options fmtsearch=(out);
proc format lib=out;
Then run the entire thing.
This is the best solution if you want the formatted values (value labels) and variable labels. If you don't care about that, then it might be easier to deal with the CSV like Bob shows.
But the website says yu can download SAS format, why don't you?
You need a delimiter if all goes into one column.
data temp;
length ...;
infile 'file.csv' dlm=',';
input ...;
As Dirk says, the web site says you can download a SAS dataset directly. However, if there's some reason you don't want to do that, choose a comma separated file (CSV) and use PROC IMPORT. Here is an example:
proc import out=some_data
dbms=csv replace;
Of course, this assumes the first row contains column names.